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@Speravir Do you have a MiKTeX installation only for the user? Do you know were the MiKTeX system is installed in this case? If you install it as admin (as I did) it is installed in c:\Programme/MiKTeX 2.9\ With the user installation I suppose something like Eigene Dateien\MiKTeX 2.9\?
@Kurt Yes, I have a (one-) user installation, but I chose an individual folder outside of “C:\Programme” (for international users: German version for “C:\Program Files”). And … if I remember correctly, I still could have installed in in program files folder. We should ask @UlrikeFischer (and would need perhaps one of our moderators for noticing her) to be sure, but I think the only difference is, that for a user install some MiKTeX variables are simply not used. (continued)
@Kurt (Cont.) Te output of initexmf --report on my system is:
MiKTeX: 2.9
Invokers: explorer/cmd
SystemAdmin: yes
PowerUser: no
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)

Root 0: C:\Users\Steffen\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 1: C:\Users\Steffen\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 2: C:\LaTeX\LocalTeXMF
Root 3: C:\LaTeX\MiKTeX
Root 4: C:\ProgramData\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 5: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9
UserInstall: C:\LaTeX\MiKTeX
UserData: C:\Users\Steffen\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9
UserConfig: C:\Users\Steffen\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9
@Kurt But the last three variables Common* are not used here!
@Kurt In other words: The paths are not existant on my system!
From Karl:

FYI ...

TL'12 is frozen forever.

I updated the various web pages, etc., for the upcoming TL13 pretest,
but it is not nearly ready yet; indeed, the current svn Master is
completely broken.  Please don't bother reporting it, anything about it :).
I'm working on it, really.

I hope to have an initial pretest build by tomorrow night, but we'll see.
Sorry, was busy. My normal (not admin) user returns with `initexmf --report`:
`C:\Users\Internet>initexmf --report
MiKTeX: 2.9
Invokers: non-existing/explorer/cmd
SystemAdmin: no
PowerUser: no
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)

