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@kops maybe it's the difference between vim 7 and 8? i believe i introduced 'set backspace=indent,start,eol' into my vimrc when i got vim 8
@Razetime what about gJ
ah yeah gJ
Any thoughts on scoring vis-a-vis TIO's auto-complete feature? Say I write :s/old/new on TIO. This works, and I could count it as 10 bytes. But if I were using actual Vim, I'd have to hit Enter before the substitution did anything (and I don't recall whether the final slash would be needed too)--so should it be 11 (or 12) bytes?
On the one hand, the implementation defines the language, so TIO Vim could be considered its own dialect; on the other hand, the TIO interpreter is actually V, not Vim, so the auto-completion is arguably a feature of V that shouldn't be used in pure Vim answers.
@DLosc V auto adds newlines,so the newline is required in a vim answer
@DLosc you can omit the last two slashes to replace single occurrence with nothing
this is in the thread

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