> “What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”
Because it is not a morning to be good on. Don't drink on Tuesdays kids! It gives you hangovers for Wednesdays...
Roman Legions
One of George R. R. Martin's main inspirations for the Night's Watch are the Roman Legions who manned Hadrian's Wall, as that is the inspiration for the Wall.
Hadrian's Wall, of course, I think was the inspiration for the Wall. I've never been to China so I've never had a chanc...
another parallel between NW and real life could be the military monastic order, i think that GRR Martin also say he was influenced by crusades, and there can be similarities
again, diferent culture, some oath (no woman, no children)
plus, the crusades were in the origin a noble cause but were corrupted by the time
I have read all of ASoIaF, and even though he gets limited time on the page, people love to speculate about young Griff, aka Aegon Targaryen.
Apart from the fact that most people had assumed him dead, what is the evidence of the idea that he might be a Blackfyre?
Warning: This answer may contain serious spoilers for those who have not read ADWD. This is not the official position of GRRM but is derived from Canon evidence in favor of this very popular theory.
TL;DR They did not! They did it for a Blackfyre. Aegon is a Blackfyre thus Golden Company is h...
@Randal'Thor Oh trust me I want to. But I need a kick in the back to get working. Guess I will just have to wait until TLC is close enough to take over.
@Aegon Yep, I was thinking you might be the right person to answer the Lit one ;-) Someone already posted an answer based on yours, but didn't do a very good job of it, summarising too much and cutting out a lot of the evidence:
Maybe it needs one of your awesomely loooooooong and detailed answers.
@Edlothiad It looks like the two questions are different, so the answers would have to be tweaked accordingly, and I'm not inclined to go through the answer understanding everything and working out which bits are still useful on the other post.
@Randal'Thor I would love to but it's hard enough to keep up with the communities I am currently active in. Joining a new community where I have the chance to talk ASOIAF might just be too distracting
@Randal'Thor or you could post questions here and get the answers anyways?
Seems strange to me to withhold asking questions because certain users aren't on a site where a question is on-topic when they're on another site where it's also on-topic.
Well I normally play with my brother so we normally squad up, and last time we got another pair, so we just played in two pairs that stayed nearby to each other and helped each other out if necessary
Unfortunately they got knocked down and my brother went in all guns blazing and got rekt paha
In A Song of Ice and Fire (and also in the series Game of Thrones), the Night's Watch is a peculiar institution: Regardless of its actual usefulness, it serves a supposedly "vital" function which was originally considered an honorable endeavor by all cultures which partook in the tradition. In ot...
> also look at your door, if it was outward opening the hinges would be on the outside. Pop that off, and you might as well start singing Timber by Pitbull
Oh my gosh. My direct manager thinks that automation is the holy grail of any project we work on and his boss (who is also the owner) doesn't see any work being done unless it activity changes the UI of the app.
Whenever we make a new product the UI "has to be different so the customers see a change"
A good example is the calculator on Windows, no one piped up when the rewrote the backend so it was more accurate but as soon as the UI changed it was noticed everywehere
@amflare so make sure that during the build, there is a random number generator that decides the background colour of the UI. You'll know for sure that they'll notice something changed
the thing is, if you have good enough question/answer, it will probably be in HNQ. So unless you do everal answer/questions, or get the old question/answers upvoted, you can't
I was just reading a little about the Emperor Claudius, and the ancient historians agree he was poisoned with a dish of succulent mushrooms. No doubt in my mind GRRM was referencing this when he wrote the Illyrio/Tyrion scene.