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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Sansa Stark part in the show is boring.
3 hours later…
@NogShine you take that back. Unless you want to feel my wrath.
Rule #Ed of the Tankard: All redheaded characters are great even when they’re not.
She is no more red head. She dyed her hair. :P
She is not intelligent and I don't know whether she will become one.
I hope she will.
@Edlothiad Ed of Tankard, Lord of Winter bash.
@NogShine She's not un-intelligent, and Sansa Stark most certainly is redheaded (note I said characters not actors). She was manipulative. Like most teenagers women are. Whereas Arya might be an exception, most teenage women seem reasonably manipulative in the books and show. Sansa's character has also been ruined by her merging with Jeyne Westerling, and the fact the character is obsessed with finding her knight in shining armour.
In the show however, she seems to have grown bold since escaping Ramsey, has summoned the Knights of the Vale to save the North, let Littlefinger conspire to overthrow the Starks, used weirwood.net to condemn him, and I presume will hold her Ladyship of the North until such time that Jon is legitimised or continue to hold it as he runs off with his aunt.
@NogShine The tankard bit was meant to be the room, not me. Although I like the "Lord of Winterbash", I'm adding that to my username for this month.
Ed of House Lothiad, Lord of Winterbash.
@Aeg I've just touched up wording and grammar in your answer, hope you don't mind
I also don't fully get this sentence "But it appears that Lyanna had indeed eloped with Rhaegar rather than getting married to Robert Baratheon"
I think I meant she had in fact eloped out of her freewill and Rhaegar didn't truly abduct her
And cheers
7 more to go!
Also you wrote Blackfire not Blackfyre in that most recent question.
Hope you corrected that
Oh well, taken care of now
I added some Kings in.
Cheers. Five more. I think I will do them after lunch. And then I swear I will work
Westerlander sounds very... wrong
@Edlothiad Idk Westerland/Westerner sounds even worst. The Proper demonym from the books is Westerman and Westermen
Goddammit a Search of ice and fire ain't working
Guess I will have to go through the books then
Q: Which three people can defeat Jaime?

Prakhar MishraIn a Game of Thrones episode, when Brienne is taking Jaime back to King's Landing, Jaime quotes that there are "only three people in Westros who can defeat him in a fair duel".However he never mentions their name.Who are these people.Are they named in the books?(I have not read the books yet I am...

