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@Antonio23249 Will do when I have a moment today. Thank you so much for having a second look - I appreciate what you're doing here as well.
Not asking this on main site because beta question but I though I might ask here.
Submitted to Apple Feedback:
The following occurs only on one user on the Mac. I have reinstalled macOS 3 times, booted to Safe Mode (same issue), First Aid. None of which solved the issue.

## Issue(s) ##

1. When opening specific sites or specific webpages in Safari (Pandora.com [All], YouTube.com [Some pages], etc.) the website will load, but hang. Clicks will not work and I get the beachball symbol. I am however able to navigate and use different tabs fine, meaning that the hang is NOT in the application (Safari).
2. After waiting 1-2min the website will start to respond. The website/webpage will continue to work
Any idea are appreciated!
@JBIS dude, just look at my question post and see the screenshot.
I tried that, didn't work.
@M3553N63R Its "/Macintosh\ HD" Not "/Macintosh/HD"
"\" then " "
Q: Can not change to directory containing downloaded rEFInd files while booted to Recover Mode

M3553N63RI am trying to change the present working directory to the folder containing downloaded rEFInd files. I have booted to Recovery Mode. Below are some of my failed attempts. The refind-bin-0.11.3 folder was downloaded to my Downloads folder. Do you see the problem now? Do you see I what I'm sayi...

@M3553N63R Did you try what I said?
@M3553N63R You can also try in quotes without escaping characters
@JBis I made some adjustments to your code... The adjustments take into consideration if there are subfolders with media files and if there are other types of files other than media vfiles
set imageNameExtensions to {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "bmp", "gif"}
set videoNameExtensions to {"mov", "mp4", "m4v", "avi"}
set nameExtensions to (videoNameExtensions & imageNameExtensions)

set myFolder to (choose folder) as text

tell application "Finder"
	set mediaItems to (files of (entire contents of folder myFolder) ¬
		whose name extension is in nameExtensions) as alias list
end tell

tell application "Photos"
	import mediaItems into container named "Store Display" with skip check duplicates
@wch1zpink Feel free to edit. Thanks for help.
Or I can add your choice
A: Is there a way to make a slideshow of all the videos and images contained in a single folder?

JBis Open /Applications/Photos.app and go to File>New Album. Create a new Album with the name "Store Display" Open /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app Copy and Paste Script below Go to File>Export File Format: Application Open Application Select your folder that contains ONLY Photos and Vide...

LOL I would prefer not to edit your post.. Just pointing out That sometimes it's easier taking Other possibilities into considerationBecause somebody else may want to use that code And they may have subfolders Containing media items And other types of files which need to be ignored as well
@wch1zpink Ok thanks for suggestions
You may want to add this To the code ... Commented out... If the user only wants The files of the main folderWhile ignoring files of subfolders
tell application "Finder"
	set mediaItems to (files of (folder myFolder) ¬
		whose name extension is in nameExtensions) as alias list
end tell
later I will edit for more options
more choosing allowing to set preferences maybe.
@wch1zpink I tried multiple times but couldn't figure out how to do it direct. Like start a slideshow without the import.
set imageNameExtensions to {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "bmp", "gif"}
set videoNameExtensions to {"mov", "mp4", "m4v", "avi"}
set nameExtensions to (videoNameExtensions & imageNameExtensions)

set myFolder to (choose folder) as text

set theChoice to display dialog ¬
	"Select Your Option" buttons {"Cancel", "Main Folder", "Main Folder And Sub-Folders"} ¬
	default button 3 ¬
	cancel button 1 ¬
	with title ¬
	"CHOOSE A FOLDER" giving up after 30

if button returned of theChoice is "Main Folder And Sub-Folders" then
@wch1zpink Can we add a loading bar for
set mediaItems to (files of (entire contents of folder myFolder) ¬
			whose name extension is in nameExtensions) as alias list
If there a bunch of pictures this will take a while.
lol I'll tell you what…Why don't you take a stab at it... If you cannot figure it out and then I will do it.. Butt In The long run it will help you, If you try first
@wch1zpink Yeah I'll give it a go. I have built loading bars in the past in-between lines but not sure how to do during line.
set imageNameExtensions to {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "bmp", "gif"}
set videoNameExtensions to {"mov", "mp4", "m4v", "avi"}
set nameExtensions to (videoNameExtensions & imageNameExtensions)

set myFolder to (choose folder) as text

set theChoice to display dialog ¬
	"Select Your Option" buttons {"Cancel", "Main Folder", "Main Folder And Sub-Folders"} ¬
	default button 3 ¬
	cancel button 1 ¬
	with title ¬
	"CHOOSE A FOLDER" giving up after 30

if button returned of theChoice is "Main Folder And Sub-Folders" then
@wch1zpink Photos has its own loading bar. I was trying to make a loading bar for
set mediaItems to (files of (entire contents of folder myFolder) ¬
			whose name extension is in nameExtensions) as alias list
Getting (files of (entire contents of folder myFolder) can take a long time if the folder contains lots of files.
I wanted to make loading bar for that.
@wch1zpink Oh and the answer to my riddle from a while ago was that there was a no width (invisible) character between the first "Safari" and the second "Safari​" same with Chrome. If you want to see what I mean copy and paste the following into a text box and using the arrow keys go from one side to the other:
@JBis you can't designate a progress bar simply to setting a variable... Because you're not doing anything withThe items themselves When you set the variable.. It's only when you do something with the the items of the variable that you can Display A progress bar..
@wch1zpink Ik. Thats why I was surprised when you said I should try and figure it out.
2 hours later…
I tried what David Anderson told me to try from recovery mode. first without quotation marks, I hit enter then I got error message then tried again with quotation marks, so I typed "cd /volumes/macintosh hd/users/messengerm/downloads/downloads/refind-bin-0.11.3" ........I hit enter again and got no error message but didn't see change directory in bash terminal in recovery mode.
@M3553N63R In recovery you won't see the directory change but you can make sure by going ls
@wch1zpink Loving script debugger. Makes life so much easier. Thanks again!!!!

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