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@Möoz what calendar?
@amflare maybe just stop pinging that often?
@M&TVFeeds Ye the second answer there is much better than the first, although they're just text rambles...
@M&TVFeeds Also very average answer
2 hours later…
I am bored
Lots of Thor questions
Idk anything about DC Thor. Other than what I watched in the Thor movies.
Marvel mate
That's all I know, it's all about the power of google
See, I know nothing about that
@Aegon Again Google, I have at least 15-20 answers that I answered purely via google.
@amflare the script is broken :/
(So-ify chat)
I have only one Googled-Answer, That too in Story id where most are Googled answer
I’m pretty sure i’ve Said most of my Tolkien and everything else answers are googled, I don’t actually know them off by heart. I find the theories online, hunt quotes, and answer
1 hour later…
ugh need script fix, this is driving me crazy
Ugh better
2 hours later…
@Edlothiad I'm only doing it like once a minute... Which is slower than I used to. So idk
@Edlothiad Which one? Or both?
@amflare Only chat was updated afaik, and that borked
So I went back to the previous verstion
Okay. I'm working on it. I'll ping you when I get it fixed
Okay, its fixed
Sorry about that
It's ok haha
dammit, I did it again. I think I have an infinite loop somewhere.
You just need to stop
Ok I have to leave this procrastination is getting out of hand.
probably... :/
see ya
4 hours later…
@Edlothiad damn son
Story of my life mate
Where's my late answer?!
Deleted by a mod, that was quick
@Edlothiad I've gotten 5/6 many times. Never can seem to get RO though.
Gotta be the best my friend
I spent about 3 months in that state, or close to it.
The hard part is being the last one on every single one. Which is really just a lucky guess
@amflare here you go, ruin it
@Edlothiad Thats what I meant. I tend to get there after you leave for the day.
@amflare I know :(
And you get all the mass of reviews
but more competition
mass? Its like a dozen on good days
What I really need to do is go whole hog on FP or CV for a couple weeks and break 1000, then I can take it easy.
@amflare Meh I get 7 in a 12 hour period
Total? Amongst all the queues?
@amflare Just give it 3 weeks, I'm going for the quickest time to 1000
@amflare Nah just FP
I'm used to like 8-10 a day in like 4 hours
@Edlothiad What are you talking about, you already broke 1000?
Wait what was I thinking
@amflare 1000 - 2000
I had a one month break in my race to 1000
I want to do it in sub-5 months
156 to go
Okay. Thats fine. I'm not in a rush.
Thanks chappy
but then I need to reach 3k lol
tbh, 20k will be the hardest part of dimond running. The Review badge shouldn't be that big of a deal.
I get the downvotes on this hnq runner, but whats wrong with Bellas answer? It looks fine to me, but someone just kicked it into Low Quality
What's that? Did you just say diamond running?
@amflare Edit the minute before the answer was posted saying (after book six)
Not another one...
Bad answers do not a LQP make
Wrong answers do not a LQP make
@Edlothiad my thoughts exactly. tbf I started before I knew you and mith were after it as well
@amflare Don't worry, I'll win
haha idk about that mith can give you a run for your money
you'd have my vote, but you are far too confrontational to those who don't know you. IDK if people will want to give you a diamond to go along with your stubbornness.
Man's a beast, just we watch
I'm being groomed as we speak
Although when this election will be I don't know.
Hmm maybe my revamp of all the tags will be a good campaign pitch
I'm hoping not for another 6 months at least.
I have beliefs that I have shared with other users who feel like we're missing some authority
imo, the mods don't need to be visible. if they work behind the scenes thats fine by me.
That's the issue, but that's not constructive
being behind the scenes is not constructive?
No the if is the issue, but discussing it is not constructive
I like TQAT, I want it to stay
Why wouldn't it?
Did skooba say something about deleting it?
No, but certain topics about certain people becomes kaboom
point taken
Speaking of Skooba though, think he would make someone else an owner as well to reduce the bus factor?
I already tried
(for someone else not me)
Lets see what he has to think
@skooba get in here
Read 8 messages above your own.