@Aegon Ah yes Westermen Commanders, Westerman Commanders, Westerland Commanders, Westerlander Commanders.
I still think Westerland Commanders sounds the best.
Because one doesn't say Northmen Commanders one says Northern Commanders.
Might be best just to say "Commanders of the Westerlands"
Westerlander is definitely not right, and I feel is a common trope (adding -er) used by non-native speakers
@Edlothiad Idk doesn't feel right to me. That would be like saying France Commanders, or Germany Commanders
@Edlothiad Which appends ern to the North
Western commanders?
@Edlothiad That's really a common way of making demonyms. Add er or ish or tian at the end.
But they're specifically from the Westerlands not simply the west
Tian and Ish don't fit with Westerland
Only Er does
@Aegon ish, that's again a non-native way of doing it.
@JarkoDubbeldam Ironborn are also Western.
@Edlothiad England->English
Rarely does a Demonym take an er or an ish
That's as native as it gets
Sure there are a few, but that doesn't mean you can add an ish
Finnish, Swedish
are two more examples
@Edlothiad Yes that's what I am saying. That's how demonyms go. Er, tian, ish
Or just an
French stand alone tho
There is no other nationality whose demonym in english ends in ench
But then There's Brazilian, Argentinian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Colombian Moroccan, South African. Thai, Laotian, Soamoan
Netherlands -> Dutch
Germany -> German
@Edlothiad They fall in the "an" and "ian" trap
Don't try to make sense out of something where sense isn't very prevalent
Like the english language
an/ese is far more common
And good job with ese. Forgot that one
But that doesn't mead it necessarily needs one tacked on
If you take Fin-land as an example, which replaces land with ish
I've always believed the demonym to be Westerland
Maybe it is westerlander
@JarkoDubbeldam Same with England
@JarkoDubbeldam Sweden - Swedish, Switzerland - Swiss
@Edlothiad In the absence of one defined by canon, We can make do I suppose. Westermen will however remain the canon way but doesn't quite fit. Westermen Commander
Eh whatever. I better look that cleagane quote
I still think Westerland Commander is the best.
Commander of the Westerlands, Westerland commander
Commander of the French, French commander.
Warden of the West?
Or is that something entirely different
Commander of the Germans, German Commander. Commander of the Brits, British Commander
@JarkoDubbeldam Whole different ballgame
@Edlothiad Again, England Commander doesn't sound the best
But you don't say Commander of the England(s)
But you would say Commander of the Westerlands
In the same way you say Lord of the Westerlands, not Lord of the Westerlanders
Because England isn't called the the Englands
Westerlands are
Westerlands sounds weird without 'the'
Compare to the Netherlands
It is definitely Commander of the Netherlands
@Edlothiad Why not? If I can say King of England, why can't I say Commander of England? Unless we are talking about something specific like English Armies then it would Commander of the English Armies
It's the Westerlands isn't it?
Holland is probably the only country in the world which has the suffix lands I believe
In Netherlands I mean, not Holland
Holland is actually a county/province/state/whatever they call it of The Netherlands
@Edlothiad I play enough CK2 to know Frisian counties ;)
but whatever
Can anyone help me find that Clegane quote?
People make a fuss about it, but the government's tourist website is called holland.com
@Aegon Cayman Islands, Turk and Caicos Islands, Cook Islands, etc. etc.
just because it is so common
@JarkoDubbeldam Fail...
@Edlothiad not really, it's just the first name people think of
@Aegon Don't bother it's a dupe.
@JarkoDubbeldam It's still a fail. Don't give in...
I still need it to complete the answer
Ours isn't cheese.ch
or watches.ch
Can I get back into putting too much effort into a CW answer now, PLEASE
Great the fricking quote was in the dupe question and I wasted so much time looking for it
Oh well
I'd still paste your answer there. One closer to gold, and the best answer on the question.
Should I delete the one from dupe?
I think I should
No harm no foul.
3 more to go, 2 if I hadn't deleted that LD
That Harrenhal answer could be so much better...
@Edlothiad Phoning it in. Will continue after my shift ends. Gotta be fast and get the max results in 7 minutes, when lunch break ends
Ah screw it
Will carry on after my shift ends
@JarkoDubbeldam It really depends on your answers and language for PPCG, though I'm answer count full but no where near on score for gold code-golf
3 to go awesome :)
@TheLethalCarrot Unless you're Dennis/Martin Ender
But R wasn't exactly the most popular language
Yeah any of the already high rep users haha
And there is only so many upvotes to go around when there is 3 people participating
I answered in C# when I was active there haha that's even worse for upvotes
I was just about to argue with the person who commented on the linked answer
A: Why did Tywin destroy Tyrion's marriage?

LawtonI think there are two primary reasons for both breaking it up and for being cruel about it. First, he wants to ensure that Tyrion doesn't attempt this kind of marriage again since the Lannisters can't marry commoners as they are nobles, Tyrion could potentially be useful for a political marriage,...

Until I read the name
Haha like holding a phone up to either ear
what am I missing?
Egg was about to argue with himself
Well that edit took an hour and 33 minutes 0.0
For a community wiki post as well...
You made it a wiki and then did all the work yourself haha
Yep. I've been working on the answer after about an hour of coming in this morning ~2 hours ago
On a user who's Q/As I find to be very Low Quality and purely to try and gain rep rather than learn or gain information.
Hmm my latest insta post looks like I made it intentionally darker, when all I did was add a b/w filter, do I just assume people trust me or are liking it because they're just nice people
1 more!
Oh wait that was TLC
Confusing you :P
I feel like GoT gold is easy if you just go through old questions...
Most old questions have unsourced or blatant opinions as answers haha
As long as you know where to look for the source your good
Although all these old questions are giving me things to edit without ruining the front page!
Haha I keep forgetting to edit the tags
We're so close
Prepare the golden carpet!
One, Uno, Un, Ichi, Eins, !, (1)2, (1)3, (1)4, (1)n => n ∈ Z+, een, واحد, 一, imodzi, một, איינער, 하나, iray
Ok, that's enough ones....
Like my 1 in base 2, 1 in base 3 etc..?
Thought it was a fun maths jokes for all us nerds in here, and Skooba ;P
I like ! too
> They are normally well respected within that community before being elected to a moderator role.
@TheLethalCarrot The classic !!!!!1!!!!! but in reverse hehe
@Edlothiad Well shoot, I'm definitely not well liked with the whole community, don't now about respected
It's done gents!
       .''.      .        *''*    :_\/_:     .
      :_\/_:   _\(/_  .:.*_\/_*   : /\ :  .'.:.'.
  .''.: /\ :   ./)\   ':'* /\ * :  '..'.  -=:o:=-
 :_\/_:'.:::.    ' *''*    * '.\'/.' _\(/_'.':'.'
 : /\ : :::::     *_\/_*     -= o =-  /)\    '  *
  '..'  ':::'     * /\ *     .'/.\'.   '
      *            *..*         :
Thank you. Without you, it wouldn't have happened for months
No worries, now I just need to charge down 50 :P
Thank you for "waking the dragon" hehe ;)
Haha nerd joke ;P
I'm just waiting for the script to run haha
It's taking too long
I know right haha
I bet the gold badge one runs every hour or so, there not as frequent by definition
True, not like people get Gold tag badges every other hour
Except when the tag is
@Aegon I believe this belongs to you too
@TheLethalCarrot 🎶Ba dum da da dum ba da dum da da dum dum da da dum dum 🎶 _hums the theme_
Lol, everytime
🍷, here's to Ramin Djwadi, who's been nothing but absolutely sublime without fail from Season 1 till now
That's true, if there's one thing to be said for most TV shows/films even if the story is crap the music is usually pretty spot on
@TheLethalCarrot probably daily
Great so I am not going to get the badge today
I doubt it's that infrequent
You will, just not your today 😂
I am waiting for the script to run so that I could finally start working
@TheLethalCarrot why would it need to run more frequently?
I doubt SO gets that many gold tag badges every day. Probably 1 maybe less
I stand corrected
A: How long does it take for badges to be awarded? How are they generated?

