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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

i havent been in a sff chatroom for so long
15 hours later…
@Bella I was late for work -_-
@MolagBal Aww, sorry! :(
@Bellatrix I'll try again tomorrow :)
don't let me stay up until 4 :p
@MolagBal Okay! :) I won't! :P
@bleh OMG! Where in the heck have you been?
@MolagBal You were up until 4? Wuuuuuuuut?!?!?!
@steelersquirrel not yesterday, but probably a couple times last week
@Bellatrix did you perchance try to reply to Rockchick? because it doesn't show one. I have no way of knowing if you read her messages unless you reply. not saying you have to reply to every message forever... I'm just checking :p
@steelersquirrel I'm trying to be Responsible Phil this week
Rockchick is apparently awesome!
@MolagBal Well...you're in the wrong place, then ;)
@steelersquirrel yes she is :p she's at the Underworld wiki if you want to talk Underworld or vampires or villains or stuff with her :)
@steelersquirrel :p
@MolagBal Maybe later tonight. I have to leave in a short bit :)
@steelersquirrel nice of you to stop by :)
@MolagBal I did... I think. :^/
@Bellatrix :^/
@MolagBal Last time I stopped by over there, nobody was around :(
@Bellatrix try this link underworld.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:13759 it seemed to work last time
@steelersquirrel oh well we use the forums, mainly. but the forums are buggy, sadly :(
@MolagBal Thanks! :)
@steelersquirrel and I meant nice of you to stop by in here :)
@MolagBal Oh...sorry. Of course! We have a new person in here instead of just the two of us!
@steelersquirrel it's a party \o/
@steelersquirrel Woo, party!
We are all about parties up in here ;)
@steelersquirrel I don't actually party IRL... ;)
I only party in Malfoy Manor
@Bellatrix I don't anymore, either. I got all of that out of my system when I was younger. I go out with my friends on occasion, but nothing that I would consider a party ;)
@steelersquirrel whatever, you had 12 tequila shots just the other day :P
@MolagBal Hehehe! Hey...I had a sip of tequila. I was a good squirrel ;)
@MolagBal Me too! :)
@steelersquirrel still sounds like a party :)
@MolagBal If I did that, my mom would kill me! :P
@MolagBal Well, nothing compared to the parties in college. I went to Portland State. The prerequisite to attending there was that you had to party ;)
@Bellatrix if you did that, you would die :-|
...or wind up without any clothes on ;)
I would just be horribly sick, I suspect
@steelersquirrel 12 shots and she's small and doesn't drink. sounds potentially fatal
@Bellatrix I'm cutting you off at 2 :p
@MolagBal Oh, totally! Any amount of alcohol to someone like her would be potentially fatal.
@steelersquirrel any amount??? nah she can handle 1 or 2
@MolagBal Sorry. I meant the amount contained in 12 shots.
@steelersquirrel oh, yeah. it would be seriously bad for me too
It would be seriously bad for me as well. I'm a total lightweight.
let's all just not have 12 shots of tequila :)
I'm even amazed on how much Napoleon drinks. When we are together, he drinks before, during and after dinner. I would have to be carried out after that. I think it's a European thing.
I hear the Russians drink vodka like water
dunno about Germans
@MolagBal Yeah, probably. :^|
I'm going to go make some tea, and possibly talk to coworkers about work and stuff :-|
Okay. ttyl :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye for now! :)
ho hum
@MolagBal Hi! :)
@Bellatrix hi Bella :)
@MolagBal Welcome back! :)
@Bellatrix thanks :) just reading boring emails from upper management at the moment :p
@MolagBal Yeah, probably a good idea! :P
@MolagBal :) Oh that sounds boring. :P
at least he isn't bragging about his race cars or sailboats this week
he tries to engage in small talk like the common folk do, but he ends up talking about things out of reach to most people
@MolagBal Well, that's good! :)
@MolagBal That would get annoying quickly.
@Bellatrix it does. it's also annoying that he thinks the whole program cares about his personal life. he sends pictures of his kids and stuff -_-
@MolagBal Employees shouldn't have to hear about their boss's personal life. Kid pictures too?! :(
@Bellatrix yep :-/
@MolagBal Eww! :^/
And because he's your boss, you probably can't say eww. :(
well, he works on California, so we can all say eww and he won't hear us :)
he's several levels above me, so I never have to see him
@MolagBal Oh good! :)
@MolagBal Also good! :)
@MolagBal :) I'm writing Rockchick a new reply now, my iPad lost my old one.
