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@steelerfan ?
did that ping work?
Yes it did!
oh, cool
it wouldn't auto-complete, so I had my doubts
my name is in italics
It's because you're a room owner!
I can't kick-mute myself. I just checked. disappointing...
I can still get rate limited in here though
So, what's this comparison that you think that will get you banned?
they both look better unshaved
runs away
HAHAHA!! Nice!!
You don't have to run away, silly. I don't offend easily ;)
I waited until Thaddeus was logged off for that, and rand is gone for a week
so I am safe
Seriously? You must not have been around for Mango's damp feline talk ;)
I wasn't
seriously, all these bald... cats... umm it's overrated
Well, he didn't say it as nicely as I just did. He did get banned for 5-6 hours, though ;)
I won't really care if I'm banned from chat, since I never chat anyway
so damp felines are on topic? it's just other wording that's bad?
I know. What do you care? You're never around anymore :(
I don't have much to say, and I don't know...
Yeah. It's Mango's wording that was bad...and the fact that everyone was starring it ;)
Well, you came in the other day and were only there for like 2.5 seconds and ran off!!
yeah soooo I wasn't entirely sober
Awww. Well, anytime that I am around, you are more than welcome to stay and chat!
I'm mildly worried that I just had 4 drinks and I feel halfway sober though. Not quite good to drive, but still...
OMG. If I had 4 drinks, I would be passed out by now ;)
@steelerfan well I told you I'd catch you later, and here I am!
@steelerfan not if you had 4 drinks every day for a week or 2
@armadillo Oh, Lord. I don't know. I am a complete lightweight. I seem to lose all sense of morality when I drink too much ;)
I also may well weigh more than you, but let's not compare...
@steelerfan :-o
steelerfan is a mass murdered when drunk
jaywalking, torrenting files...
Yeah, well I have gained 2 more pounds. I am almost at my pre-surgery-surgery weight. Ugh.
your what?
oh, are you better now? I know you had surgery a while back
Well, I wanted to get to 120 lbs right before my surgery because I knew that I couldn't swim, so I haven't been exercising because...I can't. I am almost back up to 129 lbs. It's horrifying. I get to start swimming next week, though. Hooray!
Yep. All better now :)
so.... you gained 9 lbs, which is a bad thing. Right?
Almost 9 lbs. Yes, it's a bad thing. I don't want to gain any more. Of course it's a bad thing...I'm a girl ;)
ok well I couldn't tell if you were wasting away or gaining weight from inactivity
and 120 lbs would be AWFUL if you were my height
I'd be borderline hospitalized at that weight
I mean, some people need to gain wait, and I didn't want to assume anything
Yeah, I admittedly looked a little too thin. I will be fine when I start swimming next week. It's all good :)
I should go swimming. I haven't done it in a decade
Oh, really? Swimming is the best exercise!
last time I heard something was the best exercise, it sucked
I have got Napoleon to swim and Himarm is getting back into swimming. I feel so proud!
I found some list of good cardio exercises. Top was treadmill. Upright stationary bike didn't even make the list. I now know that I don't like treadmills, but I love upright stationary bikes. Not those dumb recumbrant ones
treadmills are not good. I feel worn out after a few minutes. I can go on an upright stationary bike for forever.
Oh, stationary bikes are great! I like rowing machines as well.
my gym has a couple of those but I haven't tried them. But I haven't been to the gym in ages :(
I have all next week off. It's probably time to get back into it. I feel better if I've been exercising
Awww. You need to get back. Everyone feels better after working out!
my heart rate is lower if I exercise a lot. It feels better somehow
and my knees get messed up if I don't do squats
Definitely! You will have more energy, too!
you'd think squats would make my knees worse, but they fix them
bah, I can't type
I'm ollllllllllld
Yeah, they help strengthen the knees. Hey, I'm older than you!
you're younger at heart. And probably younger at knee.
I was walking with a cane for a few days!
not anymore. I feel fine right now, but I should do squats to make sure it stays that way
Hahaha! I don't know if I am younger at "knee"
I don't know. Have you ever needed a cane?
that was only a very short time, then I got a steroid shot, and it worked WONDERS
no, pills. not a shot.
Well, just recently, I couldn't walk up stairs on my own. I didn't need a cane, though. It was just because I was sore from my surgery ;)
oh right
so ummmmm I have a dumb anecdote
I was cutting a box one time, and the knife slipped. I ended up stabbing my leg really deep. I knew nothing of tetanus at the time, and it didn't hurt, since I guess I missed the nerves.
anyway, turns out I was fine, except: I couldn't lift my leg over a bike seat. That particular motion used the muscle that I had stabbed, so I couldn't do it.
so one particular muscle was... inoperable somehow. Otherwise, I felt fine.
your not being able to walk up stairs reminded me of that somehow
OMG!! Good Lord!
my massage therapist friend told me later that I could have gotten tetanus from that. oops.
I could ride the bike, but I had to lift my leg with my hands.
she knew everything, by the way. It's a pity she's not around now.
Awwww. Is that the nurse that you knew?
no, that's somebody else. That girl hasn't talked to me in a year. I think she got it out of her system.
I haven't talked to the massage therapist in 5 years. I kind of miss her. she was engaged but I never heard if she actually got married.
You could always internet stalk her ;)
she was also a belly dancer
I suspect that she keeps a low profile online
but I haven't tried to find her
WUT? A belly dancing nurse? OMG!
belly dancing massage therapist
the nurse was also a real estate agent, but not a belly dancer, as far as I know
I don't especially miss the nurse
ohhhh...even better! A belly dancing massage therapist!! Good God!!
it was sort of awesome. I went to a few of her events.
