@egreg: I changed the positioning of the furniture in my office. There's a lovely picture of the St. Peter's Basilica entirely made of crochet (my mom's artwork). I'll take a photo tomorrow. :)
I've just started "update all packages" in my tlmgr. Will I have TeXLive2012 afterwards, though I originally installed TeXLive2011, or do I have to install from scratch?
I am new to LaTeX. My questions are not such difficult but for obvious reasons I do need some help.
I found the following template very useful:
It was supposed to work correctly, however it doesn't load (or it...
How can I improve the code for this animation so that I can write more words? I wanted a smarter code.
\foreach \t in {
I would not indent all paragraph of my document. instead putting \noindent at the beginning of the paragraph how can i do in a easy and fast way? there is maybe a package that helps me to do that?
@N3buchadnezzar Data is from the "leagues" page of StackExchange, but I ran a query on the (slightly outdated) data explorer and found 3,560 users in the "exactly one" category. :)
There are some replies that are used quite often. For example, the first reply to many questions is a demand for a minimal example. These replies should typically include a link with additional information. So I thought that it might be useful to collect some standard replies for quick copy&p...
No more re-typing the same comments over and over!
This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments, which you can easily click to insert.
This script was inspired by answers to this question on meta....
@N3buchadnezzar Actually it's not a package (I'd love to write one!), but a humble compilation tool. :) We could add a compilation chain with latex, dvips and ps2pdf for PSTricks, or use xelatex. :)
The following code uses the rotation by \psrotate In this way you can specify the rotation point.
% !TEX program = arara
% !TEX encoding = utf8
% !TEX spellcheck = en_GB
%: Start Header
% arara: latex: {synctex: true}
% arara: dvips
% arara: ps2pdf
Back from the tour. This time south bound: Fiesole, an ancient town of Etruscan origin on a hill over Florence. From the town you can have a look of Florence with the famous Brunelleschi dome. Wow!
@PauloCereda Then hills in Tuscany, a steep mountain pass, Forlì, Ravenna, Ferrara. After Bologna, going towards Florence, I stopped to have a coffee in Monghidoro. :)
@egreg aw! :) I'd love to visit it someday. I have only an old photo of my grandma visiting an old house she lived in past, when she went to Italy in '90, I guess. :)
@N3buchadnezzar It would be possible with a bibliography rule with the following syntax: % arara: bibliography or % arara: bibliography: { engine: bibtex } runs bibtex, while % arara: bibliography: { engine: biber } runs biber. :)
I can't get the special table columns from the siunitx package to work. The numbers render in a normal l column but not in the special S coulmn. Here's my minimal example:
I'm looking towards this particular keynote: Wednesday, July 18, 11:20am, Will Robertson & Frank Mittelbach: LaTeX3: From local to global—a brief history and recent developments :)
Historical facts. Fiesole was an important Etruscan city already in the 4th century BC. Then its importance declined with the rising of Florence. Among its main citizens is fra Giovanni da Fiesole, better known as "Beato Angelico". This is one of his paintings (a favorite of mine)
@PauloCereda It's in Cortona (another magnificent town in central Italy, also of Etruscan origin). The best cycle by Beato Angelico is in Florence: he decorated the monastery where he lived. It's the "Convento di San Marco".
The legend says that the last Etruscans were looking down from Cortona to the nearby lake Trasimeno where Hannibal defeated the Romans. They were hoping…
Out of curiosity, does anybody here with TeX Live 2012 on Windows? I noticed something weird with the TeXworks version shipped with it (0.4.4 r.1003): everytime I try to save a document, TeXworks freezes for about 10 seconds and only after that the "save" dialog window appears. :(
@N3buchadnezzar The main font is the Palatino clone URW Palladio which you can get by loading the mathpazo package. The sectioning and theorem formatting are easily enough done with titlesec and one of the theorem packages.