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Hey guys, which Knight would have a Lamb on their shield? Anyone remember?
Historical figures included.
5 hours later…
@JAD given that image is supposedly printed in TWOIAF, I'd say you can trust it...
@Möoz Men of House Stokeworth? Men of House Rambton if the device is a ram, not a lamb.
And good morning Gents
> “What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish
me a good morning, or mean that it is a good
morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel
good this morning; or that it is a morning to be
good on?”
Because it is not a morning to be good on. Don't drink on Tuesdays kids! It gives you hangovers for Wednesdays...
but...but... my bear !
@Kepotx if you're copying a comment verbatim I'd put it in a quotation block and link to the original comment.
@Edlothiad All of them at once, I suppose
yes, edited
@Aegon Now I don't know if this is coincidental, but that is also Bilbo's reply.
@Edlothiad I know. Have watched the movies so much that I remember the script for the most part
@Aegon *facepalm*, oh my sweet child, may the seven have mercy on your soul...
well to be fair, most book to movie adaptations leave out details, like Harry Potter and GoT. The Hobbit did not do that...
@JAD Lol, is it worse to create twice as much story, or forget extraneous details?
@Edlothiad well, in a way, the combination averages out to a faithful adaptation
Adding and removing details makes the change greater, not faithful...
but the average of -1 detail and 1 detail is 0 detail. So everything is right again
Never do maths...
@Edlothiad trust me, I'm a statistician
@JAD Aren't you in uni?
nah, I didn't update my profile in a while
In truth I graduated a bit over a year ago
Ah ok, I thought you were like 19
I turn 25 next week, but close enough :p
@BaeltheBard When I saw this (title) I originally thought about the Romans at Hadrian's Wall, anyone else agree?
Y'all know I don't know any history...
Neither do I but I have some basic understandings of it
A very limited understanding haha
Want a description of why the Roman Legions could have inspired the Night's Watch or is the quote enough?
A: Are there any real-life parallels to the Night's Watch?

TheLethalCarrotRoman Legions One of George R. R. Martin's main inspirations for the Night's Watch are the Roman Legions who manned Hadrian's Wall, as that is the inspiration for the Wall. Hadrian's Wall, of course, I think was the inspiration for the Wall. I've never been to China so I've never had a chanc...

100 out of 10? Nice one
also if you place the map of the UK over the map of Westeros, Hadrian's Wall and The Wall are quite literally parallel :)
Oh yeah Hadrian's Wall is no doubt the main inspiration for the Wall
well, yeah, your quote is quite definite proof of that
another parallel between NW and real life could be the military monastic order, i think that GRR Martin also say he was influenced by crusades, and there can be similarities
again, diferent culture, some oath (no woman, no children)
plus, the crusades were in the origin a noble cause but were corrupted by the time
If you go looking for parallels you'll undoubtedly find loads
In my brief ten minute search I turned up about 10 different theories
yes, there are lot of army corps who have some similarities, like the other answer of german military branch who recruit prisonners
the thing is, there is no perfect real life equivalent, just examples with more or less similarities
Exactly and that's what the quote at the bottom of my answer explains :)
yes, and that's why I dislike the fact that there can be only ONE correct answer on SE
I mean, my answer is not more correct than yours. just a diferent one
I dislike the check mark on SE altogether but that's a different argument
@Kepotx Also don't get into the territory cos then you're likely into "should the Q actually be closed?"
Well, there are different policies about this, but for me, the fact that there are several possible answer doesn't mean the question is bad
Of course not but when you get into any answer is equally correct then the question is bad
#TemplarsAreBad #Assassins4eva
Played AC:O yet?
Hey, congrats @TheLethalCarrot on the gold badge! :-D
(and sorry for being later for you than I was for Aegon)
I'm pretty sure that makes you the lowest-rep gold tag badger on the site.
Thanks! And no worries :)
Awesome go me :P
Looks like it was a pretty close race there. Took 7 years for anyone to get a GoT gold, then two arrive within a week.
@TheLethalCarrot Nah, we're going to get it at some point, but not yet
@Randal'Thor When I got close it spurred Aeg on (ba dum tss) to go for it
@Edlothiad Ah okay, tis good though I haven't played it for a bit
@TheLethalCarrot The third Gold badge is close, only 170 to go!
Lol, you'll get there soon!
System Down used to be top of both the GoT and aSoIaF tags.
I guess he drifted away from the site.
Speaking of which, why are you guys getting golds in the screen crap rather than the original material? ;-)
Looks like it, Aeg is top in both at the moment
The race is still on for ASOIAF
Also, here's a question some of you might be able to answer:
Q: What is the evidence supporting the idea that Aegon (young Griff) is a Blackfyre?

