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12:14 AM
Ah, OK then, thanks
2 hours later…
2:10 AM
Is it possible to save a key for use outside of a TikZ node context? Something like: \node [line width=4pt, execute at end node={\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/line width}{\foobar}}] {};
6 hours later…
7:40 AM
@Rmano Thank you for replying. No, none of my labels contain the character "-" (the minus sign, a.k.a. U+2212). As for the first part of your reply, are you talking about adding \DeclareUnicodeCharacter in the LaTeX document where I am going to include the .pgf file?
@FakeMod Yes, exactly. otherwise, try to compile with lualatex or xelatex...
@DavidCarlisle Thank you for replying. Ah, yes. I do have the control of the preamble of the document where I want to include the plot. But changing the preamble of that document won't stop Python from generating such an error when I try to save a plot as a .pgf file. So, should I just ignore the Python error as of now?
@Rmano Thank you, I am trying that out...
BTW, which is better to use when including plots in a LaTeX document, .eps files or .pgf files?
8:18 AM
@FakeMod if possible, I try to use pgfplots because they blend perfectly (fonts, etc). When the plot is too complex I normally switch to PDF imports. Never tried .pgf...
@Rmano Yeah, me too. But the graph I am trying to plot cannot be expressed in closed form, and has been plotted numerically by python. So importing it is the only choice.
1 hour later…
9:44 AM
@FakeMod this might be what you're looking for (I had the same issue recently and solved it by using \DeclareUnicodeCharacter, I have no idea whether that answer is still valid).
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz hi mr. rabbit
@PauloCereda Hi, Mr. Duck!
Ah, that was it. Too new `matplotlib` with new hooks ;-P!
Thanks, I will archive this because it will bite me sooner or later.
@FakeMod, seems that `matplotlib.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False` would do it.
@Rmano I didn't test it, that answer is quite dated, so it might not work out (current mpl version is 3.3.2, that answer references the docs of version 1.3.0).
...yes, and the substitution seems a bit naïve to me, maybe better \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2212}{\ensuremath{{-}}}
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Seems that it was a thing in 3.3.0: matplotlib.org/api/… so maybe it's still valid.
10:13 AM
@UlrikeFischer Should have Greek extensions done today
10:23 AM
@JosephWright I'm just writing the maintainer a mail (about the hyperref stuff I want to get rid of) and will mention it ...
1 hour later…
11:26 AM
> The last time Liechtenstein went to war, they sent 80 soldiers and 81 came back. They came home with an Italian soldier whom they'd befriended; he wanted to live in Liechtenstein.
@PauloCereda Oh, I want to live there!
@PhelypeOleinik ooh we could go there by bus
I cannot even pronounce that thingy
@PauloCereda Who's in a hurry anyway? ;-)
@PauloCereda Rammstein?
@PhelypeOleinik ooh du hast
No, wait
@PauloCereda :-)
11:31 AM
@PhelypeOleinik we can watch the landscape :)
@PauloCereda Okay, you convinced me. Pack your stuff
@PhelypeOleinik YES SIR
@PhelypeOleinik lichia + está + estêncil
@PhelypeOleinik Good choice, they have have delicious chocolate :)
@PauloCereda That's how it's pronouced? Seems difficult
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz ooh
@PhelypeOleinik dunno :)
11:36 AM
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Oh, I was already convinced ;-)
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Chocolate's good :-)
@PhelypeOleinik which reminds me
Nutella pizza is good
@PauloCereda Nutella is good AND pizza is good
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz ooh double good
or perhaps good squared?!
@PauloCereda Tough math
@PhelypeOleinik it is
11:39 AM
@PhelypeOleinik Eat half of it to make the equation easier?
/inserts Futurama meme
Hold on
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Seems like a plan!
@PauloCereda oh no :)
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz oh no
11:55 AM
> Nearly 80% of an elephant's day is spent eating.
12:16 PM
@PauloCereda wow, that even more than cows do
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz You around?
@PhelypeOleinik yes, I am.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Can you please check your \listfiles bug?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz It seems I didn't actually fix it
@PhelypeOleinik was your attempted fix deployed to CTAN?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz In firstaid. If you update TL it should rebuild the format
12:23 PM
@PhelypeOleinik seems to be working for me (both the unravel and the expkv-cs dependencies are listed correctly now).
@PhelypeOleinik have you tried with the MWE @UlrikeFischer created?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Hm, good
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Yes. I was thinking that maybe firstaid didn't load correctly
@PhelypeOleinik do you mean the new issue?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz (well, for me it didn't)
@UlrikeFischer New issue? You mean 408?
Anyway, it seems there's something faulty at my end. The fix in firstaid doesn't show up in the format
@PhelypeOleinik no, I meant the one today about the catcode. Or why are you worrying about your fix?
@UlrikeFischer No, not that. If I do pdflatex '\makeatletter\show\@currpkg@reqd \stop' it says
12:27 PM
@PhelypeOleinik perhaps you have local version?
> \@currpkg@reqd=undefined.
<*> \makeatletter\show\@currpkg@reqd
@UlrikeFischer Maybe. I'll check
@UlrikeFischer Just wanted to make sure it's my fault (well, it was all along, but :)
@PhelypeOleinik it works fine for me (after I removed the quote sign, windows didn't like).
@PhelypeOleinik Just tested with @UlrikeFischer's MWE from the official issue report, that one works correctly for me as well.
phelype@phelype ~/tex.sx> kpsewhich --all --engine=pdftex pdflatex.fmt
@UlrikeFischer @Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Of course ^^^ :-)
@PhelypeOleinik local formats again ...
12:29 PM
@UlrikeFischer local formats are always the answer it seems :)
@UlrikeFischer Where's my expl3 aborted error when I need it?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz yes, I wonder if one can forbid texlive to create them somehow. I never want them, and if it wants to create them I would prefer to get an error instead.
@UlrikeFischer That would save quite a lot of problems (and github issues)...
@PhelypeOleinik I will ask a question on the texlive list.
@UlrikeFischer Great
2 hours later…
2:26 PM
You know you've been using TeX far too much when you use texdoc to open the manual of something totally unrelated
On the bright side, I found out about the fwlw package :-)
2:40 PM
@UlrikeFischer write a wrapper script around tlmgr that executes said test after updating.
3:16 PM
hey @Torbjørn :)
@matt Hello.
3:48 PM
@PhelypeOleinik regarding "pgf broke my document": I have now seen the third question in three days where fadings broke because pgf corrected one typo ....
Is there a way to write the first line of this equation above everything else with the cases below ? I'm trying to use a two column page and it goes out of one block
P'(\langle s,q \rangle, a, \langle s', q' \rangle) =
P(s',a,s') & q' = \delta(q, L(s)) \ and \ a \ \notin A^\epsilon\\
1 & a = \epsilon_{q'} \ and \ q' \in \delta(q, \epsilon) \ and \ s =s'\\
0 & otherwise
4:08 PM
@UlrikeFischer Oh, wow, that's a lot of fallout for just a typo! Amazing, actually :-)
@PhelypeOleinik yes, the code is suddenly doing what it was expected to do all the time, and now various code falls apart ...
4:56 PM
@PhelypeOleinik Clearly a problem that @DavidCarlisle will never have.
5:35 PM
@AlanMunn because he's trapped inside emacs? :)
Oct 6 at 7:00, by David Carlisle
Mar 26 '12 at 19:37, by David Carlisle
@Canageek moral of the story: never read the documentation, bad things happen
@AlanMunn well, that too :)
6:20 PM
@PhelypeOleinik That is nothing, have you heard about when a missing comma took out phone service to something like a quarter of the US?
@kauray Use the multline environment to put the two parts on separate lines. Or perhaps better, multlined inside the equation environment, so you end up with just a single equation number for the whole construct.
6:31 PM
@Canageek Never heard of it. Do tell! :D
Martin Luther King Day, sometime in the 1980s. Phone circuits (might have a term wrong) are now digital. When one goes offline, it sends a message to every other circuit that it is OK, send me data again. However, there is a typo in the code to processes this request, a single misplaced comma.

