@miles In Octave (which all of the online compilers use), Unicode support is very much undocumented and unreliable (see our previous discussion here
In Octave, indexing into a unicode string gives you an unexpected result (not even really a byte since it converts a unicode character to 3 numbers) matl.suever.net/…
In MATLAB though, there is official support for unicode and I believe the poster's answer would actually run in MATLAB (although I can't test it at the moment)
I see, so it's hard to test like Mathematica is when you don't have access to it. I was having a similar issue until I found the ucp command in J where each of those unicode box chars were being represented as 3 bytes making the output be control chars
I'm trying to translate my answer MATLAB answer to MATL but getting nowhere
from http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/94161/42247 Can you help me understand some basic things? I've been reading the specs on github but still very confused
@Suever I think I got it now. My answer seems to work, http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/94183/42247 The confusion was basically because I didn't understand how pushing things to the stack then using them later worked.