Root 0: C:\Users\Internet\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 1: C:\Users\Internet\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 2: C:\ProgramData\MiKTeX\2.9
Root 3: C:\lokaltexmf
Root 4: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9
UserInstall: C:\Users\Internet\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9
@Speravir And the path in the last three variables exists.
@PauloCereda It looks nice, thanks. Personally I'd prefer a lion in an earlier dynasty, if we use an ancient lion. BTW, actually I don't know any kungfu either.
@Speravir Ah, so you can choose were to install a user-based MiKTeX? Interesting. Depending on problems with the rights for writing files I supposed, that the user based installation is not able to use c:\Program Files, because the normal user has no rights to write there ...
@Kurt As I said above I didn’t try. By default at least the first configured user has “almost” admin rights (in the output marked as “SystemAdmin: yes”), but I guess the infamous User Account Control (UAC, German “Benutzerkontensteuerung”) comes in between. And yes during the installation you can select where to install, maybe there is something like “Extended Installation Settings” or so, I don’tremember exactly.
@Speravir No problem, I just want to understand the difference between the both kinds of installing. I see the advantage if more than one user can use MiKTeX on a computer (for example in the computer pool of a computing center), but I do not understand the reason for the problems with updating as admin and as user ...
In the manual is no information about that and I do not know another place to find this informations. (Schade -- In English?)
Good night together ...
@Kurt I didn’t want to critic you. :-) Updating by the admin would be enough. The user(s) need only a refresh of their own FNDB and format+map files, and the latter only, when the had done this once before. This could happen because of automatic installation on the fly or manual adding packages into an own local tree – or simply execution of these refreshing steps as user (clicking on buttons or command line). This is BTW only “Hörensagen” from Ulrike and perhaps in parts wrong.
@Kurt Not to forget: Difference between administrative and user mode of MiKTeX (see Ulrike’s comments, too).
@Joseph Wright, @Stefan Kottwitz, @Martin Scharrer Can moderators delete information recorded in the edit history of a post?
@GonzaloMedina Add the related question just now. @StefanKottwitz @MartinScharrer @JosephWright If possible remove this revision: tex.stackexchange.com/revisions/107473/3 (Gonzalo, I hope, I am right.)
@Speravir no, That's not the one.
@Speravir And I'd rather not include it here, since it seems to be a sensitive matter for the OP.
@GonzaloMedina OK.
4 hours later…
@Speravir Only the Powers That Be can do it: should I ask them to?
@Speravir OK, the OP also flagged the question, so I'm raising this with the Powers
@Speravir Information removed
From the mod chat:
> Always amazed at how people don't read what they're posting :)
@JosephWright: I have not read the siunitx manual thoroughly. Is there an option to take the first n digit after decimal without rounding? I mean \SI[<options>]{2.56}{\meter} becomes 2.5 m and \SI[<options>]{2.00}{\meter} becomes 2.0 m.
@Karl'sstudents Not at present, no
@JosephWright OK. Thanks for answering.
@topskip Launched the last update. :)
@egreg Our Brazilian mirror is out of sync, so I had to force tlmgr to use DANTE. :)
@cgnieder: we have quite a network of people in GitHub. :)
:: File 'examples/example1.log' does not exist or is unavailable.
:: Stopping execution.
@PauloCereda ^^^
@DavidCarlisle Uh-oh. :)
Let me test things. :)
@DavidCarlisle What did you try?
Should be something like texlua `kpsewhich dandelion.lua` test example1.tex from inside the examples directory
@PauloCereda (needs to be run from the same directory it seems:-) (in general should I put comments in gh or on the secret email list?
@DavidCarlisle Need to sort out scripts for you :-)
@JosephWright yes it was that last bit that got me I did $ texlua dandelion.lua test examples/example1.tex
