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@Suever Eh, the font is horrible
Do you have any constructive criticism or suggestions for improvements?
@Suever don't use a font where each letter looks bold
@LeakyNun better?
@Suever ça c'est merveilleux (this is brilliant)
@Suever Do you have any idea why it takes so long?
@LeakyNun Hmmm it shouldn't be taking that long. Are you on a relatively slow internet connection?
@Suever not really
Also how slow is slow?
@Suever you didn't exactly provide a timer
A few seconds?
@Suever a few seconds
Ok yea that's abnormal
Usually our response times (for simple code) are ~0.3 seconds or so
I'll dig into it. Part of using this site at this point is just working out some of these things because @LuisMendo and I have been using it a while but that's not a good stress test.
@Suever ok
@Suever Poor TIO, don't call it "backup site" :-(
Lol updated
didn't mean it that way :)
So it looks like it's slow becuase it's having to spin up a new octave session each time like TIO
I really need to ditch the oct2py library and just write it myself so I have better control over octave sessions
1 hour later…
@LuisMendo I changed some of the server configuration to hopefully get rid of those timeout issues. Let me know if you notice any more of those
3 hours later…
@Suever Ok. Thanks!
Function D has been extended with "string representation" functionality, like mat2str but also working for cell arrays (using stackoverflow.com/a/38553646/2586922)
@LuisMendo ah, I wondered why you were playing around with eval >;)
@beaker But I didn't actually use it! :-) It was just to show that the function I wanted was somehow the inverse of eval
@LuisMendo Como comprimiste?
Ah, veo que comprimiste "|||/\\/||||\/||||\/||||\/|||\/\|/|||\|/|||\|/\||/|\||/||\||/|\||/\|||//|||\/||\‌​|/||\||/||\/|\|||/|\|||/|\/\||||/\|||/\||||/\|"
quizas seria mas corto si le generas en lugar de hardcode-ear
@LuisMendo That's what they all say. ;)
Friends don't let friends use eval
2 hours later…
@LeakyNun He añadido una explicación detallada en la respuesta. Sí, está "hard-coded", no usa para nada la estructura del código
(For non-Spanish speakers: I've added a detailed explanation in the answer. Yes, it's hard-coded, it doesn't exploint the structure of the code)
@Suever When MATL Online is stable (and it seems it's almost there, or very close), I intend to post about half the answers with it and half with TIO. Except for image or real-time output, that is :-) In fact, I've already updated this one. You should probably do the same with the windmills!
@Suever Seeing your recent answer, I think max and min should probably return char when one of the inputs is char. It would have avoided a c in your answer. Do you see any drawback to that?
Oh BTW, how do you pronounce "Fourier" in English? Do you know IPA, or can you explain it giving a word it rhymes with? I understand the first vowel is the same "u" as in "rule". My question is regarding the "-rier" part. What's the vowel sound there? Does the final "r" sound?

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