Matrim CauthonI have read all of ASoIaF, and even though he gets limited time on the page, people love to speculate about young Griff, aka Aegon Targaryen. Apart from the fact that most people had assumed him dead, what is the evidence of the idea that he might be a Blackfyre?

A: Why does the Golden Company raise the banners for a Targaryen?

AegonWarning: This answer may contain serious spoilers for those who have not read ADWD. This is not the official position of GRRM but is derived from Canon evidence in favor of this very popular theory. TL;DR They did not! They did it for a Blackfyre. Aegon is a Blackfyre thus Golden Company is h...

TL;DR: Is that a theory or is it actually looking like he's a Blackfyre?
@Randal'Thor Oh trust me I want to. But I need a kick in the back to get working. Guess I will just have to wait until TLC is close enough to take over.
@Aegon Yep, I was thinking you might be the right person to answer the Lit one ;-) Someone already posted an answer based on yours, but didn't do a very good job of it, summarising too much and cutting out a lot of the evidence:
Maybe it needs one of your awesomely loooooooong and detailed answers.
@Aegon It'll be a while I'm busy at work and still have 45 answers to go plus score
@Randal'Thor ctrl + c and ctrl + v are two handy shortcuts for getting long answers to other places.
@Edlothiad It looks like the two questions are different, so the answers would have to be tweaked accordingly, and I'm not inclined to go through the answer understanding everything and working out which bits are still useful on the other post.
Meh, it's long enough that it answers everything possible
Answering everything possible doesn't necessarily make it a good answer to a specific question.
Isn't that a summary of all of Aeg's answers?
I'd rather ask one of these aSoIaF gurus to write up an answer themselves than C&P something I only half-understand and which is only half-relevant.
@TheLethalCarrot :-O
Do I detect some saltiness there?
"These" being non-inclusive to myself? offended...
@Randal'Thor Locker room banter
@Edlothiad Not necessarily.
But I thought you were a LotR guru, not an aSoIaF guru?
@Randal'Thor I would love to but it's hard enough to keep up with the communities I am currently active in. Joining a new community where I have the chance to talk ASOIAF might just be too distracting
@Edlothiad They have lockers in Westeros?
One can't have proficiency in more than one work?
@Randal'Thor Mans gotta get armoured up somewhere innit?
@Aegon Awww. OK :-)
I think you can go ahead without cropping stuff
The core premise of the answer is that Aegon is not what he says he is, he is a Blackfyre
Everything else is just supporting evidence
@Aegon "too distracting" the tag has 4 questions...
And I believe that's all the evidence we see in the books
@Edlothiad Get TLC there.
It will have 100+ self-answered questions within a week
The banter is fire today...,
@Edlothiad so far ... if some of you guys start being active there, I might post more aSoIaF questions just to get those good answers rolling in.
@Randal'Thor or you could post questions here and get the answers anyways?
Seems strange to me to withhold asking questions because certain users aren't on a site where a question is on-topic when they're on another site where it's also on-topic.
Well, yeah. But SFF isn't particularly in need of more traffic.
I hope he doesn't post the questions here. I am working and you guys will gobble them all up by the time I get free.
Lets agree to disagree.
@Aegon I can't I'm a "LotR-guru" so I can't be an "asoiaf-guru" ;)
Can still answer questions without being a guru :-P
I'm not going to find it, but know that a meta exists on that topic (that's for the regs here, not you rand)
On what topic - being able to answer questions without being a guru?
There's an easy answer to that. It's called "Rand's Star Wars answers".
@Randal'Thor No on the topic of nuclear fusion...
@Edlothiad That would be Physics Meta you want, not here.
(I bet that lot were pissed off when the meta site URLs changed and they lost Metaphysics.SE ...)
Anyway, I'm off. Be seeing you!
I think people should start asking their questions when I'm around not late at night for me :P
I think I just want to play vidya games all evening, but I can't :(
I was planning on playing Fortnite all last night and then my GF decided she wasn't gonna do what she was going to so I couldn't anymore haha
Fortnite is good, was playing with my brother on Sunday
I've kinda been guiltripped to watch my brothers rugby game on saturday, but I might just play fortnite
Haha both seem good
I've yet to win a solo game
I got 2nd a couple of times but not won yet
Meh I'm terrible and I know it
I've been playing party games, and my best was like 12th
I don't like going squad cos I always queue solo and 99% of the time you get put with others that are bad at the game
I got knocked down in one game and a teammate just stared at the enemy that was next to me then turned their back on them and then got killed haha
Well I normally play with my brother so we normally squad up, and last time we got another pair, so we just played in two pairs that stayed nearby to each other and helped each other out if necessary
Unfortunately they got knocked down and my brother went in all guns blazing and got rekt paha
Haha that's usually the case
Cos the aiming isn't consistent too you can never be too sure if you'll hit the enemy
1 hour later…
Star Wars cameo in S1
@TheLethalCarrot Saw that one earlier and was going to post it paha
Me too decided to leave it a bit though haha
@Edlothiad I'm sure I've seen this meme for S7 or something else before
@TheLethalCarrot Every episode, season, book
@TheLethalCarrot that doesn't mean it can't be reused
On ff if it isn't reused it isn't allowed
@TheLethalCarrot well, if it wasn't reused it probably wasn't funny to begin with
not at least it's only not funny after seeing it 10 times
Meh, the reused ones are generally low quality that can be applied to a lot of things rather than good and funny in my opinion
1 hour later…
@Kepotx +15 to +13 if it stays in the HNQ long enough I might overtake you :P
@TheLethalCarrot Harsh
Not harsh, tis fact
15/14, soon
Oh aye, I've capped now too :)
@TheLethalCarrot The truth can hurt, it's still harsh
GoT the new HP confirmed
Okay how about I meant not to be harsh? :P
@Edlothiad what do you mean by this ?
It's an old meme, that whatever HP question got asked it would hit the HNQ
"How is HP world inspired by real world"
@TheLethalCarrot 38/50 for Epic now too
"Does Hogwarts have inwards opening gates?"
also, my sky cell question on worldbuilding also reach HNQ
Shhh amf's around
Can someone UV a random post of mine? I need it for bug testing. You can unvote in a minute once I get a screenshot
I need to see a rep thing in the topbar
@TheLethalCarrot I'm almost at 100 I believe
done one UV
Cheers mate. Got what I needed, thanks.
@Edlothiad 98 yeah, go you
@JAD You summoned hm, gosh darn it...
@TheLethalCarrot 99 if someone asks something I can answer today, 7.5 toots to god...
wonder if the flame of a dragon is always correlated with their cales color, but Rhaegal is the combo breaker
shame on you Rhaegal
@TheLethalCarrot Oh you make me blush
I thought yours would get some upvotes as mine was getting some
What question are you guys talking about?
You can't actually see the flame of a Dragon because the rocket only ignites in space:
if only i could find a SoSpokeMartin about FFL...
@amflare RL parallels of Night's Watch
@Kepotx He talks about taking inspiration from French history here: westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/Second_Life_Appearance though it's only a throwaway line and no details
Q: Are there any real-life parallels to the Night's Watch?