@Joseph, @David: based on the last emails from the list, I'll try to use lfs (Lua FileSystem) in order to enhance things. :)
@PauloCereda very true :) now I need to start storing my packages there, too. My account still is kind of a dummy one... or a new package maybe?
@JosephWright well I'd figured that one out really but the main comment was a meta comment of where should dandelion comments go
@DavidCarlisle: you are right, the .log file is generated in the current folder where dandelion is executed. I'll take a look.
@cgnieder But you are very active on BitBucket! :)
@PauloCereda It only seems like I am: the commits are only corrections of old typos in the manuals and introducing new ones so I'll have something to do for the next one ;)
Sorry for interrupting. I got an error when setting precision=1 as follows.
	\foreach \n in {0.0,-0.5,...,-2.0}{%
		\draw (0,\n) node[anchor=west] {%
			% errors occur when precision=1 but not for other values.
\SI cannot parse num \cdot 10^num produced by pgfparser.
@Karl'sstudents try \SI[parse-numbers=false]{\temp}{\second}$
@cgnieder It works but with ugly number format. :-)
@Karl'sstudents well, it will use the format produced by pgf, then
I've been asked to provide swappable parsers: a tricky task, not done yet
@JosephWright What are they?
@Karl'sstudents You are missing fixed option
Tried Chrome for two weeks. Now I'm back to Firefox, thankfully. :)
@PauloCereda To allow parsing of for example the standard siunitx input format, C-like input, etc.
otherwise it's printed as sci format with a \cdot in between
@PauloCereda You can't cover everything in a single parser and expect it not to break
@JosephWright Something like 5.2f?
@JosephWright Indeed.
@PauloCereda For example
@DavidCarlisle If you want to rung dandelion natively on Windows, it seems until i sort a script for /f "delims=" %I in ('kpsewhich dandelion.lua') do texlua %I test example1.tex is the best plan
@JosephWright you mean use the windows command line ??? I refer you to the starred comment on the right:-)
@DavidCarlisle All of our Windows scripts work natively: people really do get the wrong idea :-) (I have gow for things like the GNU find utility, as gow is much ligher weight than Cygwin)
@JosephWright yes but I have cygwin everything (including texlive)
@DavidCarlisle I'm wondering about your invalid char thing: was OK for me on my Mac yesterday, and also seems to be fine here on Windows. Strange.
@JosephWright what's strange? it was a new test (that I wrote) that replaced 1 by ^^@ in the \TYPE but I couldn't work out what to put in the expects block
@DavidCarlisle Ah, right
@percusse For SI or pgf?
@JosephWright I was actually planning to test how dandelion reacted to control chars being written as ^^ syntax but picked on ^^@ out of habit and of course that one is rather special:-)
@DavidCarlisle Did you try texlua `kpswehich dandelion.lua` save example1.tex?
(I'm always using kpsewhich as texlua doesn't seem to do a search, so doesn't find the script)
I get
%%% ! Text line contains an invalid character.
%%% l... \TYPE{^^@
%%%               234}
%%% A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input.
%%% Continue, and I'll forget that it ever happened.
%%% 234
@JosephWright ohh you mean do what it says in the help text? No of course not, will try now:-)
Good test of the test system, though :-)
@JosephWright I need to write the script documentation. :)
@JosephWright conversely I haven't installed it locally just running in the gh checkout so kpsewhich wouldn't find it for me but I just cd to the examples dir and use ../dandelion.lua
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I'd picked that up: as you've pointed out this should then work correctly but has a few issues
@JosephWright It's sort of convenient but I'm not sure this is the best forum for dandelion discussion (a) it's almost TeX related so off topic, and (b) we are probably boring people...
@percusse Done. I got it.
@DavidCarlisle <3
@DavidCarlisle See e-mail :-)
Was just mentioning things in passing
@Karl'sstudents Mind looking at a plot ? =)
@DavidCarlisle ooh wait. :)
Hello :-)
@N3buchadnezzar I cannot parse your sentence. :-)
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last fencing results:

