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Is this answer TeX related?
A: How to make a grid of images?

benitothis one is super awesome and also it is automatic check it out: http://codecanyon.net/item/auto-grid-responsive-gallery/3864088

@GonzaloMedina I flagged it as spam.
@AlanMunn Ah, OK. I've done the same.
@AlanMunn Are you still around?
I might be late to the party, but WOOHOO TEXLIVE 2013!!!!
:D (I might have an unhealthy obsession.)
2 hours later…
@GonzaloMedina I am, but you're not. :) [Sounds somewhat familiar, I think...]
4 hours later…
is there any easy way to label an image (just put a text below it)? If I use this:

\caption{this is my image}

the it adds "Figure:" to the label. I just want the caption, but just the text without anything else added.
A million thanks to TeXLive team for a great TeX distro as always and ahead of time.
... similar to HTML figure capition like here cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/captions.html

this is my image
@TorbjørnT. thanks that worked.
2 hours later…
anyone knows why sometimes in the PDF, the table of contents will have dots ..... between the names and the page numbers, and sometimes these dots are missing? I just do \tableofcontents and on some documents I noticed there are no dots and sometimes they show up :)
These are article class
Oh, I think it is just for the SUBSECTIONS that dots show up ! I just noticed.
So, because in article, SECTION is top level, it does not show dots? It must be only for one level less than the top one that dots show up.
New binaries for TeX Live 2013!
@Nasser The toc format for each level is specified in the class file being used, so it depends.
@DavidCarlisle I see. I use \documentclass[12pt,titlepage]{article} I noticed the DOTS only show on the SUBSECTION as in the above. I did not notice this first, that is why I asked. On SECTION, there is no DOTS.
@Nasser article.cls says:
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\z@
    \addvspace{1.0em \@plus\p@}%
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
      \leavevmode \bfseries
      \hskip -\leftskip
      #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
@DavidCarlisle thanks. But I not good enough to fully understand this code and relate it to what I see. But I assume it means there is no DOTS for top level :)
@Nasser and in particular if you want dots just define l@section to be like all the others
@DavidCarlisle thanks.
Why does Latex sometimes hangs when typing `q` after its gets an error?
Runaway argument?
{\left ( u_{x}+u_{y}+u_{z}\right ) \cdot ds \] or \[ LHS=\left ( \mathbf \ETC.
./HW.tex:2113: Paragraph ended before \math@egroup was complete.
<to be read again>

? q
OK, entering \batchmode

./HW.tex:2635: Interruption.
\newpage ...breakfalse \everypar {}\fi \par \vfil
                                                  \penalty -\@M
l.2635 \end{document}

