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08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

@Edlothiad What we do reddit?
@TheLethalCarrot Just as I get the script to start clicking on the new software my computer shuts down and now the whole thing is borked...
You really need to start saving more haha
It save :D
So you're not doing it from scratch again? haha
As in the script and everything is fine, it's the terminal window that's borked, the thing that runs my UI
It's telling me it's useless and is harmful :eyeroll:
Oh dear indeed, brb
Did you BSoD?
Or sad face of death as we like to call it nowadays
Mornin' Egg
How have you guys been?
Good you? You been busy with CK2?
I didn't do nuffink
Yes there was a new expansion a couple of days ago
Ah makes sense
One of the long standing demands of the players has been fulfilled
China is now in the game, well kinda.
I was doing me scripting, thinking about me latest asoiaf memes and then POOF
It shut off with no warning and rebooted with no error, and now my terminal won't load and I'm stressing our ma dude
Don't think I've had something like that before
Just duck and run haha
@Aegon Ah nice :)
"it didn’t even matter what was in the book because after he finished writing it, he was just going to burn it in front of all his pathetic fans."
@TheLethalCarrot Just rolled me eyes and scoffed
Haha there's a few thery're quite funny
I started re-reading HP last night
Then said screw it and watched POTC: At World's End instead
I'm almost through aGoT (for I think the fourth time)
I fall asleep on page 3 of HP:TPS every time I've tried to read it, although it was only twice I was 5 the first time, I thought 16 years would fix things, nope. Page 3 still sent me off.
Even TWOIAF I could do around 30-40 pages in a siting
A long weekend is coming up. I have to re-read ASOIAF (Maybe), rewatch LOTR and the Hobbit and then try to understand Stellaris again. So much to do
@Edlothiad Yeah TWOIAF can be like a dry tome
Too much to do haha
@Aegon Finished it two nights ago, was happy
So since my boss is out of office, should I email him asking if I can take friday off because of doctor's and things or just ask the supervisor of my project?
@Edlothiad Can you believe I have read it only once?
And I skimmed through the non-Westeros parts
I only read the silmarillion once, was tough
Except Valyria, Ghis and Rhoyne
Although UT and BoLT is even drier
I don't think I'll ever re-read BoLT. Took me 6 months of torture...
@Edlothiad Does the supervisor have the authority? Though probably best t email the boss too
Double the time it took me to re-read the whole ASOIAF
@TheLethalCarrot He's like the manager of the team I'm in
So he's the dude between the employees and the boss
Guess it depends on if he's allowed to authorise leave or what not. Probably best asking him though since your boss isn't around
In that case I'd ask him, unless of course you normally ask your boss
I'd still talk to him though with your boss away
I think I can just take leave, last time I asked was the day before and he shrugged and said yeah sure
as in bossman shrugged
Yeah we're pretty lax here
I used to work at centre parcs for a bit and you had to submit a written request months in advance and there was no guarantee you'd get it.
Heh my custom portraits for Turks look better than official ones
There are the original faces for Turks
Not to blow your own trumpet or anything
@TheLethalCarrot yep he was like "you just change it on the system, and then yep take off"
These are mine
@TheLethalCarrot Ugh Centre parcs
I worked in Starbucks there, was actually fun and you got decent perks
I worked there between Uni and starting my apprenticeship
at my old work you had to submit like 2 weeks in advance, it was well strange. It had flex time as well but I was only there for 10 weeks, so 2 weeks in submitting a holiday for 3 weeks later (only 2 days) and then trying to claim it as a "flex holiday" and they were like "but you've only got an hour?". FU guys...
Haha daft
But yeah at Centre Parcs I had all my requests cancelled and we'd already booked the holiday so I ended up leaving before then, I'd already started my new job anyway haha
@TheLethalCarrot "Cheers for the cancellation, I'm out!"
That was about it
I was doing them a favour as well as at the time they were short staffed and I had already started my new job. By the time I'd left I'd done 95 days straight. 5 in work and both weekend days at CP
So 0 weekend?