@NicolaTalbot Hi Nicola! :)
@Karl'sstudents Might have spotted it already, but in any case tex.stackexchange.com/questions/107519/…
@PauloCereda Hi Paulo :-)
Does anyone with LaTeX3 knowledge (@JosephWright, @PauloCereda etc) understand this datatool bug report ?
@N3buchadnezzar It is Jake's domain. :-)
tikz / pgfplots, you say tomato... ;)
@PauloCereda now we are back on topic
@NicolaTalbot Erm, they've messed about with things they don't really understand
@JosephWright Ah, that explains why it made no sense to me :-) I can't work out what they're trying to do.
@NicolaTalbot The expl3 part is just essentially \def\assignvalues#1#2{\@namedef{#1}{#2}}, as they've used it. It's also horrible.
@NicolaTalbot L3 knowledge? Not me. :)
@PauloCereda She probably meant @egreg
@Joseph, @David: great, now I have to answer more emails. :)
@JosephWright Yep. :)
@PauloCereda I thought you'd dabbled in it :-) (which makes you more knowledgeable than me).
@NicolaTalbot I'm sill learning it, but I'm not a L3CP - LaTeX3 Certified Partner. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@PauloCereda texlua ../dandelion.lua save e2.tex doesn't save anything that I can see
@DavidCarlisle not even a ex2.tlg file?
@N3buchadnezzar Negative y-values?
$ ls e2*
e2.aux e2.log e2.tex
@JosephWright: if TeX has the trip test, we have the dc test. :)
@DavidCarlisle Uh-oh. See upper folder, just to be sure.
$ find .. -name e2\*
@DavidCarlisle Where did it go?
@PauloCereda want me to run find on / ?
@DavidCarlisle I'm afraid it would be needed. :( Apparently, Lua saved somewhere in your filesystem.
@JosephWright Okay, it turns out the problem has nothing to do with the expl3 part. It's because they're using ` & ` as a separator but have just done \DTLsetseparator{&}. The weird expl3 stuff threw me. Thanks.
@N3buchadnezzar Ignore the mild stupidity of my last comment, but it works if the y-values are positive.
Today I'm on my mobile devices. :) Currently on satyagraha. :)
Yay, I can close a bug report :-)
@PauloCereda Ooh, I'm still getting used to my new tablet :-)
@NicolaTalbot How is it going, by the way? :)
@NicolaTalbot There is a question on the site about it. I don't understand what the OP is wanting to do.
@PauloCereda I've installed a text editor and configured the email. I can't work out how to sync the calendar with my google calender (not sure if it's possible).
@NicolaTalbot I think it is possible but I don't know how to do it. :( Speaking of editors on tablets, I have vim installed on my iPad. :P
@egreg I must've missed it while I was away. I'll have a look for it.
@PauloCereda Yay :-) I couldn't find vim for ice cream sandwich.
@NicolaTalbot Oh no! I'm about to get me a smartphone with Android 4.1, but if I cannot install vim on it, where's the "smart" part of the phone? :)
@NicolaTalbot Probably a hard link to /usr/bin/emacs
@PauloCereda lol :-)
@topskip Nooo!
@topskip You are mean. <3
alias emacs=vim
well, I've heard of people actually using emacs 'viper' mode (I never did something like that)
I need to see if I can connect my tablet to a data projector. It'll be a lot easier to take a tablet than a laptop with me when I have to do presentations.
Probably @DavidCarlisle uses viper mode in emacs. Yes, I am pretty sure he does... :)
@topskip We could use emacs inside vim inside emacs inside vim. Oooh vimacsception. :)
@topskip Uh-oh, nest of vipers. :P
@Speravir The problem is, I checked it some days ago, that the updating manager of user admin shows other packages to be updated than the updating manager called with normal user. So there seems to be a difference. Exactly as you said, I thought that updating with admin should be enough. That the update of formats and FNDB is needed for user and admin I understand.
@NicolaTalbot I need a remote control for my presentations, but I have not seen remote controls for iPad yet (never really searched for them though).
@PauloCereda Oh no, it would create some kind of apocalypse with vim and emacs fighting for supremacy, but ultimately merging into some kind of hybrid monster unleashed on the world in a mad rampage!
Or maybe it might just core dump.
@NicolaTalbot LOL
@Nicola: you could write a new book on the holy editor wars, Stephen King style. :P
@topskip I had a remote mouse for my laptop which was quite useful, but it was so big and chunky, there's not much difference between holding that and my tablet :-)
@PauloCereda LOL. I wouldn't be as good as the duck story :-)
"... and when the file was opened in emacs with C-x C-f, not only the file was opened, but the gates of hell! BWAWAWAWAWA" <- evil laugh
@NicolaTalbot <3
@PauloCereda Oh, that reminds me. The paintings are finished! I just need to find someone with a very large scanner.
@NicolaTalbot How nice! Cute animals? :)
@NicolaTalbot I have a nice apple remote control. Really great with presentations.
@NicolaTalbot ska.ac.za
@PauloCereda Very :-) Fluffy yellow duck, blue arara, sloth, caiman, capybara, piranhas, pink dolphin and a giant river otter who serves ice cream.
@NicolaTalbot OOOOH ICE CREAM!
@DavidCarlisle :-) Okay, not quite that large. The background paintings are around 2m wide.
@PauloCereda Guaraná :-)
@NicolaTalbot Yummy! :)
@NicolaTalbot did you mention to your illustrator that you were planning a book not an exhibition? :-)
@DavidCarlisle I kept asking her to make the pictures wider so they were the correct aspect ratio :-) Each picture spans a double-page spread with the text above. (I've not tried that before, so I hope it turns out okay. It should do as it's a saddle-stitch binding.)
@topskip I'll have to see if I can find one for the Arnova.
@DavidCarlisle ooh a duck exhibition!
@DavidCarlisle No \ooalign, unfortunately. :P
@egreg and no 2m wide duck pictures.
Yay, @StephanLehmke is here!
@Speravir As far as I see does the Update manager with normal user call the admins update manager ...
@JosephWright "I'm always using kpsewhich as texlua doesn't seem to do a search" - I recall reading something Hans Hagen wrote about why texexec sort-of replicated Kpathsea but would actually use the codebase - one of the stranger decisions in the Context world. And I guess texlua follows Hans's choice.
s/would/would not/
I think I've found a "showstopper" bug in the newest `babel` version 3.9b: A line break is incorrectly added before `\foreignlanguage`. Can someone test the following example and confirm the wrong behaviour?




