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01:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

@MolagBal Aww, no. Too bad though, he's kind of cool. :(
@Bellatrix oh well :( can't trust anybody these days :p
@MolagBal Yeah, he can't not help her.
@MolagBal Agreed... :( Snape is a pretty smart guy, he'd go far in the Death Eaters and be a very good asset.
can everybody do that flying black cloud trick?
@MolagBal Just the Death Eaters. :)
I found you the scene you were missing.
@Bellatrix oh cool :D
@MolagBal Yeah, it's special for the villains! :D
@Bellatrix thanks :)
@MolagBal You're welcome! :) The title is spelled badly but the video is fine.
oh did Snape kill Gandalf because of the unbreakable vow?
@MolagBal Yeah. The way the Unbreakable Vow works is if you break it, you die.
what's the deal with the beat-up girl floating above their conference room table?
@MolagBal Oooh, she's the professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, and she's going to be killed soon.
@Bellatrix muggle studies :-o
@MolagBal Yep. 0_0 So you see why the Death Eaters want to kill her.
@Bellatrix yeah that makes sense :p
those muggles are trouble
@MolagBal The Death Eaters have a method to their killing. :P
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal Nothing good ever came from Muggles. :P
@Bellatrix so true :p
@MolagBal :D
@MolagBal See, we make sense! :P
the redhead
now I fixed the time on the link
@MolagBal That's Ron Weasley, Harry's even dumber friend. :P
wait it looked like a girl o_o
wait I think I gave you the wrong link, but I changed it
yeah sorry the time was wrong at first
@MolagBal This one, right?
no hang on
The picture I just posted is Ron.
then Bella bites her or something later o_O
@MolagBal Oh, her! That's Hermione. Harry's smarter but uptight friend who later marries the guy I thought you meant.
@Bellatrix how smart can she be if she marries Harry's dumb friend? :P
@MolagBal Yeah, Bella bites her.
@Bellatrix why?
@MolagBal Not very. :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal As a method of torture, I guess? :^\
@Bellatrix k :)
the blonde in the prison basement thing is cute
even that dumb elf thinks she's cute o_o
@MolagBal Bella gets way too close to her to torture her. :P
@MolagBal Yeah, that's Luna Lovegood. One of the best of the people who aren't Death Eaters. :)
@Bellatrix pity she isn't a death eater :)
@MolagBal She'd make a really interesting Death Eater. Someone should try to recruit her! :)
:37101574 And that's why I don't feel too bad for Hermione. That and she gets to have Bellatrix on top of her. 0_0
@Bellatrix yeah seriously :p
why don't the death eaters use guns?
do they just hate muggle stuff?
@MolagBal Yeah, I am so jealous... :P I wouldn't even mind a bite, depending on how Bellatrix does it. ;)
@MolagBal It's definitely that they hate Muggle stuff.
@Bellatrix neither would I :p
dobby's annoying
@MolagBal Honestly, I'm kind of really turned on by the idea of her biting me. :P
@Bellatrix it depends on what sort of bite
@MolagBal Bella will fix that soon, don't worry.
@Bellatrix oh good :D
@MolagBal Yeah... :)
@MolagBal She's very helpful! :D
now there's a tied-up dwarf o_O
umm voldemort just killed harry
@MolagBal He comes back to life... unfortunately.
@Bellatrix ಠ_ಠ
maybe she'll fix that part in the rewrite :p
@MolagBal Yeah, we don't actually win. :(
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :D
ok that animation is kind of annoying... sorry Bella :p
I could delete it
@MolagBal That's all right! :) Whatever you want to do is fine.
@MolagBal Yeah... :) Not like "take a chunk of flesh out" but there's a lot of ways she could do it that I'd very much enjoy. :D
@Bellatrix I am scared to make suggestions because this chat is supposed to stay pg-13 :p
but yeah, you're right
I wouldn't actually want to get hurt or anything
@MolagBal Don't worry, I am imaginative. :P
@Bellatrix k :D
@MolagBal Me neither, but I don't mind a little pain. ;)
@MolagBal Yeah. :D
@Bellatrix ;)
@MolagBal ;)
what's the deal with all the snakes?
@MolagBal The really big snake is Voldemort's pet, Nagini.
@Bellatrix is it magical or anything?
@MolagBal Yeah. :) She can kill with her venom, straight out eat people (though I don't think that's magic), Voldemort has total control over her, and she contains a piece of Voldemort's soul.
@Bellatrix oooo that's cool
@MolagBal Yeah, it is! :)
oh no bella just shattered :'(
@MolagBal Aww. I hate that part. :( Now that I know it's coming, I turn it off before it gets to there.
out dualled by somebody's mom :(
doesn't even make sense. was that lady some sort of expert dualler?