? make[2]: *** Deleting file `HW.pdf'
... it says ENTERING \BATCHMODE and sometimes it gets stuck there. And nothing I do seems to break it out of this. I have to go and kill the process
this is TL 2012, not TL 2013, debian version
@Nasser q is not "quit"; if you are in an infinite loop, using q will make TeX continue the loop. Use x for "exit".
may be because I am running it from Make, and it is Make that hangs.
@egreg but this happens only once in a while. almost always I type q and it does not do this. sometimes only it does that.
WIll try 'x' next time. thanks.
yes, X works much better !! thanks. I always get errors. So this helps.
@Nasser Some errors like that one are nasty: TeX tries to recover by inserting a brace, but often this triggers an error due to the brace that so gets removed and inserted back again because the previous error reappears.
I really really will in no way be able to write this math in direct Latex. No way. I made small change myself (not using the GUI) and for the last 30 minutes I can't figure how to fix it. This is impossible to do. In the GUI I can see the equation and make the change in a second.
@PauloCereda Who, besides Donald Duck, can write a biography of Uncle Scrooge?
Thankfully, TL ISO is now fine (had to download it again). Now let's see if MacTeX will be OK. :)
@egreg :) I love how Uncle Scrooge is "translated" to Portuguese: "Tio Patinhas". :)
Writing math in direct Latex is just like writing in machine language vs. using pascal
@PauloCereda What's "patinhas"?
@egreg It's a tricky translation: pata can be translated as paw or female duck. Then we have patinha, which is the diminutive of pata, and finally let's add a s to the end and make the plural. :P
Weird combo, but it sounds cool in Portuguese. :)
@Nasser Bad analogy, writing in a higher level language is almost always more productive, and produces better code, and more portable, than writing machine code by hand. None of those things is true of generating latex markup from a gui. Once you are used to the markup you can enter it at typing speed (slow in my case:-) and it almost always produces better markup that is portable to any tex installation, whereas a gui is usually platform specific and almost always produces worse code.
There's an australian option for babel? The mind boggles ...
@egreg: speaking of Uncle Scrooge, I was so shocked when I discovered that the witch was called Magica De Spell in English! And I didn't know she was from Naples. :)
@AndrewStacey With the australian option pages are printed upside down
@DavidCarlisle I am not arguing about quality of produced Latex code. Yes, Hand crafted Latex code will be better, specially by Latex expert. But there are other consideration. Like how long it will take a normal user to do the task at hand using a GUI vs. hand coding. Time is expensive also.
@JosephWright Did you see my answer to tex.stackexchange.com/q/120102/86 ? Is this an okay approach or fraught with problems?
@AndrewStacey ooh! babel raised an error, mate. Do not despair, it will be apples.
@egreg ooh they come from a land down under!
@PauloCereda In Italian she's Amelia. And she lives on Mt. Vesuvius: come on, everybody knows it! :)
@AndrewStacey Looks OK
@egreg :) In Portuguese, she's Maga Patalójika. :) And I knew she lived nearby a volcano. :)
@JosephWright Nice to know. I'm absolutely loving L3 - just rewritten my "latex-to-text" class using it and it feels like the code is actually code. But I'm always wary of "schoolboy errors" since there's much about L3 that I don't yet get.
@AndrewStacey Only minor changes I'd make are 'style' in the message: I'd call it no-format with a hyphen, and just use ' for the 'quoting' [backticks are fine in typeset material, but in messages I think are silly :-)]
@JosephWright Useful to know - I've started using a few messages so it's good to get the style right from the start.
@AndrewStacey Hyphen as spaces are tricky in expl3 code, the backticks is my preference, but I wrote all of the message code we have, so that's how they are :-)
@JosephWright Silly question this: is there a L3 variant of the basic \message command? I often stick \message{got here} lines in my code when debugging and it somehow just spoils the look of the thing. Maybe a \debug module?
@JosephWright: about the latex3 vs expl3 thread in meta, I'm tempted to add a comment, "LaTeX3 is awesome... but will it blend?" :)
(hopefully I'm not too geeky to post an obscure link to a dark side of the internet where there's a guy with a blender blending every possible thing known to mankind)
ooh we could see if the TeXbook blends.
@AndrewStacey You want the either 'low level' functions \msg_log:n and \msg_term:n or the unformatted \iow_log:n and \iow_term:n (log or term depends on how verbose you want the output to be)
@JosephWright Thanks. I like to avoid that "unclean" feeling when non-l3 stuff creeps in to my nice pure l3 code (witness my latest couple of questions).
@Nasser I don't see why it should be slower (and may be quicker) to code directly. The typical example is you can type \rightarrow a lot faster than you can find it on a menu.
@DavidCarlisle, I think you are measuring everyone by your level. Most of us are not like that. Here is an example one page of a HW I did using SWP. It took my about 45 minutes to write this on the screen. when I try to fix something by hand, I spend 30 minutes because I made one change and dropped a } in the process. If I have to write this whole page by hand, it will take me one week
Yes, the latex code output is bad. But it is latex, but PDF looks just fine. Latex is all under the cover. But the amount of time saved is amazing, for us normal users, not like experts like you and others here, this saves lots of time.
It is more than just one symbol here and there. It is the ability to see the whole equation, and equations on the screen and be able to understand and see what you have just typed. It is like working on piece of paper. Very very productive tool.
1 hour later…
@egreg: can I ask you a question?
@PauloCereda Here I am. Going to switch on air conditioning.
@egreg ooh it's cold in here. :)
Q: How do I make ``` appear as ' + " and not "+ '?

mateuzIt may look like a minor difference, but I'm trying to put quotation marks between single quotes, e.g. '"go away" he said' but ''' results in "'go away" he said' which is not what I want...

