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How is Egg this morning?
Alright I suppose. How are you lot?
Not too bad
Hopefully should have a nice day today, had loads of support calls recently
Do you expect some new traffic with the new book?
I want to believe there will be some action but we don't really get a lot of questions about Prequels
Probably not too much
Might get a couple
And those will be from the us, answered by ourselves
Still a way off yet though
Aye probably haha
Is he still releasing it in 2 volumes? I didn't read his full post
@Aegon new book?
@Kepotx The prequel. F&B
@TheLethalCarrot Doesn't look like it. I had heard the same thing but the cover doesn't make any mention of the volume
Nopes, it's the first volume
Archmaester Gyldayn has at last completed and delivered the first half of his monumental history of the Targaryen kings of Westeros
Aegon I ~ Aegon III
Guess we will find the answer to my question in it then
Q: What was the first quarrel of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne and how was it resolved?

AegonThe marriage of the fourth Targaryen monarch Jaehaerys I and his sister-wife Queen Alysanne is considered to be full of love and mutual respect. In The World of Ice and Fire, it is mentioned that: Two estrangements are recorded but they did not last more than a year or two before the pair r...

so basically, it would be WOAIF with dragond, targ and dragons?
or still narrative?
@Kepotx Not clear but if Sons of the Dragon is any indicator, it will be a cross between TWOIAF and TPATQ/TRP
George says: So: not a novel. Everyone clear on that? (Though there are enough stories here for twenty novels. Battles, bloodshed, betrayals, love, lust, horror, religious wars, politics, incest, historical revisionism, all the fun stuff).
@Aegon Thought it would still be in 2
@Aegon SO meta
That part is so bizarre.
It is
I may have put some sarky comments on that meta somewhere :P
How on earth do POC and "Marginalised groups" go together in SP
SO's context*
Given how A vast number of the members of SO and Programmers in general are POC
What's POC again?
People of Color
I have never felt what the blog says
But I don't know, it seems to me they've likely had a few complaints so have made a blog post to "fix" the "issue"
And I hate random white people feeling offended on our behalf
Oh people being offended on other peoples behalf is one of the worst things
@TheLethalCarrot Probably the people who asked a bad question and then thought, "Is it because my question was bad that I got a bad response? nopes, it must be because of my gender and skin color"
Honestly, I'd like to ask Jay Hanlon to show one piece of evidence for Racism and Sexism in SE network that wasn't taken care of by the community
that's particulary true for new coders. We don't downvote you question because you are a black woman. We did because you use java tag instead of javascript.
I think I've seen one case where a 1 rep user was hitting on "female" users and posting links to his social media. That was very swiftly taken care of
@Aegon the thing is, obviously racist/sexist comments would be flag and deleted, so they can be here xhile not visible
@Kepotx That's the point, we are already handling that stuff. The only real complain here is "Elitism" which is often heard of all across the internet
From people who were banned for continuously violating guidelines
On a lighter note...
maybe because SO is meritocratic, such as Wikipedia? But I guess this is the only way to have a big community with a big content working well
They are unnecessarily making SO a mirror of political cesspool instead of a Q&A community it is meant to be
Jon Snow defeats the Night King
All is good in the world then
@TheLethalCarrot That raises a valid point though
@TheLethalCarrot Lol
Found the real problem at the bottom
The real problem they have is with the Sarcastic comments
On meta or main? Cos on meta I'm guilty of that
I don't ask in SO anymore. Too many people just answer in comments and then discard you for being bad or being vaguely similar to another question even when you've explained why that didn't work
Sarcastic comments and fun sort of make a place more welcoming though so they are contradicting themselves
And now they think there's a problem because those users said the comments were because of their gender/skin color, not because they asked a bad question which is already answered 100s of times and they didn't bother to read How to Ask guide
@TheLethalCarrot On both I reckon
Anyone seen Ricky Gervais' latest standup show?
Very relevant regarding context
Sarcastic bad is not welcoming, sarcastic jokey ones are funny
Also very funny
The Humanity tour
Suffering? Hahahaha
Lol, they' appear to be a founder of a rival
I’ve been tweeting and writing publicly about the problems on Stack Overflow since I started my company two years ago.
@TheLethalCarrot See the top tweet
A guy said that how could we tell the OP the problem on 49th line if they share just 7 lines
And that's apparently very offensive
It's not the nicest worded comment but I see nothing wrong with it
I love how her blog post is in itself extremely condescending and rude (in the same manner, if not worse, than what she claims SO and Joel are like)
@TheLethalCarrot It's a strange blog post, very strange...
I'm still reading it but it's not great
I used “inhumane” to mean lacking in compassion
It's not a forum or a place to be compassionate, IT'S A FRICKING Q/A SITE!
It also uses examples from 2012 and is discussing them like they were posted today
@TheLethalCarrot From archived posts which are clearly not acceptable now and users can't do anything with them
This time I fully fell asleep!
I think you need to turn up the heat and play the lullaby channel
Lol, everyone was at lunch so it was fine, but yep unconscious
Some of the comments on that article are brilliant
@TheLethalCarrot I am gonna make a compassionate_quill_and_tankard chatroom
Being mean to Freys or People calling Tyrion Tyrone will be punishable by death
"I apologize for any offense it caused."