@Bellatrix sorry the forums don't work very well :( that's really annoying
@MolagBal That's okay. :) It's not your fault. :)
@Bellatrix I hope it doesn't make it too frustrating trying to talk over there. You and Rockchick seem to get along well :)
@MolagBal Once I use the right link, and copy my reply before I send it, it works okay. :) Yeah, I think we're getting along well. :)
Okay, I got my reply to stick this time! :)
@Bellatrix cool :)
@MolagBal Yeah. :)
we'll get new wikia forums eventually, but it's anyone's guess whether they'll be better or worse. Let's hope they're better :)
@MolagBal Hopefully they'll be better! :)
I just don't want to request to use their work-in-progress forums unless the bureaucrat says it's ok. Some people have been upset that Wikia is talking about changing forum software.
They're planning to take some features away, but hopefully nothing essential, and if the new forums work better than what we have, it will be worth it
@MolagBal Oh, okay. I didn't realize new forums were a contentious issue.
@Bellatrix it's partly just that "change is bad", and partly because the new forums have been a bit underwhelming so far. They're still working on them though.
@MolagBal So then hopefully the forums will improve and people won't be disappointed. :)
@Bellatrix yes :)
@MolagBal :)
I just saw a website is doing one of those "how did the Harry Potter series change your life" things where people submit their stories. :P I bet they've never gotten a story like mine would be. :P
@Bellatrix probably not :p
@MolagBal Yeah, everyone will have some story about how Harry, Hermione, or even Luna affected their lives. :P
@Bellatrix Luna's cute. Does that count as her affecting my life? :p
she brightened my day slightly, anyway
@MolagBal Sure! :P
I'd say Bellatrix has affected it more though, because you've accidentally found a younger version of her on the Internet. :P
@Bellatrix my life is way better because of all the Bellatrices I got introduced to :D
@MolagBal Aww! :D I'm happy to hear that! :D
@Bellatrix :)
well it's true :)
@MolagBal :) You rock! :)
@Bellatrix thanks Bella :) so do you :p
@MolagBal Aww, you are sweet! :)
too bad we don't have a belladonna emoji in here :p
@MolagBal :) Yeah. :P
We do have this cool rose, though: 🥀
oh that's fancy
I dunno how you did that :p
@MolagBal Oh thanks! :)
@MolagBal It's on the emoji keyboard! :) You should have it too! :)
@Bellatrix hummmmm maybe it's an iPad thing?
@MolagBal Yeah, maybe. It's in Unicode as "wilted flower" if that helps. :)
that reminds me... property in Oklahoma is ridiculously cheap, so I ended up in a house that's larger than I need, just because that's what was available and so on. I have been tempted to close off a portion of the house, and put a wilted rose in a glass case somewhere in the closed-off area. Then I'll invite people over and tell them never to enter the west wing and then leave them unattended near the entrance to the wing, in the hopes that somebody goes and finds the wilted flower :p
@MolagBal Oh my gosh you should totally do that!! :D
@Bellatrix I can type emojis better at home. I think the firewall here blocks me from sending some of them
@MolagBal Oh, okay. :)
@Bellatrix :) it would be a lot of setup but it would be fun :p
@MolagBal Yeah! :) I loved that movie so I think that's way awesome! :D
@Bellatrix :D
have you seen the remake? I haven't.
@MolagBal :D
@MolagBal Not yet. :) I want to see it, but I don't get to go to the theater much, so I'm waiting for it to come out on DVD.
@Bellatrix yeah :) I would have felt silly going to see it in the theater by myself
I went to see Underworld 5 in the theater. Other than that, I hardly ever go to theaters anyway.
@MolagBal :) Oh, don't worry about people noticing you, if that's what you're worried about. :) I went to see Fantastic Beasts by myself, and no one stopped to ask me if I was old enough. :)
@Bellatrix I suppose you're right :)
@MolagBal Yeah, people don't care, they're busy watching the movie. :)
@Bellatrix do people really think you're a little kid, given the way you dress? o_O
a Goth kid who dresses like an adult??
@MolagBal Yes!! 0_0 It's very annoying!
@Bellatrix that would be annoying :(
@MolagBal Yeah, it is. :( I'm not sure why they think a kid would dress like I do. :P
Unless the kid is Wednesday Addams, no kid dresses like a Goth. :P
@Bellatrix :p
so you weren't a Goth baby?
@MolagBal :P
@MolagBal I was, pretty much, but I didn't know how to do it yet or that there was a word for it.