That's disgusting
Well 1 job thought I had 2 days and CP new I was working 5 days but I was fine with working them cos I enjoyed it
I was going to ask to cut down to 1 day at CP but then they declined my holidays so I just quit haha
Why were you working so much
Cos I needed money and enjoyed both jobs
What did we do now? :P#
@TheLethalCarrot Terminal's back!
God that was weird without an apostrophe...
"I'd like a large latter for the name John"
TLC: "We got a large latter for he who knows nothing"
@Edlothiad Nice one
@Edlothiad I hated doing the hand off at the end, Latte for Jon and Jon would be at the back and wouldn't hear, then he'd come over 10 mins later and his drink would be cold
Give him an empty cup and on it it says "You drink nothing Jon"
@TheLethalCarrot There's a waffle place where we go skiing, it being a ski resort, gorgeous young ladies (like 18-20) "travelling" and making some money, also do the name thing so me and my brothers always do silly names
Last time I told them my name was Spicy Wiener and the lady was screaming out Spicy Wiener, then as she was handing me the waffle got a cheeky flirt in B-)
Sorry the name things triggered that story
@TheLethalCarrot I went for the star worthy joke, you blew my star out the water
@Edlothiad Haha well it is a good story
You get lots of them at starbucks when you work for a bit, you feel embarrassed with some of them they come out with haha
@Edlothiad Well what can I say :P
@TheLethalCarrot I was actually 17 at the time, and I fancied this girl back home, told her the story, and how they looked really similar. Triggered the jealous, 1 month later BOOYA!
And that's the end of Ed's love stories.
Haha played her
I didn't know at the time, or for the year and a bit we were going out, or after, then a few months ago, she was like "you know that move you played before we started seeing each other" and I was like "nope what move" then explained the whole thing
Oh you didn't know haha that's even better
1 hour later…
Deffo forcing it haha
Oh and by the way will be self answered though I'm still finishing it off so it's fair game
> I think ashara is Danny's mother
Go away
I mean it's even mentioned that Rhaella was preggers with her when she left for Dragonstone
Should I be really harsh in the comments?
If you want haha
"While there aren't conventional problems for us to solve here, we still expect a problem to be needing solving? How does this information help you outside of a Random piece of trivia, why did you come up with this question? Purely for the rep?"?
(I suggest you flesh our your question is what I'm saying
> I look for people smarter than me to explain my theories. But thanks for answering my post
"I look for other people to explain my theories" ?????QUE????
@Edlothiad Not sure what else I can add other than it's something I was pondering when answering another question haha
Q: Do we know when Daenerys was born?

TheLethalCarrotI doubt we have an actual birth date but I'm sure at least the year can be found out. It appears as though Robert's Rebellion took place from 282 AC to 283 AC so that means she was born sometime from 282 AC to 284 AC. Does anyone know when she was born?

peeps in
I think my time has elapsed with that subreddit, it's dreadful, the guy is a crack pot
@Mithrandir Why exactly do you commentate your life?
@TheLethalCarrot Look at the questions above
You could throw in that crackpot theory, etc
@Edlothiad because I have no life
@Edlothiad meh.
solving problems that aren't problems is why we're here
@Mithrandir See my answer to my question and you'll realise you have more of one than me :P
In correct
@TheLethalCarrot I know nothing about GoT, literally. I just Googled it and posted what came up
I don't even know who the character under discussion is, except that they have a confusing name
@Mithrandir Well half the information I used came from the article you found, the other half I knew
Granted, they're not real problems, whimsical questions off the top of one's head = down votes
To be fair I'd say my question falls into Trivia debate problems - "Who was Java the Hutt's dad?" questions nerds love
But the answer was interesting to work out so I wanted to post it
It was posted more for the answers sake than the questions
Hmm only 2.6k till I catch @Aegon...
Oop nearly forgot to ping him.
The Game of Thrones wikia cites years to be AL whereas the books use AC. Anyone know if this is a legit change of a wikia mistake? (Post to main worthy?)
Aegon's Landing versus Aegon's Conquest right?