When someone says "no u" and turns the table on you
@Aegon Complaining about Sansa is still on-topic right?
@Edlothiad You will get lines. Write "Sansa is a brave young woman who is constantly growing" a 1000 times
We want Sansa fans to feel included
Even if they come up with "Sansa will marry Jalabhar Xho and give birth to Azor Ahai who will be a vegan Princess that was promised, not prince" tier theories
If I were to argue constructively about Sansa would that be on topic?
@TheLethalCarrot Not unless you began your posts with "Greetings" and ended them with "Cheerio"
The all important greetings
You don't want to alienate people
Hello @Aegon I indeed agree with you that we do not want to alienate people, Thank you for reading my comment.
Compassionate Chatting 👏
We shall lead the community towards the light!
We're even very diverse
I'm not sure if we tick every box but we do a good job of it
@TheLethalCarrot Hello @TheLethalCarrot. Thank you for your feedback. I just want to add that I can tell from your profile that you are a Carrot and we want all the carrots to feel included. We also welcome the addition of our first Lethal member. Thank you for reading this and enriching our chatting experience.
@TheLethalCarrot one might say they're the ... Greetings That Were Promised...
b'dum tss
@Edlothiad Low hanging fruit there mate. It's practically a turnip. 2/10
Turnips don't grow on trees?
"That's the joke"
Sorry.....Did I make you feel less included? I apologize for any offense that I may have given.
@Edlothiad Whoooosh
I think it is YOU who Whoooooooooshed my friend.
@Edlothiad Now now, you're not being very compassionate
Laugh....Or I will not feel included
I might even throw in the towel
I was stating that I was under the impression that Turnips grew on trees, not asking for confirmation that Turnips do in fact not grow on trees.
@Edlothiad That
That's very mean
You can't say you're not seeking confirmation
@Aegon I find you judging my comments as mean to be very unwelcoming...
That's not very inclusive for the confirmers!
@Edlothiad Shit, I need to copy her comment from the article where someone "no u"-ed you
@Aegon I find your use of language to be terribly declusive
I think we may have to stop now...
Careful, we need to include aegs needs
Damnit, sorry Aeg
I'm an avid book reader and I live happily with show watchers until you bring up ser Barristan's death and I will unleash all the rage that I can muster from my mortal form
Made me chuckle that did
The quote
I don't see a quote, but looking at the transcript I see it
The avid book reader thing
Ye had to refresh to see a quote, weird
Me too and I sent it
In the notablog post about F&BV1
A lot of people comment on signed copies. But those must just be digitally signed ones right? Not actual hand signed ones?
Dunno, haven't seen 'em
They must be, some people are like "I'll get a couple"
Some people have too much money or too little money but rarely spend it
Seems to be digital ones, they're $15-$45: jeancocteaucinema.com/product-category/signed-books
$45 for the signed one apparently
Nah Signed hardcover
Signed mass market paperbacks are $15
Oh I missed that one
i don't get the difference between the tree prices
is it only the quality of paper?
Number printed, printing method, binding, cover, etc
Hardcovers are bound differently to mass paper backs with nicer paper, and are printed in more limited runs
Trade PB are all the above except with a PB cover
ok, thanks
France have not a big culture of hardcover books. We have mainly two kind of books, classic one and "pocket books"(livre de poche) who are smaller, thiner paper, and cheaper but are often reedition and come month or even year after the first edition
I think it depends, but for tolkiens books the Hard covers were always the first editions, the trade paperbacks would come later. I don't know whether he just wanted something immaculate or if that was forced by the publishers etc.
But Hardcovers usually come with dustjackets that made it easier to add a design to it. The old encyclopedias certainly were all leather bound hard covers and most old books would've been the same.
@kep I think this is kind of the distinction you were looking for
>f brisk sales are anticipated, a hardcover edition of a book is typically released first, followed by a "trade" paperback edition (same format as hardcover) the next year. For very popular books these sales cycles may be extended, and followed by a mass market paperback edition typeset in a more compact size and printed on shallower, less hardy paper.
well, we skip the hardcover one^^ at least for mainstream distribution
the only hardcover book i have in home is a special edition of necronomicon
French Wikipedia seems to agree with you
cooking books have also usually hard cover but i think it's more for protection than esthetic
The only ones I personally have are my First Edition Silmarillion and UT
And a couple of LotRs
@Aegon The first bolded part in my answer is the bit I'm really drawing my answer from. Hallyne says the substance needs the spells to be all it needs to be but that implies the substance can be around without those spells i.e. it is chemical
But the art of adding the spells seems to enhance it
I agree, +1
Should have guessed it was your UV haha
@TheLethalCarrot hang on I might need to re-read it
Will get around it in a moment, gotta pretend to work rn
Lol, that's fine
1 hour later…
@TheLethalCarrot Wiki interprets that dialogue as "Certain steps in making wildfire work better and more efficiently as of more recently". It is vague about the state of the substance prior to applying those spells/steps but it says "making", not "improving" or something else of that nature. Me thinks Those steps are necessary in making the substance what it is as Hallyne says i.e. uncontainable, inextinguishable, incredibly hot. Is it still wildfire if it lacks any of these qualities?
But sure there's some doubt about what he says (For which you have my UV now) but he is still vague about what he means by "For substance to be all what it should be".
certain spells, hmmm, ancient secrets of our order, very delicate, very troublesome, but necessary if the substance is to be, hmmm, all it should be...
Depends on what "all it should be" refers to I suppose
Yup, the vague bit
Though the wording sounds, to me at least, it is still wildifre even without being all it should be
If it is just inflammable but:

