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00:00 - 19:0022:00 - 00:00

Q: Chat Room Name/Subtext not set for Ask Different Chat

stuffeIf you look at all the chat rooms on SE, (notwithstanding the temporary ones between users etc) they pretty much all have a) a witty name, and/or b) some following subtext, e.g. : The Frying Pan: Sometimes hot, always heavy. (cooking.SE) Literature: Read any good books lately? (literature.SE) ...

Frequenters of chat should read this. In fact, if a mod could pin it, it might be a good idea.
If some of you have Super User accounts, I'd appreciate support for the following topic on Super User Meta (for the time being):
you're right, that is annoying
testing again
shift-return works
why Super User Meta and not MSO?
indeed, this affects the whole of SE chat, not just SU
(which really is just to say I don't have an account on SU, so I can't upvote, but I'd be happy to if it were on MSO)
@Daniel I like MSU better. But no worries, if it doesn't get picked up, I'll have it migrated.
I get wanting to post where you're comfortable. I don't venture too far off Ask Different/meta.Ask Different
@Daniel I wondered whether to post this on Meta.Apple actually, since it primarily is of interest for Mac users. But I have no idea how active that meta site is...
it's somewhat active, but not terribly so
That's what I was afraid of. Let's see how it goes. I'll let you know in case I'll have it migrated to MSO.
it would probably languish there, but I'm not sure MSU is much better for getting features like this implemented
@KyleCronin It gives SU members the ability to vote twice once moved to MSO, at least. As I said, I've done this before if it wasn't picked up on MSU.
@DanielBeck ah, good point, had not considered that
Maybe I can convince our mods that Meta Apple is a good destination for the first migration due to the audience, who knows :->
might be a first step in getting migrations between Ask Different and Super User
@KyleCronin You mean this?
it's actually quite funny how frightened some people are that we'll 'steal' all your Mac questions
It'd be interesting to get real numbers on the flags requesting migration of legitimate topics. I've seen a few for Ubuntu myself though, but no Apple so far.
I have no problem supporting an AD -> SU migration
There is very little off topic on Apple that is on topic on SU, is there? I mean, the occasional Samba networking question maybe, but other than that?
iOS questions are off topic on SU
off topic on Ask Different, not off topic on SU. Sorry.
well, sometimes you'll get the occasional question about Windows on a Mac that has nothing to do with the Mac
@JasonSalaz Yep. I meant in the other direction.
or stuff like that
I've seen a good deal of "You should post this on Apple.SE" comments though, plus flags for migrating e.g. Ubuntu stuff away from SU, so I can imagine that there are a few users who really think that Super User is "Windows.SE"
what's SU's opinion on those upcoming Windows 8 tables? on or off topic?
/me guesses "on topic" in advance of the answer
@KyleCronin No idea. Not my niche. I'd say on topic unless it's a seriously stripped down version of Windows 8.
if your guess is correct Jason, I fear that the only definition of what a PC is that SU uses that makes sense is "can it run Windows"
got an iPad? Join the beta for the StackTrace app http://bigbigbomb.tumblr.com/post/17252346935/learning-from-others
SO only?
well it is a beta
Again, I'd appreciate support on the multiline chat topic on MSU from everyone with an account on SU. I'll let you know if it's migrated elsewhere. Good night everyone.
I voted for it.
Wow! I've hit 1K edits!!
Hey @KyleCronin and @NathanGreenstein, are questions that are about the iOS 5 or Lion beta now on-topic since both have been released?
Or are they still off-topic?
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