18 hours later…
@Monomeeth Hey, no worries, and I hope your recovery is going well. There is one difference between my situation and the post I linked to in the earlier message. Whereas that person's MBP was going into Sleep mode or something similar, mine does nothing. Whether I select Shut Down or Restart, it just doesn't do anything. Same thing when updating an app or even trying to update to the latest version of MacOS... when it comes time to restart to finish the update, nothing.
3 hours later…
Do any of the mods of Ask Different receive compensation from Apple? Do you? (Question directed at each mod. I'm not asking about compensation to participate here; I'm asking about compensation at all, directly or indirectly, excluding developer discounts. Again I’m NOT asking if they get any compensation for being moderators; that’s why I said “I'm not asking about compensation to participate here“ in my OP.)
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