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Quick question: I'm using gather from amsmath and have \onehalfspacing (setspace) enabled. Not sure if it caused by it, but there is a lot of vertical skip between the leading paragraph and the top of gather.
Is this normal?
@MartinScharrer You are a mod, right? Was I out of line to downvote this answer:
A: How do I use TrueType Fonts with PDFTeX using otftotfm?

Joseph@Stephan Lehmke, of course, until someone develops a software (GUI) for all the commands above. Anyway, both the alternatives you offer: a) not installing new fonts and b) switching to another engine are: 1) easier 2) same pdf results, ergo: more rational choices. I've never heard of publishers/...

We'd already gone over the fact that I wasn't interested in switching to XeTeX or LuaTeX in the question comments more then once, and it doesn't actually answer the question.
@Canageek Yes, I'm a mod. I added a comment already. You can also flag such posts for moderator attention if you want. Down-voting is OK here, I guess.
@MartinScharrer I can flag it, wasn't sure what the right proceedure was. I'd be fine with it if it wasn't already clear from the question I wasn't looking for that (i.e. if I didn't know that LuaTeX or XeTeX exited and could use ttf and otf fonts nateivly)
Anyway, I just felt that the question was rather disrespectful of the very well done previous post--I can't wait to sit down and try it when I work on my adventure. I just finished my work for the night so I bid you good night.
3 hours later…
is there a command like \implies but for the other implication?
Is anything wrong with my use of < in the following answer (near the bottom)?
A: How do I use TrueType Fonts with PDFTeX using otftotfm?

Stephan LehmkeOk, so here it comes. I should declare that I'm just talking about text fonts here. But I assume if someone puts in the several person years it'll take to make a math font with all the features required by TeX, they'll also make the TeX font setup to go with it. I don't have a lot of formal kn...

@speravir did an incomprehensible edit (deleting some essential information) which I just rolled back, so I'm getting the impression there might be viewing glitches in other browsers (I'm using firefox)?
@StephanLehmke Do you mean because of the edit suggestion? I guess that there's a displaying issue. I see &lt; instead of <
@StephanLehmke otftotfm -a -e ec -fkern -fliga &lt;myfont>.ttf T1--&lt;myfont
@Thorsten Agreed... not sure what to do about it though.
@StephanLehmke I approved that edit but didn't realize there was essential info deleted. Sorry about that. Users including me, are seeing non-parsed HTML description of < which is probably due to how things are copied to clipboard from the terminal. (I'm using Firefox too and I'm kind of surprised that it doesn't appear as &#60; )
@percusse Ok, this clarifies it. I swear it looks well here on my screen (and I really typed &lt; ) I'll try to find out how to properly input a < here or think of another notation. Unfortunately I have to go now (to hospital), so I won't get around to it before evening. If anyone knows how to do it right, feel free ;-)
Now I just removed the pointy braces, they were ambiguous in a command shell anyway...
@StephanLehmke By the way great answer too!
2 hours later…
is it me, or is there an "answers" missing in the second sentence of the blog posting?
@RoelofSpijker *Types very quickly* No, looks alright to me.
hehe, excellent :)
2 hours later…
Seeing a question about clashes of packages, I'm curious as to whether anyone's ever done a "dependency graph" of CTAN. To be truly useful, it would link packages according to "depends on", "replaces", "clashes with" (and, of course, the old favourite: "must be loaded after" with hyperref as the supremum; more interesting would be to find a loop in this particular part).
@AndrewStacey easy to answer that question:-) no
@DavidCarlisle And I guess it would be near-impossible to do.
@AndrewStacey well if you could define "clash" 9one man's clash is another woman' s functional improvement) you have the problem that it's combinatorialy difficult if A and B are OK as are A and c and B and C but A B c together blow up you need to consider all ordered subsets of ctan packages which is a big number;-0
@DavidCarlisle Well of course, I wouldn't do something like this myself. I'd get a graduate student to do it.
ah yes the advantage of working in university, having slaves at your beck and call
@DavidCarlisle @AndrewStacey don't call us "slaves"!!!
well, I mean, you're right, that's what students do
At least use "modern slaves". That would leave some tiny room for dignity :)
Grad slavery? Woohoo!
@percusse I received a downvote for it ;-) Without a comment, I'm a bit undecided what to improve. Is the loading time for the images too long? Or should I say more about encodings?