@MolagBal Yep. :(
@MolagBal No, it definitely doesn't make sense. The lady was a housewife who wasn't any kind of expert dueler. The author wanted to prove that maternal love would defeat a loyal follower of the Dark Lord. :(
@Bellatrix WHAT!!!!!!
wow that's dumb
@MolagBal NO JOKE!!!!!
@MolagBal It's majorly dumb. :(
@MolagBal Now you see why I only like this for the Death Eaters!
I'm definitely not watching that movie then
Bellatrix is really cool though :)
@MolagBal Agreed! I watched it on DVD, and skipped past Bellatrix dying.
she was fun to watch. I didn't especially like her threatening the cute girl, but everything else was great
@MolagBal Yeah definitely! :) I'm so glad you think so too!
I have a thing for cute girls, even if they aren't death eaters, you see :p
@MolagBal I didn't much like that either, but I loved everything else she did.
@Bellatrix yeah! :D
I mean if she hadn't bit so hard, that part would have been great, but we already covered that :p
@MolagBal I get it. :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal Ha ha yeah! :P Also, if she picked a more receptive person, rather than Hermione the very uptight and not villainous. Hermione wouldn't be into it at all.
@Bellatrix :)
it's weird that hardly anybody joined voldemort when he was calling for volunteers after Harry died
what were they all planning to do, stand there and die?
@MolagBal :) I'd guess you'd have a better chance than me. I don't know if she'd want a girl or like me much... :(
@Bellatrix well she was perfectly willing to climb onto Hermione... :p
@MolagBal That always seemed weird to me. Apparently a lot of people had some weird kind of death wish.
@Bellatrix did anybody know that Harry was planning on being not dead anymore shortly? he just kind of got up like it was no big deal
@MolagBal That was to torture her, does that really mean anything for my chances? :P
@Bellatrix I dunno, but she doesn't seem to have personal space issues, so there's that :p
@MolagBal Nope, nobody knew except Bellatrix's sister, who turned traitor at the last minute.
@Bellatrix the good sister or the muggle lover?
@MolagBal The good sister. She chickened out to save her son. :P
@Bellatrix pfft
@MolagBal If the Dark Lord had won, both her and her son would've been fine. :P
@Bellatrix oh, what might have been :( :p
@MolagBal Yeah... we need a rewrite, done by someone who loves villains!
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D
@MolagBal So maybe I have a shot?! ;) I mean, I'm a lot like her, I'd think she should like me. :P
@Bellatrix well I'll try to keep this PG-13 but... say she wants to torture you. so you offer suggestions, like, "you know, I'd REALLY hate it if you nibbled a little right here..."
@MolagBal Hahaha, clever! :D Then in the process, she might discover that I'm way more like a fellow Death Eater than someone to torture, and decide to recruit me and keep me around. ;)
@Bellatrix maybe you should just become a death eater before she decides to torture you, actually. seems safer that way :p
how do you join?
@MolagBal Yeah, that sounds better! :D Plus I think she'd like me better if she knows from the start I'm on her side! ;)
@Bellatrix yeah :) and she seemed to treat her allies well enough
@MolagBal Yay! :) You're right, she does treat her allies well! She probably would like me after all! :D
@MolagBal Thank you! :D
@MolagBal I'm not actually sure. The only people we actually see join the Death Eaters during the series are people with family already in. But other people without family connections are in the Death Eaters, so there must be some way to join if you don't have a family member who's already a Death Eater.
hmm... maybe he has membership drives like that one before zombie harry came back :p
@MolagBal Maybe! :P
and that snake tattoo communication was interesting
@MolagBal Yeah, that's cool! :) All of the most important Death Eaters have one, and they can use them to communicate with each other and the Dark Lord.
@Bellatrix oooo straight to the top :D
@MolagBal Ha, yeah! :D Any of them can call in the Dark Lord whenever they want.
I wouldn't suggest they do it for trivial reasons though. He'll probably get mad at them and that won't be good.
Bellatrix would never do that though, she's too smart for that.
yeah... "hey voldy... what sort of death are we having for dinner tonight? oh, you're busy?"
@MolagBal Hahahaha! :D That won't end well.
think I'll go to bed in a few minutes
have to finish eating this salad :-/ it's probably healthy or something
@MolagBal Yeah, it's late here too.
