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6:23 AM
Who did that? Who put the 24-hour whammy on me? It don't matter; i have another life on the streets. But, really? Why?
I'm here to do good, though i know how to give harm. Please allow me to be on your side. Lucky i'm willing. I can pull the plug on this endeavor.
@Randal'Thor , when you're right you're right.
Sorry to take a few hours to respond, @Rand al'right.
When i'm wrong i get punished. Banned 24 hours for who knows what. Less than the year you got, @Rand al'wronged. Whut the!?! Thought i was moderator of this room. Did i banish myself?
Long songs, often covers like the above, where musicians establish bona fides in the opening bars before proceeding to an orgy of self-gratification and returning to fundamentals for the closing bars. Protocol.
See you at charcoal. I have an axe to grind.
6:41 AM
"ave" = "axe"
. . . watied to tell this story . . .
A-gal and K-niece. The latest and earliest of my "Valkyries."
Each has looks to kill. Not only how it sounds -- give or take a few inches each would be a world-famous model -- but also the glare.
These women i've known since birth. In their late 20s and 30s now.
Each is also endowed with physical skills nonpareil. Alas, neither has met her match.
A-gal asked for nobody else to be my friend. She was 7 and she's moved on by now.
K-niece told me i wouldn't have to wear shoes to her wedding, whenever that happens.
I give each the glare when necessary. Actually, they might've inherited the glare from me.
@humn Looking at the history, it looks like you were suspending for saying "eat scat and die" in Charcoal; I'm not entirely sure why you posted that, but it can definitely be taken as rude (even if it's not meant that way). That's why it's good to contain that to here ;)
@Mithrandir , thank you, and sorry.
I try to be good.
It's always worth a try.
(Actually i'm good beyond my worst instincts. You really are lucky i'm your beside.)
How i love music! All forms. Formless most of all.
"Comments are disabled for this video."
Guess i'm aiming for another suspension. If not, the radar isn't working.
@Mithrandir, before the clock tolls, don't forget me.
@Mithrandir , you are so sensitive my hair stands on end.
You give me a sense of lovability!
@Mithrandir, i want each of my "Valks" to descend upon you. For both your sake and theirs.
To escape the throttle, these women defy beauty.
Each is stronger than the last.
I gave each a step up.
Each took that step and swatted me with it.
The truly most beautiful bit*hes you could imagine.
I made each feel beautiful. And i taught each to . . . well, well, i don't wanna be banned again.
Nothing naughty! I save that for older women. In their 60s by now.
How i love ripe fruit.
Do not forget, i'm a little crazy. Perhaps why i bas banned.
Crazy but functional. In fact genius. In a way.
Life is sweet.
Yes, everyone of my passwords is "music lover." Guess why?
And, again, i'm the least religious person you'd ever meet. But one who loves music.
Open-minded nonetheless.
"Of liquid into sun."
@Alconja, please! You can do it.
I'm drying on the vine. Please give a cheer.
@Mithrandir , so much appreciated!
The guy has a sense of humo(u)r!
And a voice.
Wowie! Thank you.
@Mithrandir, i am so grateful. Who's been feeding you? No need to answer now.
@Mithrandir , what a wonderful version! One my favo(u)rite songs.
No need to reply.
@Mithrandir, your ears belie your mouth, for which i still root.
Again, no need to reply.
You already have.
Breathe easy. It's called "inspiration."
As if you (don't) need it:
I need it.
The cheesiest of Yes portfolia. But the remdu for the moment.
You don't know how intricate Yes pieces are until you've played them. I have. On a variety of instruments.
Every instrument from flute to church organ.
Working the pedals ate my gut.
What an experience! for someone who plays notes an octave below bass cleff.
For you, Mother, you drove me and Brother for 1,000 miles. We lasted, you didn't:
We were skyed (look it up). Brother survived. I succumbed. To each our own.
Mother did not survive. Not by a long shot. Lost to malignant cancer. I would swear except overlords are watching.
I've spent the last 30 years trying to turn others into her. No such luck.
So far 9 sweethears, 50 years younger, have turned into her. What luck!
"Sweethears" = "Sweethearts"
"I dream about her, even in my sleep!"
The most beautiful woman in the world only feels so around me.
And i don't make it up. She truly is.
Yes, she is beauty beyond relief. Beyond years. Beyond everyone but me. Of all the gals in their 20s and 30s who throw theirelves at me, whom i groomed, i prefer riper fruit.
I've broken more hearts than reached puberty. Now they are (mostly) in their 30s. Hearts of glass.
Were i younger, . . . actually, some call me.
Still, i don't ever, never, want to break a heart of glass.
I break hearts of steel.
(And, in case you haven't guessed, i misspell on purpose.)
(On a good day.)

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