Yeah, I would say that it would be sort of awesome!!
I probably had enough to drink... now I miss her more...
she was dating a guy from my physics class
he was sort of a jerk, but we were friends anyway
I don't know what happened to them
besides the engagement with no wedding date set
Well, most of the good girls date jerks...well, except for me. But, I am not that good of a, there's that ;)
so bad girls date good guys? :-p
Yeah...pretty much ;)
I don't mean I wanted to date her, and I wouldn't now if given the opportunity, but she was really cool
nice company
But, if she was really cool and nice company, isn't that the main reason for wanting to date someone?
I don't know
this is getting philosophical
Hehehe! I know, right? Gettin' deep!
I have... plans
they don't involve dating tell!
wait you'll hate me
Why? I don't hate anyone...well, except for my mother in law.
well, I'm fairly sure I'm not your mother in law
but you don't have one anymore, unless you got married last weekend or something
Me too. You are much too cool to be her. Well, I still refer to her as my mother in law.
But, she is my "ex" mother in law.
well in the astonishingly unlikely event that you meet my parents, don't tell them this
but I am planning to be a Jesuit
or something similar
I don't even know what that means. Like a religion?
yeah it's like a monk, sort of
Jesuits are more active in the world than monks are
OMG, really? What made you decide that?
they definitely don't get married
well it just seems right, like it's the sort of life I'm built for
I mean, I've thought about it more than what I just said, but I don't think I need to get into all of that
it just makes sense. it's what I want to do, but my parents will be disappointed
Well, that's totally cool if you feel that it's what you were meant to do with your life. That's awesome! I am glad for you!
thanks elf
Why will your parents be disappointed?
they're protestants
Jesuits are Catholics
so we're like mortal enemies. except not, but Protestants don't like Catholic things, in general
lots of historical animosity there
Oh, see...I should know that. My husband was raised Catholic. I don't know, I just never paid much attention. Sorry :(
it's fine, I'm just glad you don't obviously hate me yet
OMG. Why would I hate you? I don't judge anyone by their religious beliefs, silly!
ok good
some people do? I guess
it's just, they're practising Protestants, and that means they disapprove of me being Catholic. And they want me to get married and give them grandkids and stuff
that's not going to happen
so it's a letdown, if you're waiting for grandkids and your son says he's becoming some sort of Catholic religious orders person instead
Well, then...they are not very good people. I would never judge anyone on their religious beliefs. I would only judge someone who would spout morality at me and then act like a complete a-hole...that's not you at all!
well they are just worried that I'm on the wrong path
I understand what you are going through with people expecting you to have children. Trust me, I went through that and I am sure that I will continue to go through it.
yeah, you probably have it worse
being a girl, and slightly older than me
Some people just aren't meant to have children. I don't know. If it isn't meant to be, then, it isn't meant to be. Same with getting married. I swore that I would never get married again, just because I had it so great when I was married and I don't want to be let down I guess. I don't know. I am weird.
I don't see anything weird about that
I've never been married and I can't see it happening. Meanwhile, religious life makes a log of sense, so I might as well go that direction.
Yeah, sometimes I think it's weird and a bit selfish. I'm just afraid, I guess. As long as you are going into religious life for the right reasons, it's your life, you should be able to do what you want with it.
it's just convincing my parents of that
but we'll see. I haven't said anything, so I'm just making assumptions about how they'd react
So, the only problem that they would have is that you will not produce any grandchildren for them? What does your sister say about it?
she's fine with it, I guess. She tends to OK anything I say I'm going to do. I guess she assumes that I know what I'm doing with my life.
well, no grandchildren and ordering my life completely around being Catholic are the problem for my parents
the Catholic thing is less of a problem now, because I have been a Catholic for 5 years and I didn't turn into a monster or anything, so they're somewhat more receptive now, maybe?
Well, yeah. It's your life. I mean, Catholicism and Protestants aren't that different. They just worship differently, but they still worship the same God, right?
yeah, there are some differences and similiarities
but sometimes Protestants say that Catholics are awful people. Propaganda, you know.
but my parents see that I didn't become awful, so maybe that helps.
Like, Catholics believe that the euchrist (sp) is actually the body and blood of christ, right? Protestants just see it as a form of symbolism?
that's a fairly big point, in fact
a lot of the other stuff is side notes
I mean, to my way of thinking, anyway
And, Catholics seem to give more reverence to the Virgin Mary and confess to priests. I am just trying to remember the stuff that my husband did.
sometimes the objection is just propaganda instead of real differences
so I don't know
So, they both believe that Jesus Christ is the savior and rose after the 3rd day and is the son of god...the same god that they both worship. So, yeah. It's just a propaganda issue as far as I see it.
I mean, there are some important points of disagreement, but some of it is just people saying "those other people are bad"
I don't want to gloss over everything, because the beliefs really are different, but... I don't know
Yeah, I just don't know. I wasn't raised with any religion. I only know what my husband told me about and he didn't care if I was Catholic or not, so I only went to Church on Easter and Christmas ;)
dunno if you've ever seen Chick Tracts, but they're really bad. They'll tell you I eat live babies for breakfast or something.
yeah Easter and Christmas are quite popular :p
Oh my. Well, I don't judge people on what other people say about them. I judge people on the type of person that they are. I don't care about race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I judge people on their character. That's it. You're a good egg, buddy!
thanks elf :)
I'd say group hug but it's only two of us... awkward...
wait it's 3 now
hi person
You're welcome, buddy :) don't worry about it, it will all be good :)
<group hug>
troll spray... hmm
Okay, going back to the "other" room to help name Kate's baby apparently ;)
ok have fun
Goodnight :)
good night nurse elf
18 hours later…

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