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@Poke mon
Welcome to my circuit CA.
Welcome to my circuit CA, @Katenkyo ^^
@zyabin101 I'm mostly poking around, seeing what you've done so far ^^, but thanks
I blindly clicked a link. I have no idea what's going on in here. lulz
Seriously, having nothing to do for my CA quickly allots a lot of fun from that.
i'm familiar with conway's game of life but the extra rules there elude me
What should we do next for the CA?
Implement minecraft redstone logic
@Poke Okay.
Don't forget the idiosyncrasies when changing direction of gates, etc.
Let SethBling be your guide
I am not porting Redstone to the Game of Life.
I never will.
We need to make a T splitter and wire crossing.
Also we need a diode.
And logic gates.
Lastly, we need clocks and delay wires.
@Phi will you help me make these? :)
2 hours later…
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 A lot of things carry over from my CA.
Let's move these to the bit.ly/volz65C config. :)
And make newer ones.
One thing, help me make wire crossing with B3/S instead of B12/S1.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I have no clue if this is possible. We chose B12/S1 specifically because of the wire crossing.
OR gates will also be difficult.
z65Cvl5 is intentionally left blank.

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