I remembered I saw something about this on the TeXbook, and I tried:
@PauloCereda backquote+\,+backquote+backquote


\lq\thinspace\lq\lq go away\rq\rq, he said\rq

`\thinspace``go away'', he said'

`{}``go away'', he said'

@egreg Oh!
@PauloCereda Note that \lq is the same as a backquote
@egreg aah!
Because of \def\lq{`}
@egreg Is \thinspace / \, preferable to {}?
The spaces differ here.
@Nasser No it's just the same argument as the rest of the document most people wouls rather type in Word than see latex source like \section{..} but for anyone prepared to get over the hurdle of working with the markup, it usually ends up being more efficient to do that. It isn't just me, 'm sure that it is a very small minority that use wysiwyg tools for latex, compared with those who use wysiwyg for everything (word processor users) and those who edit the latex markup directly.
@PauloCereda Take your pick
@egreg Rewrite the sentence to avoid them? :)
@PauloCereda That's British usage. Compare with closing quotes.
@egreg Ah I see.
@egreg: I think you could write an answer. :)
@PauloCereda American usage is "outer double quotes, inner single quotes". The problem so arises with closing quotes, where '{}'' should be used.
@egreg It's the same in Portuguese.
can someone please give me a hint what this error means:

 Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.649 Figure \ref{fig:getbits.eps}
                                   shows detailed walkthough of the initGetB...

it is coming from everywhere I use \ref, like this line

Figure \ref{fig:getbits.eps} shows detailed walkthough
and here is the label code

\vspace{0.7 in}
\caption{walk though initGetBits MMX code used in GetBits.S}
@Jake is there an easy way to make my regression line longer? I found a question you aswert about that but this does not work for me
I think this is the same bug I posted about the other day :(
Yes, it is , here it is tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117802/… No answer on it. WIll try it with TL 2013, may be it is gone.
pdfTeX warning
 (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has been already u
sed, duplicate ignored
<to be read again>
l.19 \listoffigures
                    [1] (./master_dvdmax_document.lof) [2]
Chapter 1.
[3] [4] (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lm/t1lmtt.fd) [5] [6]
Chapter 2.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...tring :autoref\endcsname {\@captype
l.234 Figure \ref{fig:arch1}
                             shows the architecture of DVDMax on Linux and S...
TL2013 in all its glory.
What's up with this message: You have already reviewed this item. It needs more reviews from other users to be completed. Surely my approval should not need more approval?
@Rico Yeah, use plot [x=0:1] f(x); to define the plot range.
@Nasser But Heiko Oberdiek can not reproduce it. Maybe add the output of \listfiles to the question
@Jake \addplot[no markers, red,x=-10:40] table [col sep=space, y={create col/linear regression={y=2}}] {source7.dat}; does not work unfortunately since my datapoints are only from 0 to 40
@Rico Ah, okay, I thought you meant a curve fit using gnuplot
@Rico In that case, you need to plot the actual function, which is defined by the parameters \pgfplotsregressiona and \pgfplotsregressionb
@Jake like \pgfplotstableregressiona*x+\pgfplotstableregressionb?
@Jake got it but it still won't touch the x-axis
@Rico MWE?

		every axis legend/.append style={
		anchor=north west},
		%legend style={font=\large}
    x tick label style={
    	/pgf/number format/.cd,
    	fixed zerofill,
@Jake oh and I just found out I need 2 y points but still was not able to extract them of my graph :( I hope I'm not annoying you
@Rico You've got to set ymin=0 and make sure the range for the plot covers the necessary values:

		every axis legend/.append style={
		anchor=north west},
		%legend style={font=\large}
    x tick label style={
    	/pgf/number format/.cd,
    	fixed zerofill,
@Jake found it, and i had to change x=-10:10 to domain=-10:10 this works
@Jake thanks for this! could you tell me how to get 2 points out of my graph? I need the values of the point where the regressions hits the axis
@Rico y axis intercept = \pgfplotstableregressionb, x axis intercept=-\pgfplotsregressionb/\pgfplotsregressiona
Created an image using tikz-euclide, and now I can not find out how to avoid it to print 0 on the axis. Great
Thanks to Jake I know how to remove them in pgfplots, but not tkz-euclide, tries to go trough the french-manual again, not knowing a word french
@Jake y works fine x-axis gives me "undefined controlsequence"
I should really be ashamed of this code, but it works...