errantlinguistIn A Song of Ice and Fire (and also in the series Game of Thrones), the Night's Watch is a peculiar institution: Regardless of its actual usefulness, it serves a supposedly "vital" function which was originally considered an honorable endeavor by all cultures which partook in the tradition. In ot...

yes, but as I understand, french medieval history, not current one
Think so but it's unclear
Although there is another quote that says "English and French medieval history"
can this image help me to get more upvotes ?
Lol, blue out the FFL guy and shop Jon's face onto him and you're golden
No one liked my Dragon joke...
Well I didn't get it haha
I didn't get it
I assumed I was missing context
spaceX dragon
SpaceX's dragon capsule...
It was a stretch, I'll admit, and it's not very clear with the photo...
Oh the image link would have shown me that
Meh joke, poorly executed ;P
@Kepotx ^ This version might
I have to go...
@Edlothiad Too many gates for your liking?
@TheLethalCarrot This...
Well that and a certain fiery user
the beauty
the grace
behold the gate as it swings gently open
on hinges of the finest workmanship
hey, 17-15, maybe i will stay first
Looks like it :)
I'm glad my downvote is keeping him from 100
like the maw of a mouth waiting to devour its guests
@amflare I still like how you have 4 random images in your answer
true examples of superior gates
only the finest will do
Absolute savagery from a young Ed
> also look at your door, if it was outward opening the hinges would be on the outside. Pop that off, and you might as well start singing Timber by Pitbull
I did like that comment though
I'm still not sure why we could never close that Q
there were so many stupid comments all over that Q/A
not yours, Ed
but the sort that would reply to it
@TheLethalCarrot I think it was closed twice
Idiots who should be banned.
Yeah I'm moaning about the people that wanted it open
user image
@TheLethalCarrot Clumsy but you get the idea
so majestic
oh gosh, so beautifull
It's so metaphorical!
wipes away tear
can I use it in my answer please ?
@Kepotx Sure thang. Zombie Jon with skin coming off his cheek, With FFL in French Guiana (Circa 282 AC, Colorized)
The link isn't to a message that I can see
17-16, hope that the picture will keep me ahead
yesterday, by Edlothiad
user image
Ban yourself? :P
If I make such mistakes... yes
@Edlothiad Don't let the gate hit you on the way out
Ba dum tss
@Kepotx I edited the picture to be smaller hope you don't mind, the click through is the original size still
no problem
Now that is some curious reviewing
Was there ever a meta about that Q?
“Knights hospitaller were like NW, they were given lands, etc...” umm what? Nothing there indicates similarity
@TheLethalCarrot a lot of angry chatter, but maybe
Yeah haha
I don’t have Ed.wikia handy right now
Well NW were given the Gift but I'm not sure how that example seems related to the NW
@Edlothiad You really need to make that :P
@Edlothiad That whole example seems nothing like NW in my opinion but I might be missing something
Umm nothing when searching for “gates”
It’s entirely unrelated
I've commented for clarification, we shall see
@Edlothiad I am gonna copy paste, replace KH with Templars and change names of a few figures here and there. 188!!!!
i will do another one with the order of the holy sepulcre, so we will se wich one will win
@Kepotx I always wanted to see a Battle Royale between Christian Holy Orders
It would be terribly confusing with everyone yelling DEUS VULT and wearing crosses but oh well
Add the Assassin's in and they'll take care of the Templar's for you :P
could be fun
@Aegon Apparently there's a few Mount and Blade mods for Battle Royale so you can play it yourself
@TheLethalCarrot Oh been ages since I played M&B
My version stopped working last I checked
Man finding ASOIAF questions to answer is hard
[a-song-of-ice-and-fire] -[game-of-thrones]
@TheLethalCarrot Well I have an iso of "Non-Steam" version, doubt it will stop working ;)
