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Kevin has unfrozen this room.
spoiler alert!!!
Okay...let's hear it!
people die
Semira (Lara Pulver) sounds like an awesome villain, but she dies :(
and stinking Michael dies in an inconclusive way!!!!
like, he’s dead but they don’t make it certain
honestly, I’m more upset about Semira dying
have you seen the trailers? she looks awesome
I have just seen the one that you linked for me.
there are a few. Semira is this overly ambitious vampire who drinks Selene’s blood (I guess) and becomes a hybrid
and then she goes and dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >;(
but anyway
Oh, right!!! Yeah, I remember that!!
Marius sounds not really all that interesting. he dies, but probably no one cares
Selene “dies” but comes back to live, so whatever
they say that Selene kind of gets eclipsed in this film, like it’s not really about her
How many times has Michael and Selene died, anyways? ;)
Michael died once before :p not Selene until now
Well, until the first time when Viktor turned her ;)
nah, she survived that :p
Well, she's undead! Muahahahaha! Thank you, I'll be here all week :P
they say the fight scenes are shot too close
and it apparently doesn’t have as much lore/background as I wanted
and every character introduces themselves, so it makes the dialog awkward, supposedly
and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spoiler again
they say that David is Amelia’s son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwww. That's what I was looking forward to! The lore/background. That's what I love about those movies.
@steelersquirrel sounds like it has some, but not as much as it should have
@amaranth Wait. What, what and WUUUUUUT!?!?!?!
@steelersquirrel apparently, immortal supermodels go for timid, average looking old men
so Amelia + Thomas = David
Of course! Look at Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel :P
@steelersquirrel now you’re making me look them up :p I know who Billy Joel is at least
oh, and Thomas dies. Probably no one cares.
Varga (Bradley James) apparently gets a lot of screen time, despite being largely overlooked in the trailers
Thomas. Meh.
he looks better in this film than the last one. He gains a backbone
gets into fights, helps escapes. that sort of thing
Selene starts the film very depressed
the lycans capture her and then she escapes somehow (don’t know how) and the vampires are mad at her for killing Viktor
then they pardon her in exchange for training their death dealer n00bs
The vampires are still pissed at her for Viktor?
Selene sent Eve away for Eve’s own protection. Eve appears at the end of the film very briefly
@steelersquirrel apparently. They don’t seem to care that she also killed Marcus
See. I wanted to see more of Eve!
but since Marcus started killing all the vampires, I guess that’s understandable
well...... Michael was absent for one film and then killed in this one
Well, Marcus went ape shit ;)
now Eve is absent from this film... maybe killed in Underworld 6????
the series seems aimless still
they set up a plotline in Awakening and ditched it
I know. I really thought that they would be focusing on Eve.
I wonder if India Eisley didn’t want to come back
they show Eve for half a second or something right at the end :-/
argh indeed!
but Marius sounds a bit shallow. Semira sounds like an awesome character that they killed to early :(
Maybe she will come back to life!
the Nordic Coven sounds cool. It’s sort of a spiritual element that they’re adding to the film
@steelersquirrel she better!!! but I doubt it :(
oh, and the humans are absent with no explanation at all. none!!!
@amaranth I think that you should protest! Start an on-line petition ;)
@steelersquirrel :p
You're a room owner here aren't you?
not anymore :p
We should probably make an announcement and star it about spoilers.
or change the room description
@steelersquirrel you’re the room owner :p
Oh, yeah. We can add "and all spoilers" to the title.
@amaranth I am? Oh, God. I have no clue how to do anything ;)
I couldn’t take the pressure
I could change the room description if you make me an owner, but that means you’d have to figure out how :p
I eventually did get used to the pressure of being a 3k user on scifi though
Hehehe! Let me look around and see if I can figure it out.
besides that, I don’t know of any good questions to bounty and burn off my excess rep
@amaranth There's pressure about having 3k rep?
suddenly I saw close and reopen votes, and stuff in the review queues
Just skip them.
I did an edit in sci-fi lastnight and it got re-edited ;-(
I approved it :)
I think you were right, other than a missing comma or something
we don’t need tags in titles. that’s what tags are for. gasp
I took the abbreviated movie title out of the question title and left the movie title out and someone added it back in. I didn't think that we wanted titles in the question headers!
I realize that the HNQ listing is sometimes confusing, but that’s more of a problem with HNQ ignoring tags
Then the vampire Adamant rolled up into chat and said that it was personal preference, which I still don't understand.
we shouldn’t have to copy the tags into titles all the time just because a post might look weird in HNQ
Yeah, I totally agree! If that happened, we would have to go back to every question and add the movie title in the question header. It doesn't really make sense.
besides, the abbreviated title had an extra G in it
and an extra H for hitchhiker ;)
HitchHiker’s GGuide To the Galaxy :D
have you figured out that room description yet? :p
I'm trying to add you as an owner and I can't figure it out. I can figure out how to edit the info underneath the room description, but not how to change the actual room description. Argh!
what happens if you edit the info underneath the room description?
I can edit it to say "Warning: Spoilers discussed in this room"
I used to know how to change room owners, clearly... :-|
what if you click on my name?
@amaranth That! Hehehe! Duh!
You so smart :)
now I can kickmute you D-:<
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! (no tags)
^ that
oh we should have tags. All the cool kids have tags
I don't even know what that means
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [spoilers] [-harold-potter] (no tags)
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! (no tags)
harold :p
I don't know what it means when a room has tags or not ;)
bah it’s still wrong
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [-harold-potter] [spoilers]
I should change that before her highness kills us
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [off-topic] [spoilers] [underworld]
Well, if someone rolls up in here discussing Harry Potter, we will just kick mute them and we won't tell her :P
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrels] [underworld]
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [squirrels] [underworld]
is a superhero, apparently
@amaranth She is! Ankit told me about her!
weren’t you some sort of nurse superhero?
I mean, there’s a nurse who’s a superhero and wears a cape, or something
Night Nurse! Hehe!
Night Nurse is the name of a Marvel Comics comic book series published in the early 1970s, as well as the alter ego later taken on by one of its characters, Linda Carter. Carter was one of three central characters, created by writer Jean Thomas, who first appeared in Night Nurse #1 (cover-dated November 1972), though she was previously the lead of another Marvel series published in 1961. Carter later adopted the name "Night Nurse" for herself, and in this incarnation first appeared in Daredevil vol. 2, #58 (May 2004), written by Brian Michael Bendis, as a medical professional specializing in helping...
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [story-identification] [underworld]
Well, the actual night nurse doesn't wear a cape, I decided to add that little tid-bit ;)
room topic changed to Off-topicness: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [night-nurse] [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [underworld]
that interface to change tags is obnoxious
The room must have a squirrel girl tag!!! :P
it must!!!
you recall the vampire nurse, I presume :p
she never appeared in the films, but there is a picture of her
I’m amused that your group hug is still on the star board →
Okay. I have to get out of here for the evening!
Good night :)
good night squirrel :) I should head out too
11 hours later…
room topic changed to Off-topicness and spoilers: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [night-nurse] [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [underworld]
room topic changed to Off-topicness and spoilers: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. [night-nurse] [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [underworld]
room topic changed to Off-topicness and spoilers: Anything but Harry Potter is on topic. Includes spoilers! [night-nurse] [off-topic] [spoilers] [squirrel-girl] [underworld]

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