% babel v3.9b incorrectly adds a line break before \foreignlanguage
Some text in a foreign language: \foreignlanguage{ngerman}{Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben.}

@lockstep I don't see it on an outdated Texlive using the dvi path
@CharlesStewart Version 3.8 is fine.
Right. That's version 3.8l. I have a more up-to-date TL on my netbook - I'll look at that soon.
@CharlesStewart v3.9b is at CTAN, but not yet in TL.
I'll put a copy in my ~/texmf then
@CharlesStewart To be more precise, a paragraph is added before \foreignlanguage.
@lockstep 10 bucks that @egreg will provide a fix in a couple of minutes. :)
@PauloCereda time's up. you owe @lockstep
@DavidCarlisle oopsie. :)
@DavidCarlisle: Can I borrow €10? :P
@PauloCereda You could have but I lost all my money on the boat race.
@DavidCarlisle No luck at the horse race either?
@PauloCereda I actually lost real money on that :(
@DavidCarlisle Oh my!
@PauloCereda one whole pound, in the office sweepstake.
@DavidCarlisle Oh!
Sorry for interrupting. Why do I need to sandwich \SI{}{} with $$ in the following code?
	\foreach \n in {0.0,-0.5,...,-2.0}{%
		\draw (0,\n) node[anchor=east] {%
			\pgfmathparse{\n}\pgfmathprintnumberto[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=1]{\pgfmathresult}{\temp}$\SI{\temp}{\second}$%
What is the state of the art in automatic hyphenation of compound words? In German, a hyphen between the word components should have a much higher priority than a hyphen within one of the word components. Any new development on that? In the new engines perhaps?
I could imagine having hyphenation in three passes (instead of the current two): once, without hyphenation at all (rather useless for German), once, with a special hyphenation pattern with hyphens only between word components, and finally, the normal hyphenation pattern.
@StephanLehmke use Word?
@DavidCarlisle Does Word do that?
@StephanLehmke I have no idea:-)
@StephanLehmke No, but its output will make you stop worrying about hyphenation.
In fact, bad hyphenations are one of the most frequent user complaints in data based publishing.
@StephanLehmke I am sure I have seen this implemented around the time tex3 came out with two sets of hyphenation patterns for German. The trouble was it didn't really work well as if you got to final pass you couldn't give higher priority to the compound breaks (and if you could do that you wouldn't need two passes). I suppose the solution of you know putting spaces between words isn't an option?
@lockstep Could fellows speaking a language which doesn't suffer from the compound word problem please abstain from ridiculing us poor Germans? ;-)
@Karl'sstudents Because \pgfmathprintnumbertomacro uses math mode internally. It's not a good idea to mix the number parsers of PGF and siunitx. In this case, I would just stick with the siunitx one and let it to the rounding:
	\foreach \n in {0.0,-0.5,...,-2.0}{%
		\draw (0,\n) node[anchor=east] {%
			\pgfmathparse{\n}\SI[round-mode=places, round-precision=1, round-integer-to-decimal]{\n}{\second}
@StephanLehmke more seriously is marking the compounds an option foo\compundwordmark bar for some nicer syntax?
@DavidCarlisle Well as I'm dealing with data based publishing I have to work with whatever is in the database...
@StephanLehmke yes but are there any sufficiently simple rules for splitting compounds that you could avoid a full hyphenation trial and just apply a regex to add compound word marks. (Showing complete ignorance of German here...)
@Jake Thanks for answering.
@Karl'sstudents Typo in my answer: I meant \pgfmathparse{\n}\SI[round-mode=places, round-precision=1, round-integer-to-decimal]{\pgfmathresult}{\second}
@StephanLehmke ooh!
@percusse is currently our German expert. :)
@PauloCereda schlappersteppenstoppeltrappergrippenkuppeltreppenlappensuppenseppelkappenschüpp‌​elschnippelmappenschuppenrappeldoppelrüpeltruppenknüppelhoppelgruppenlippenplappe‌​rzappelpuppenklappenschnuppe
@StephanLehmke oooooooh!
@StephanLehmke I'm sure the code in the tugboat article will be able to cope...
@PauloCereda how vim help required how do you save in utf8...
A: vim latex editing

