2 hours later…
@klanomath - I just rejected a bunch of edits because they were trivial...like this one apple.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/278308
I thought we were trying to avoid superficial edits as we had earlier this year apple.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3391/…
@bmike No worries! Your preamble is appropriate. I didn't identify myself as a security researcher in the question and it is fair to assume the poster was being ridiculous :-p
Sorry if my cash offer was out of line. The question was big and really I am looking for somebody to make a YouTube video to demonstrate it's possible. Before someone might ask why I might feel so entitled to request that much help I wanted to put significant skin in the game. Also, I've spent 4 hours on this today and I probably soft-banned my Apple account for a few days.
@Allan On GitHub and other new communities I will submit a few quick typo fixes. This is a toe in the water. And if the result is bad then I know not to bother with helping on significant changes. This is the approach I recommend to everyone who is itching to get started in a project but is too embarrassed because they're afraid they'll look stupid or they think they need to learn a lot beforehand.
3 hours later…
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