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@MolagBal I think that I am going to steer clear of SFF chat rooms for the time being. I'm really sorry. You can always find me in The Screening Room if you need me or I can always pop into your Underworld Wiki. Just wanted to let you know :)
@steelersquirrel any chance of us fleeing off-site with Himarm? I'm done with SE chat
@MolagBal Haha! Oh, God. I don't know about fleeing with Himarm. I just want to stay away from SFF chat rooms for a while. I could never be done in The Screening Room. It's usually drama free over there. I'm just not around like I used to be, though.
@steelersquirrel ok well if you hear of an off-site room with himarm that I'm allowed to join, let me know
I'm just going off-site, but the underworld wiki is around if you want to say hello :)
@MolagBal Sure! I will come and say hello to you guys over there!
@steelersquirrel :)
Do you want to have all of us step down as RO
no, it doesn't make any difference
the room will probably get locked in a couple weeks anyway
Okay. Cool, then :)
Bella and I have been off-site for a while
Oh, cool! Are you guys in hangouts or something?
discord :)
they let you make private servers over there
I don't know anything about hangouts actually
Neither do I ;)
I just know discord, so I set up a room there
@steelersquirrel :p
I will definitely come and visit you over on the wiki site! Tell Bella I said hello :)
ok I will :)
Bye! I'm outta here :)
ok bye squirrel :) see you around :)

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