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@Mooz Totally. Idk if it makes me bad but I was really happy to see what happened to Falia Flowers
@Aegon Ahh, poor Falia.
I really hated her for what she did to her half sisters
@Aegon Sort of a tragic Cinderella.
More like Evil cinderella @Mooz
Man Show-season is really tough with crackpot theories flying here and there
But at least we get traffic in the relevant tags
I never thougt I would miss show season. But I do
@Aegon Have you read the part in the Aeron chapter (The Forsaken) with the ship sterns? I found that pretty tragic...
@Aegon Hahaha, it's a shame that they based a fair bit of their material on said crackpot theories.
@Skooba Yeah, sometimes I think @Aegon has a direct link to his brain uploaded to GRRM's.
Having trouble with this question: scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/135361/…
@Mooz Lol Yeah I kinda felt sorry for Aeron but then I kept saying let the /b/tard have it. He sacrifices people to his wet god all day long. But hey, At least he has Falia flowers for company (Or did he? I recall he talked to her before getting tied up but I think every ship was going to have one priest tied up?)
I feel like it's a bit too limited.
@Mooz Yeah that Question leaves a lot to be desired. Well answers actually. Show canon is stupid and you are hard pressed to find a logical conclusion.
@Aegon Yes, every ship has one I believe, and for some reason Falia was with Aeron, or in a very near one. Not a good way to go wither way. She was also young an naiive.
@Aegon Lol. Show canon is stupid is worth a bounty mate.
"Oh noooooo Euron loves me"... Idiot listen to the priest. He knows Euron since his childhood
I see Mike's point though, we can only speculate based on the show canon since that's what the chat argument was about...
I think that argument would be really infuriating
That's Show for you
Making people think It's social station of the parents which makes you a bastard, not marital status
@Aegon Hahah, I guess it's because the priest was currently chained and probably sounding crazy to her... Plus silks and gold and stuff from Euron sounds enticing.
@Aegon Yah, I realised a while ago that it's both.
Burden of proof should lie on the man who says it is so
I doubt he has any examples of someone born out of wedlock to noble parents and considered legitimate automatically
It must be just one of those epiphanies people have
@Aegon Yeah, I think Mike's got the correct idea, except he's trying to see if we can find show-canon to prove a point about this.
Anyways, I guess time will tell.
One thing We can't blame the show for is, lack of minor characters such as Edric Storm
Who would have proved this point
Show has finite resources and thus cant be expected to cast thousands of characters
But tbh I think they should have introduced Edric Storm if they had any hopes of reestablishing house Baratheon. They must have known how Baratheons were going to be extinct
@Aegon Their hopes seem to be hinging on Gendry though.
Stupid isn't it?
Nobody knows Gendry
Except Cersei, Varys, Master Mott and Arya
Does Arya know he is Robert's son in show?
I think not
@Aegon Nah, because he didn't.
Stannis does.
Sorry, in show you meant. Stannis ne pas.
Stannis knew in show as well did he not?
Thats why he allowed Red women to have seks with gendry
@Aegon Did, but he dead now so that doesn't help.
Also, I don't remember if Stannis and Mel ever actually told Gendry why he was so special.
Mel did I think
Mel said, "Do you want to look at your daddy's house?" points at red keep
@Aegon Hmm. I suppose old mate (Davos) knew as well...
Show wiki seems to think Davos knew. Stannis told him apparently
By the way, Has anyone worked out why would Knights of the Vale chant "King in the North" for Jon?
Q: Does anyone actually recognize Cersei as Queen?

pajevicIn season 6 finale Cersei crowns herself queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but whom will she de facto rule over? Even if we put aside that her realm is about to be attacked by two great forces from the north and the east, there doesn’t seem to be much support for her Iron Throne in the Seven Kingdoms....

Q: Why did Lords of Vale swear allegiance to a Northman?

AegonIn Season 6 Episode 10 We saw: This is unusual because: Vale has always been a distinct Kingdom in Westeros, ruled by House Arryn for centuries. In the Past, Vale and North were bitter enemies and fought several wars over Islands of Three sisters for centuries. Valemen are mostly Andal (wi...