Pretty sure AC is how it is mentioned in the books, afaik
Although now that I say that, I'm not 100% sure if either is actually mentioned in the books
AC is books yes and I assumed it to be Landing yes
Though yeah I don't know if it is mentioned in the books
@TheLethalCarrot it’s After Landing, some show canon lies
Since Aegon was flying around on his dragon, the precise timing of him landing would be more uncertain than when his conquest began. So I'd prefer AC
The World of Ice and Fire mentions years in AC aye
It’s mentioned in TWOIAF as being stupid
@Edlothiad Is it a legit show change then?
define legit
As in inside show canon, so not very
I'm not sure either term is used in the show
So unless all the texts surrounding the show count...
Probably not though the wikia uses AL meaning Aegon's Landing apparently c. 12,000 Before Aegon's Landing:
It also uses BAL meaning the above
I’ll check with the HBO site if I get access but yes should be
Mmmhm annoying probably to justify all the year changes though
And that show time allegedly goes faster than book time and obviously that all the characters have been aged
So AL and AC don't mean the same either?
Books time goes pretty fast though
IIRC aGoT spans 1 year+
Well they stand for different things
@JarkoDubbeldam Different characters have different timelines again though
Well, since I'd assume the conquest started with a landing, there could've been some hope that they are two names for the same moment
@TheLethalCarrot Hmm, but aGoT doesn't have as many storylines
No but Bran mentions the comet in aGoT if I remember correctly and Dany first mentions it in aCoK
@JarkoDubbeldam No landing in the books is ~2 years before conquest. Though I wouldn't put it past the show merging them
@TheLethalCarrot Bran's comet is in aGoT yes
@TheLethalCarrot Oh, it's his landing on Dstone?
I think so
Looks like the show has merged the 2 into the same year though
I'd assume it'd be named after the landing at King's Landing
As with the Anno Domini system, the After Landing (or After Conquest) dating system does not have a year zero. It uses as its starting point the crowning of Aegon by the High Septon in Oldtown. The instant that the High Septon set the crown upon his head, the year "1 BC" changed into "1 AC" (the entire first year After Conquest was "1 AC", and the day after the coronation was thus one day into "1 AC" even though a full year had not elapsed).
That seems to imply they're one and the same
In the show yes
@JarkoDubbeldam Nope not at all.
@TheLethalCarrot That's odd though, since the back and forth between the small council and Jorah Mormont seems to run pretty much in sync. Same with Dany's pregnancy
I may post to main as it's deeper than I thought it would be, though I don't know if anything official has been said on the matter
@JarkoDubbeldam Aye those story lines may be in sync, doesn't mean they all are though
@JarkoDubbeldam Originally known as Aegon's Holdfast.
Before that though I need to go get some lunch :P
@TheLethalCarrot In aGoT they're pretty much synced, but there isn't more than whatever happens in Westeros and Dany. In later books this might be different though
But all I meant to say is that between S1 and S2 there was a year, and aGoT (S1) spans about a year as well.
> Even the start date is a matter of some misconception. Many assume, wrongly, that the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen began on the day he landed at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, beneath the three hills where the city of King's Landing eventually stood. Not so.
> The day of Aegon's Landing was celebrated by the king and his descendants, but the Conqueror actually dated the start of his reign from the day he was crowned and anointed in the Starry Sept of Oldtown by the High Septon of the Faith. This coronation took place two years after Aegon's Landing, well after all three of the major battles of the Wars of Conquest had been fought and won. Thus it can be seen that most of Aegon's actual conquering took place from 2-1 BC, Before the Conquest.
Or the westerosi part of the story at least
Those messages should be one, but oh well.
why in oldtown though
The Seven
The High Septon didn't like him getting comfy with his sisters, so he got coronated there to make him happy
> Only a handful of lords had been present for Aegon's first coronation at the mouth of the Blackwater, but hundreds were on hand to witness his second, and tens of thousands cheered him afterward in the streets of Oldtown as he rode through the city on Balerion's back.
> Amongst those at Aegon's second coronation were the maesters and archmaesters of the Citadel. Perhaps for that reason, it was this coronation, rather than the Aegonfort crowning or the day of Aegon's Landing, that became fixed as the start of Aegon's reign.
