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@MolagBal Hahahaha! :D
@Bellatrix :p
I wonder what that'd look like! :P
does Malfoy Manor have a disco ball? :p
@MolagBal No, I don't think so! :P
@Bellatrix let's install one :p
@MolagBal Hahaha, sure! :P
I wonder what Narcissa would think of that! :P
wait, which one is that?
@MolagBal Bellatrix's sister who owns Malfoy Manor along with her husband.
@Bellatrix the older woman with hair half bleached?
@MolagBal Yeah, her!
@Bellatrix I bet she would be up for a party. Bleached hair = fun-loving :p
why did she and her husband and son all bleach their hair?
@MolagBal She's pretty uptight, actually. :P
@Bellatrix that's a pity. so Bella was the cool sister :p
@MolagBal The husband and son are naturally blonde.
@MolagBal Yeah, definitely! :P
@Bellatrix ok, then they were miscast. dark eyebrows --> not fooling anybody
@MolagBal Yeah, you're right about that! :P
@Bellatrix their hair is colored the same as Narcissa's bleached hair, and her hair obviously doesn't grow like that naturally, so it just looks like they're all into bleaching their hair for some reason
@MolagBal Yeah, it's weird. :P Narcissa was actually supposed to be naturally blonde in the books, but they changed it for the movies.
@Bellatrix weirdness :p
@MolagBal Yeah. :P Bella always had dark hair though. :)
@Bellatrix good :) does she look the same as in the books?
@MolagBal It is! :) Yes she does! :) Her hair wasn't mentioned as being crazy, but it wasn't supposed to not be either. :)
@Bellatrix neat! I think her hair is just right, but that other picture you showed me is nice too, with the wavy hair :)
@MolagBal Yeah! :) I think her hair is just right too, I wouldn't have it any other way! :)
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D
@MolagBal Oh neat, a pancakes emoji! :)
@Bellatrix I found the master list of emojis :-o unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
@MolagBal That's awesome! 0_0
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D Now you can send any emojis you want! :)
@Bellatrix yes :)
@MolagBal Cool! :)
@MolagBal Cool! 😀😄
🍕 ←an old one but a classic
@MolagBal Yeah! 🙂 Here's a 🥃 to go with the 🍕!
thanks 😋
@MolagBal You're welcome! 😄
I don't know how our forefathers ever communicated without emojis 🐱
@MolagBal Me neither! 😛
@MolagBal Neat! :)
@MolagBal 🙂
@Bellatrix 😺
@MolagBal 😸
half an hour until I can go home 🕰
@MolagBal Oh great, you're almost there! 😄
5 minutes!
@MolagBal Yay!! :D
ok going home :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye for now! :)
@Bellatrix I'm home :)
@MolagBal Yay! :)
3 hours later…
@steelersquirrel woohoo I got my new keyboard!
10 hours later…
I spy a @Bella
@MolagBal Yeah, I'm here! :)
@Bellatrix :) :)
@MolagBal :) :)
Did you make it to work on time today?
@Bellatrix well... no :-/ but I was much earlier than yesterday :)
I was half an hour late. I think I can get here on time tomorrow if I go to bed at a reasonable hour :)
@MolagBal Sorry... :( But that's good. :)
@MolagBal That's not bad! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
Good job being only a little late! :)
@Bellatrix thanks :)
@MolagBal You're welcome! :)
@MolagBal Scheme cat! Nice! 😈
@Bellatrix there's no emoji for a cat face sticking out its tongue. what a tragedy 😺+😛
@MolagBal Yeah, I don't know why there isn't one! 😛
it's a tragic oversight! 😛
@MolagBal It is! 😛
off to a meeting in a minute
@MolagBal Okay. 😮
talk to you later :)
@MolagBal Bye for now! :)
1 hour later…
@Bellatrix I'm back :)
@MolagBal Yay! :)
@Bellatrix hey :)
@MolagBal Hey! :)
Were there good snacks at the meeting today? :P
no :( :p but somebody in the meeting randomly mentioned that they wish there were cookies :p
I'm going to go heat up my lunch :) 🌯
@MolagBal Aww sorry. :(
@MolagBal Good idea, they didn't feed you in the meeting. :P
I finally got my reply to Rockchick up! :)
@Bellatrix oh cool :)
@MolagBal Yeah! :)
@MolagBal What's that second emoji of? 🤔
@Bellatrix it's a burrito :) or it's supposed to be :p
Rockchick is a huge Eva Green fan, so it was only a matter of time before she came up in your conversation :p
the guy in the next cubicle over keeps making personal phone calls at his desk 😒
@MolagBal Oh, okay! :)
@MolagBal Ah, I didn't know that! :P
@MolagBal That sounds annoying! 😕
@Bellatrix I watched one Eva Green film on her recommendation, and will probably watch more once I get around to it :)
@Bellatrix it is 😾
@MolagBal Okay! :) I am probably going to look up the Camelot show she recommended. :)
@Bellatrix cool :)
@MolagBal Ugh! 😡
@MolagBal Yeah! :) I'll let you know what I find out! :)
@Bellatrix awesome :)
@MolagBal :)
I'm Googling it now! :)
Oh... oh no... look what happens in the last episode. :( "Morgan visits Sybil's grave and, upon hearing a voice telling her to bear a child, disguises herself as Guinevere and has sex with Arthur."