5 hours later…
@Mooz That whole question was kind of an arguement between KutuluMike and Himarm.... Himarm realized he was wrong but I think Mike still wanted proof... He was trying to prove a negative so that is always a bit odd to begin with, but I think he was also actively looking for the Joffrey/Myrcella/Tommen answer.
Joffrey/Myrcella/Tommen answers aren't fit to be posted on questions about bastardy if someone was to ask my opinion. they are paraded as trueborn baratheons. Only a few people have legit reasons to believe otherwise
@Aegon i agree, but i was prodding mike and he seemed to hint that was what he was going for... that the only show example we have it bastards who are only being paraded as trueborn.
@Aegon Don't the chant because LF is their Lord Paramount right now, and he supports (or at least is neutral) about the claim?
@Skooba Little Finger is regent and Lord protector, not lord Paramount. Lord Robin Arryn is the LP
Which begs my question... Did LF work behind the scenes to make Jon KitN to make Sansa jealous and/or put him in a position to get him killed like Robb was.
Little Finger said nothing about supporting Jon
So it is illogical, having the Lords of Vale join the chant imo
FOMO then?
They did just save the North, I'm sure they care who rules it now.
I don't really think that's the case. Little Finger actively tried to get Sansa to make her claim. Even in the hall he was smiling a knowing smile at her and waiting for her to make her claim. She didn't. And Little finger still had a weird facial expression directed at her
But one would think their money would be on Sansa because of the Tully connection. But like you always say show canon sucks
FOMO? what's that?
Fear of missing out
Ikr. they came to North due to Sansa. As Robin Arryn said "We should help her. she is my cousin". What's a motherless bastard to them?
@Aegon Yeah, I took that smile to mean... "See, it could have been you as QitN"
Yeah that's what I thought as well. "You just made a grave mistake sweetheart. It could be yours but you are afraid to make the climb"
And why did Sansa keep her correspondence with LF a secret if she did not harbor thoughts of becoming QiTN herself?
@Aegon Maybe she just thought Jon would oppose it, but Jon really doesn't know anything about LF so he would be trusting Sansa's word on the issue. Jon's only argument could be, "But he married you off to Ramsay" and if Sansa waived those misgivings Jon has no reason to not accept the help.
Then Joffrey was right. Sansa really is rather stupid. May father judge our Good King Joffrey justly, whose wise and brave leadership we miss so sorely in these dark days
People think Sansa is showing growth but she is still kinda dumb too. Her best moment was letting the dog eat Ramsay, but IMO that just shows Ramsay was right, he got in her head and she has a wicked side now
What was the whole point of getting Sansa maritally raped and abused by Ramsay tho? If this was the plot, it could have been done without the bolton marriage. They could have even used a Jeyne Poole.......Unless Sansa really is pregnant.
@Aegon Yeah, but how would Ramsay know that and Sansa not? and remember they have moon tea
so there is no need for to keep a child even if she was preggers
Maybe Sansa is Pro-life lol?
haha yeah probs
Moon tea can have adverse impacts on future prospects of conceiving tho
Like it did for Lysa Tully
Though she seems to blame it on "old and weak seed of Jon Arryn"
I think the timeline from when Sansa escaped WF and BotB she would have been showing signs of pregnancy. But then again... it is the show. Not using Jeyne Pool just saved them at least two salaies (Jeyne and Harry the Heir) and keeps the plot simpler. you can only explain so much on screen.
I started reading aGoT again last night.
Let us know what you discover
There is always something to discover
and i remembered why we all loved the show in the beginning...it was spot on to the books
I am nowadays reading the books to someone who doesn't want to do the effort of reading. smh. Things I do for love (for books)
A question I had... Did Ser Waymar Royce fight the Night King? and if not do the White Walkers also have the power to raise the dead
Ikr. First three seasons were pretty cool
Waymar Royce was also in the show right?
Yeah, he was the ranger from the prologue.
I know from the books but things start getting mixed up when it comes to show
And sometimes the other way around
I am a little confused on how the dead are reanimated because we see that one body that is AT the wall come back to life and attack Mormont, but no other examples of that. Is that because they have started burning the bodies?
Or maybe they are conserving their strength for the right time?
Some battles are fit to fight. Some are to be delayed in favor of larger battles
probably. because GRRM has said they were awoken by magic and so are the dragons
So NK was slowly building his forces back up.
Who were awoken by magic? Others? Wights?
and also I learned the WW in books can talk... and laugh....
Yeah they were taunting waymar royce
in a queer foreign harsh tongue
@Aegon the others/white walkers
Also if they didn't know how to talk, how would they sign the business deal with Craster .inc
Maybe the harsh tongue is a dialect of Old tongue. tinfoil on
@Aegon NK is a Stark confirmed
NK is Coldhands
I wonder what Benjen's fate in the books will be... there has to be some closure...
Benjen better be dead
I would hate to see him alive again
Come to think of it, every dead stark brings immense joy to me