Seems the show may have essentially pushed back Robert's rebellion then to accommodate the age changes. So the events between the end of roberts rebellion and the start of the show are different
And of course stuff that happens after may have different timelines to the books
I get why they did that. Having a 15 year old as Robb is hard to cast, nevermind the younger kids
And a 13 year old Dany getting raped isn't a good way to get your show aired, especially when it happens in the first episode
@Edlothiad Was confident until Dany's handmaids haha Irri or Jhiqui? I don't bloody know haha
Time to guess
After some early slip ups, it's been easy
Aye I've mainly gone by process of elimination with some of them
Bloody Lord Mormont, can we not use the proper names? haha
I just got Melisandre wrong, because those cheeky buggers put Missadei first and I misread!
Haha, I'd say you can +1 to your score for a misread
Errr excuse me it's Aegon Targaryen not Jon Snow :P
ded stark
Haha just seen that too
94%... fail
Damn first one wrong I pressed the wrong Tully for Edmure
I knew it as well I just fast fingered it -_-
I definitely got Talisa/Roslin wrong, Orrell/Rattleshit, Irri/jhiqui, jhiqui/Doreah, and one more, yoren for someone
There must be another one as well.
Damn it got the second hand maid question now, it's either Jhiqui or Doreah and I'm gonna have to 50/50 it
Ramsay Bolton*
Haha Spearwife shows up for Ygritte
@JarkoDubbeldam They put that in to mess with you
got 3 wrong
mixed up asha Greyjoy and Meera Reed
3 Total?
And Stig/eagle dude
I must've had 7, by the laws of maths
But I mean, if I gave myself more time, I'd have gotten 100% (ok maybe except jhiqui/irri
I guessed Irri right
I thank them that they didn't put Rhaegar or Viserys cos I would have been fooked
then at Doreah, I thought, 'I already had Irri, so this must be Jiqui'
@JarkoDubbeldam Ye that was me
@TheLethalCarrot Too true
Lol got one right from remembering the other answers so far before the picture even loaded
TBH, there is so little footage of Rhaegar, that it would've been recognisable from context
Oh yeah but still
AFAIK the only scene with him is with Lyanna right?
And 1 wrong and that was I said Edmure was Brynden and I knew I'd pressed it wrong right as I was doing it
@JarkoDubbeldam Think so
So I'm happy with only 1 wrong one :)
Shame they didn't ask any of the mountain clans
Shagga son of Dolf
Or any of the dothraki bloodriders
Best character by far haha
Oh yeah bloodriders, dany's handmaids and sand snakes. All of their names get mixed up in my head
I think they made it too easy
Could you name Drogo's bloodriders?
And I only got 1 wrong cos I correctly guessed between Dany's hand maids
Doubt it, I could guess from the picture and choices though I think
Cohollo, Qarro and someone
Mago, something like that
Wasn't it Joggo?
Oh is Mago the other Khal?
Oh no just another Dothraki
In the fan-fiction it's
> Rakharo, Kovarro, and Aggo
fan-fiction = show?
The first was Drogos...
all three are drogo's bloodriders
@Edlothiad these are dany's
can't watch that, am at work
it's just a meme gif that didn't come up as a gif...
There we go
> She then declares that she is not a khal and selects the entire khalasar her bloodriders
Too good for bloodriders?
Well that's kinda selfish isnt it
Meaning that whenever she dies, all of her khal should die too
She can't have them, no one can!
I wonder what Dany's going to do to Khal Jahqo and Mogo
Were those the Khals that left as Drogo died/lived/died?
She says after finding out about Ereoh's death that they will beg for the mercy they showed Ereoh
No Khal Pono left first
I just passed that bit
that was the name I was remembering
then Khal Jahqo left and Mogo is Jahqo's bloodrider
Weren't they burnt to death in the series?
Ok back to 50/50 work/stack
This please anyone else?