David CarlisleIt has been saved as utf-16 and so every other byte is 0 (often displayed as ^@ as @ has code 64 so zero is control-@)

cough vim>emacs cough
@DavidCarlisle Yes this would probably be feasible as a preprocessing step. What exactly is the effect of the compund word mark on hyphenation? I thought it only breaks ligatures?
@DavidCarlisle hm I'd go with
@StephanLehmke If you use the T1 encoding mark then (in principle) you can make it a letter for hyphenation and have hyphenation patterns that use that letter in the patterns.
@DavidCarlisle vim always saves in utf8 for me. Maybe do a regex to strip all the ^@
:set fileencoding=utf-8
:set encoding=utf-8
@NicolaTalbot In Unix, this is the default behaviour, I guess. But in Windows things can get scary.
@PauloCereda Eveything's scary in windows.
@NicolaTalbot Indeed. :) I always have set encoding=utf-8 in my .vimrc just to be sure. :)
@PauloCereda answer updated: you get an honourable mention
@DavidCarlisle Ah, OK. So I need new patterns on top of inserting the characters. I can see how this will yield more correct hyphenation of compound words. But how does it prioritize hyphenation at word boundaries?
If everybody followed RFC 4042 then we wouldn't have these problems
@StephanLehmke it doesn't: TeX really doesn't want you to do that:(
@PauloCereda Oh, that's a good idea :-) I think I'll do that.
@DavidCarlisle or the blame if it doesn't help. :)
@PauloCereda is David's "backup" vim expert
@NicolaTalbot Would you like to see my vim config? :)
@SeanAllred I'm the unholy editor consultant. :P
(RFC 4042 details specification for UTF-9 and UTF-18)
@PauloCereda Oh, yes please :-)
@Gnintendo, seriously? Don't start this. XD XD Emacs, man.
oh I already did
@lockstep Sorry for the delay - I can confirm the bug with a freshly docstripped version of babel from CTAN (v3.9b), pdftex's dvi path on a lightly modded TL 2010.
don't make me go bum people off of the programming SE
Lines 5 and 6 are quite amusing. It tells vim to accept common "Windows" shortcuts, like CTRL+C et al, along with the normal vim mappings. :)
@Gnintendo Go right ahead. I'd love to see a StackExchange plugin for vim.
github.com/vermiculus/stack-mode (which reminds me, I should really push)
@CharlesStewart Thanks -- I'll report it to Javier Bezos.
I'm sorry vim isn't an OS :<
@PauloCereda Oh, what's pathogen#infect()?
@PauloCereda CTRL-C is a mapping of a Mac shortcut to IBM keyboards - it's used quite a bit with Unix programs as well.
@Gnintendo Damn straight it isn't. XD I have to hand it to vim though - it's almost as good as an entire operating system.
@NicolaTalbot It's a fantastic plugin, written by Tim Pope. You can have all your plugins inside .vim, very well organized, with no need of recreating the vim structure.
@PauloCereda For some reason behave mswin made me think of Austin Powers.
I like the Mac ZXCV key combos better than the Emacs defaults
@NicolaTalbot LOL
@CharlesStewart Ah. :)
I have to go to class, but THIS ISN'T OVER
Linear Algebra for the win
@CharlesStewart I know what you mean - it took me a long while to get used to the yank/kill
and @Gnintendo I'll be waiting
fist shakes as he leaves for class
(and I mean a long time. It's worth it though. Sortof.)
Let me see: to undo an action with the Emacs defaults, I have to type X-x followed by u. I'm sure that's nice to do twenty times in a row ...
C-/ is undo as well
C-u 2 0 C-/
@PauloCereda Coo, it reminds me of when I used to do food poisoning.
Blam: Undo twenty times
@SeanAllred Where the / key appears on different places on all kinds of keyboards.
@NicolaTalbot :)
Very, very, very true (as I type on a keyboard that is foreign to me)
@PauloCereda Safari crashed twice when trying to download the new Babel from CTAN.
@SeanAllred I tend to use number prefixes a lot more when I use vi than when I use Emacs
@PauloCereda But now I've finished lecturing and so I can try again.
@CharlesStewart to each his own habits :)
@egreg ooh! See @David, it was a conspiracy! egreg was unable to provide a patch, so no money involved. :)
@CharlesStewart Yes, I know!
@egreg Who needs GUI browsers anyway?
@CharlesStewart C-_ works as well, but it's irrelevant really as editing in emacs is so natural you almost never need to undo.
@CharlesStewart But there's something strange: the ZIP file is invalid.
@DavidCarlisle That's like one of those Lisp Koans
@egreg I just downloaded it about 2 hours ago
@PauloCereda pay up and stop wingeing
@DavidCarlisle I don't have money!
The boat race. :)
Besides, you guys have my credit card. :)
@CharlesStewart The link with mirrors.ctan.org doesn't work. :(
You break my legs when go LEGO shopping. :)
@CharlesStewart Reported. It's too bad -- I was about to apply some of the cool features of v3.9b to my documents.
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.

Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”

Knight turned the machine off and on.

The machine worked.
Emacs understanding is a bit similar
@lockstep You'll just have to apply the cool features of v3.9c...
@CharlesStewart A unified set of hyphenation shorthands ...
The "bug" is solved: one has to rebuild the format with the new files.
The base code is part of the format and without rebuilding the format one is in a mixed state.
@egreg I could have sworn I did exactly that (using the TeX Live Manager). Am I supposed to do someting else (or in addition)?
@egreg Plus, I received an e-mail from Javier right now: "Thank you very much. I'll try to fix it today and upload a new version. "
@lockstep I don't know, but I unpacked the dtx for babel base, english and german, then did pdftex -ini -etex -output-format=pdf -jobname=pdflatex39 latex.ltx and with pdftex -fmt pdflatex39 bug the result was as shown (I added \raggedright to be sure about spaces)
Indeed, if I do pdflatex bug, I get the new line.
@DavidCarlisle: This seems to be in your area of expertise:
Q: How to create an inline latex block in emacs (like \emph{...})

RobertThis SO question here asks for an emacs shortcut for creating a latex block, and one solution (proposed by me, but just coming from the emacs documentation) is to use C-c C-t. Is there something similar that would create an 'inline' block without creating any new lines, like for turning blah b...

@egreg Sorry if I'm a bit slow -- does that mean that there is some bug?
@lockstep I don't see one.
I have a discussion in comments with HV here. What do you think about this problem, should it be considered as a bug?
@egreg It seems I was missing the .ldf files, but even after adding them, I can't get it to work. :-(
@lockstep Where did you put them?
@egreg (In my local TEXMF tree) first under latex/babel-contrib, then also under generic/babel.
@lockstep I put them in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/base and ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/babel-contrib; this has the good effect that when I use the standard pdflatex they are not found, because the "generic" subtree comes first, while with the newly created format they are used because "generic" is not looked for.
@DavidCarlisle Riiiiiight; the author(s) of colortbl and longtable should communicate better. I wonder why there is such a disconnect...?
@DavidCarlisle: It must be difficult being a package author and being associated with TeX.SE. Everyone always complains here about something not working to their liking, rather than asking for your bank account to deposit some well-deserved funds...
...I guess @PauloCereda is partly to blame for being to sole provider of funds around here.
@Werner longtable was written with the right hemisphere, while colortbl that's more artistically inclined with the left hemisphere. (Or the other way around.)
@Werner haven't time to look yet but it used to work, the examples in the colortbl documentation are set with longtable. My plan is that @PauloCereda offers another real money bounty so that @egreg fixes it while I drive home.
@DavidCarlisle Epic...
@DavidCarlisle I have - €10 right now. :)
@egreg Please add \babelhyphenation{whatever} to your test file. Is this macro (new in 3.9) recognized? (I followed the steps described by you and didn't get the offending paragraph -- however, also an "undefined control sequence" error.)
You gotta love fortune:
A computer without Windows is like a fish without a bicycle