Marc GravellRegular Badges A scheduled job; there are a number of scheduled tasks at different intervals (every few (5?) minutes; hourly; daily etc) that do a range of things. Many of the badges are on the "every few minutes" loop... General rule: Wait at least 24 hours. If you haven't gotten it by then, y...

It's because I've only ever had regular gold badges and I know that runs more frequently than the tag badge script
Is that 0300 HRS or 03:00 AM or 03:00 PM?
It's 03:00/3am
I believe that's when most of the daily scripts run
Dang so tomorrow then
Back to work then, with a heavy heart
See ya guys
@TheLethalCarrot BOOOOOOM, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Some newbie just decided they wanted to become an active reviewer. ARGH! Daytime in Europe is Ed's alone time with the reviews!
Haha how dare they!?
I know right. I'm less than 30 away from being the top First Post Reviewer of all time. This is like 12 months in the making!
7 and 50 reviews away from two separate gold badges...
And they're just going to take the rug from under you at the last hurdle?
The moster
Oh damn it
Also, go suggest 7 tag wiki edits, so I can do some work knowing I have a knew gold badge
moster it is then
You did actually just remind me I wanted to edit the ASOIF wiki
You can remove the words before "For Questions" on GoT. Same with GRRM. Jon Snow could be fixed. Dragons could use a new excerpt
6 more!
The GoT one and GRRM ones are easy
Then I can improve those edits and finish those.
Done GRRM too but I edited excerpt and wiki so there's two for you
MFW new reviews appear
Aegon, TLC, Skooba's FW new questions appear.
I've changed Jon Snow's too the following but it still doesn't seem right. Should I add something along the lines of If the question is about the works in general use their respective tags.?
Character tag to be used when questions are specifically about Jon Snow from the A Song of Ice and Fire series or the television adaptation Game of Thrones.
Amf's face when he sees a question that can be answered with a real world answer
Just post that and I can fix it up
Okay all I've really done is capitalise and remove the markdonw
But done
The voters when Amflare posts a new real world answer
I removed the bit at the front, because I'm low key trying to standardise our tags :)
Ah that's better though I can finally correct one of your typos! I think...
@TheLethalCarrot :O
were -> where :P
The site after TLCs posts a late answer
@TheLethalCarrot NOOOOOOOOO
Lol no one likes my late answers
I'm bored of wiki edits now :P
Is asearchof borken for everyone else?
@TheLethalCarrot Super borked
Thought so
That gif applies to finding out asearch is borked
MFW I realise I have to read the books to find quotes
Lol it was an old answer, one from before I found asearchoficeandfire I think
I guess so, I'm still internally tutting though :P
The new DAG updates includes 3/4 things that I moaned about being fixed
Go me :P
Something at work.
I don't know how to solve the very final step of this test, so I just noped and started a new one.
But I meant the new featured post
Q: 2018 monthly product team updates

Joe FriendMid-2017 TeamDAG started publishing monthly updates. This post will continue that effort into 2018. (see 2017's updated here) Updates are posted at the beginning of the month. They cover what was done last month, what is still in progress and new work that will be started in the current month.

