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Inaugural message!
This room is for discussion of the book about Duga, Duga: A Bot out of the Ordinary.
I just have to ask, how come you are writting a book about the subject in the first place?
@SimonForsberg ... Erm, I just got an idea about the book. I decided to make that idea real.
Don't mind if I add you as an owner of this room?
Go ahead
@SimonForsberg Here you are.
I'm a moderator though so I have the room owner powers anyway :P
Create Book? [Yes/No]>
Gitbooks? o_O
@SimonForsberg GitBook, yeah.
Create Book? [Yes/No]>
@N3buchadnezzar Welcome to the book about Duga!
Create Book? [Yes/No]>
Alright now, should I create the GitBook, or not? :|
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 It's your project, shouldn't you decide that?
Alright, I will create the book! :D
Question: What license for the book?
Public Domain (the Unlicense), Public Domain (CC0) or CC-BY?
Apache License? MIT?
These licenses don't fit for books >_>
I chose Public Domain (the Unlicense).
@SimonForsberg are you into writing the book?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 No.
You asked if you could use Duga's profile picture for a book cover for a book that you would write, you have never asked me if I wanted to write the book.
The book is your project, not mine.
Alright D:
I'll ask someone else in the Nth.
I prepared this book for about 40 mins on the SO MUCH BROKEN online editor of GitBook, even having to do one commit on the command line, but the stub for this book is finally finished.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101, as you are writing a book about my bot may I just ask you a few personal questions? I have just realized that I don't know much about you. Could you tell me a bit about yourself?
@SimonForsberg My name is Andrew, I'm too shy to say my age, but I'm male, live in Russia, Engels and am learning at a school.
Not right now, because this time is the summer break.
Also, I have Windows Vista, use Git, Python, and I love coding. :3
@N3buchadnezzar are you into writing the book?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 for how long have you been coding?
@SimonForsberg A few years ago.
Nah bro
Goth too much on my plate atm. Really interesting project though!

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