@Bellatrix even later for you, isn't it?
well it's 1:48 here
@MolagBal It's 2:48 here.
yeah that's pretty late
I hope I wasn't keeping you up
@MolagBal You are but I don't mind! :D I'm on pain meds and not feeling well, so staying up and talking about Bellatrix is much better than just staying here feeling terrible. :)
poor Bella :( well I hope you feel better soon
sorry to bail on you but I have to be at work in 6 hours :(
I have a few minutes yet but I'll be off to bed pretty soon
@MolagBal Aww thanks! :) I should be okay in a few days, this happens every month.
@Bellatrix :(
@MolagBal No problem, I should at least try to go to sleep soon. :)
@Bellatrix yes that sounds like a good idea :)
@MolagBal It sucks. :(
@Bellatrix wish I could help... in some way other than typing your ear off :p
@MolagBal Yeah. Probably. :)
the squirrel is a nurse you know, in case you need free medical advice :D :p
it's not really her job, but I ask her stuff sometimes and she answers me :)
@MolagBal Typing my ear off is plenty of help! :D You are cheering me up. :)
@Bellatrix you're cheering me up too :)
@MolagBal Good to know! :) But I'm not sure if it counts as a medical condition if it happens every month.
@MolagBal Aww, thank you! :)
@Bellatrix I think it still counts
@MolagBal Okay, thanks! :)
I think I better log off. try to get some sleep soonish :)
@MolagBal Okay, good night! :) Thanks so much for inviting me to your super secret room! :D
@Bellatrix thanks for coming :D I felt like we were taking over mos sometimes, and maybe we can have our more off-topic conversations here, and not alarm people with our talk of villains :)
anyway I'll talk to you later :D good night Bella :)
@MolagBal I'm happy to! :D Yeah, here is a better place for all of that! :)
@MolagBal Okay, talk to you later! :D Good night fellow villain! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
12 hours later…
hey @Bella :)
@MolagBal Hey! :)
You know, today is actually the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, which is when Bellatrix died...
@Bellatrix oh :(
gone but not forgotten
@MolagBal Yeah... :(
@MolagBal Definitely not forgotten.
Poor Bella, taken out by dumb symbolism. :(
yeah, I read a question on the site about that and I almost drowned in the dumb symbolism
@MolagBal Yeah, it sucks. You could choke to death on the dumb symbolism. :(
have you read the books?
@MolagBal Yeah, I've both read the books and watched the movies.
@Bellatrix is there more Bellatrix in the books? she didn't get a ton of screentime, since I've apparently seen pretty much every scene with her already
@MolagBal Yeah, there's a bit more of her in the books, but that's because the books are really long so there's more of everything. There's still a tiny proportion of Bellatrix content to total content.
@Bellatrix I need the whole series condensed to a single book that follows the death eaters :p
@MolagBal Yeah, me too! :P I'd love that so much! :)
and a few edits, so that the death eaters win :D
@MolagBal Definitely! :D In the books, Bellatrix doesn't shatter. She's just left lying there. I like to think that she was just knocked unconscious, and she's still alive. (She actually did die, but...)
@Bellatrix headcanoned :D
are there any death eaters left?
@MolagBal Yeah! :D The book just says she toppled, not that she died, so... Headcanoned! :D
@Bellatrix I have a boring meeting to go to, but I will be back later :)
@MolagBal Okay, bye for now! :)
@MolagBal Yes, but not many... Most of the Death Eaters died. There are a few not particularly important Death Eaters that got taken to Azkaban instead of being killed. There's also Bellatrix's sister's son and husband, who were both Death Eaters, but they had turned traitor so they don't really count.
1 hour later…
@Bellatrix not many people to continue the cause then :(
@MolagBal That's right, unfortunately. :(
@Bellatrix why do those darn wizards persecute us :-|
@MolagBal Because they're stupid. :^|
@Bellatrix k :p
@MolagBal Yep. :P
Most of the wizards opposing the Death Eaters are really dumb. :P
@Bellatrix at least some of them are cute :p
@MolagBal Haha! :P Luna is okay, Hermione gets progressively dumber as the series continues, and Harry's bathrobe chick wife is in love with him so that tells you something about her intelligence level.
@Bellatrix haha yeah I guess it does :p
really, who walks around in a bathrobe looking for shoelaces to tie? o_O
@MolagBal Yeah! :P And she's been in love with him since she heard he was a hero.
@MolagBal Apparently Harry's wife but no one else ever. 0-0
@MolagBal I wouldn't even try that one on Bellatrix. :P
@Bellatrix that seems like a weak basis for falling in love with somebody o_o
@Bellatrix that's good, because I don't think Bellatrix would be impressed :p
@MolagBal Yeah it is. 0_0
weird that that would have lasted after she got to know him
@MolagBal Me neither. :P "Bellatrix here I am in my bathrobe, can I tie your shoelaces?" Bellatrix's face: 0_0
@MolagBal That's how this series works. :P
@Bellatrix makes no sense at all :-|
@MolagBal Agreed, that's why I only like it for the Death Eaters. :P
@Bellatrix works for me :D
@MolagBal Awesome! :D By the way... Bathrobe chick is the daughter of dumb-symbolism mom. So the daughter dumb-symbolism mom hurt Bellatrix over is bathrobe chick.