@Edlothiad Go away and come back usually helps anyway
What is DAG?
@TheLethalCarrot I've been not doing it since monday
I'm clueless as to how to detect these colourful squares when they're random
Not that helpful then
I could click on every single place they might be until I find one, but that seems reasonably tedius.
@Edlothiad Look for squares or look for the colours?
colourful squares, but there could be other squares I don't want...
Threshold to that colour and look for the squares? Or is there any label on the square you could look for instead?
Basically Red circles appear where there is a fault, some of the red circles now have tiny squares, I need to confirm these squares exist
I need to then decide whether there are now less squares or not :/ I might just be like "no square = success"
Ok, see if there's cake, get more water and then try again.
Seems awkward
I'd help but it's hard to visualise haha
Ye I can't really say anything cuz it's "confidential"
So I have to be vague, it's aight I'll figure something out
Oh I understand
Or I could probably just scrap that bit and ask on Monday
I also really need to find my memory sticks...
user image
Oh god someone just got a tattoo related to the old Dany x Jon meme about bottoms and eating on their lower back...
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Lannisters. At last we will have revenge.
That's terrible haha
Got the notification for a new badge, clicked the button brimming with excitement, only to find out it was a measly necromancer badge.
@Aegon measley silver badge... MEASLEY?!?! HOW DARE YOU!
Nice Bronze to Silver ration Aeg!
Also when did I over take your rep total?
Wow, the Last Jedi really didn't spawn that many posts. Rogue One was a larger boom than TLJ
Less new views as well
Steward number 2!
@Edlothiad No idea. I think it was a few months ago
@Edlothiad I have 33 of those. 0 of tag gold. It is MEASLY af
@Aegon You have 167 of those.
@Aegon I got like 5k rep in December, so probably then
Wow that's a lot of rep for one month
TLJ really has been a poor show true
Probably because when you think about it not much really happened
True. We'll see how Solo does, and whether it can get me another silver badge.
It depends on what route they go with it, it has potential to be good or really bad
As long as 50 questions get asked, I'm happy.
@Edlothiad I meant specifically Necromancer
@Aegon You have 2 great answer badges...
Oh tag gold
Their gods gift to the world. I'd trade in my gold badge for silver badges
@Edlothiad 1 of them is a medal of shame
@Edlothiad That's almost half the rep I got in the whole year. Good job ;)
@Aegon I got 30k+ in that year. Not to shabby
I'll start earning rep at some point this year. Not right now though.
I'll start earning rep at a specific moment next year ;P
If I'm still active here then of course
@TheLethalCarrot talking about my character tag?
Yeah me and Ed were tidying them up
whats up will these Russian (?) flags?
No idea, really annoying though
We always get bursts of them every now and then
@TheLethalCarrot I guess I'll be gone by then. I'll have burnt out
Russians are bad at being nice in their chat room?
Just stay in the background, I only got burnt out on PPCG and SO cos I was constantly active and was working alone. Just talking to people in this chat room is keeping me more interested in the site than I otherwise would be
@TheLethalCarrot apparantly it's finidng the squares no problem, but I'm skeptical.
Yeah lots of testing needed probably
I asked for 99% similarity to my screenshots and apparently they came through, so... maybe it is just that easy?
Go with that then haha
Until proven borken stick with it
@TheLethalCarrot I guess I am going to have to settle for the bronze of golds.
@Skooba 156 v 117 and I was behind you, just depends on our answer rates and I'm slowing down haha
@Skooba Also what was that question I was gonna ask?
@TheLethalCarrot If there were dragons in westeros prior to the Targs
That was your question wasn't it?
You were just trying to bait me to ask haha
If smallfolk got married
caught me red-handed
Is it really worth asking though?
probably not, and it going to be a pain to find that clip
Well you don't need the clip just the quote
it was show source which needs a clip or a script
0/10 for that answer @TheLethalCarrot
Haha the comparisons had already been stated but that GRRM is worthy enough for an answer
My opinion only though apparently haha
"Is this inspired by this?"
"Well something is inspired by something so maybe"
Imo is not a great answer
@TheLethalCarrot oh there is also the new season to pull from
if we consider soldiers smallfolk
@Edlothiad Not saying it's a good answer but he's said lots of things are so the potential they are too is there
@Skooba True
22 mins ago, by TheLethalCarrot
@Skooba 156 v 117 and I was behind you, just depends on our answer rates and I'm slowing down haha
"I'm slowing down" Answers 8 questions today.
I was slowing down when I wrote that haha
I just found a couple of questions I thought I could answer
yeah... just happened to stumble across them 'eh?
Well I'm looking but not properly haha
Holy cow my lack of sleep has hit me like a bus...
That was an oddly long answer haha
(Not a self answer)
Though I am still looking
Did I answer your question before you asked it Ed?
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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