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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Ask Different Questions. We don't like these ones.
goood luck with the debate everyone
Hi @NathanGreenstein
@Daniel Hi
And hello to mr Argyle as well.
So no debate for you?
You will be missed.
fraid not :(
Time zones are a pain.
Well, not so much that as something popping up
Drivers Ed...
Ah. I remember it well.
I hope you don't have a snowstorm like I did.
(Does it snow out where you live?)
We already had our Drivers Ed snowstorm, actually!
It doesn't snow a lot, but we got some this year.
Ah, well if that's done, it only gets easier :)
The other day I was driving down a road, and realized that it was the first road I drove on during drivers ed.
An odd circumstance, having in the past few years just moved back to my hometown.
Wow, that's pretty cool
Best wishes!
Good luck in the town hall chat!
Looking back over my responses from last year...... They're a little embarrassing.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to asking a question, and hearing answers, and I hope I can say something reasonably clear when asked.
I'm sure you'll do well.
You've been plenty clear in this chat room
I hate making typos.
(Of course I managed to misspell "typos" but caught it before I hit return)
It snowed last night -> this morning/afternoon.
Yeah, but you're in the mountains, no?
above 6000 feet!
We had a few flakes today. Amazingly little this winter.
We got a ton of snow last thursday all the way through saturday.
Seattle doesn't get a lot of snow, but people freak out when we get any at all.
The first time I visited Denver, I discovered that I had asthma. The thin air combined with some sort of pollen in the air to which I was allergic made breathing very difficult.
Little snow, and it's so far north. What a crazy world we live in.
Is that technically asthma?
Two different things. But when combined, nasty.
So I don't exactly have fond memories of Colorado.
@Daniel Breathing is overrated.
Well, I'll never expect a visit from you then!
I was ~6 months old the last time I visited CO. I had some kind of altitude sickness, apparently.
I don't remember it, but my parents sure do.
Actually, my wife and kids all want to take a road trip out west this summer. Don't know what we'll work out, but we've got family in Winter Park.
(Don't know where that is, though)
Nathan, sounds like your trip was as fun as mine. But I was in sixth grade.
Not six months.
I'll never expect a visit from you either, Nathan!
Actually, I've been to the mountains since and been fine.
Baby Nathan had ear tube problems
I was about to ask how learning to drive was in the mountains, but I suppose Seattle isn't exactly mountainous.
Very hilly though.
Kinda like mini-mountains, I guess.
I found driving to be much easier once I learned to drive a stick shift. For whatever reason, I find it much harder to drive an automatic well.
I know people think it should be the opposite.
Seattle is hilly? I wouldn't have guessed.
I'd really like to learn stick, but my parents both have automatics.
@Daniel Yeah, very hilly.
/me can drive manual transmission vehicles.
My first two were.
My current car is not :<.
My new car is.
My car of 12 years died last month.
Replaced it with a Fiat 500. Love it.
Amazingly, so do the kids, despite the back seat having almost no room in it.
that's because they kids, not teens :)
They were the ones who lobbied so hard for this one. They thought a 2-door would be cozier.
Who knew.
@NathanGreenstein Do you have to parallel park as part of a driving test?
I still hate that.
Yeah, we have to do that.
(but it's a lot easier in my tiny Fiat)
We also have to back around a corner, which seems silly.
Do you ever have to do that in real life?
OK, you have the harder evening ahead of you. We just have to answer questions on chat.
Actually, tonight's just a class, not a test. Thankfully
Well, I do to get out of my garage on a regular basis.
Ah, do you back out?
If I went forward, I'd go through a wall :-)
(not recommended)
Haha, there is that
I never took a driving test.
Ours wasn't too intimidating. It wasn't a single test, but they had to check off that we had done various things during the class.
Not the course-style one. The high school parking lot my driving school used was all torn up for repairs/resurfacing during my schooling.
So the teacher just signed off on everyone's certificate whateverthehecks.
Haha, lucky
So that's the real reason to avoid Colorado
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