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01:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

@MolagBal You can invite Bellatrix to come in here and chat if you want to. She is more than welcome to come in here and chat with you/us :)
@steelersquirrel k :) maybe I should... she and I are kind of hijacking mos sometimes
@MolagBal I just noticed that the two of you chat a lot in mos and this room is more private. The two of you seem to get on really well, so she can join our super secret room ;)
@steelersquirrel :D
in other news, I'm getting used to finding the shift key on this keyboard
Oh, you already got your new keyboard? How exciting!
@steelersquirrel no well it's the same portable one I was using before
it's a little bit of a pain but I am getting used to it. it will do until my new keyboard arrives
Molag Bal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: Why didn't any Death Eaters come back as ghosts?

BellatrixIn the wizarding world, it's possible to come back as a ghost, and remain in the world we know. Since ghosts are rare, it can be deduced that most people wouldn't choose to become one, but some of the Death Eaters might have feared death enough to consider it. In addition, the Death Eaters who di...

@MolagBal Can you ping her to come in here or do you just have to tell her in mos?
umm I dunno. hey @bellatrix
She's in mos right now, so I was just curious.
yeah it's a mystery. we aren't hijacking anything right now anyway, but it will be nice to have this room as an option :)
Aha! So...that's why the room topic was changed! It's all becoming clear now! ;)
hey :)
@steelersquirrel yes :D
this is now a death-eater-friendly place
@Bellatrix This is where Molag Bal and I chat to ourselves. I told him to invite you over :)
yeah, in case we want to have side conversations when the people in mos are trying to talk about on-topic stuff
@steelersquirrel Aww, thank you! :D
^ there you go :D :p
@Bellatrix Consider yourself special. We don't just invite anyone in here ;)
@MolagBal Ooh, cool! :D
@steelersquirrel Thanks so much! :D
@Bellatrix Wow! Molag Bal must really like you! He has already added you as a room owner!
@Bellatrix is the room description OK now? the "no Harry Potter" stuff was kind of a joke, because we first opened this room so that we could have an off-topic conversation when mos was filled with Harry Potter talk one day
@steelersquirrel Yay! :D I am honored! :)
@steelersquirrel maybe I should have conferred with the previous room owners first :p
@MolagBal Yeah, that's totally cool! :D
@Bellatrix ok :D
@MolagBal :D I only like Harry Potter for the Death Eaters, so it's perfect! :)
@MolagBal Hehe! Yeah...like I care, silly :)
@Bellatrix :D me too, not that I've seen or read it or anything :p
@steelersquirrel welp, it's unanimous: Bella is the newest room owner :D :p
@MolagBal Awesome! :D
@MolagBal Yay!! :D
@steelersquirrel Thank you! :D
@Bellatrix now you can kickmute me :p
@MolagBal I don't actually know what that means. :P
@Bellatrix I dunno... some sort of 1-minute ban. let's not try it. :p
I don't know how to do the RO things, either. I am clueless ;)
it's mostly an honorary title anyway, if you don't feel like messing with the feeds and room description
@MolagBal Don't worry, I wasn't going to! :P I'm just curious what it was.
@Bellatrix I've never actually seen it in use, but we can eject people from the room briefly. probably won't ever need to. this room is pretty sleepy other than me and the squirrel talking in here
it's open to anybody to talk, but most people just go to mos
@MolagBal Oh, okay. :) That's cool, it's awesome having a super secret room to ourselves! :D
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D Thank you both so much for inviting me!