Have I been acting too much like a moderator and not being active enough?
the bus factor part
whats a bus factor
The bus factor is a measurement of the risk resulting from information and capabilities not being shared among team members, from the phrase "in case they get hit by a bus". It is also known as the lottery factor, truck factor, bus/truck number or lorry factor. The concept is similar to the much older idea of key person risk, but considers the consequences of losing key technical experts, versus financial or managerial executives (who are theoretically replaceable at an insurable cost). Personnel must be both key and irreplaceable to contribute to the bus factor; losing a replaceable or non-key...
nah there is no bus factor
any moderator can make a room owner
by definition, there is a bus factor of 1 right now.
@DForck42 hello
how's it going?
I'm clock watching right now
This appears to be our M&TV counterpart
There was no RO when the room was created (or there was, but they had no idea why they were made RO and "quit") Since at the time I was the most active in the room and had helped in the creation I asked Rand if he could make me RO. And so it was done.
@amflare waiting to get off work?
@Skooba seems fair
@DForck42 yep
~98 minutes left
@amflare fun. I've got 2 hours myself
Well, I should have two hours left, but I get to leave a half hour early.
@amflare cool. I'm taking half day tomorrow
I have 9 hours, till I start
I should sleep
@Edlothiad probably
I mean we only have had 32 all time users in here... if you guys really feel we need another RO I'd be open to suggestions. I'm not a Highlander.
@Skooba can I put my ring in the hat, even though I've just been in here the one time? ;-)
Dibs, thanks
@DForck42 sure. its a small hat tho. lol
@TheLethalCarrot @Edlothiad or myself would be valid choices. We seems to be the most active here.
@Skooba oh, then probably best not
i have a fat head
@amflare Actually, master amflare. You've been here quite the short time ;)
As have I. TLC has been here slightly longer.
and Aegon, god knows how long that fella was here
over 4 months
but okay
Its no big deal. I'm fine with anyone. So long as there are two
While we are all here (except for @the because he is a scrub) can someone else please say something clever. I'm tired of seeing my name pinned to the sidebar.
TBH my personal choices would be @Aegon or @Möoz
@amflare any in particular?
I've seen @Aegon around more often recently. He is a solid choice.
@amflare Have you been active for four months?
@Skooba nah, I'm just messing
You must have become reasonably inactive when I arrived :thinking_face:
My apologies
@Edlothiad since the start of season 7
I've not been here very long
or mid
I. HAVE. THE. POWER. (to remove stars)
wait... you are the one doing that?
I was wondering
Could be hidden mods, they exist
me or a diamond moderator
probably me tho
@amflare something celver
mods can be in chatrooms without being visible?
y'know what, not gonna correct the typo
@amflare no. but they can come in and leave quickly
@amflare i mean, you really shouldn't be saying anything that you wouldn't say in front of a mod anyway
@amflare They can sit and read transcripts and refresh every 10 minutes
Anyone can though, not that I do
brb, gonna go back and delete everything I've said
<moved 2371 messages to Trash>
@Skooba <Trash is full. Please empty Trash before moving any more messages to Trash>
Where is Mellisandre when you need her.... #lightitup
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
Why did we delete 2371 messages?
@Edlothiad cause @amflare is afraid of mods
@DForck42 I'm more afraid for transcript flaggers but luckily we don't have those here.
@Skooba aka, people that read the transcript trolling for things to get offended about?
@DForck42 yupp. I wouldn't have believed it either until I saw it happen multiple times.
@Skooba yeah I've heard that it's a bit of a problem in some regards, where what was said wasn't really an issue in context, but taken out of context caused issues
Can we please not discuss this here.
@DForck42 I assume something brought you from TSR to the The Quill, how may we serve?
@DForck42 what got me about it is that "a room" would be busy. then a message gets flag from hours ago that no one thought was offensive at the time.
but /shrug I guess
@Edlothiad i saw that it was active and supposedly a GoT chat, so i popped in
@Skooba shrugs
It is sometimes, during british mornings it's a TLC and Ed get through the workday chat, when we see some good memes we post them, sometimes Aegon spits a theory, we discuss, I say he's wrong, he outwits me, TLC mentions the show, we burn him for mentioning the show, TLC answers 6 questions, a round of applause, little bit about Rose or Sophie, and then amflare and skooba wake up
Sometimes we discuss how terrible harry potter questions are.
@DForck42 usually only during season time. this end of season saw people stick around though.
@Edlothiad Ohh, nvm, can't see each others' calendars...
And I think we're part of the freefolk, at least two of us are. So we like to spit spoilers for upcoming episodes too
@Möoz You wanna see my calendar ;)
(how do I see my calendar?)