Ah fair enough :)
what do you mean by battle royal mod ?
@Aegon Apparently there's a chivalry battle royale mod/mode too
@Kepotx People made the mode themselves because there's no official support from the devs
@TheLethalCarrot Which site tho? Moddb?
Yes, i know (I also play M&B, Bannerlord fo the win!)
just don't know the goal of BR mod
I dunno I just googled it
Last man standing
@TheLethalCarrot they are to busy to develop warband
Guess so I haven't played it in a while
same, but i think i would play again once warband would be released
I do quite like games with no rank/unlocks makes them more casual and fun
Though of course I love a good competitive game haha
some games are overly comptetitive for me
That's the case with everything, you'll always get people being competitive even if the game isn't meant to be
i prefer sandbox games like CK2 over cancerous games like LoL
I've never been interested in LoL
I did play a lot of CS:GO at one point though
Wait what's Battle Royale?
Fortnite's free mode is BR
a manga/movie where some teenagers must fight between each others to the end
is fortnite really good ?
It's fun, doesn't take itself too seriously
@TheLethalCarrot this game is amazing
@TheLethalCarrot Battle Royale is a game?
Game mode
Its a game mode in Fortnite
Ok just checking
And the Battle Royale you were talking about above is a different game from Fortnight
but Fortnite BR is free and just as good, if not better
It takes itself less seriously and is more cartoonish
It depends on what you want from the game
I do enjoy them both though
@Edlothiad I was saying Mount and Blade and Chivalry both have BR mods or modes
I didn't know these were games
Medieval warfare games
what's difference between mod and modes ?
modes is an official mod ?
Well that's how I'm using the word yes
modes and mods are two entierly different things
don't conflate the words
I'm using mode as in official playstyles
Mod as in fan made bolt on content
H1Z1 wasn't a very good BR game in my opinion
Arma has some good BR/KotH servers
I'll shush with the off topic chatter now
@TheLethalCarrot MOAR
I mean I certainly could bore you all with my opinions on games and stuff but I won't haha
Or won't anymore :P
Oh my gosh. My direct manager thinks that automation is the holy grail of any project we work on and his boss (who is also the owner) doesn't see any work being done unless it activity changes the UI of the app.
The golden handcuffs are real
Whenever we make a new product the UI "has to be different so the customers see a change"
A good example is the calculator on Windows, no one piped up when the rewrote the backend so it was more accurate but as soon as the UI changed it was noticed everywehere
@amflare so make sure that during the build, there is a random number generator that decides the background colour of the UI. You'll know for sure that they'll notice something changed
@JAD hahaha! I like it
"Yes Boss, we thought lime green would give it more pop"
reach the reputation cap today. thank you, dear HNQ
hnq is 4 n00bs
real usrs reach cap with blod sweat n tears
well, at least, thanks to the HNQ, more people know why do castle gates in GoT open inwards?
@Kepotx excellent point, I stand corrected
the thing is, if you have good enough question/answer, it will probably be in HNQ. So unless you do everal answer/questions, or get the old question/answers upvoted, you can't
that is more true for some tags than others
2 hours later…
@amflare is that why you never reach it?
you are a very funny man
I wasn't joking...
There are worse things than being funny be accident
being an accident is worse?
I was just reading a little about the Emperor Claudius, and the ancient historians agree he was poisoned with a dish of succulent mushrooms. No doubt in my mind GRRM was referencing this when he wrote the Illyrio/Tyrion scene.
@Edlothiad *by
@amflare That was a joke
@Edlothiad *buy

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