Sorry, can't view the question for fear of breaking that
Already broken, I'm just glad I caught it in time haha
Don't know why Mith's answer has been downvoted :/
Cuz it's a google job, wiki, low effort
Still correct though
I suppose everyone has their own standards
Spanish chat flag, no idea
Though he does admit it was low effort in the answer which will probably attract them
@Edlothiad Haha, they should really have a separate none English chat room area
'cause people are grumps
but it brings my total rep gain today to a multiple of 5 so I'm fine with it
unfortunately it brings my total rep down from a multiple of 5 so I'm not fine with it
Yeah I've been stuck at 2 away from 5 for too long :(
ok, howmany of your posts do you need me to downvote to make things right again?
@JarkoDubbeldam uhhh delete scifi.stackexchange.com/a/174690/33591, give me a question upvote and two downvotes somewhere :P
(kidding, don't go serially vote for me, either up or down)
tfw your source is the ACTUAL dc.com and not wikipedia yet you have less upvotes, outrageous
Haha and you answered first
@TheLethalCarrot of course, I'm a wizard harry
You're a Targaryen Jon
You're a Targar-aegon
Ok back to work.
@TheLethalCarrot If you are 2 beneath 5, then submit an edit. You are a two above five, wait for a downvote.
how the hell did I just mix my number formats
I should not be allowed to use words this early in the morning
Two above and I'm above 2k so can't submit edits anymore
And ah well keeping us on our toes haha
@TheLethalCarrot Submit tag wiki edits, 4 of them, easy
@TheLethalCarrot tag edits
@Edlothiad geez
fine then
I see how it is
Been waiting for that review for 2 bloody hours...
Odds on there's 13 reviews while I'm at ruggers tonight, bloody americans
heh heh heh
Meh to tag edits :P
you already have 5, what are you complaining about?
@TheLethalCarrot then DV answers until you reach your desired multiple
I'll wait for it haha
Remember how I need to hit 2282 before you hit 500, means I need to be double you at all times...
I'm 237 away and you're 151
So while I think I'm leading the charge I don't know I'll win...
@Edlothiad I thought you conceded that...
I have, but I was secretly playing to see if I could do it ;)
Priority numero uno is get the next 55 ASAP, to set the record.
Then to get the next 238 asap to be the best, then I can stop caring about first posts and just get all the late answers and low quality posts instead :)
You get 55 freebies then imma step up my game.
I gotta get that beautiful 1k
Well considering every time you answer anything you get a bloody gold badge it's not worth very much anymore :eyeroll:
Busting my butt here for gold review badges cuz I ain't getting any anywhere else.
I know amf answers with real life logic and gets 100+, we answer with in universe logic and get +2 haha
Thats a good point. I didn't realize those were both IRL logic. I need to go do this some more.
Started playing a new game I call Ed vs the Test. I try and solve my Rubik's cube quicker than the software can run my test
Good plan
@amflare The more plain text, the more upvotes
@TheLethalCarrot Beat it by 2 seconds, although it was a slow run
Although it means my eyes aren't on the new post :/
If the HNQ would upvote my earliest super hero team, that'd be nice
Absolutely blew my test out the water, not even fun anymore
Hugely off topic but too true mostly for @TheLethalCarrot
Is there something I'm missing, I don't get it...
The Sea Shanties in BF are way better than the radio stations you get in GTA
Ah okay yeah true
I haven't played either game in ages though so it missed me haha
Oh I forgot the caption
"Blows GTA out of the water"
Sorry @TheLethalCarrot
Ah that would have twigged it haha
@edl you have SOX right?
if so, have you figured out how to get the setting menu to show with this new top bar?
Nope, died on me
Disabled it
1 hour later…
Haha reading a post and it says "My sources include ... and Google"
GRRM: We changed the characters ages cos I wanted to keep the sex in the show
It was that important to him that he changed all the timelines since the rebellion
@TheLethalCarrot All it was was a blanket +5 years to everything iirc
1 hour later…
It's not just the sex
unless you want to have a bunch of child actors age 7-13 playing important characters, you'll have to do something with ages
1 hour later…
There’s two tarts left on this train and I want to take them but they’re in someone’s bag so i’d Feel like a thief
08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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