\tkzInit[ymax=4.5, xmax=6.5,xmin=-1.5,ymin=-0.5]

\tkzDefMidPoint(A,B) \tkzGetPoint{M1}
\tkzDefMidPoint(B,C) \tkzGetPoint{M2}
\tkzDefMidPoint(A,C) \tkzGetPoint{M3}

\tkzInterLL(A,M2)(C,M1) \tkzGetPoint{T}

\tkzDrawSegments[dashed,thick](A,M2 C,M1 B,M3)
@Jake \addlegendentry{$\frac{1}{K_{\mathrm{M}}}=\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathparse{-\pgfplotsregressionb/\pgfplotsregressiona}}$} gives me TeX capacity exceedet
@Jake nevermind I've got it!
@AndrewStacey Hey. I'm still pissed that my iPad/iPhone doesn't have a Canadian localization. So my spelling correction either 'fixes' all the "centre"s and "honour"s to "center" and "honor" (if I choose American) or it changes all my "localize"s to "localise" (if I choose British). So I can appreciate an Australian babel.
@cgnieder Another example of the missing \leavevmode in acro!
Q: Preventing page break after sectioning when body begins with a command?

DocBucketsI use the acro package heavily in my thesis, but I noticed that one section has a page break right after the section header. This appears to be a result of the first paragraph beginning with \Ac{} from the acro package. I know I could find some manual way to stop it (e.g., \clearpage right before...

@AlanMunn Canadians are always underconsidered. Maybe Apple thinks you speak French.
can anybody reproduce this issue:
Q: How to get UTF-8 output with tex4ht under MikTeX 2.9?

mmjCompiling this MWE (mwe.tex) \documentclass{article} \usepackage[greek,italian]{babel} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \begin{document} \latintext chars with àccéènts greek chars \greektext ασδφγη \end{document} with C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\scripts\tex4ht\htlatex.bat mwe.tex (after it w...

for me it works both under linux and windows with texlive
@michal.h21 For sure I can't. ;-)
@egreg Oh! It's a good thing then, that the fixed version v1.3c already is on CTAN...
@cgnieder Did you test this example?
@egreg not yet
@egreg works as expected with v1.3c
Oh no, I found my next addicting TV series.
@PauloCereda A quick regex question: (this is in TextWrangler): if I have a string foo: 1234 shouldn't the regex .*([0-9]+) put 1234 in the capture? It seems to be only putting the 1. What am I doing wrong?
@AlanMunn It seems correct to me.
@PauloCereda So why isn't it working? Any ideas?
@AlanMunn I'll take a look. :)
@AlanMunn .* captures foo: 123 so the final ([0-9]+) captures only 4
@egreg Ah, so I'm missing a ?.
@AlanMunn [^0-9]*([0-9]+)
@egreg Damn! You were faster!
@egreg Yes, that works too. But .*?([0-9]+) also works.
@AlanMunn Yes.
@egreg And less typing. ;)
@AlanMunn Stick with egreg's suggestion. The first one sounds very greedy.
That's why it's getting the last digit.
@PauloCereda It's ok. My example was a tiny part of a larger expression. The ? solution works fine for the text I am changing.
@AlanMunn Ah ok. :) Just beware, . is evil since it's greedy, it means "any char" including digits. It gets everything and leaves only one char for your group. :)
I keep forgetting these things. :P
@PauloCereda .* is greedy, but .*? makes it less so...
@AlanMunn "dois erros fazendo um acerto"? :)
@PauloCereda No, I don't think so. Why is the expression with ? an error?
@AlanMunn Depends the context. :) In this case, I think it turns off the greedness. :)
@PauloCereda Right, and that's what ? is for, no?
@AlanMunn It can also be zero or one occurrences, a?, or other fancy stuff when featured with other chars, like a lookahead operation.
I'm terrible with regex, where's @Brent when we need him? :)
Back to the new series I'm watching now: 3rd Rock From The Sun. Does it ring a bell?
(new is not the best wording here, since the series ended) :P
@PauloCereda John Lithgoe as an alien.
@AlanMunn Yes! :)
I was zapping channels during the half time of Italy vs. Japan and found an episode being broadcasted on Comedy Central.
A bash question: suppose I have a bunch of files foo001.bar ... foo999.bar can I specify a range of files in a command?
@AlanMunn Brace expansion! :) <command> foo{001..999}.bar
@PauloCereda Ok. I had the braces, but used a hyphen instead of .. which didn't work. Thanks.
@AlanMunn ;)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright Can you look at this one? As I comment, the addition of .generate_choice:V seems useful; a list of the possible choices can be stored in a variable for other uses.
Q: Can I refer to key value in general code?

