If you were hanging out on Meta.SO yesterday, you might have seen Alex Miller (no relation)'s post about a potential new Stack Exchange service for 'matchmaking' between developers and potential beta testers.
If you missed it, I'll summarize: We've got a community of talented iOS and OS X devel...
Ok, seit diesem Sonntag knallt die Sonne richtig! Es ist einfach herrlich. 90% blauer Himmel, die Wolken stehen sehr hoch. Die Temparaturen sind nur knapp unter 30°C.
Eigentlich habe ich keinen Grund gerade vor dem Computer sitzen zu müssen...
@gentmatt Email clients is a niche thing, that why there are so many for OS X.
No, wait, that's Task Managers for iOS I was thinking about. Mail clients, well, let me see, there's Mail, there's Sparrow (sorry, was), there's Thunderbird (sorry, was), there's...well, that's it. I can't imagine there was any money in it, no matter how good the product was.
Not enough, sadly. Had a lengthy discussion on Twitter about this with Jason - I think they should either open source it, or sell a license to something like Black Pixel to fork it
If they just got the iPad version out, it would be enough. £3 app, no-one expects continuous improvements forever for free, so a few remaining bug fix releases would be good. The missing iPad app is the del kick in the teeth. It' got to be pretty much ready
Don't know. But I remember reading that Lion was released shortly after the event last year.
"The specific release date of July 20 was not confirmed until the day before, July 19, by Apple CFO, Peter Oppenheimer, as part of Apple's 2011 third-quarter earnings announcement." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Lion
So maybe, I'll wait until tomorrow. It probably won't happen today...
It's official: Mountain Lion comes out tomorrow. http://thenextweb.com/apple/2012/07/24/apple-confirms-725-release-of-os-x-mountain-lion-for-19/?awesm=tnw.to_d2Ee&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Spreadus&utm_campaign=social%20media
We will update the meta and the Mountain Lion tag to allow questions once the new operating system is released to the general public. (Whichever part of the globe gets it first of course...)
@gentmatt The 25th is being announced by the tech press - apparently it was in the earnings call that MoLo comes tomorrow.