@Bellatrix so power-of-motherhood mom had a power-of-following-the-hero-around daughter? o_o
@MolagBal Yep! 0_0 Ridiculous, isn't it?
@Bellatrix it's the metaphor family :-|
@MolagBal Yeah, that's right. :^|
does bathrobe chick ever do anything in the series, or does she just look pretty and tie shoes?
@MolagBal She does stuff sometimes, but her main thing is being in love with Harry. At one point, she starts serial dating just to get his attention. Other than that, she played sports and hexed a few people, but that's about it.
@Bellatrix that sounds pretty bad :-|
like she can't manage anything higher than being an accessory to Harry
@MolagBal It is. :^| She's pretty much a Harry accessory, though the later books try to act like she has a personality without actually giving her one. At first, she couldn't even speak around Harry. She gets over that eventually, but not over being a Harry handbag. :P She did join Harry's magical fight-club where he taught kids to duel, but that's still following him around.
hmm >.> so why is the series so popular? o_o
by the way, I am working right now so don't feel like you have to reply promptly if you have stuff to do. just so you know :)
@MolagBal I'm not sure really, since most people don't like it for the Death Eaters. :P I'm guessing dumb boys like Harry, girls like Hermione because she's smart, and everyone likes magic because magic is cool.
well I can agree with the "magic is cool" part, anyway :D
@MolagBal Yeah, me too! :D
@MolagBal Also, maybe other people just don't pick up on exactly how much the author beats us over the head with her worldview because it's hidden behind all the magic. :P
@Bellatrix maybe :p
@MolagBal I definitely think it helps. :P Everyone is too busy going 'ooo, magic' to think about all the dumb symbolism and the odd treatment of women...
@Bellatrix I only recently started paying attention to the treatment of women in movies, and... it's kind of terrible :-|
@MolagBal Yeah, it often is... :^|
If you hate the thought of being a person and not an accessory, too bad. If you hate the idea of motherhood, extra too bad because everything is going to whack you over the head with it. And female villains are much harder to find than male ones, especially ones capable of actually doing anything.
@Bellatrix I can see why you'd be frustrated a lot of the movie choices :-|
@MolagBal Yeah... The majority of the options suck for me. :^| It's why I love getting good recommendations.
@Bellatrix now I get it :D
@MolagBal Thanks! :D
This gives you a good idea on how to recommend things for me, though. I'm willing to put up with a lot of other crap with everything else if there's a crazy villain chick who never is a mom. But I definitely wouldn't want to watch something where the crazy villain chick is the one being a mom. To use a Harry Potter example, Harry's wife can have as many children as she wants. Under no circumstances though, should Bellatrix have one. Once she's safe though, I will be happy.
@Bellatrix ok :) well based on that, I think you would like Underworld 5, if you shift your focus from Selene to Semira. Semira meets all your checkboxes and I think she's fantastically fun to watch. Selene is more complicated, in that she's a mother but doesn't want to be and doesn't even spend time with her child.
Selene is consistently portrayed as the hero of the series, but if you stop and think about her actions, she alternates between being yet another villain and just messing things up. The films try to portray her as flawless but she has serious issues. The whole series is basically just villains fighting other villains, like I think I mentioned the other day.
that, and Selene spends a lot of time reacting to other people's actions and just trying not to die
also, I turned into a Lara Pulver fan because of Semira, if that tells you anything
I tend to think that you wouldn't like Underworld 4 because of its stronger motherhood theme, but the squirrel you'd like it, so I don't know. Underworld 3 is just right out, because it focuses around a proud mother for pretty much the whole film. 1 and 2 have no motherhood themes at all.
@MolagBal Ok, thanks! :) I hope I've explained my checkboxes well enough. Thanks a lot, I'll watch Underworld 5 and focus on Semira instead of Selene. You've now seen what Bellatrix is like, and I trust you to be able to tell what characters I'd like. Selene is confusing, I don't know what I'd think of all that.
@MolagBal That's interesting, thanks!
@MolagBal Yeah, if you're now interested in the actress who played her, you must've really liked Semira.