@StephanLehmke It wasn't me, i swear :) I have no clue why someone would dv that. I am always getting a bit upset if I get a dv w/o a decent explanation.
I also think the answer is very good, although the subject is difficult :)
I'd guess the downvoter didn't like the look of the fonts...
@StephanLehmke I don't think there is much room for improvement
@StephanLehmke Your answer is fantastic! :)
@PatrickGundlach :-) You already made your anti-downvote attitude clear. I have somewhat been advocating downvotes recently ;-)
I have to admit that did 13 downvotes in the time I've been here. (But that's less than 1% of my votes)
@StephanLehmke Clearly the down vote was because you didn't use Comic Sans in your answer.
@PatrickGundlach I'm ahead of you, then. I've 15 down votes to my demerit.
(but that comes in at a gnat's whisker over 0.4% of my total)
So I'm certainly not complaining. But a downvote accompanied with a comment on what can be improved is best. Just a comment would invite (from me) going into defensive position, explaining to the commenter why they weren't understanding the brilliance of the answer.
> why they weren't understanding the brilliance of the answer
With a downvote behind it it's clear the criticism won't go away by clever talk, only with a real improvement.
@StephanLehmke My default assumption is always the opposite. A 'downvote' can just be a random "I didn't like your patronising tone" (not that yours was!). It's much easier to vote than to comment, so if a negative vote is cast without a comment then I tend to disregard the vote. I figure Paulo and his sockpuppets will counterbalance it.
@AndrewStacey Maybe it could be done with group theory? :-)
@AndrewStacey I tried, honest! I really looked for a usable free font in that direction, but gave up. There are simply too many of them. If none matches omic or and or whatever, it's pointless.
@AndrewStacey Not much disagreement. Although, if it was easy to give up some of one's own rep for a purpose, there'd much more bounties, wouldn't there?
@StephanLehmke I think more that it isn't in the site's pysche for individuals to reward good answers by giving bounties. That's a reasonably new feature of bounties - earlier, they were only to attract attention to unanswered questions.
@StephanLehmke Maybe someone wanted to get Critic badge. Have you checked the "Recently awarded badges" list?
@tohecz how is your bidi foo? the shadowbox longtable has resurfaced:-)
I think the right thing to do must be to flag RTL before typesetting the table rather than trying to invert the box afterwards, but...
Q: Light markup languages for TeX users

Predrag PunosevacI was wondering if people could share their experience with various mark up languages. In particular, I am interested in situations for which you consider light markups preferable to TeX. I am also interested in the level of TeX output support by different markups. My initial contact with marku...

@MartinScharrer I hope I didn't do anything wrong by putting the comment there - did I?
Domain Specific Language (DSL) anyone? :)
Q: No hyper refs from citation to bibliography using BiBTeX, hyperref and harvard

Sergei PoulpI am trying to get internal hyperrefs from citation to the bibliography page. I am using BiBTeX, the harvard package, the hyperref package with optional [hidelinks]. The latter works fine to me on the TOC and sections refs. I read in hyperref package help that it is designed to work with the har...

@DavidCarlisle I got a mail from the OP and I'll look into that. I believe that one should use something like \def\myshadowbox#1{\shadowbox{\RTL{#1}}} and then \myshadowbox inside \LT@output
However I have never worked with RTL hence I will use the trial-and-error method...
@PauloCereda I used to write ruby interfaces for DSLs
@PatrickGundlach Really? I heard that Ruby is very easy to define DSLs. :)
@PauloCereda Yes, after I found out how it works I was able to write very clean DSLs (IMO, that is subjective, of course)
But I have to search my harddrive to find them
Cool! :)
@PatrickGundlach Wow! :)
@PauloCereda _why is so awesome. Too bad he isn't around anymore.
Why is the chat link in the upper line next to my username always removed when the blog gets updated, then a few days later it gets back. I dont get it? Or is it just me?
@zeroth I don't know either. Perhaps it disappears if you are in the chat?
@PatrickGundlach I had just logged in to TeX.SE, no direct link to chat or anything... Let me check if it disappears... :) Be right back...
nope, still not on... I have to go to meta -> chat.
I will ask in meta, once I have handed in my thesis (due on Wednesday!!!!)
@PatrickGundlach does it also happen for you?
@zeroth I can see the chat link only on meta. I never look for it though.
This chat is my browser's startpage :)
hmm. ok.
nice touch. Hmm, i will do that in opera, just pin it! :)
only i cant see the difference by icons!! Ahh, well.