It's everywhere..... :(
@Bellatrix that's disappointing and doesn't even make sense o_O
@Bellatrix I'm sorry Bella :(
@MolagBal Agreed!! 0_0 I mean, what? 0_0
@MolagBal Aww. Thank you! :)
I think I'm going to stick with the historically inaccurate Gothic not-weird Morgana, thanks! :P
@Bellatrix k :p
@MolagBal Yeah! :P
@Bellatrix :-o
@MolagBal That's historically inaccurate Gothic no-childbearing Morgana. 0_0
@Bellatrix nice :) do you have a dress like that?
@MolagBal Yeah, I have a lace jacket that looks like the lace on her sleeves. So yeah kind of. :)
@Bellatrix a lace jacket? :-o I didn't know those existed, but it sounds cool :)
@MolagBal Yeah, it is! :) My mom found it. I'd have to wear the jacket with either a dress or skirt and top, but it looks the same as her dress in the end. :)
@Bellatrix neat :D
@MolagBal It is! :D
she looks really nice
So, can you see the historical inaccuracy past the awesome? :P Because I couldn't. :P
@MolagBal Yeah, she does! :D
@Bellatrix I don't even know what she's supposed to look like :p
@Bellatrix 😍
@MolagBal Me neither! :P
@MolagBal 😍 She's my second favorite villain.
Bet you can guess the first! 😛
@Bellatrix oh yeah 😛
@MolagBal Good! 😛
If you couldn't, I'd think you weren't paying attention! 😛
@Bellatrix I'll admit that my brain walked off for a moment but it's back now 😛
@MolagBal Did it walk off so much you'd forget who my favorite villain is?! 😛
@Bellatrix no comment 😛
@MolagBal Hahaha! 😛 Hint: her name is on your screen a lot! 😛
@Bellatrix it's Molag Bal, isn't it???? He is genderless and can incarnate as a woman if he/she wants to 😛
@MolagBal Yeah, you got it! 😛
I'm just kidding. :) don't kill me 😛
@MolagBal Hahahaha! 😛
I know you are, silly! 😛
I'm just making sure :) can't risk angering a Death Eater 😛
@MolagBal Yeah. :) Although you're a daedric prince, you can probably take me down. 😛
I'd rather we work together to conquer the world though! 🙂
@Bellatrix 😛 I think Molag Bal would love Death Eaters, so let's just get along :)
@MolagBal 😛 Yeah, definitely! :)
oh Rockchick replied already :-o
@MolagBal Wow, that's fast! O_O
I've just learned not to read more accurate Arthurian legends. :P
@Bellatrix at least you can stick to the inaccurate ones :p
@MolagBal Yeah, I'm staying with inaccurate Gothic Morgana. :P
@Bellatrix pretty sure I prefer her clothes to whatever is accurate for her time period :p
@MolagBal Yeah, me too! :P
She's Gothic, pretty, kicks heinie, and doesn't have any children or desire to have them. :) That beats historical accuracy any day! :P
@Bellatrix yeah! :p
@MolagBal Definitely! :D
that reminds me: later, I think I'll find you a few screenshots from Underworld 3. The vampire women wear cool, black clothes that are not even remotely period-appropriate. The film is set around the year 1400 but you wouldn't know it from the way the women dress :)
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :)
From what Rockchick is telling me, I should never watch "Once Upon a Time". There are so much babies and parental love, I think I'd puke! 🤢
@Bellatrix at least she warned you :-/
@MolagBal No actually, I went to the wiki, saw all the ick, and decided to ask her about it myself. :P
@Bellatrix oh sorry
@MolagBal That's all right. :) She's accidentally recommended me motherhood stuff, like the story arc with Maleficent she likes is about her getting her baby back. :(
@Bellatrix :( maybe she doesn't understand your preferences yet
@MolagBal Yeah. :( I am trying to explain and hopefully she'll start to get it soon.
she's really cool though, seriously. I hope she isn't bothering you :(
@MolagBal Yeah, she seems cool. :) She just needs to stop recommending me stuff where the villains have babies!! :(
@Bellatrix sorry Bella :(
@MolagBal Yeah... :( Plus, it's the villains having babies, not even the heroes. :( She seems nice though. For now, I'm just not trusting her recommendations. :P
I'm not sure how to explain eww motherhood more clearly...