paulo@alexandria ~$
@PauloCereda LOL :-)
@NicolaTalbot I'll tweet about it. :)
@PauloCereda Not quack about it? :-)
@NicolaTalbot ooooh even better! :)
@PauloCereda I went to a wildfowl reserve last week. Lots of ducks!
@NicolaTalbot Oh my! Lots of photos, I hope!
@PauloCereda I've got lots of photos from a previous visit.
@NicolaTalbot Ducks included, hopefully. :)
I am still confused with HV's comment here. What is the relationship between \ignorespaces and \pstVerb invoked in the preamble? Is it prohibited to use \ignorespaces in a macro invoked in the preamble?
@PauloCereda Oh definitely :-)
@PauloCereda ^^ lots of ducks and a few swans :-)
@NicolaTalbot How nice! :)
Ooh, I'm three rep away from seeing dead people. I do hope that won't drive me mad. Or madder.
Does anyone know a GUI for SourceForge similar to Github GUI?
@MarcoDaniel For SourceForge?
@PauloCereda Yes, fixed it.
@MarcoDaniel I don't follow. You mean, for the VCS provided by SourceForge or SourceForge itself?
@PauloCereda I want to have a similar tool to follow biber and biblatex ;-)
@MarcoDaniel aaaaaaah! :)
@PauloCereda Windows is OK if you confine it to the straightjacket of a merciless virtualiser like KVM
@MarcoDaniel It's possible to mirror repositories from other VCSes to Github.
@CharlesStewart Sounds like a plan. :)
@CharlesStewart How does it work?
@MarcoDaniel isnt biblatex on gh anyway?
@DavidCarlisle Yes but not the newest version. The last update was 23 days ago.
@MarcoDaniel I saw 23 days and thought that was pretty recent:-) Is someone manually updating that from sourceforge then?
@DavidCarlisle Please see my bug report: github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/104 and the last comment.
We have a new github repository: github.com/gpoore/minted
@MarcoDaniel strange
@MarcoDaniel It's a little tiresome. You need to use one of the VCS repo conversion tools to create the initial git repo, fork that to Github, and then set up scripts to import changes to the source repo, apply them to your conversion repo and export them to Github.
If you go through all that for the projects Marco is interested in, I'm sure he'll be very grateful to you :)
@CharlesStewart LOL
Anybody know whether this would fit on TeX.SE?
Q: matplotlib mathtext \frac is too small

StretchWhen I give matplotlib a annotation string such as '$\frac{A}{B} = C$' and I specify a fontsize of 18, the A and B are rendered at 12.6 pt, while the C is rendered at 18 pt. I want A, B, and C to all be the same size. How do I do this? In a LaTeX document, if you give the commands \begin{...

@Werner I think not really.
@cgnieder: another user for us to follow: github.com/aboruvka
The network of evil is increasing. :P
@PauloCereda Yay! This is what »social network« means, right?
@cgnieder Probably. :) Social TeXwork. :)
A: Setting math font size

David CarlisleI can't quite see what matlab is doing less latex works than I would expect, however this sort of works to make the first expression larger: So after a bit of trial and error and discussion in comments most of latex is enabled but you need to switch out of math mode, use a lower level font size ...

@DavidCarlisle Thanks... I've referenced it as a comment.
@Werner ah I don' t think it will help though (having looked):- as that one was about publish (as latex) whereas this one is about latex-like text in plotting (which I think doesn't use text at all)
@DavidCarlisle Hmmm.
So what you're saying is that @egreg won't just be able to solve this on your drive home?
@Werner well I'm home so it's too late:-)
@DavidCarlisle ...start solving other's problems then! Let the DC flow!
@Werner which reminds me I suppose I'd better look at colortbl...
Oh dear, that did not come out right, did it. :-|
Hi everyone
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