That was maybe not clear, I have pinned TeX.SE, but also pinning chat.TeX.SE makes two identical tabs.... :)
@zeroth I handed my Master Thesis today :-p Now I have to take the two copies and bring them personally to my supervisor and the reviewer...
@tohecz CONGRATS!!! Very nice. (to be frank: you are stressing the hell out of me!!!) ;)
@tohecz what do you study?
I do maths, specifically numeration systems (ways of storing numbers as sequences of symbols)
You can find it here if you are interested: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1319/…
@tohecz something I dont have a clue in. :)
@DavidCarlisle Don't you know how bi-directional typesetting is done?
but looks interesting with the graphs! :) I love figures!
@zeroth do you trust me that I believe you? :p
@zeroth way to impress people
@tohecz Congrats! :)
@tohecz I have no other choice ;)
@PauloCereda thx
@tohecz Are you now chilling with a beer or just jumping around like a mad man who just handed in his thesis? Or both?
@zeroth I have many other duties (I collaborate on a paper, collaborate on a university schoolbook, prepare some works for some competitions) so I'm busy anyways...
and I wish you the best!
what is your topic?
@tohecz ok...
Thank you!
I study physics, mastering in molecular electronics.
I think so! :)
and hopefully, mastering! ;)
@tohecz well in theory I know some things, but in practice I know nothing.
Ok, I tried to look into that and I failed. I can obviously make different algorithm for the first page and the other pages
@tohecz Good for you man, looking at your thesis though... Why isn't Figure 3.4 done in TeX? :P
@DavidCarlisle @ALL Is it possible to "split \box255 at a specified position"?
@tohecz well you can ask for that (using vsplit) but you don;t always get what you ask for
@RoelofSpijker because hand-drawn figures look good IMHO ;) and you can concentrate on the essence of the figure when you know that it is not exact
@DavidCarlisle it might work in this case since I know the height of the material above the table...
will look into that, thanks ;)
@tohecz note though that vsplit is like a page break it discards white space after the split
@DavidCarlisle it doesn't matter I hope since the split should occur between the "previous text" and "long table"
@David: is the Firefox Beta version the same as nightly?
@DavidCarlisle ... but we have \splitdiscards nowadays to make up for that :-)
@PauloCereda nightly < aurora < beta < release
@StephanLehmke far too modern for me;-)
@DavidCarlisle Ah thanks. :)
@DavidCarlisle @StephanLehmke Agree with David. The whole code is in output routine and written in very plain TeX and I would not like to change that ;)
@tohecz \splitdiscards is more plain than plain really it's an etex primitive so only "modern" if your point of reference is 1990's
@tohecz Oooh kaay. I hope you're also not using \numexpr or \unexpanded to make sure everything is completely clean and backward compatible with 20 year old TeX engines ;-)
@DavidCarlisle i think I have it, but I can't finish it now, the current code I have would not work for longtables that does not split
@StephanLehmke this is longtable code he's modifying, it's not like it has changed for 20 years;-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle So if he'll invent a time machine he can even use his modified version at the very time longtable was made :-)
actually, this is my (completely wrong) view of "plain TeX": tug.org/utilities/plain/cseq.html
@tohecz hmm despite the directory name being "plain" that's tex primitives (classic tex not etex) (best not to use plain as the word meaning tex primitives as it conflicts with "plain tex" meaning Knuth's macro format sitting on top of tex.
Would it be appropriate to ask a question like "What new primitives would you most want to see in an extended version of e-TeX?" in the sense that there is one answer for every new primitive? It is of the "your favourite" flavour which is frowned upon here...
@StephanLehmke It might be appropriate but I'm not sure you'd get any useful answers, you can't really design a language one command at a time so the question/answer format doesn't really helo. (and you'd have to say whether you'd want existing luatex or pdftex or xetex primitives including)
@DavidCarlisle Well of course part of the idea would be that experts for different flavours of TeX engines edit answers to show how something currently unavailable in e-TeX could be done with another engine. This would be very valuable information to me.
@StephanLehmke well don't let me stop you asking:-)
But in addition to that, I'm simply interested what kinds of things people who really know TeX by heart feel to be lacking (not in a revolutionary sense, just simple additions).
I, for instance, would almost kill for an \expanded primitive.