I don't know :( She mentioned Dark Shadows and I can certify that the female villain is crazy and has no interest in children
I can't recall how she dresses at the moment, but it's probably cool. Also, she's in a non-traditional role (CEO/immortal witch)
@MolagBal Okay! Awesome then! :D
@MolagBal I will be okay with her wearing a plastic bag if she's crazy and has no interest in children! :P
@MolagBal :) I trust you on this! :)
@Bellatrix I'm relatively sure that she wears sexy dresses at least sometimes. Also an uglyish pantsuit once, if I recall :p
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal Oh cool! :D About the pantsuit, like I said, if she doesn't care about children and is a crazy villain, she can wear whatever! :P
but Eva Green makes pretty much any clothes look good
oh, Dark Shadows has HBC :-o
in a fairly unremarkable role :-/ but she does have an interesting twist later :)
@Bellatrix k :)
@MolagBal Oh okay! 0_0
@MolagBal That's cool! :) I didn't know she was in that! :)
@Bellatrix just remember that she gets more interesting as the film progresses :) I don't want to spoil it :p
there's a lot of content in the film, especially in the first 10 minutes, so it would take rewatching once or twice to catch it all. Rockchick and I talked about it at length on her message wall :)
probably more than once or twice to catch everything, actually
@MolagBal Okay, I'll make sure to keep that in mind! :)
@Bellatrix but Eva Green (the female villain) is well worth watching :)
the film focuses on Barnabas (a vampire guy) but Eva (I forget her character's name) is more interesting
@MolagBal Once there are no surprise babies, I hate surprise babies. :P
@MolagBal Cool! :)
@MolagBal Okay, neat! :)
@Bellatrix no babies, I promise :)
@MolagBal Yay!! :)
I do recall one or two instances of mothers fiercely defending their children, if that would bother you
but everybody in the film is so messed up that it really doesn't seem too much like a metaphor for the power of love or anything. most of the people we see in the film are at least mildly evil or mildly crazy.
I guess it depends on how you interpret it.
@MolagBal Once those mothers aren't the cool people. :P
@MolagBal Oh good, so this isn't another instance of dumb symbolism mom.
@Bellatrix you might be able to interpret it that way, but if they tried to put any heartwarming themes in the film, they kind of failed :p
@Bellatrix Eva's character definitely has no children, and I doubt she's even capable of childbirth anymore
@MolagBal Well, good! :P
@MolagBal Oh yay!! :D
@Bellatrix :)
I have some work to do now. Won't be at my desk for a while. I'll talk to you later :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye for now! :)
1 hour later…
@Bellatrix I'm back :)
@MolagBal Yay! :)
I wrote Rockchick a really long reply, and explained that I'd rather avoid motherhood plots than have historically accurate stories. :P
I just read it :) :)
you know some vampire mythology?
@MolagBal Cool! :) :) Did you like it?
@MolagBal Yeah, I do! :)
did I like your reply? umm I guess so
@Bellatrix I have a vampire mythology book, but I haven't read a lot of it yet
it has stories of creatures that seem more like the modern idea of werewolves. here's my summary of one of the stories I read:
in Mos Eisley, Mar 15 '16 at 3:10, by amaretto
dude is a werewolf with 9 daughters. He kills 8 of them. #9 runs and throws articles of clothing at him. He feels compelled to unravel each one and sew them back together. Daughter #9 hides in a haystack and the werewolf loses her. Daughter marries a king, has kids. Werewolf kills kids. Witch doctor resurrects kids. King banishes woman but takes her back later. Werewolf is caught and killed. There you have it.
@MolagBal Oh cool! Yeah, I have one of those too! :)
@Bellatrix neat :)
in Mos Eisley, Mar 15 '16 at 3:10, by amaretto
oh, #9 ended up completely naked from that throwing clothes part of the story
my username was amaretto for a while in the days of yore
@MolagBal Yeah, it is! :) The one I have said a little bit about vampire mythology from various cultures, and even mentioned some of the modern adaptations of vampires. :)
@Bellatrix oh that sounds cool!