@Bellatrix oh :) so you weren't dressing the part at 12
@MolagBal Yeah, exactly. :) I had a dark personality since I know myself. :) I've always liked villains, vampires and wizards. So I've been a Goth before I even knew what a Goth was. :P But I dressed pretty "normal" until like 13 or 14. Then I discovered it's possible to wear all black, and I begged my mom for a new darker wardrobe.
and your mom is cool, so she let you do it :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D She took me to every clothing store near where I live and helped me find suitable clothes. :)
@Bellatrix that's great :) she could have said, "no you may not, young lady. now go to your room and put on something pink"
@MolagBal Yeah, she's awesome! :D Most moms probably would have done that, but not mine because she rocks. :D
@Bellatrix :D :)
@MolagBal :D :)
If I remember well, she wasn't even particularly surprised. :) She was just like "okay, you want black and maybe red clothes, we'll go sometime this week". :D
I was so nervous about asking her, but it turned out I had no reason to worry. :)
@Bellatrix that's great :) :)
@MolagBal Yeah, my mom is the coolest mom ever! :) :)
do you have any red clothes? or a reserve of other colors in case you need to disguise yourself as a muggle?
@MolagBal Yes. :) And definitely yes! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
I would guess that dark gray would fit your wardrobe pretty well too, not that I would know
@MolagBal Yeah, I have some dark gray as well. :)
@Bellatrix neat :) I think I showed you a picture of Amelia wearing what looked like a medium gray dress
@MolagBal Yeah. :) You did, it was cool! :)
@Bellatrix :)
oh I had a question: do you ever go swimming? do you have a Goth swimsuit? :-o
@MolagBal No, I don't really go swimming. :)
@Bellatrix I can't even imagine a Goth swimsuit :p besides it being black
pretty sure I have a swimsuit, but I haven't gone swimming in at least 12 years. maybe closer to 15.
I go swimming almost every day! It's the best exercise!
@MolagBal Yeah, I don't know what that would look like! :P
@steelersquirrel I miss swimming but I dunno where to go. And I'm ummmm not eager to dress like that in public
@MolagBal Hehehehe! Well, you're a boy. Just look at what we girls have to wear to go swimming ;)
@MolagBal I have my mom's old bikini, if I ever need swimwear, I'd use that probably. :P
@Bellatrix surely there's a Goth out there who goes swimming, and has figured it out :)
@steelersquirrel true. I should stop complaining :p
@MolagBal Probably! :)
@Bellatrix I bet it isn't black though! :-o
I usually wear a body suit, just because the water is always so cold.
you swim outdoors in the frozen north? :-o
@MolagBal No, it's colorful. I'd feel pretty silly in it honestly. 0_0
@Bellatrix well that won't do at all 0_0
@MolagBal Yeah. :P
@MolagBal No, but the water is still cold ;)
hmm, what would HP!Bellatrix wear while swimming...
@steelersquirrel oh I see how it is :p
She would go skinny dipping!
there's your answer, Bella :p
It's kinda hard to swim laps while skinny dipping, though ;)
@MolagBal Good question, I don't know! Probably something black! :)
@steelersquirrel I doubt it! :P
@steelersquirrel why, too much, umm... wiggling? :p
@MolagBal Yeah. There are a few things that would get in the way ;)
@steelersquirrel more than two? o_O
I better stop asking for explanations before everyone gets flagged :p
@MolagBal Well, by a few... I mean two ;)
@steelersquirrel oh, ok :p
@steelersquirrel do you cover your hair with anything? seems like long hair would be in the way
@MolagBal Maybe something like this! :)
@MolagBal Oh, God. If someone flags that, that would be lame ;)
oh wow
@MolagBal Yep. I wear a swim cap :)
quick squirrel, is that going to get flagged for being too awesome?
@Bellatrix Oh, I would totally swim in that! ;)
@steelersquirrel send pics :p
@MolagBal No way! That's definitely not flag worthy!
@steelersquirrel ok good :)
@steelersquirrel Just curious, are you a Goth too?!
@Bellatrix I'm in love
@MolagBal Haha! You really don't want to see me in my swim cap and goggles. It's very unattractive ;)
@steelersquirrel no of your goth swimsuit once you get one :p
@MolagBal Yeah, that is cool! :)
@Bellatrix No, not at all. I really like vampires, though :)
@steelersquirrel Oh okay. :)
@MolagBal My boyfriend would be the only one to see me in something like that. I'm sorry :(
maybe Bella will send pics then :p
but if it's just a black, one-piece swimsuit, with some waterproof leggings and stuff...