@Aegon shame man. every show watcher loves the starks because of sean bean and the by extension Kit.
Extension Kit
When someone says they root for Starks, I do an involuntary eye-roll
Could/would the Starks/North back Dany's claim? (outside of Jon being a Targ).
Well it is a song of ICE and FIRE.... Jon is much of a Stark as he is a Targaryen
It's either Torrhen the kneeler or Harren the Black. Not much of a choice
But in show sadly, Dany seems to be intent on freeing anyone who asks for it
Starks are important to the end game I think. Why else do they keep saying there must always be a Stark in Winterfell.
So guess Starks may yet become independent after all
That's an internal saying of House Stark I believe
Brandon the builder must have told his sons "Hey kids, there must always be one of you in winterfell. Otherwise someone else might get in and take your place".
@Aegon so just like "a lannister always pays his debts" a secondary motto
Precisely. Though that seems to gave taken hold in general populace as well
Nice new answer on milk of the poppy. Didn't Ned and Robert refuse at one point too, or is that only in the show?
Robert only refused to drink it until he talks with Edd
Also, for the first couple seasons it made sense to use both tags on GoT questions but now it just feels wrong
When he was done, he asked for the popu
Yeah now it just adds the burden to explain the differences between both stories
also, there are no gold badgers and i see you got the silver already. congrats! I hope you get the first gold
I do too but it's a long way to go man
you have the score.... you just need 120 more answers O.o
just put answers on ALL the questions, I'm sure they would be better than half the stuff there lol
That's what I have been doing today actually
Seeing if there is something I can add to get the count completed.
well good luck to you. just leave some scraps for us little guys
You are really modest
If I were Viserys, I would have called you a usurper
but I only have a bronze GoT badge. and only a bit over half of the score to a silver. while you already have enough score for a gold, but need the numbers
this month's rep came from a Harry Potter answer
although I am gunning for Most Rep for a New User in 2016.... only because a few users like you and Adamant joined right at the end of 2015....
Man I really hate myself for not being active here after joining
I just joined this site for asking one HP question
Which was marked as duplicate
And then I left. And did not come back until an answer about Edmure Tully made me think "huh, why is that answer so high voted when it hasn't touched so many things?"
What's the current record of a user gaining most rep during joining year?
System's Down might actually be first GoT gold badge holder. He has the highest score and highest number of answers. And he is active
@Aegon Last year praxis got 35k rep without being previously ranked
Well shit
i am only leading this year because it seems the competition is not as great, but there is still half a year left
2011 - Jeff - 21k
2012- DVK - 49k
2013 - Thaddeus - 35k
2014 - Valorum - **77k**!!
2015 - Praxis - 35k
Currently leading for 2016 - Skooba - 9k
o wait
Well goodluck. There is plenty of time to catch up with other guys
im all messed up
#21 is not so bad to be called "all messed up" lol
there is a lot of time still
no no with my score sheet
What's wrong with it?
2011 - Jeff - 21k (#1 for year)
2012 - dlanod - 26k (#4 for year
2013 - user14111 - 7k (#10 for year)
2014 - Royal Candian Bandit 15k (#7 for year)
2015 - Praxis - 35k - (#4 for year)
i went with #1 overall instead of "highest, not previously ranked"
which i have now corrected
so i do have a chance!
You do
just have to stay active!
Hope i can answer lots of Fantastic Beast and Cursed Child questions
because I ain't holding my breath for Winds of Winter
I am actually planning to create a text based adventure for myself in the meanwhile lol
If only I would get some time off work -_-
Though tbh now I am not really hopeful about WoW
I am sure however that we won't ever get A dream of Spring tho
maybe Elio Miguel Garcia Jr will have to write it?
from GRRMs notes
GRRM is 67... does he have another 6-10 years of writing left in him?
Not while GRRM lives (And I do hope he lives a very healthy and long life)
GRRM has repeatedly refused proposals of having others finish his works
Idk man he does seem to be in good health so I suppose yeah
so if he goes before Dream is written, we wont get it? or at least until the estate sells the rights?
Oh we won't be getting Dream that much is for sure
GRRM wont be getting done with WoW till 3 more years at least
Can he spend another decade on his final book? I am not so hopeful
@Aegon what! i thought it was like almost done
That's what they have been saying for a long time
Since 2014 I think
IIRC, half of WoW is ready
oh dear lord... i hadnt realized
Linda and Elio are however capable
They did a great job at TWOIAF
But somehow I cant shake off the feeling that if they do finish the series, it won't be of same quality as GRRM's style
it is tough to beat the original creator at is own work lol.
i could chat all day, but i got some work to attend to . later man.
See ya!
9 hours later…
@Aegon Did I ever mention that Elio dropped by here a few months ago?
A: What is the in-universe title of Yandel's ‘A World of Ice and Fire’?

Elio Miguel Garcia JrAs the co-author of this book, I can confirm that the in-world title is indeed 'The World of Ice and Fire'.

If Winds and Dream don't come out, I will literally riot!

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