@MolagBal It is! :) I'll see if I can find you more about it! :D
@Bellatrix cool :)
@MolagBal It's upstairs in my room, so if I can't remember the name, I'll just go check it. :)
:37312306 Wow, I've never heard a vampire story like that one! :P
@Bellatrix yeah it was weird :p
@MolagBal Sounds like it! :P
@Bellatrix my impression from doing a little bit of reading (on Wikipedia 😶) is that modern vampires seem to be most closely related to Eastern European myths, just like popular culture seems to think. Other undead creatures frequently seem to be different in some notable way from our usual idea of vampires. Although there is Lilith, who seems vampiric, and probably isolated examples here and there in other cultures.
the draugr, for example, are vaguely reminiscent of vampires but not really
oh Rockchick replied to you again :)
@MolagBal That's pretty much what I think too. :) The modern vampires in the stories we read seem most similar to the Eastern European vampires. So it makes sense why vampires are so often shown as being from there. Yeah, other undead creatures are usually different in at least one surprising way.
@MolagBal Wow that is fast! :)
@Bellatrix cool :) well that's why your book sounds interesting, if it covers various cultures. The book I have is mainly about Eastern European myths, I think, although I think it also covers a modern folklore of a region in Canada where they believed in vampires as of the 1970s :o
@Bellatrix :) if you catch her when she's awake and off work, she can reply pretty promptly :)
@MolagBal Yeah! :) It does cover various cultures, plus there are some pictures as well. It's not super in depth but it's nice.Wow, there are people in Canada who believed in vampires that late?! 0_0
@MolagBal Oh cool! :)
@Bellatrix that sounds cool :) yeah, if I remember right, the author interviewed a guy who claimed to be a vampire :-o their idea of vampirism was different from the mainstream idea. I don't think the guy who said he was a vampire attempted a diet of blood, for example. I'd have to dig out the book again to see if I'm remembering correctly though.
^ that's what I have
the Ontario Kashubs are the ones with the modern folklore.
@MolagBal Whoa, that is weird! 0_0
@MolagBal Oh cool! :)
@Bellatrix it's really long but the parts I've read were neat :) I think I may have skimmed some of it to get to the folklore though
@MolagBal Cool! :)
Wow, Rockchick knows a lot about how historical people are supposed to dress. 0_0
@Bellatrix apparently :)
@MolagBal Yeah. :) I was totally not checking Morgana for accuracy. :P
@Bellatrix I was checking out Morgana, but not for accuracy :p
@MolagBal Yeah, me too! :P
I don't understand that "elbows forward" posture like in your picture though. it looks a little odd.
@MolagBal Which picture? The one I posted of Morgana earlier?
@Bellatrix this
would you swing your elbows that far out if you put your hands on your hips? it looks odd to me
@MolagBal Yeah, it does look odd. :/
@Bellatrix my guess is that women do that because hunching forward accentuates their boobs somehow, but I'd like the picture better if she were in a more natural pose. still very pretty though 😚
@MolagBal Oh okay! Yeah, I agree, she'd look better in a more natural pose. But she's still pretty. 😚
@Bellatrix that's just my theory. you could try it in a mirror and observe the results :p
but I can only speculate :p
@MolagBal Yeah, I might. :P
@MolagBal I'm not sure, I'm usually the one taking pictures of myself, and if at least one hand isn't holding the camera, I just keep my arms at my sides.
@Bellatrix let me know what you determine :p
@MolagBal Okay I will! :P
@Bellatrix thanks 🤣
@MolagBal You're welcome! 😛
@Bellatrix I really am curious though :p
@MolagBal Yeah, so am I! :P
@Bellatrix that's an awesome dress 😍
@MolagBal It is! 😍
@Bellatrix oh that's a great picture :-o
@MolagBal Thank you! :D I love that one! :)
@Bellatrix makes me want to watch the show 😍
@MolagBal I know, right? 😍
To heck with inaccuracy, she's gorgeous! 😊
@Bellatrix yes!