@Bellatrix thanks for coming :D
@MolagBal Of course! :D
there's a spoiler for Underworld 5 on the star board, but you weren't going to watch that one anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter :p ----->
actually, David never shows up at all in the first two movies. he's just some vampire dude who eventually becomes important :p
@MolagBal Yeah, that's totally fine! :)
@MolagBal If he's not even in the two movies I'm going to watch, definitely not a spoiler! :P
@Bellatrix :) this room was full of Underworld 5 spoilers before it came out
well it came out in Russia a long time before it came out in the US, so I knew nearly the entire plot before seeing the film
@MolagBal Okay, that's good to know! :) Lucky for me, I'm just going to watch the first two. :)
@Bellatrix I might find you some screenshots of 5 though. In one of the covens, all of the vampires dress in black :D
@MolagBal Oooh, cool! :D Sure, I'd like that! :D
@Bellatrix ^ I love the coat that David (the guy holding that orb thing) is wearing in that screenshot
@MolagBal Yeah, that's a cool coat! Those guys know how to dress! :)
^ Lara Pulver looking fabulous
@Bellatrix Molag Bal is a mod over on the Underworld wiki site!
@MolagBal She does look fabulous! :)
^ Death Dealers (vampire military) being trained by Selene (in the catsuit)
@Bellatrix I just ordered some other stuff that Lara Pulver is in, because she is awesome :D
I didn't know about her before Underworld 5
@steelersquirrel Yeah, he said he was an admin. Is that the same as a mod?
@Bellatrix I don't know. He just has ultimate power ;)
@steelersquirrel no those are the bureaucrats :p
I have to keep the bureaucrat happy or she might dethrone me on a whim :p
@MolagBal Cool! :D They almost sound like another branch of the Death Eaters.
@Bellatrix oooo fancy
well their main goal in life is to kill all the werewolves
and sometimes humans, if the humans get in the way
@MolagBal Awesome! :D What other kind of movies is she in?
@MolagBal Okay! :D The Death Eaters' main goal is to kill all the Muggles.
@Bellatrix I am not sure. I know a girl at the Underworld Wiki who is a Lara Pulver fan, so I'm going off of her suggestions. I just ordered season 2 of Sherlock because she appears in the first episode, and season 1 of Da Vinci's Demons because she's in the whole series. She's also in a stage play that I think I'll order soonish. Not sure about movies.
@Bellatrix I can't really blame them :p
@MolagBal Okay! :D The Death Eaters' main goal is to kill all the Muggles (non-wizards) and sometimes wizards if they get in the way. So they're kind of similar!
@Bellatrix especially the dorky wizards? :p
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :P
@MolagBal Yeah! :P
oh, it just occurred to me that you would love Lara Pulver's character in Underworld 5. But there is that motherhood theme going on with Selene at the same time, so... oh well
Lara Pulver plays Semira, who started out good but went crazy and started killing everybody in her scramble for ultimate power. She was one of the highlights of the film.
@MolagBal Yeah, Semira sounds cool! How strong is the motherhood theme with Selene? Be honest.
@Bellatrix well, this will be spoilery, but I can sum up the whole motherhood part pretty briefly
@MolagBal Spoilers are welcome if they save me from that kind of thing!
Selene has a daughter, Eve, that she had a falling-out with. Eve only appears in the film for a few seconds right at the end, and she has no lines except for a voiceover/flashback where she tells Selene to leave her alone. Meanwhile, lots of people are looking for Eve to harvest her blood, because it has special powers. So, people keep talking about Eve, but nobody knows where she is, including Selene. It stays that way for the whole movie, until Selene and Eve meet again right at the end.
Selene spends most of the film perplexed and kind of ticked off about life, including how things turned out with her daughter
@MolagBal This is for Underworld 5, right? Do they beat us over the head with the motherhood thing?
@Bellatrix yeah that's Underworld 5. That's pretty much the extent of the motherhood thing right there. Eve is a major plot point, but she barely appears in the film at all. Selene mainly just seems to be trying to forget about the whole thing, but then she has that very brief reunion at the end, so it's implied that they're willing to talk to each other again at that point
Selene spends a lot of the film trying to make up for her failure as a mother by helping a couple vampire covens
@MolagBal So it might be worth watching that one for Semira? You know me well enough, I'll trust your advice on this.
