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@armadillo You added me as a room owner. That's just too much responsibility for me to bear :P
You can't leave me alone in this!!! ARGHHH!!! :p
@steelerfan guess you’ll have to add somebody else. hot potato You can add me back if you must :p
@armadillo HAHA! I'm just messing with ya! It's not a big deal :)
@steelerfan good because I don’t want to be a public official :p
Oh, right. I am such a great role model for a public office ;)
a paragon of virtue, that’s you
I think I just found the mother of some of my second cousins. facebook stalking
Oh, so maybe I could become a nun 0:)
hmmmmmmm I’ve never met a nun
Me neither
Yeah. That would last about 30 seconds ;)
I tend to swear a lot.
I’m not really sure if they’d have a problem with that
Er, really? I couldn't imagine a nun cursing like I do. Haha! It is making me laugh thinking about it ;)
I have no idea really
I met some Jesuits and some Benedictine monks, and didn’t hear any swearing, so there’s that
umm this guy was either born in 2002 or 2007. that doesn’t help much
So, if you become a Jesuit, does that mean that you have to take a vow of celibacy like a priest? Uhm...if you don't mind me asking. I'm just curious.
yeah that’s one of the vows
also poverty and obedience, in particular obedience to the Pope. “the Pope’s marines” they say... I think
so I could theoretically get deployed by the pope, but that’s uncommon, I guess
Well, I really like this pope. I didn't really care for the one before him, but I really like this new one.
I didn’t know anything about umm... Benedict? whoever was the previous guy
the new pope is cool
He seems more humble. I had a problem with the other one. When my husband was still alive, we were watching something about him and he had on these $600 designer slippers. I just think that is wrong when you are supposed to be trying to help the poor and set a good example.
oh hmm that seems like a little much, yeah. I guess Francis is trying to cut back on things like that, so that’s cool
and that’s a lot of the reason I want to be a Jesuit: I’ll own way less stuff
I mean that’s one of the reasons
Right. He lives in this small apartment and he just seems to be down to earth and humble. So, do you have to get rid of a lot of your stuff?
to be a Jesuit? I’d have to sell it all. I could keep some clothes and documents. Not sure what else.
house, car, everything out
Oh, wow. So, what would you do with the proceeds? Would it go to the Church?
it goes wherever I want. I was thinking of giving it to my parents, since I won’t have any income to support them when they’re old. Might as well go with a lump sum now.
Awww. That's like so cool!
So, you don't draw a salary like a priest does?
no, I don’t think so. I’m not entirely sure... maybe they give us spending money for something.
I just know that the priest at the church my husband went to had his own house behind the church and he drew a salary. he was like the coolest priest, ever. He was raised on a cattle ranch and he always wore cowboy boots and was the coolest, most down to earth priest. I just loved him.
yeah parish priests can own stuff. My priest is really cool. I think they give him the house to live in... he doesn’t own it.
Yeah, I am kinda forward, so I just come out and asked him questions, just because I am curious. He was really cool and answered all of my questions. Also, he didn't like it when we called him "Father" His first name was "Ed" So, he preferred "Father Ed" He was so awesome. He still comes up and visits me even though I don't attend church. I just love him.
cool :)
So, can you put your education to good use at all while doing this?
yes, probably better use than I’m currently doing
soooooooooooooo the Jesuits do a lot of education and research and stuff
I have a master’s degree in physics and don’t use it. But they could probably find somewhere for me to do some physics if I want to. They have an observatory in Arizona or somewhere, and universities all over the place
Oh, really? That's awesome! I saw this cool thing on the new pope and how he is welcoming all kinds of backgrounds and education into the priesthood and stuff.
that’s one of the reasons I think Jesuits sound cool: lots of learning and study. I’d get at least one more degree during my studies as a, umm, Jesuit candidate? or whatever they call them
I think I found the father of my second cousin’s half sister, who is not related to me in the least
Oh, is he a Jesuit?
no he’s just some guy
I’m facebook stalking people... sorry, that’s off topic
but, anything not harry potter is on topic in here :P
until you exercise your powers and change it :p
Hell no. I would never want HP on topic here.
so I found out a while back that John Hancock is my 14thish cousin, 6 times removed
you could change it to anything but Harry Potter and whatever-my-name-is-now’s genealogy
wait, 6th cousin 11 times removed
my common ancestor with him lived in England, I think
wait, now facebook is stalking me. It just suggested that I add that nurse girl as a friend. We have no common friends. HOW DID IT KNOW!!!
maybe she looked me up?
How exciting!
I don’t know that that’s the word I’d choose
facebook just informed me that my cousin’s wife changed hair color. I couldn’t tell...
good thing there are also older pictures of her on there
Well, I would be excited if a nurse were looking for me ;)
depends on the nurse :p
hehehe :)
noooooo I lost the changes
What? What changes?
I made a bunch of changes in the genealogy and they’re gone
noooooo!! Are you using ancestry.com?
no it’s just some software on my computer
but I printed the changes before they disappeared, so I’m putting them back in from reading them off my paper
Sorry...Wad had me distracted talking about firearms ;)
steelerfan is buying a machine gun
ok it’s saved now, I think
Oh, Lord. My family owns several firearms ;)
buy a cannon
hehe. Good plan ;)
ok I’m done with genealogy stuff. off to sleep
Goodnight :)
good night elf

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