@Bellatrix 😙
@MolagBal 😍 She has a somewhat Bellatrix-like style and appearance, that's probably one of the reasons I like her so much. 🙂
@Bellatrix yes :) and that dress seems like something Bellatrix would wear :)
@MolagBal Yeah. :) And it does! :)
Now you see why I love her so much. :)
@Bellatrix do I ever! :p
@MolagBal Hahaha, yeah! :P
oh, her eye shadow matches the color of her skirt
it's like a lace dress over a dark cyan dress or slip... it looks neat :)
@MolagBal Yeah, it does. :)
@MolagBal I think that's what it is... it looks really cool! :)
@Bellatrix yeah! :)
@MolagBal Once Morgana turned evil, her outfits got awesome! :)
@Bellatrix :D
you could do all sorts of cool outfits with semitransparent layers like that 🤔
@MolagBal :D Yeah, it would be awesome! 😄
Right now, I'm writing Rockchick a reply, and frankly I don't know what to do with all this talk of accurate mythology. 😛
@Bellatrix I'm sure you'll think of something 😛
perhaps "your accurate mythology is far inferior to my lace dress over a cyan slip!"
@MolagBal Yeah, I'm trying! 😛
@MolagBal I like that answer! 😛
@Bellatrix 😛
@MolagBal 😛 I mean, I don't love Morgana for her portrayal of Arthurian mythology or accurate costuming. 😛
@Bellatrix neither do I 😛
@MolagBal Exactly! 😛 It's hard enough to find a cool female villain who doesn't become a mother! When I actually find one, I'm not going to check her for if she's dressed correctly for her time period. 😛
@Bellatrix yes, wouldn't want to get too picky 😛
@MolagBal Agreed! 😛
Plus, Goth clothes > historically accurate boring clothes. 😛
@Bellatrix so true 😛 what do you think about the undertone of color in Morgana's dress? my first impression is that she was wearing all black, but it's really only a black top layer with muted color showing through. I think it's neat, but I kind of envisioned Goth clothes as being closer to 100% black.
@MolagBal Yeah! 😛 I like it, but I'd probably prefer all black. It does make the lace more visible though. Usually, Goth clothes are either all or mostly black, but they sometimes include small bits of other dark colors to make details stand out a bit more that might be hard to see if everything was black.
@Bellatrix oh that makes sense :)
@MolagBal Yeah. :) Like, having the different color makes the lace on Morgana's dress more visible than if her slip was black as well.
@Bellatrix I like the subtle shine of color to it too, but then again, I am not Goth :p
@MolagBal It looks nice the way she did it. :) By the way, a good way of making two black layers contrast is by choosing two sufficiently different materials. Like, putting a black lace dress over a silky black slip with a lot of shine in the fabric.
@Bellatrix oh that sounds cool!
@MolagBal Yeah, it is! :) Getting black to show up nicely against black takes talent. :)
@Bellatrix if anybody knows how to do it, you would! :D
@MolagBal Aww, thank you! :D
I figured out something to say to Rockchick, which hopefully politely expresses my preference for awesome villains and no motherhood plots for them over historical accuracy. :)
In case you didn't see it, this is her description of accurate clothes: In the Dark Ages people would've worn simpler clothing, less tailored, more practical etc; they would've used rough fabrics like wool and furs - pretty much what they could get locally and it would've been dyed with natural dyes so wouldn't have necessarily been that brightly coloured.
Morgana's Gothic outfits look way cooler than that would, I'm sure. :P
@Bellatrix yes :) although I think I would do OK sporting the authentic Dark Ages look :p I'm a simple man :p
@MolagBal Definitely! :) Yeah, you probably would. :) I think the men's clothes also looked less dorky, but I'm not sure. :)
@Bellatrix men's clothing styles barely change over centuries anyway :p
@MolagBal Yeah, so you'd be fine! :P
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
I mean, unless we're talking about chain mail and armor, that looks like it would get really uncomfortable really quickly. :P
@Bellatrix probably :p but at least I could carry a sword :D
@MolagBal Yeah. :P But you could always carry a sword without the armor! :D
I don't think there was any rule against that. :P
@Bellatrix probably not :p
@MolagBal Agreed! :P Besides, if there was and anyone tried to enforce it... You have a sword! :P
@Bellatrix what if the person enforcing has a sword and armor :( :p
@MolagBal Then run! :P You'd be easily able to outrun someone weighed down by heavy armor! :D
@Bellatrix perfect plan! :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D
Want to know something weird I learned? :P
@Bellatrix yes of course I do :D
@MolagBal Because it was so difficult to remove, knights used to pee in their armor a lot of times. 🤢
@Bellatrix ick :-|
@MolagBal Yeah no kidding! :^|
I'm going to shower, I'll be back soon. :)
ok :)
try that elbows out thing :p
@MolagBal See you soon! :)
@MolagBal I will! :P
@Bellatrix k :D :p bye :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye! :)

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