@MolagBal Sure, here's another! :P
You're going to make MolagBal explode ;)
@Bellatrix take off the jacket and that might make a useable swimsuit
@MolagBal Well, yeah! :) The jacket I think is just a cover up for when she gets out of the water.
@Bellatrix if she's dressing like that, I dunno if she cares about covering up
@steelersquirrel oh I sort of remember you saying that you didn't know why I changed names. I took a villainous name in solidarity with Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal Well, when she gets out of the water, she could get cold. Not for modesty, for not freezing! :)
@Bellatrix oh, I get it :D
@MolagBal Yeah, being wet makes it easy to get cold. :)
@MolagBal You rock! :D
@Bellatrix well I changed my name because you rock, soooooo.... :)
@MolagBal Aww! :)
@MolagBal Oh, you already told me :)
@steelersquirrel oh did I? well know I told you again :p
Now I know twice! ;)
@Bellatrix that looks more like something to wear while walking on the beach
so Goth beachwear, and those earlier pictures are Goth swimwear?
more or less
@MolagBal Yeah, pretty much! :)
I actually don't really like the beach. :P It's hot, really hot, and you get sand in places it doesn't belong. :(
@Bellatrix well as for hot beaches, you might like the Oregon coast :) if you catch it on a nice day
it's a very nice temperature. wouldn't want to swim though. the water's too cold.
the Virginia beach was nice too. I never tried to swim, but I think the water there is warmer than in Oregon
@MolagBal Ha! I know, right? When Napoleon was here, he ripped his clothes off and dove in! I was shocked! ;)
my favorite beaches are on lakes though. Nice and calm, no riptides to drag you to your doom.
@steelersquirrel was he shocked too? :-o
@MolagBal Oh, okay! :) Yeah, I hate baking in the sun. I'm not a turkey, I don't need to bake! :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal Oh, that sounds nice. :)
@MolagBal No, not really...which shocked me even more ;)
@steelersquirrel yeah I can imagine :p
@steelersquirrel was he wearing a swimsuit? o_O
@MolagBal Yeah, I'm the exact opposite of a sun worshipper. :P I hate it, I much prefer cold and cloudy days.
@Bellatrix I like cold and cloudy :) it used to be more or less the only thing I liked, but my tastes have broadened since then. Now I'm OK with everything but tornadoes. :p
@MolagBal Oh cool! :)
@Bellatrix I like the diffuse lighting of overcast days. And cold weather seems so calm somehow
@MolagBal Hehehehe! Yes!
@steelersquirrel phew :p
@Bellatrix or... I don't actually know why I like cold weather. Maybe it reminds me of Iowa.
@MolagBal Yeah, it's really nice! :)
Gotta go. Squirrel out ;)
bye squirrel :)
@MolagBal Cold weather is nice! :)
@steelersquirrel Bye! :)
Most people are like "oh it's a hot sunny day, isn't it beautiful" and I'm like no... no it's not. It's really not.
well, I grew to like hot, sunny days eventually, but they were never my preference growing up
I'm not sure, but I may have changed my mind in grad school, when I was working nights. It was dark all the time for weeks on end, pretty much. It wore on me eventually.
If I'm working nights or feeling gloomy, sunlight helps. If I'm feeling good, I'd just as soon have clouds. I'm OK with lots of weather these days.
@MolagBal Oh, that's cool! :) You are very weather-tolerant! :)
@MolagBal Sunlight would definitely not help my mood in any situation. :P
@Bellatrix :p
@Bellatrix I am not really sure why I changed my mind. But when I was your age, I think I would have agreed :p
@MolagBal I don't know, but you're more weather-tolerant than me, so that's good. :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal :P What happens if I don't change my mind?
@Bellatrix then you should move to Oregon :p
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :)
@Bellatrix or British Columbia. Anywhere near the Pacific coast in that area, probably
@MolagBal Cool! :D
summers in Oregon are sunny but mild
@MolagBal That's a lot better than ridiculously hot. :)
@Bellatrix yes :)
@MolagBal :)
I get the feeling that I told you this already, but... one summer, it was 105+ every day, and then we got a 95 degree day. It felt chilly.