So when the first circuit goes offline it gets fixed, reboots and sends every other one a signal saying, hey, I'm ok, send me data again.

This signal causes every other one to
But they are fine, so they reboot and send out a signal saying, hey, I'm OK, send me data
Which causes every circuit getting THAT signal to crash, then reboot, and send out more signals
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hacker_Crackdown opens with a discussion of it
(LInks to the text at the bottom
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Thank you for the reply. It does not (obviously) prevent the error message when I save the plot generated by matplotlib as a .pgf file. Moreover it also gives many unexpected errors while compiling the LaTeX document. So, unfortunately, it doesn't work, at least not for me :(
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ^ (Uhh... forgot to reply you :))
@Canageek Oh, wow! Nice domino effect. I wonder who go the blame for that :-)
@FakeMod The solution with setting the unicode_minus to False didn't work for you?
@Rmano That works perfectly fine. Not a single error while saving the file as .pgf and no error while compiling the LaTeX document. Moreover, there is also no apparent change in the plot as well. So, it does work :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ^
Thank you all! :)
6:43 PM
@FakeMod because that was the solution I tried to point out with that link (not the \DeclareUnicodeCharacter one, sorry if that was misunderstood, back when I solved my issue I hadn't looked for an answer but just used the solution I knew would work for me...)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz My bad. I had opened that link in another tab, but I was rather very excited to try out the solutions suggested directly in the chat, and then check the other tab :)
@FakeMod everything's fine, glad I could help.
@PhelypeOleinik Ulrike? :)
6:58 PM
@PauloCereda Oh no (but likely yes)
@PhelypeOleinik oh no
@UlrikeFischer you should be used to them, being a miktex user
7:42 PM
@FakeMod you're welcome!
1 hour later…
8:46 PM
@DavidCarlisle you mean texlive is turning into miktex??
@UlrikeFischer local formats, AUXTREES thing, ...
9:06 PM
@DavidCarlisle in future you could then use miktex on wsl.
10:00 PM
@UlrikeFischer I think I'm done with Greek: the accent-dropping business really needs NFD, which will be extremely painful in 8-bit engines
@JosephWright NFD?

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