@DavidCarlisle @StephanLehmke Can you please test this? kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hejdato1/temp/test.tex
@tohecz Sorry, I don't have time right now. I might have in the night, but it would be better to ask a question or something as a reminder...
no worries. I will get to post it in the answer tomorrow anyways as I leave in 10 minutes
seems to work I get Underfull \vbox (badness 1377) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (10.79999pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
but didn't check whether they are from the test document or from the RTL or shadowbox insertions in the output routine, ie would that document give same warnings with the original LT code?
@DavidCarlisle sorry, I have no time left now as I leave my office. Could you please mail me these errors to [email protected] so that I don't forget it tomorrow?
@DavidCarlisle thx got it, and bye!
@tohecz done
@StephanLehmke what would it do? (you mean like edef without the def bit?)
@DavidCarlisle Yep, like \unexpanded but fully expanding its argument upon expansion of \expanded. So that when programming expandably, you could "expand over" an arbitrary token list with \expanded{...tokens...\expandafter}.
Is there a badge for the most uses of "expand" in a single sentence? :-)
@StephanLehmke There's a silver badge if one shows a really useful macro with 127 consecutive \expandafter's. :) For the gold badge 1023 are required. The platinum badge is for 1022. :)
@tohecz I have only one super minor observation: The table is a little larger than \textwidth even without the shadow. Quite impressive though.
@egreg Oh well that depends on what you call "useful". In the early code for making the ERCO catalog there was the following gem:
user image
@StephanLehmke 127? Silver badge!
We seriously need an \expandafter[n] macro :)
\Siebtes is an expandable macro which would return the seventh item of a tuple. All the expandafters were only there to make sure the argument was sufficiently expanded to really have turned into the tuple. You can see I didn't know a lot about expandable programming back then.
And nothing about e-TeX.
@StephanLehmke Did you solve with an \edef?
@percusse that's called \romannumeral for historical reasons
@egreg Uh well being expandable I couldn't really use assignments inside. It would be used in larger structures which would then be expanded by \protected@edef.
@DavidCarlisle Only if you can slip a 0 in there somewhere.
@DavidCarlisle By historical, you don't mean really the Romans I hope :P
@DavidCarlisle Already we are discussing about situations where my \expanded primitive would be immensely useful :-)
Even better: \startexpansion ... \endexpansion in the sense that on expanding \startexpansion, every following token would be fully expanded until \endexpansion is seen.
This can be closed as duplicate OP confirms tex.stackexchange.com/questions/53001/…
@DavidCarlisle Done
2 hours later…
@JosephWright: Did you hear something about P. Lehmann?
@MarcoDaniel No, did you?
@JosephWright No. I am wondering because Philip Kime responded to one of my bug reports at sourceforge biblatex: sourceforge.net/tracker/…
@MarcoDaniel Ah, right. Blog post on the situation is pending, just awaiting one or two bits of clarification. I'll discuss again with PLK and Audrey.
@JosephWright Do you need a solution of the bug?
@MarcoDaniel PLK is working through the bugs. I'm sure he'd welcome any code that is available!
@JosephWright I will provide one. Maybe I will also try to fix other problems.
@MarcoDaniel That would be very handy. I'd suggest doing it as a fork from the GitHub dev branch, as the code can then be pulled back into biblatex easily
@JosephWright I have never had work with fork At the moment I am trying to fork @PauloCereda's arara to add some basic rules.
@MarcoDaniel Don't let the technology be a barrier: if it's a question of some 'copy-paste' code then that will also be fine :-)
@egreg @StephanLehmke texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/morefloats/morefloats.pdf, thinking to frame it from line 323 - to end. Diamond badge probably:)
@JosephWright If I fork a repository I will get all files to my project side. Is that correct?
@MarcoDaniel Yes, you get a copy of everything
@JosephWright Ah ok. And then I can add folders and files. Does the main repository see that?
@MarcoDaniel As long as you add them to the list of files that Git tracks, then they will show up when you push to GitHub
@JosephWright What I mean (I know it's difficult). Does the original owner see the changes?
@MarcoDaniel What you see on Git is a difference between the 'parent' and the 'child' repos. So anything that gets pushed to GitHub will show.
@JosephWright Great.
@JosephWright Please let me ask an other question. Why don't I earn a mdframed badge? tex.stackexchange.com/search?q=user:5239+[mdframed]
@MarcoDaniel Don't we need a certain number of questions? There is a flaw in the per-tag badge system in that it's very hard to get one in a topic which is not so popular but where you are the expert.