@Bellatrix well, actually your aversion to that sort of plot point is one of the things I don't understand very well. I think you would enjoy watching Semira. she meets all your criteria, including not wanting children (except possibly to grow an army one by one??? I don't know, she never mentioned that but I wouldn't put it past her).
if you want to risk it, there is a film clip on youtube I could show you where David and Selene talk about Eve. it's one of the more "motherly" parts of the film. if you can stand that, then you'll probably be OK with the rest of the film.
Selene didn't want children, and honestly, still doesn't, even though her daughter is grown up now
that might be part of why they had a falling out
beyond that, I don't know what sort of things to try to steer you away from, like what would bother you and what wouldn't
@MolagBal Well, this is our room, so I can explain it here without accidentally starting a fight. Even for crazy villain girls, motherhood ends up seeming inevitable. It's like every woman has to do it. I don't ever want children, so I really like seeing women like me who don't ever have them. I also really hate it when something acts like motherhood is the pinnacle and only important part of being a woman. It's one of the very many things I love Bellatrix for. Sure, I'd like to see the clip.
I think Selene loves Eve, but Selene is so brusque and cold, having been an assassin for 600 years, that she's constantly sort of perplexed about having a daughter. Selene was never the motherly type, and still doesn't know how to fill that role.
@Bellatrix oh I have thoughts on that related to Underworld 4 but I'll pull up the film clip first :)
@MolagBal I just watched the clip and I'm not sure what to think. It could either be not as bad, or having someone who was never trying to be a mother end up being one and loving the child anyhow might freak me out.
@Bellatrix the thing about Underworld is that mixed-blood children tend to be very powerful, so as it turns out, Eve is one of the most powerful beings in the world. Underworld 4 has Selene occasionally acting like a proud parent, hyping up the potentially limitless powers of her daughter. You could construe that as Eve's motherhood being a crowning achievement, since not everybody can create a hyper-powerful being like that.
But in terms of the mother-daughter relationship, I don't think Eve's birth was portrayed as "completing" Eve, but rather just perplexing/inconveniencing her. Selene never does figure out how to be a mother, and from what I can tell, really doesn't want to. She tries, with varying degrees of success, but she achieves her main accomplishments largely by herself.
So Selene is a strong female character who in a way seems handicapped by having an unexpected daughter, but on the other hand, her daughter has superpowers and her blood is highly sought after in both Underworld 4 and 5.
@Bellatrix Selene is usually pretty cold to Eve.
there's not much evidence that Selene loves Eve, in fact, but I think she does, to some extent anyway. But there's a large element of, "I have a daughter??? seriously??? -_-"
@MolagBal That, at least, doesn't sound bad. I probably wouldn't usually watch a movie with all this, but if Semira is going to be sufficiently awesome, it might be worth it.
oh, I meant completing Selene, not Eve. you probably figured it out already
@MolagBal Yeah, I got it.
I would definitely skip Underworld 4 if I were you, because that's where the hints of proud parenthood come in, and besides, that's the worst film in the series for multiple reasons
@MolagBal Thank you! I love having someone to give me advice on this stuff!
as for 5... by the start of the film, almost everybody Selene loved and trusted is dead or lost (uhh spoilers I guess), and she had utterly failed at parenthood. So she's kind of just brooding, and then David shows up and has that little talk with her that I linked above. Selene then goes on to rejoin the war, leaving Eve to her own fate.
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal Okay, thank you! I really appreciate all the help! :)
@MolagBal :)
so the only "crowning achievement of motherhood" bit that I can think of in Underworld 5 is that Eve's blood is special, so it's one of the focuses of the war
@MolagBal Okay, thanks! And correct me if I'm wrong, but starting a war could be seen as a bad thing.
