@Bellatrix it's a big hand-wringing meeting where the managers will pretend to try to fix things, and the attendees will pretend to care, but I might be noticed if I'm not there
@MolagBal You're welcome! :) Slytherin is the House of the cunning and ambitious, and the Dark Lord and most of the Death Eaters are Slytherins. :D Bellatrix is a Slytherin, too. :D
Just so you know what the other Houses are: Ravenclaw is for the book-smart ones, Gryffindor is for the brave (read: reckless idiots like Harry), and Hufflepuff is for the loyal and hardworking and everyone who doesn't fit into the other Houses.
@MolagBal Yeah... hopefully he understands now. He knows I love Bellatrix and will pass out at the thought of childbirth, so hopefully he'll realize that I won't take that joke well.
I'm so glad you got in on your first try! :D I had to have a bunch of people fight Gideon to put me in Slytherin! He kept trying to put me in Gryffindor.
@MolagBal I hope that you didn't leave mos because of a misunderstanding with Mango. I have known Mango for a long time and he would never do anything malicious to hurt anyone. He likes to poke fun and joke around and I'm sure that he didn't know that Bellatrix felt so strongly about that or he never would have done it :)
@Bellatrix a couple shots of rum would help, but it would make it harder to drive to work, so I won't do that :p
but no, I just need to sit around for 3 hours. I should get to work early enough to make some tea, so that will hold me over for the first half hour at least :-/
nothing terrible would happen to me if i skipped the meeting, but i've been skipping a lot of early meetings lately, and I'm trying to reform
@MolagBal :) Probably. I mean, she'd make sure I stayed in the house, but she probably would. I'm allowed eggnog at Christmas, so she doesn't mind it in a safe controlled environment. :)
@MolagBal :D :D :D It helps that I don't go out and I don't party. I also don't date unless you count Bellatrix. I don't get into any trouble. I'm a very well-behaved Death Eater! :D
sooooo when I turned 21, I tried a couple kinds of beer and hated them. one of the beers was Rogue Dead Guy Ale, a fairly lightish beer quite popular in Oregon, where I lived at the time
I think I also tried Rogue Mocha Porter at some point, which is heavier/darker/stronger/whatever
so I decided that I just don't like beer, since I didn't like any of the ones I tasted
fast forward 6 months, and a thought entered my head: a Dead Guy would be really good with the dinner I was making
so I went and bought one, and had it with dinner, and it was good. I suddenly liked beer!
fast forward 6 more months!
same thing happened, except I felt like a Mocha Porter would be just perfect with my dinner, and indeed it was
so, I somehow acquired a taste for beer merely by waiting a year, not by drinking it at all
a lot of people say that you have to just keep drinking beer until you get used to it or something, but I just started liking it for no apparent reason
@Bellatrix thanks :) really, sometimes I wonder, because some drinks are supposedly "girlier" than others
I really believe that you should just drink what you like, even if that's water or whatever, but still, it makes me second-guess myself if I reach for something girls supposedly like
There are also basilisks, which are even huger snakes than Voldemort's magical huge snake, which can be created by putting a chicken egg under a toad to hatch. The only one who can communicate with them is the Dark Lord (he can talk to snakes) but he could command them to eat the enemies. They can also kill with a look, so we'd all have to be far away, though, so we don't get any of our side killed.
@MolagBal It's coming along really well! :) It's taking a while because there's so much information I want to fit in it, and I want to make sure it turns out really well! :)
@Bellatrix it was 3 hours, standing room only, and no breaks. I walked out after 2.5 hours for 15 minutes or so, to have snacks and things. Here's a summary: "bla bla bla things are bad so let's make an action plan. that'll fix everything."
or I guess I left a little before 2.5 hours in, but anyway, I went back later to make it look like I was paying attention :p
there's a new hire who's convinced that he knows the answers to everything, so he kept talking ):<
@Bellatrix it was, but here's the good part: there are snacks for everyone in a manager's office, and that manager was in the meeting, so when I stepped out, I knew I could grab my fill of snacks without her being in her office :D
@Bellatrix I also signed the sign-in sheet, in case anybody is tracking me :p
@MolagBal What kind of conspiracy theories? 0_0 Work related ones? Or "Elvis is still alive, the Loch Ness monster is real, aliens built the pyramids" sort of thing?
@Bellatrix not work-related. The Globalists are trying to take over the world, whoever they are, the moon landings didn't happen, and I don't remember what else
I could believe that one or two large events were faked or falsely attributed, but it seems like the conspiracy theorists think that everything is fake, everywhere, and they don't care about evidence to the contrary :-|
@MolagBal Definitely don't ask that! :P If I'm correct in assuming he's the bad kind of crazy, he'll probably have a lot to say on the topic of lizard people. :P
@Bellatrix maybe :p although, if I recall, he thinks the world is 6000 years old, and there's not a lot of room for lizard people in that particular timeline
he talked my ear off a few times, but I can't remember his overarching ideas. I was sort of trying not to listen :p
@MolagBal Yeah... :P So I just started Googling the globalists, and one of Google's suggested searches is "the globalists are turning the frogs gay". No joke!
@MolagBal :P We don't know. Basilisks are very rare since very few people can control them, so there's never been an instance of a male and a female basilisk close enough together that we could find this out from. At least not that we know of. So, maybe. We don't really know one way or the other.