1. Can be extinguished
2. Can't burn steel or heavier objects

It is not quite the Substance yet
So like you said, depends of what "all it should be" refers to
Yeah, it's certainly ambiguous
I concur
@Aegon wildfire can't melt steel beams. baelor's sept was an inside job.
(well, it was an inside job even if wildfire IS efficient)
Whew, main SO meta is on fire today
And rightfully so
What now? Haven't looked since this morning
Same blog post
Aye but I mean what posts? What they complaining about now?
They are literally listening to people who say they feel devastated because their questions were closed and people explaining their problem (And the close vote) invited them to chat
@TheLethalCarrot Not new ones, new activity on old ones
Q: Please ask if there is a problem before telling us there is a problem

zero298I'm concerned about the most recent blog post Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change.. I worry about seeing an outright blog post telling me that there is something wrong and then not backing it up with community discussion. I think it is poor form to outright tell a ...

Q: Does Stack Exchange really want to conflate newbies with women/people of color?

Nicol BolasThe Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming blog post says: Too many people experience Stack Overflow as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, women, people of color, and others in marginalized groups. There have been accusations of elitism against SO since time immemorial. Basic...

Q: How do you know Stack Overflow feels unwelcoming?

svickThe Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change. blog post says: But how do we really know that too many developers experience Stack Overflow as an unwelcoming or hostile place? Well, the nice thing about problems that relate to how people feel is that finding the truth ...

I'll have a quick skim through
Q: In season 2 of Game of Thrones why won't the Hound hurt Lady Sansa?

PurebloodIn season 2 episode 10 of Game of Thrones, why was the Hound in Lady Sansa's room? Why didn't he hurt her?

No snarky or sarcastic comments allowed!
Crap Q, crap A but meh
I don't really have the time either
I'll flesh it out more later when I get chance
@Aegon I mean they musn't have even listened to the scene
Well they got the episode wrong to so I shouldn't have had high hopes
@TheLethalCarrot How dare you be snarky?
(Since this is kinda the same thing as someone who doesn't bother to read the exception logs)
did you guy see the Stark carving my roommate did for me?
I'll dig it up!
user image
damn thats a nice piece of work
The walruses are walrus ivory. The trivet is just random wood.
Is there text on the sides we can't see?
he did the carving in about half an hour.
nope... just winter is coming
He'd love to sell some
Does he have an online store?
Nope, nothing that organized
And few picures of past stuff
He sells hawker style mostly to tourists.
And custom work for others that find him.
That's pretty awesome :)
Thank you. I'll tell Travis, who BTW is one of the few true Eskimos left in Alaska.
Oh awesome :)
My dads started doing some wood carving but he's not on that level yet
Few are. Travis enters almost a fugue state when he carves.

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