@Bellatrix it's more like continuing the war. the vampires and werewolves have been at each other's throats for about 1500 years by now. Eve's blood is just the latest prize that the werewolves are seeking.
but her blood isn't central to the war, and it was going to continue with or without it
@MolagBal Ohhh, okay. I get it now.
also, not many people even like Eve. the werewolves want her dead, and the vampires want her to go away.
the humans don't know that she exists, but they would want her dead if they knew
@MolagBal Hahahaha. Well, that's good.
so Eve was an oops who never does fit in anywhere, despite her amazing powers
@MolagBal So then Underworld isn't trying to convince us of the joys of accidental motherhood. That's good.
she's worth more dead than alive, at least according to some of the immortals
@Bellatrix definitely not. or if that's what they were trying to do, they failed miserably :p
if anything, the moral of the story is that assassins shouldn't have children :p
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :D
@MolagBal :D That's definitely good news for me! :P
@MolagBal I like that moral! :D :P
My friend April had an accidental motherhood issue. I told her that it wasn't an accident, it was a surprise! ;)
@steelersquirrel was it a hybrid child who reignited a centuries-old war? :p
@steelersquirrel That's the world's worst surprise! I'll take a cake instead thanks.
@MolagBal I don't know. It hasn't been born yet ;)
@steelersquirrel so maybe it is a superpowered immortal!!!!! :-o
@Bellatrix it's an asparagus cake. that's the surprise
I had to switch my birth control earlier this year to the lowest hormone pill available. I was super nervous about it, so I am getting the shot in a few weeks. I don't want any "surprises" either ;)
@MolagBal That's still way better! Eating asparagus cake is a much shorter term thing. :P
@Bellatrix that's true :p
My friend got pregnant the first time while she was on the birth control pill. It can happen and it can definitely happen if you miss a few days.
@MolagBal Yeah! :P
@steelersquirrel That makes sense. :)
@steelersquirrel 0_0
Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt you guys with birth control talk. Proceed... ;)
@steelersquirrel this is your room too :D
your name's in italics, so that's proof :p
@steelersquirrel Nah, it's cool. :) I don't mind. Anything that helps avoid surprises is good with me! ;)
I dunno squirrel, you saw Underworld 4 and 5. Do you remember the motherhood theme? Do you think 5 would bother Bella?
or did you
wait, you didn't see 5
well it's out on DVD :p
I haven't seen 5 yet.
you were going to, but then something came up, or something... right?
I don't think that 4 would bother her. Are you talking about Selene being pregnant with Eve?
yeah that and the mother/daughter thing going on for the rest of the series
From what I gather, Bellatrix seems to have more of a problem with society pushing motherhood onto her because she's a woman...am I right @Bellatrix? So, the thing with selene being preggerz with Eve shouldn't bother her.
32 mins ago, by Bellatrix
@MolagBal Well, this is our room, so I can explain it here without accidentally starting a fight. Even for crazy villain girls, motherhood ends up seeming inevitable. It's like every woman has to do it. I don't ever want children, so I really like seeing women like me who don't ever have them. I also really hate it when something acts like motherhood is the pinnacle and only important part of being a woman. It's one of the very many things I love Bellatrix for. Sure, I'd like to see the clip.
@steelersquirrel Hold on, I was writing Molag Bal a message that explains it.
I was going to try to help you out with guidelines on what bothers me, so here you go. As a really good guideline, the less motherhood themes, the better. If there's a crazy villain woman that I'm likely to love, she especially shouldn't be a mother. Even if everyone else is one, if the crazy villain lady doesn't have or want children, I'll watch it for her. If the crazy villain lady becomes a mother and ends up loving the child above all else, definitely don't recommend that one to me.
@Bellatrix Okay, gotcha. Well, you should be fine with Underworld 4, then :)
@Bellatrix the only reason I can imagine Semira wanting children is for the homegrown batch of minions aspect :p but she would probably outsource the minion-growing to other women
@MolagBal Thanks for finding that! :)
@Bellatrix :)
so Semira might give birth to cannon fodder, but that's about it
@MolagBal Okay, thanks! And it's far too much work to carry each minion inside you and then raise it. It makes way more sense to outsource. :P
When I was married, I had the most evil mother in law in the world. She constantly harrassed me and my husband because we never had children.
