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And there is the hit network question effect….
12 hours later…
I caved on the demands to show lipo in action
I also <3 the engineer(s) responsible for fat magic being 0xcafebabe
lipo -detailed_info /System/Applications/Chess.app/Contents/MacOS/Chess | grep magic
5 hours later…
Ohhh… didn't know I could do that with the gold badge hammer - apple.stackexchange.com/posts/429260/timeline - I thought I'd be just one vote & others could join in with their opinion.
& I've no clue what the top line 'invalidated' is. That appeared afterwards.
5 hours later…
@Tetsujin yeah, you got the power. You did good
I am also really pleased with my lipo answer now. It’s so much better with two edits after getting down votes and critical feedback.

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