@Bellatrix I tried to find some good film clips of her, but her appearances in the trailer are much too short. But yes, Pulver did a great job in my opinion :D
@MolagBal I'd agree with you on this one. You're right. :) I think steelersquirrel underestimates how much motherhood themes bother me. I was going to tell her but I didn't really get to explain much to her, because then we found out her husband died.
@Bellatrix yeah I've known her for over a year and that's the first I heard of it :(
@MolagBal Thanks for trying. :) Yeah, unless they were great, people don't usually look up the actress. :D
@MolagBal Yeah, I was so surprised. :( I was really not sure what to do...
@Bellatrix fortunately, she's pretty easygoing, but yeah, I feel like there's no good answer to that sort of thing
@Bellatrix that and the Lara Pulver fan I know at the Underworld Wiki was telling me about her before the movie came out, so she kind of primed me to watch for her performance in Underworld 5, and I was not disappointed :)
also, you wouldn't like Underworld 4 because it's just not that good as a movie :p
@MolagBal Yeah, and I thought it was a miscarriage at first. I personally hate the idea of anything growing inside me, so I really don't know how to be sensitive to someone who wanted it and lost it. That's just beyond my understanding...
@MolagBal Okay, that's cool! People who can give helpful advice are the best. :)
@Bellatrix that's one of the things I don't have to worry about, so I don't know what it's like for you :-/
@MolagBal Haha, good to know I'm not missing anything! So watch 1, 2, and 5. :)
@Bellatrix yeah she's cool. I've watched several movies on her recommendations :)
@MolagBal Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't understand women who want to be pregnant, so...
@Bellatrix I know that wanting kids is very common, but I'm 33 and don't want any, so I don't exactly get it either
@Bellatrix yes :) the director for Underworld 5 has even stated that she doesn't like Underworld 4, and she ignored pretty much the entire plot of 4. Some of the characters carried over from 4, but that's about it.
@MolagBal Well, that's cool! We can be villains without children together! :D
@Bellatrix bwahahaha :D
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :D
@MolagBal Wow! It really must be bad then if even the director hates it! :^0
@Bellatrix well they switched directors for #5. This is the first time the series has had a female director, and she tried to introduce more gender balance to the series, although I feel like she didn't try hard enough. But yeah, I think that among fans, #4 is the least popular.
@MolagBal The way I would tell you to picture it to understand me is like having an alien pod thing growing inside your body. Like a parasite. Then causing you a lot of pain to come out. And then you're supposed to take care of it and actually love it. I also hate babies, so don't think the process is worth it.
hello @Himarm
Mobile sent me to tyr wrong chat
@Bellatrix I hear that your brain gets pumped full of hormones around the time of birth so that you can stand it
something like that. I dunno.
it's not something I'll ever have to worry about, so I dunno
@MolagBal I don't know, I don't care, I don't want to do it.
@Bellatrix no no I wasn't trying to talk you into anything. sorry
@MolagBal Yeah, I know. :)
@Bellatrix ok :)
@MolagBal Don't worry, I know what you meant. :) I didn't think you were trying to talk me into it. :) I'm just saying that being in maybe less pain isn't enough to make me want to do it.
@Bellatrix yeah
@MolagBal :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal You rock! :)
@MolagBal It'll never be something I have to worry about either. :) Because I'm not doing it. :P
@Bellatrix thanks Bella :D
@Bellatrix k :)
@MolagBal You're welcome! :D
Hey... did you know you can download the Harry Potter books for free?
well, you can get most stuff for free, illegally, so I'm not really surprised
@MolagBal I don't know whether it's legal or not... Either way, I have them already, so it's just so I can have them in e-format to search easier. Plus it works well if you don't have a library nearby. E-library.
@Bellatrix cool :)
I search the Underworld novelizations online sort of a lot, because I own the physical books but you can't search those :(
when I need information for the Underworld Wiki or whatever
@MolagBal Thanks! :) If you're ever interested, I could always send you the link.
@Bellatrix k :) I'm guessing that amazon or Google books would let me search the books online, but I haven't tried
@MolagBal Yeah, that makes sense. Like having the e-books makes it easier to find stuff for questions. :)
@Bellatrix yes :)
there's this castle in Underworld 3, and I read the entire novelization just looking for clues about where it was :-o
@MolagBal :) I'm not sure. I'm currently using iBooks, that lets me search.
@MolagBal :) I'll definitely be careful. Maybe I'll meet a nice woman who loves villains and looks like Bellatrix, and then we could do whatever together and I won't need to worry about surprises. ;)
@Bellatrix I'm just not getting married
my brain can't think anymore, and I still have an hour and a half until I can go home
@MolagBal That's my other plan! :)
@Bellatrix that will leave you with extra free time to plot to take over the world! :p
01:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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