@Bellatrix yes, true :p
@steelersquirrel :-o
sorry squirrel :(
@steelersquirrel Ugh, that sounds terrible! :(
@MolagBal No worries. I don't have to deal with her anymore!
@MolagBal Plus it would affect her ability to fight. Why go through all that trouble herself?
@Bellatrix very true :)
@MolagBal :)
@steelersquirrel Good for you! :)
Just think if I actually did have a child when I was married, I would have to deal with her so that she could see her grandchild. That's a blessing that I never had one. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that woman right now ;-(
@steelersquirrel Thank goodness you didn't then! :)
@Bellatrix Oh...I came close, but it never happened. It just wasn't meant to be, I guess :)
wait does that mean what I think it means?
@steelersquirrel Um, I'm not sure what to say now. I'm a Death Eater girl who panics at the thought of babies, I don't know the right thing to say in this situation...
group hug for the squirrel
@MolagBal Yeah, group hug!
It doesn't really mean anything. I stopped taking my birth control pill like a month before my husband was killed and it just never happened, so it just wasn't meant to be. You guys don't have to say anything. Don't worry :)
<group hug>
wait he was... umm... I'm sorry squirrel
@MolagBal What? Oh, God. I thought that everyone knew that I was a widow. I'm sorry! I thought that it was just common knowledge for all of the mos regulars.
@steelersquirrel Oh, okay. I honestly thought you had a miscarriage, I'm not sure if that's better or worse... We like you, anyhow. :)
@steelersquirrel no I thought you were divorced :(
I thought it was a miscarriage too. those are pretty common, I think, but you would know more than I do
@MolagBal Oh, really? Oh...I'm sorry. I'm just so used to everyone just knowing when I talk about my husband.
@steelersquirrel Me too. I'm new though, so I'm an idiot.
another group hug for the squirrel, whether she wants one or not :p
No. I didn't have a miscarriage. It's not that I was actively trying to get knocked up, I just stopped taking my pills.
@Bellatrix Oh, God! No way! It's not your fault! Don't worry :)
<second group hug>
@steelersquirrel Virtual group hug! You now have control of the conversation! :)
@steelersquirrel Aww thank you! :)
Okay...resume normal chatting. Sorry for completely screwing it up! Haha! Oh, God, I really know how to kill a room, don't I? ;)
hey we're all friends here :) you didn't kill the room
Bella and I are just interested in the well-being of squirrels everywhere :) :p
@steelersquirrel Aww, no! :) I was just talking about things like villains, nothing important. You need it more than I do! :)
@Bellatrix Since you're new, just so you know...that happened in 2014 and I actually met my current boyfriend here...in chat! So, this place is super awesome!
Well, not here, but on SE ;)
@MolagBal Yeah, we are! :)
@steelersquirrel oh he's a boyfriend?
@MolagBal Napoleon? Oh, yeah. For like a year, now :)
@steelersquirrel Okay, cool! :) Is he CandiedMango?
@steelersquirrel Oops no, I guess as he was talking about marrying you... Sorry! :(
that marriage stuff with mango was an inside joke
at least, I think it was a joke. umm anyway
I'll stop talking about things I don't understand now :p
@Bellatrix Hehehe! No, that was just Mango and I being silly. I proposed marriage too him a long time ago because of his love of Spaceballs and his awesome puns. We were just being silly.
@steelersquirrel that explains it :D
@MolagBal Yes, it was. Mango is waaaaaaay too young for me. I do absolutely love and adore him, though :)
@steelersquirrel how old is he? or is that classified information
@steelersquirrel Oh my gosh, I am so determined to make a fool out of myself tonight! :(
@MolagBal Mango? Let's see...I believe that he just turned 24.
I'm like 14 years older than he is.
