@sumelic Lucky I, (as I understand that my communications may be being monitored, I am being extremely cautious about my grammar) I now have just enough units of reputation to be allowed to chat. Am I allowed to comment about questions in chat even if my reputation is held in low esteem? Am I in the right room to chat with you?
About to go off line to a party. I would have said about empathy vs. sympathy that the difference was like the difference between "condole" and "console." A consolation prize is supposed to make the winner feel better, but there is no indication that the company awarding the prize shares in the winner's sorrow. Would this comment have been egregious?
@Airymouse In general, I don't think chat is actively monitored except for the busy rooms. Posts can be flagged for moderator attention if someone is being verbally abusive. As for the room: I just created a new room specifically for us to talk: we can move this conversation over there: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/44276/…
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Aug '1621
ELU Reviewers
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