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A: Script not running on resume/wakeup in Ubuntu

EdiDSince systemd the proper location for this is /lib/systemd/system-sleep. Make there a file eg. 999_thaw_flash and paste like this : #!/bin/sh case $1/$2 in post/suspend) your_srcipt_here .... ;; esac

nope, didnot work
Did you set executable bit ?
yes i did, it was done
There is default hdparm file can you cat its structure and make the same with your script. I'm wondering if this will work ?
After suspend you can investigate for errors with journalctl -u systemd-suspend.service it will tell you about executing scripts after waking up
/lib/systemd/system-sleep/file1 failed with error code 1. and it is not able to connect to remote host
So it's something wrong with your script
what is it
I have checked and hdparm script is working. If you made yours in the same way it must work unless there is a bug in script

case $1 in
/usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/95hdparm-apm resume
this is my hdpram
I meant making another one just like hdparm eg. thaw_flash
not editing hdparm
i have added logs to the question
As you can see systemd is launching your script but there are many errors. Probably you have to rewrite it. What is it suppose to do ?
download html data and parse it
Maybe wget will do the thing ?

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