@Bellatrix well I kind of didn't help by my joking about the squirrel and mango eloping earlier
@steelersquirrel yeah that's pretty far
I'm only 8 years older than Napoleon and he and I went on vacation together last July and he just came over here and visited me a few months ago.
I'm going over to visit him in August. It's a long distance thing ;)
@MolagBal Ha ha! :) Really though, I've just been invited here, and I've found a way to stick both feet in my mouth already...
@steelersquirrel Okay, cool! :)
@Bellatrix it's ok, this room is less visible to the masses than mos, so it's less damage in here :)
the transcripts are still public, but this room gets less attention than mos, I'm pretty sure
@Bellatrix Don't worry. You haven't done anything, silly!
@MolagBal I'm more worried about you guys thinking I'm an idiot! I'm sure I already have a reputation as the crazy girl on the main chat, so whatever. :)
This is why we come in here, so we can chat about stuff that we usually can't in mos because of flaggers and stuff. This is a safe zone ;)
@Bellatrix no way, you rock :)
@steelersquirrel Aww, thank you! :D
we still can't post noodz in here though :( :p
@MolagBal Thank you, too! :D
@MolagBal I don't think any of us were planning to, so that's fine! :P
@Bellatrix And don't ever worry about saying the wrong thing or offending me. I don't get offended easily. Ask @MolagBal...he knows. Almost everything is safe with me ;)
@Bellatrix what if I had a hot picture of HP!Bellatrix :p
@steelersquirrel Okay, cool! :)
yeah the squirrel is cool... don't worry about walking on eggshells around her
@MolagBal Umm, then post it and take it down before you get in trouble! ;)
No eggshell walking around the squirrel! Hehe!
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal :P I'm kind of joking, and also totally not joking! :P ;)
@Bellatrix well I'm not going to go looking, but if I run across anything that awesome, I'll find a way to get it to you, I guess :p
@MolagBal Okay! If you run across it and get it to me somehow, that would be definitely awesome! :D
@MolagBal :D
Okay. Time to head home. Good night guys :)
good night squirrel :) thanks for making chat squirrely :p
@steelersquirrel Good night! :)
so @Bella... does any particular movie have Bellatrix in it a lot?
like if I wanted to learn about her without reading a whole book or series, or waching a zillion movies, what would I pick?
@MolagBal She's only in the last four movies, so definitely not any of the first four. I'd suggest maybe going with the fifth one (Order of the Phoenix), or the sixth one (Half-Blood Prince). She has very little screen time though, so it's a lot of movie for very little Bellatrix. Definitely don't go with the very last one, she's in that one the least and that's pretty much the time she takes to die.
so 5 or 6... ok :)
maybe I'll just fast forward the Harry parts or something :p
@MolagBal 7 also has a relatively large amount of her. Not 8 though. :)
if my video rental store has one of those, anyway
@Bellatrix ok :)
@MolagBal Yeah, you could do that! :)
@MolagBal There are also compilations of her scenes on YouTube. I watch them a lot when I want Bellatrix without having to watch the whole movie. :)
@Bellatrix oh :-o
maybe I should just watch one of those to start with
@MolagBal That's a fairly easy way to see all her scenes! :)
cool :)
@MolagBal :)
@MolagBal :) If you decide to watch a movie, I'd suggest 5. Her scenes in that are very Death Eater-ish and are of her in battle.
@Bellatrix I think I'll try to find something on youtube, and maybe check the video rental store for #5 this weekend :)
@MolagBal Cool! :) I have links to some YouTube stuff, would you like them? :)
@Bellatrix yes :D
my rental store is hit or miss on what it has, but I can check. there's a fair chance they'll have #5, I imagine
@MolagBal Sure! There's a playlist with all her scenes in order, I'll see how I can link that! :D
Okay, here you go! :D This is a playlist with all her scenes in order. This might be more effective than watching the movie. :)
@Bellatrix cool, thanks Bella :D
@MolagBal You're welcome! :D I'm honored you've taken an interest in her! :)
@Bellatrix well the thought of dorky wizards never appealed to me, but all your talk of death eaters has piqued my interest :p
@MolagBal Yeah, I definitely didn't enjoy it because of Harry! :P The Death Eaters are the best part of the whole series! :)
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D So now I know a lot about it because I love the villains in it. Harry is an idiot, you're right about that.