J. C. Salomon Related: keyreader: How to save choice key value to a macro. I’m using l3keys2e, but I suspect this might not be the ideal way to go about what I’m trying to do. I’m building a private package with various tweaks to font setups: \bool_if:nTF { \xetex_if_engine_p: || \luatex_if_engine_p: } ...

@Jake Hi, me again have some annoying questions. Should definitely send you a beer after this is done :)
@egreg One of the things I'm not 100% about in the keys module is the choices stuff. The set up/generate procedure looks a bit odd, and I wonder if .choices:nn is better (again, could have a variant). I think I mentioned this on the LaTeX-L list ages ago!
@Rico Beer? Forget about him. Shoot it right away :p
@percusse hehe :D maybe you can help me too :D
@Rico Things man do for beer :) No worries let me see if I can help
@percusse I have a datafile with x values from 0 to 500, and i want to split the column into 2 plots one from - to 180 and one from 181 to 500
@Rico OK. Did you try restrict x to domain=0:180 ?
I always forget the right syntax
@percusse \addplot[only marks] table [col sep=space,trim cells=true,y=1,domain=0:180] {source8.dat};
@percusse this does not work :(
Let me generate a dummy table
@Werner yes but those are too much complicated, is there a simpler way? — murena 8 mins ago
...equates to: Don't make me think.
@percusse i can send you mine
Zeit	1	2	3
0	0.44	0.476	0.45
15	0.438	0.473	0.448
30	0.437	0.47	0.447
45	0.435	0.469	0.445
60	0.493	0.467	0.443
75	0.491	0.465	0.441
90	0.489	0.463	0.439
105	0.488	0.461	0.437
120	0.486	0.459	0.436
135	0.484	0.457	0.434
150	0.482	0.455	0.432
165	0.48	0.453	0.43
180	0.478	0.451	0.428
195	0.272	0.27	0.269
210	0.269	0.267	0.259
225	0.268	0.266	0.257
240	0.266	0.264	0.255
255	0.264	0.263	0.253
270	0.263	0.26	0.252
285	0.261	0.259	0.25
300	0.26	0.258	0.249
315	0.258	0.257	0.247
330	0.257	0.254	0.245
where Zeit is X and 1 2 3 is 2 plots one from 0 to 180 and on from 195 to 480
@Rico No worries. I made up a new one. This one works

create on use/my x data/.style={
    create col/set list={0,1,...,500}
create on use/my y data/.style={
    create col/expr={sin(\thisrow{my x data})}
\pgfplotstablenew[columns={my x data,my y data}]{501}\mytable