@MolagBal No, that one is new! :P Yikes! 0_0
I was walking on pavement in full sunlight on a 95-degree afternoon. I detected a faint nip in the air, because I was used to 110
@MolagBal Wow! 0_0
Where were you living then?! The Sahara Desert?! 0_0
@Bellatrix I mean, it felt hot, but not like 110. At 110, the heat seeps into your bones. At 95, the heat only seeps into your muscles or something :p that is my entirely unscientific explanation
@Bellatrix no, Oklahoma :p
@MolagBal Whoa! I would not deal well in Oklahoma then! :P
I'd melt into a puddle of Gothic goo! :P
@Bellatrix hahaha oh Bella :p
@Bellatrix that's the whole Great Plains, to some extent. Hot in the summer and cold in the winter. We aren't close enough to any oceans to moderate the weather.
@MolagBal :P All that would be left of me might be the skull necklace. :P
also, the highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was measured some 20 miles southwest of me
@Bellatrix I'd pick it up and give it a proper burial :)
@MolagBal Aww, you're sweet! :)
@MolagBal If I ever visit them, I'll do it in winter! I can handle cold weather well. :)
@Bellatrix I hope you can handle ice storms :p
remind me later and I will show you a picture of my backyard after an ice storm :p
@MolagBal I've never been in one, I don't know! :P
@MolagBal Okay cool! :P
@Bellatrix oh goodness, you don't want to be outside in one. you might die :-|
Ice can build up on the power lines and bring them down
@MolagBal I have zero experience with ice storms, so I didn't know that. :P
@Bellatrix imagine being cold, and freezing rain is falling. everything around you is slowly being coated in a layer of ice.
I've never been outside in one. I know better :p
The 1999 Bridge Creek–Moore tornado (locally referred to as the May 3 tornado) was a very powerful F5 tornado in which the highest wind speeds ever measured globally, 301 miles per hour (484 km/h), were recorded by a Doppler on Wheels (DOW) radar. The tornado devastated southern portions of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, along with surrounding suburbs and towns during the early evening of May 3, 1999. Throughout its 85-minute existence, the tornado covered 38 miles (61 km), destroying thousands of homes, killing 36 people (plus an additional five indirectly), and leaving US$1 billion in damage, ranking...
^ Near where I live now, but before I lived here
@MolagBal Okay... is freezing rain different than snow? :P
@Bellatrix yes, freezing rain is nasty. awful. horrible. nothing but trouble.
@MolagBal Oh okay.
snow is just wonderful little snowflakes falling from the sky. Freezing rain is death rained down from above.
@MolagBal Oh I get it now! :)
I think freezing rain is a little warmer. It falls as liquid, and then freezes on impact
or like, half liquid and half slush. Think of slush falling out of a cloud.
@MolagBal Oh, that sounds weird!
it's bad news
by the way, there are rumors that @Adamant is a vampire
@MolagBal Yikes! That sounds terrible!
if you haven't heard
@MolagBal It sounds like it!
we have our share of bad weather around here
@MolagBal No, I hadn't heard that! 0_0
well that's the rumor :p
@MolagBal How did that start?! :P
@Bellatrix probably his sleep schedule. but you'd have to ask him. I dunno.
@MolagBal Oh okay.
he's lurking over there :p -->
@MolagBal Oh. :P
Is it hot out today where you are?
nope :)
it's 80 right now
dunno if you consider that hot... it's warmish
@MolagBal Cool! :) Or you know, warmish! :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal :P
If cool means cool, does cold then mean even cooler?! :P
maybe :p
@MolagBal :P
so cold-hearted villains are the best :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D
You're cold! :D
@Bellatrix thanks Bella :p you're frigid :p
@MolagBal Thanks! :P You're icy! :P
@MolagBal :P
I'm out of synonyms for cold. :P
@Bellatrix you're... umm... devoid of heat :p
@MolagBal Thanks! :P You're... err... glacial? :P
@Bellatrix you're hypothermic :p I guess
@MolagBal Hahahaha! :P You're... polar? :P
@Bellatrix I ran out of words :p
@MolagBal Yeah, me too! :P
Oh, you're frosty! :P
And... I'm out of words again. :P
@Bellatrix oh that's a good one :)
Bella wins :p
@MolagBal Oh thanks! :)
@MolagBal It's not a competition. :P
@Bellatrix you're a very gracious winner :p
@MolagBal Well, I didn't win anything. :P
@Bellatrix but you graciously didn't win anything :p
@MolagBal Aww thanks! :) :P
ok going to try to find knowledgeable people for work :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye for now! :)
I'm learning stuff :)
a coworker may come back at any time, so if I vanish, that's why :) but I'm getting somewhere now
@MolagBal Oh great! :)
why can't I just go home and relax for the rest of the day? :p
@steelersquirrel school
i still have some but its almost over
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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