@JosephWright I got the badge table-of-contents (I don't know why :-) ) but I get no one for `mdframed :-(
@MarcoDaniel 100 total questions are required.
@StefanKottwitz Nice to know. Thanks
@MarcoDaniel Oh my! <3
Now I owe 5 kegs of beer.
@PauloCereda Did you notice my fork ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Wow!
I thought comments could only be deleted by the one who posted them, but it appears that my comments at Getting listings to highlight Func<x,x,x> got deleted. So, am wondering who can delete comments?
@PeterGrill Moderators can, sometimes we do if somebody flagged a comment as obsolete and we agree (such as suggestions to add an MWE, which has been done, for example)
@StefanKottwitz Ok, that makes sense.
I think here it was the MWE case.
Helps to keep the problem and solution readable, if obsolete things are removed, even if they were reasonable, but incorporated now
However, I never removed comments which got several upvotes. Never had to. :-)
Is there a simple check that will tell me if a character is a letter: ie, A-Z or a-z?
@PeterGrill How about the catcode?
Otherwise can post a question if not a simple solution.
How do I use catcode? I want something like \IfAlpha{<char>}{true}{false}
@PeterGrill I think we've had that: didn't @egreg post a charcode-based approach?
@YiannisLazarides That's only an almost trivial (gigantic) sequence of three expandafters. :)
@JosephWright I will search further
@egreg three is some power of two minus one, boring ;-)
Finally: blog password reset :-)
@StefanKottwitz And actually they are \xp\cs\xp\cs\xp\cs. Pfui. :)
@JosephWright Congratulations! Now you can send out all the waiting posts ;-)
@PeterGrill What are you referring to?
@StefanKottwitz One to do for my own blog today, and possibly another tomorrow, but yes
What blog? :P
@JosephWright Great! Have to read your previous post, did not have time today
@egreg I was looking for something that will test if a character is a letter a-z, or A-Z: \IfAlpha{<char>}{true}{false}
@StefanKottwitz I want to do a follow on on 'piling in', I think
@JosephWright: Why does it work : tex.stackexchange.com/questions/53024/…
@PeterGrill \int_compare:nTF{ (`#1 >= `a && `#1 <=`z) || (`#1>= `A && `#1 <= `Z) } {True}{False}
@egreg Cheater ;-)
Nice trick
@MarcoDaniel May give problems with special characters, of course. One has to check before if the token is a control sequence, perhaps.
@egreg Can you test the catcode?
@MarcoDaniel Also, but it depends on the context: in XeLaTeX many other character tokens have catcode 11
@egreg My first idea was \int_compare:nTF{ \char_value_catcode:n { `#1 } = 11 } {TRUE} {FALSE}
@JosephWright you can post it here, if you want to :-D
@PatrickGundlach I did, sort of, as @AndrewStacey relayed a post fo rme
@JosephWright No, I mean the password...
I know the password!
It's a bunch of *'s! :P
@egreg Missing ) inserted for expression
	\int_compare:nTF{ (`#1 >= `a && `#1 <=`z) || (`#1>= `A && `#1 <= `Z) } {#1 #2}{#1 #3}%
@PeterGrill I didn't test. Let me try.
Dante mentioned me?!
Interessantes Tool für TeX-Automatisierung von @paulocereda: https://github.com/cereda/arara
@MarcoDaniel That seems to work. So what is the difference between the two solutions?
Now I'm scared.
@PauloCereda Yeah ;-)
Be happy and now you must improve your tool ;-)
I will test it voluntary
@MarcoDaniel Indeed. :) I had a project assigned to me, that's why I'm "lost" these days. But I promise to get back to the tool ASAP. :)
@PauloCereda ;-) we need the support of flags and dtx etc
The pressure
@PauloCereda Yes, it was me :)
("interesting tool for TeX automation")
@PatrickGundlach awwww thanks! <3
@PatrickGundlach Of course last week we had a arara session here ;-)
@PatrickGundlach After fixing the bugs I want to write a small article about arara for our DTK.
Now I have to call everybody to a beer house. :)
@MarcoDaniel Great!!
@PeterGrill It's wrong, indeed. One has to write differently the tests
@PatrickGundlach In the next DTK you will find an article about xparse ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Stay tuned, I'll fix 'em somehow. :P
@PauloCereda I know
@egreg It seemed that your version would have been easier to modify to separately test for a-z and A-Z, so two tests would actually work better for me.