@Bellatrix :p
some of those girls hanging around harry are cute though
@MolagBal :) Yeah. Luna is cool, and Hermione is smart but very very uptight. Ginny is kind of annoying, and she marries Harry in the end.
@Bellatrix they're old enough to get married? :-o
@MolagBal No, there's an epilogue set 19 years later where it's shown who marries who.
@Bellatrix ohhhhhhhhhhhh
oh the dude in a library called her Bella :D
@MolagBal Basically the entire purpose of the epilogue is "look, everyone's gotten married and had children". And that's one of the many reasons why I'm only in this series for the Death Eaters. :P
@Bellatrix ohhh I see what you mean
@MolagBal See, I told you people call her Bella. So it's cool, it's approved by the original Bellatrix! ;)
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D
> put it down, Bella. we mustn't touch what isn't ours
@MolagBal Ha ha ha! :P
pity I'm unlikely to get a chance to use that on you :p
unless you narrate yourself picking something up in chat :p
@MolagBal It's unlikely... but possible. I don't think I've ever talked about touching something though. :P
@Bellatrix oh well :p
so Bellatrix has a sister :-o
@MolagBal Maybe someday. :P
@MolagBal Yeah, she has two actually. The missing one, she hates because she married a Muggle. She likes the sister you just saw. :)
@Bellatrix darn those muggles anyway
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :D
@Bellatrix ok she is kind of awesome
I especially like this scene where it's her and her sister and Snape
@MolagBal I'm glad you think so too! :D
@MolagBal Yeah, that's a great one. That one's in movie 6, by the way.
@Bellatrix she's really pretty
@MolagBal Oh my gosh yes. :D
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D
This is why I stay through an entire series about an idiot boy just to see her. :)
whoa whoa whoa why is a chick in a bathrobe hanging around Harry?
@MolagBal Which video is that? I don't remember that one!
@MolagBal Yeah, the thing I remember is Bella setting the world on fire! :D
now it's a bunch of people who came out of nowhere and are fighting
@MolagBal The chick in the bathrobe is Ginny, Harry's future epilogue wife.
@Bellatrix she's pretty forward
"oh Harry, let me tie your shoelaces while I stand around in a bathrobe for no reason"
@MolagBal Yeah... :P Apparently it worked though. :P She ends up marrying him.
:37101031 Yeah... :P The author obviously thinks the only way to happiness is marriage and babies... :( If it wasn't for Bellatrix, I'd probably hate this series!
@Bellatrix huh, that's annoying. they need to retell the story from the death eaters' perspective
@MolagBal Yeah, that would be so awesome! :D Except the author likes to rewrite her stories, so she might do weird wrong things with them.
@Bellatrix what if she rewrites them so that Bella wins :D
her trick of turning into a black cloud and setting things on fire is neat
@MolagBal I'd love that! :D
@MolagBal As long as she doesn't make her have a baby, of course.
@MolagBal Yeah, that is so cool! :D
wait, what is Gandalf doing here o_O
@MolagBal That's Dumbledore. He's basically the Gandalf of Harry Potter. :P
@Bellatrix why does he like snape?
@MolagBal Snape is a double agent. He's not actually a Death Eater, he's really working with Dumbledore. He's kind of an anti-hero.
it says the death of dumbledore clip was removed for copyright
@Bellatrix nooo I thought Snape was on our side :(
@MolagBal Hold on, I'll see if I can find you a new one.
but he made that unbreakable vow, so snape has to help Bella
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