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Hello, and welcome to the brain-flak room! This room will mostly be used for talking about developing new features and bugfixes for the brain-flak programming language.
Hello @1000000000 !
So I've got some plans for Brain-flak. Obviously a debugger would be nice. Another thing that could use some improvement is wrapping numbers. e.g. if 127 is on the stack, doing ({}()) would push -128.
I'm not sure exactly what integer size it should use yet.
A good question
Another thing that would be awesome if we get it is the ability to take input from a file, rather than from the command line arguments. If we get that working, we could put the whole thing on which would be really awesome.
Comments are another thing I'd like to add.
What do you think the debug commands should look like?
I am not quite sure
I was thinking of having something like #dl, #dr, and #dc for display left, right and current.
Or maybe ! instead of #?
And then also display value. (()()#dv()) would print 2.
Ah, yeah
Also, one potential bug I ran into is that since the interpreter only looks for close brackets with nothing between them, something like (()(#dv)()) would mess everything up.
We could also take the approach of having a debugger that could be used to step through the program without modifying the source
Hm, yeah I've tried that a little bit, and I didn't really like it very much.
Although I also am not very good with ruby.
If we had the debugger built-in, it would also work online, which would be nice.
That is a good point
I think right now, the best thing we could figure out is who's fixing what so we don't step on eachothers toes.
I'm not going to work on it anymore tonight (it's getting pretty late).
Yeah, definitely
Is there anything in particular you'd like to work on?
I need to look into stuff like a little more since you mentioning it here was the first time I have heard of it
I am probably also not going to work on it tonight
OK. It's not super hard. A mod on programming puzzles and code-golf named dennis put it together.
As long as your program can take input from a file and runs on linux, he sets up the rest.
Actually, it might work from STDIN to, not sure.
Actually, another language I'm working on is already on there.
Yeah, I'm super happy about it. Here:
On the subject of the debug commands, I think the best way to handle it might be to scan the code first for them recoding their position and removing them at the same time
Hm. And then like storing a list of debug functions and when we hit a given index call that?
Something along those lines
That could work. I was thinking of adding a flag to the data = main_stack.pop and set this to true if the current bracket has anything inside of it.
We could try both ways though, see what works better.
I need to go to bed now. Thanks for your help!
Glad to help, Brain-flak is a really cool language
7 hours later…
Should (()(#dv)()) print 1 or 2

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