@MarcoDaniel :)
(\int_compare_p:n {`#1 >= `a} && \int_compare_p:n {`#1 <= `z} )
(\int_compare_p:n {`#1 >= `A} && \int_compare_p:n {`#1 <= `Z} )
\ExplSyntaxOn frees you from the %. :)
@egreg perfect, and easy to adapt to build `\IsUpperAlpaCharacter'. Thanks...
Today I celebrated a victory over Spammer, just by LaTeX's means!
On another site, on latex-community.org, we noticed about 100 spammer registrations each day. Some dozens write posts (which we disapprove), most just created silently a profile with website link and sometimes also signature spam link, generating backlinks to their site.
An the registration was protected by a hard-to-read captcha. But captchas can be broken by spambots and by humans.
Guess how LaTeX could keep them away :-)
... no, it wasn't a Cthulhu worshipping madman captcha ...
@StefanKottwitz Ask a simple TeX question?
@PeterGrill Yes! The captcha was removed and I replaced it by a LaTeX question, which a bot cannot just parse and answer with a question fragment.
@PeterGrill When registering, the new user was just asked: tell us any standard LaTeX document class.
I was just about to say that
I guess every LaTeX and LyX user can. But bots and perhaps even human spammers who don't invest time, cannot.
@StefanKottwitz So have the number of spams posts gone to 0?
Yes. Daily ~100 to 0.
Some new users came through :-D so I guess the barrrier is not too high, also I addes a link to the contact form if somebody really has problems
but writing "article" or "book" is much easier than decyphering a captcha
and all classes such as proc and ltxdoc etc. are accepted, also with .cls
Any idea of an alternative question? Just curious. Was proud to create that one ;-)
@StefanKottwitz "What is Knuth's first name?"
Did not want to ask for creators of TeX or LaTeX (person cult ;-) which a new user doesn't need to know
I thought "what's the file name extension of LaTeX files" but there's a string match
@StefanKottwitz Very true! The lack of personality cults is one of the things that makes TeX so pleasant. (I was being facetious)
Next attempt: Which is better for editing LaTeX files - Emacs or Vim? (Correct answer being, of course, LyX)
@AndrewStacey I admit asking for Knuth or Lamport was my first idea
perhaps playing with capitalization: write correctly: "latex tex tikz lyx miktex texmaker" the last is the hardest ;-)
@StefanKottwitz "What is the correct kerning between the 'T' and 'e' in TeX?"
@AndrewStacey Oh, that's too easy for LyX users.
"Why does pdflatex run slower when I'm eating Pringles?"
Why do I eat Pringles slower when I watch pdfLaTeX compiling :-D
@StefanKottwitz Uh-oh. :)
@PauloCereda Well, I can say "Arara" with a mouth full of Pringles. Wisely chosen name.
"Which is worse: an overfull hbox or an underfull vbox?"
@StefanKottwitz Yay! :)
I think the popular name is 'arara' because the bird can actually say it too. :)
Memo to self: when adding the \\ at the end of a line in an align, don't add them inside a \frac{a}{b}. TeX doesn't like it.
@AndrewStacey \frac errors are always frustrating.
@egreg It wasn't a completely stupid error to make. All the other lines are of the form \visible<+->{c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 \\} so when I noticed a missing \\ on the first line, I just added it inside the brace. Problem was, it was a \frac brace.
@AndrewStacey \frac and beamer: almost impossible to find out where the error was from the messages, I guess.
@PauloCereda Neither my daugher nor my dog can say that. But we all exercise.
@egreg Almost. Fortunately, I knew what I'd just changed and it worked fine on the previous run. *starts singing* "One more lecture to go, one more lecture to go-oh"
@JosephWright Should that be "keen to make sure" in the second paragraph?
Thanks for the update!
@TorbjørnT Fixed
I'm mainly going to provide the 'hard-core' TeX side of things, which I hope will mean 'not too much work' :-)
I have now learnt about the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector. My life is complete.
@JosephWright Which means: rewrite in LaTeX3. ;-)
@egreg Eventually :-)
I guess that we'll want something akin to biblatex, but that will I suspect be hard to get into the kernel
Anyway, I've got a long list of other jobs first
@JosephWright Thanks. Just some small things. There should be a "v" after the "u" in my last name. PL's last name shouldn't have two "n"s.
@AndrewStacey When you think life is complete and you have found the answers to all the questions, the questions will change.
@StefanKottwitz I often wonder why the texmaker author writes it that way too.

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