\addplot[no marks,blue,ultra thick] table [col sep=space,trim cells=true,x=my x data,y=my y data,restrict x to domain=0:180] {\mytable};
@percusse Aw man, there goes my beer...
@Jake PhD needs focus, I'm done with it. Show some mercy for the tired man :P
@Jake you can still get one if you tell my how to do this more simple :D
A man must fight for his beer. Modern times....
@JosephWright I'll propose the alternative version
@Jake what ive got looks like this:
\pgfplotstablenew[columns={my x data,my y data}]{501}\mytable

every axis legend/.append style={
anchor=north west},
legend style={font=\footnotesize}}
xlabel={Zeit $t$ [\si{\second}]},
ylabel={Absorption $A\; [-]$},
legend cell align=left,
legend pos=outer north east,
/pgf/number format/.cd,
use comma,
1000 sep={}]

% 100%

\addplot[only marks,domain=15:180] table [col sep=space,trim cells=true,y=1,domain=0:180] {source8.dat};
@Rico Simpler than that? Sorry, I think that's pretty much as simple as it gets.
@Jake ok but how do i achive this with the given table? o.O
@Rico The domain doesn't do anything for \addplot table (especially not if you call it twice), you'll just have to replace that with percusse's restrict x to domain=0:180
\addplot[only marks,restrict x to domain=15:180] table [trim cells=true,y=1] {source8.dat};
(col sep=space is the default)
@Jake this one is easier :) can I restrict the regression solving the same way?
@Jake I mean regression from 0 to 180 and regression from 195 to 480
@Rico No, sorry, I don't think that's possible. With gnuplot yes, but not with PGFPlots, I think
@Jake but I could simply split the table? otherwise gnuplot would be fine too
@percusse You can earn another beer!
:( sorry
@Jake What? where? Ah the table splitting.
@Rico There is already a table splitting possibility in the pgfplotstable manual. Let me check for the page number
Search for /pgfplots/table/select equal part entry of=
I need to see if we can push it to pgfplots after the split. Let me check that too.
@Rico Here's how I would do it with gnuplot:

42 151.62
44 159.99
46 155.65
48 160.91
50 159.26
52 157.24
54 164.16
56 166.84
58 166.11
60 170.77
62 164.09
64 164.92
66 170.59
68 171.56
70 167.29
72 176.69
74 176.55
76 169.42
78 172.17
80 175.8
82 172.06
84 177.54
86 170.76
88 176.27
90 173.89
92 171.82
94 173.8
96 172.08
98 170.97
100 177.57

\pgfmathsetseed{1138} % set the random seed
@PauloCereda The radio has "Caro nome": "OMG!" somebody would say. ;-)
@egreg OMG
I must resist the urge to post that Victor Borge video as an homage... :)
@Jake works fine for the second one. the first part looks odd
@Rico Hehe, um, almost?
Is this using gnuplot or PGFPlots?
\addplot [no markers, red] gnuplot [raw gnuplot] {
f(x) = a*x+b;
a=0; b=0;
fit [x=15:180] f(x) 'source8.dat' u 1:2 via a,b;
plot [x=15:180] f(x);
@Rico That happens because there are some lower data points at the start of your data, you're just not plotting them
This is a slightly different table than the one you posted above?
@Jake oh well i think is know where the problem ist
@Rico Very pretty!
So what was the problem?
@Jake looks like problem solved, hopefully the regressionlabels works fine too :D
@Jake this looks wrong :D
@Rico Indeed
@Jake I adapted the example of the non Michaelis Menten Diagramm:
@Jake is it possible to append data to the params file written by gnuplot? works fine with 2 files, 1 would be better though
Q: How to add data from gnuplot to an existing file without overwiting the contents of said file

PhilI have some gnuplot code as follows: gnuplot> h=1 gnuplot> a=2 gnuplot> set print "additional numbers.txt" gnuplot> print h,a gnuplot> set print Now I want to add more data to this file without overwritng the previous entry. I can do it in C, but I want to keep everything in 1 script that I ca...

thank you so much!!!
i hope this was really the last question for now
@Rico Hehe, I hope not!
@Jake you hope not?
@Rico What would I do then? Work on my PhD?
@Jake I will defintely do some tutorials on TeXwelt about this. Mentioning you of course!
@Rico Good idea with the tutorials
@Jake works fine alone, but not when using \includestandalone -.-
@Jake you could re-implement all previous answers in picture mode?
@Jake so here is the next one :D
@DavidCarlisle Oooh!

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