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@nmjcman101 What do you think would be a good mnemonic for toggle wrapscan?
@nmjcman101 Nice, I'm way behind :)
@DJMcMayhem a single byte mnemonic? Or did you want to do the "toggle" byte + "what to toggle" byte?
I think <M-/> or <M-?> could work, although I like <M-?> for "random" as well
I'm not sure. If it's the second, I'll definitely do <M-:> but I think it might be worth A single byte one
Yeah for "toggle byte" <M-:> seems like a good one
I used :se ri in an answer today too, could be useful
That already exists. It's an insert mode mapping
Yeah I left you a comment but it's ^_
Oh cool
Also, you can get rid of the vimscript in your answer if you take advantage of the fact that will run the macro 0 times.
If I understand the question correctly, this is valid: Try it online!
Ugh, it would be 4 bytes shorter if I made that mapping work in normal mode too facepalm
I tried to do what you're talking about
The problem came when the input was a value that was truthy or falsy, and @a != 0 is truthy, so even numbers caused problems
tio.run/nexus/v#@2@Vrh@nn2vAdbjh8EYHqzD3lEx5ISUO6az//… is 22 bytes, but the truthy/falsy is swapped
Do you have to handle all inputs? I think just handling 1/0 is enough
A: ASCII art reflection

LynnPython, 56 bytes lambda s,r:'\n'.join(s[::2*bool(r)-1].split('\n')[::-1]) Call with a string s and any truthy/falsey value r.

Although that's kind of a crappy rule IMO
I think it's different if you're only taking 1/0. Taking 2/0 is different
I couldn't say for sure though. You could just ask Nathan about it
See what he says. I still am of the opinion that having two byte setting toggle encodes is a good soln
Also that answer should probably just be Vim and have a different V answer
Also save 2 bytes on your answer by putting the <C-_> in the second insert rather than on it's own tio.run/nexus/v#@3@44fDGw8vj9K1yDbgy5Q9vDHNPyZQXUuL4/…
While we're at it, cG is better than VGdi`
I think I'll just change mine to Vim and you can throw up the V answer if you want
Then I can't have arguments... but it could just be on the first line
Then just add D and change it to @"
Yeah. DgJ
I think just J is fine
(or I'm biased so I'm trying to insert my name into your code :P)
Nevermind, doesn't work if there are leading spaces
Definitely the bias

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