@Edlothiad lol
We also allow the word shit
i repcapped from my answer to this: movies.stackexchange.com/questions/82422/…
Speaking of, this is the kind of shit we live for:
@Edlothiad hah!
@DForck42 Nice
I expected it to Obie (RIP) mb lads
Sandor and Arya receive word of Jeoffrey's wedding
@Edlothiad honestly, it's not that great an answer. I'm sure someone could write a more in-depth character analysis. the HNQ does weird things
@Edlothiad here click on " visited 382 days, 186 consecutive"
@Edlothiad took me a second to realize sandor == the hound
or whatever your numbers are
@Skooba In you profile page, click where it says how many days you've been active:
@DForck42 I'm glad we agree
@DForck42 We're book folk
July 5th, was in Morrocco. GDI
The 'green' ones are visited, the 'grey' ones are... not
December 17, unconscious and drunk
The yellow ones are the days you visited but were so drunk you forgot
I've missed 22 days
in 15 months and 24 days
Oh btw in case anyone wants to know, the quickest Steward of all time on SFF was 5 months and 20 days
@TheLethalCarrot (he likes to know about my reviews)
@Edlothiad yeah, i wanna read the books. however, i kinda wanna wait til the tv show is over before i start. give GRRM a bit more time to get the next book out (if he ever does)
Oh also for him, 24 is the gap now :( B:S
@DForck42 Pls don't trigger me ;)
@amflare the badge
@Skooba Aww, thanks mate. I'm happy to chip in. I think I'd make a good RO, since I'm not very involved so I'm detached enough to make good decisions.... Like booting @Edl
booting me kills the chat, so is the story of Ed
@Möoz is a cobbler IRL.
He just wants to give you a nice pair of boots
no need to be like that
Ye Edlo goes barefoot
Alsoo @Möo it's Edlo.
@Edl should be sufficient to ping you right?
@Möoz Yep
@Edlothiad hahaha
Hey, if anyone ever asks why I think that 'SS' guy is an a-hole, here's one reason
No idea who that guy is
@Möoz Not in here Moozaroot
@Skooba remove that star please, it's rude.
Oh that's not in this room
but that chat really didn't last long
right cya later I need to sleep, damn no guitar tonight
maybe I can just no shower for 48 hours :thinking_face:
cheers mate
@Edlothiad Just talking about ROs made me recall that I tried to get a ASOIAF/GOT chat going, but he was a grade-A c-word. and immediately felt the need to be a prick...
@amflare His avatar is a dead giveaway (look at the top rep users all time, about 20 down, maybe 15)
I clicked on the name and found out
Or go to the most downvoted posts on meta of all time
@Möoz this is an american website, please keep you australian/ed words out
We say doodoohead.
@Möoz 101 consecutive right now
@Edlothiad which one now?
@Skooba One you can't get
My apologies
@Skooba Skooba that's nothing...
@Edlothiad yeah i was busy over the summer is ruined my streak
too bad it doesnt tell you what your longest is
@Edlothiad The Hound and The Mountain staring at each other before cleganebowl!
@Skooba You'd have to do it yourself
mines in the 200 range
valorum is in the 300 range
that's probably the highest
@Skooba I agree. I've probably had like 3-4 hundred...
@Edlothiad HAve you seen SQB's?
It was something mental like 1000 days.
Well as I've said before, sometimes alcohol means I don't wake up, other times I'm entertaining a "guest" otherwise I'm probably on a plane
mine was around 200 all time
although the first 3 months was very sketchy for me, was warming up to the site.
same here
it me 3 months to get on the train
Took me about 5 months for me to get 500 rep.
then by 6 months i had first gold badge
I think I lurked for about a year before I started getting active
Then I did my first First post.
Did another around 20 days later
than did 998 in 5 months.
im outa here tho
Sames, bye
see ya
Bye boys. @Edlothiad @Skooba
I might lurk for a while and then go pretend to work.
@Edlothiad If I can break 1000 before January 3rd, I'll beat this record. IDK if its worth trying for though
You could easily script it too. Becomes trivial.
@Möoz Ye, just NAN every 5th and downvote every 4th. (NAN has priority)
easily botable
I thought you were leaving...
@Edlothiad this is amazing
Ye I don't like going to sleep

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