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@egreg I'm sure it's gorgeous! IMO Lake Garda is one of the most beautiful places in the world :)
2 hours later…
Migrating my blog to a new host: fingers crossed!
2 hours later…
@StefanKottwitz I wasn't fast enough to delete the spam.
Migration going OK, a few technical issues ...
Hopefully by next weekend I'll have https
3 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle Where are we with the TU switch?
@JosephWright I was just planning to send some mail suggesting generating a new tuenc.def from an inverted utf8enc.dfu (dropping the T1 and Ts1 range files) (couple of things to fix) then need a fontspec that doesn't distribute tuenc.def and we are done, I think. (oh still no word on a luaotfload update)
@DavidCarlisle Ah
@DavidCarlisle I can probably sort fontspec once we are ready to go: I guess this all needs to be sent in one go
@JosephWright yes if fontspec and base both distribute tuenc.def that's probably Ok short term but if fontspec stops before it is distributed from base things go wrong....
@DavidCarlisle Tip off CTAN/Karl/Christian before the uploads
I'm a bit worried that generating a fontencoding.def file from an inputenc source might be viewed as an abuse of logical order, or docstrip or both but.... (in an ideal worls i'd generate tuenc.def and utf8 inputenc files from unicode.xml but starting from where we are I think this is OK. Although there are too many annoying special cases that can't be inverted like U+211 being \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2011}{\mbox{-}} rather than (say) \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2011}{\textnonbreakinghyhen}
@JosephWright Tempted to drop the generation and just check in tuenc.def (team mail in a bit:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I'd agree
@SeanAllred Nope, I don't have the skills. :)
7 hours later…
@cfr Are you around?
greetings to all
@Sebastiano Hi
2 hours later…
@AlanMunn No, I wasn't. However, I am now, if that's any good.
@Sebastiano It would be better to add your source by editing the original post rather than creating a duplicate. You can always edit your own posts.
Hi all
One or two years ago, I read a very nice article that was, as far as I recall, written by Knuth. In this article, he explained some aspects of TeX, and some of his choices concerning typesetting.
In particular, the first part was devoted to discussing typesetting choices throughout the 20th century in mathematics journals (with pictures).
Then the second part had a detailed description (again, with figures) on how the characters of TeX were designed.
Does this ring a bell with anyone?
@Danu Surely @barbarabeeton will know the reference
I think it must've been from the 80's or so. It's strange that I couldn't find it: I tried for about half an hour.
@cfr Probably just my stupidity, but:
%\forestset{for tree={outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt}} % why can't I do this

\begin{forest}for tree={outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt} % when I can do this?
[TP [DP [the man with the hat ,roof  ]]
               [T\\will ]
               [VP  [{go to the store tomorrow},roof ] ]
(Don't worry about the awful looking tree; it's just something I had lying around).

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