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Q: "Offensive" bumper sticker on car

SkoobaI have a bumper sticker on my vehicle that says The sticker is about 3" x 5" in white block lettering. My employer has told me to remove the sticker or face disciplinary action. They also said there have been two complaints received within the year. The car is a personal vehicle and is not u...

Can customers see it? And do they have an expectation that it has to be on the car of an employee?
@mhoran_psprep It would be possible for anyone to see it. In my mind it is also possible (as offended viewer is concerned) that it belongs to anyone.
If you park the car where customers can see it, and they know it is an employees car, then the employer has every right to be concerned.
A company can have a dress code and many other policies. Yes they can require you to remove something offensive.
Honestly, the fact that you put it in a spoiler tag in your question, probably says enough.
Stick a "D" over the "F"
This would see your car badly damaged in my country, we have freedom of speech, but it wouldn't save your car.
I honestly don't see it as offensive, its humorous at most, but your employer's concern is valid if its their parking lot.
@JustDoIt, if not "offensive", you surely can agree that it is profane.
Not even profane @PaulDraper profane means treating something sacred in an irreverent way. Which is not the case for this question.
@JustDoIt, it's common accepted to be profanity. Do you prefer "obscene"? Or whatever adjective you want to describe R-rated language.
I could see this being an issue in the office parking lot. Maybe park with the back of the car to a wall at all times? Or maybe park somewhere nearby, but not on company property? Or cover up the sticker while parked at work, in some way? There's options, you just have to be open minded. Generally speaking I can understand why an employer might feel that this sort of thing is inappropriate in the workplace (and even the office parking lot is still part of the workplace).
Remember life is short, pick the right battles. Assume for a moment that you have the "right" to show up on company premises with that sticker on your car. Do you really want to take your employer to court over this? What happens if you win? Will they spread out a red carpet for your car the next day?
Why do you hide behind a spoiler tag something which you display on your car for anyone to see?
@MaskedMan If you were to make an answer out of this comment, I would certainly up vote it.
Was your employer polite as duck when he/she asked you to remove it?
@Édouard Done, although the comment became an essay 😁.
The company can't make you remove the sticker. The company can stop you from parking the car on their premises if you choose not to remove it.
Related. If a couple people can lose their jobs over a dongle joke that took place off-premises, off-company-time, what makes you think you'll do any better? For that matter, your employer could probably fire you simply for having that sticker on your car at all. It undoubtedly projects an image they don't want to be associated with.
"would this be considered a freedom-of-speech issue" - this has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Nobody will arrest you for having this sticker. But you don't have a right to impose it on your employer. This might help:…
In my opinion, it's a litmus test, and your employer failed. They don't share your values. You're flexible. You're funny. You're polite as fuck. Your company isn't. Do you want to work for and support a company that doesn't share your values?
"Freedom of Speech" is between you and your Government, not you and your employer. An employer may put numerous restrictions on their employees, restrictions you accept by taking the job. If you fail to follow these restrictions, your employer may sack you. You're free to change jobs, so your "Freedom of Speech" has not been infringed... but as long as you work under their roof, you'll have to follow their rules.
9 hours later…
@RockPaperLizard Seriously? You think everyone should work only for companies whose "values" (as defined in a silly bumper sticker) precisely match your own?

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