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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@JasonSalaz Voltron in a MetLife commercial in the Super Bowl FTW
I'll find a link, but I'm going to watch this drive for now.
(I'm kind of rooting for the Giants)
Great stop
(in the thumbnail, Voltron's on the horizon)
That's strange. The chat says you have 6K rep Daniel, but Ask Different is your only site?
Only substantial site, but I have ~100 rep on a few others.
It's right, but only on a technicality.
3 hours later…
I didn't look at accounts, just the graph.
But that explains it.
(And also accounts for a few hundred of my rep too.)
@Daniel I see you 2 seconds of Volton and raise you more:
Voting is only 4 days? Man, that puts the Town Hall in a very tight squeeze. But it also means we'll all have a very good, or a "meh" weekend :).
Yet, /election says: "election ends in 9 days". Hmm. Is that 'just in case' a primary occurs?
I think that's a yes, according to apple.stackexchange.com/election/2?tab=primary , the 'sticky note' on the right.
Is it just me, or is the scrolling in the App Store.app really not that smooth? :(
I don't recall having an issue. iTunes, however, is another story >_>.
seems OK to me
sometimes it stutters as it's loading things, but it's not that bad
scroll it fast, so it lingers for seconds. Try and stop it and scroll in the opposite direction.
Or more specifically, just very quickly and repeatedly brush up and down.
once everything's loading, it's all smooth sailing here
lucky you
if I do that, it continues to scroll for seconds after I stop, and I can't stop it
@JasonSalaz For me it's the opposite. I got 121 albums, but scrolling is smooth. Not like in Safari, but ok. The App Store scrolling is not very pleasant.
Sparrow is similarly terrible.
I got the HD 3000 with 1,2 GHz clock speed.
The graphics are rendered by the Intel HD 3000, right?
Oh, video card.
I thought we were suddenly not talking about Mac OS, and "HD 3000" was some silly windows machine model number.
...man, I never realized I have stopped paying so much attention to video cards either.
I only just realized we were talking about Mac OS, but my statement about the smoothness stands
I guess App Store.app applies equally to iOS
iTunes however, does not.
I wonder, if my MBP 8,2 has such problems with the scrolling..... what about older models?!?
Ok, I was talking about the Mac App Store ;) Sorry...
they're both called "iTunes"
oh yeah, that iTunes.app.
But you also mentioned albums, so that disqualifies .app
plus, when you said Sparrow, I thought you were in the Sparrow for iOS beta
So, next thing: .app is not iOS nomenclature. .ipa is.
Anyone calling it Settings.app is solely mistaken.
@JasonSalaz correct
I'm pretty sure I've made that mistake numerous times.
I remember that the scrolling in the iOS App Store on the iPhone 4 wasn't that smooth either sometimes...
At least when it's still loading stuff in the background.
@JasonSalaz .ipa is the compressed package that contains the app, there's still a .app in there
Overview An .ipa file is an iPhone application archive file which stores an iPhone app. It is usually encrypted with Apple's FairPlay DRM technology. Each .ipa file is compressed with a binary for the ARM architecture and can only be installed on an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Files with the .ipa extension can be uncompressed by changing the extension to .zip and unzipping. .ipa files cannot be installed on the iPhone Simulator because they do not contain a binary for the x86 architecture. To run applications on the simulator, original project files which can be opened using the Xcode S...
in the future, I suggest referring to the App Store on Mac OS X as the "Mac App Store"
no ambiguity there
2 hours later…
"IT HAS A PEN? AWESOME!!!!" #SamsungCommercialFail
2 hours later…
moshe on February 06, 2012

To start, open up Terminal. To open Terminal, click on the Spotlight icon and type in the word “Terminal”. Click on the result Terminal (or hit Enter). Once you have opened the Terminal, you’ll be ready to log in to your SSH account.

The SSH included with your Mac is a little different from the one which you would have installed on a Windows machine. On  a Windows computer, you can either enter your username into a GUI, or use commands in the Command Prompt (which is the Windows version of the Mac Terminal) to log in. On Mac, we don’t have that GUI, so we’re going  …

1 hour later…
@stuffe I wish I could upvote edits
Ha, yeah, truly magnificent title that one. Almost as good as "I need help!"
Shouldn't it be Macbook Air mid 2011? That's the latest model: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook_Air
Tricky, I find the naming scheme for these things to be tricky, Gen 3 this, late 2010 that. The safest measure might be to let people state when they bought it, as there is no garauntee that a user know when his model of ipad/macbook/airport etc was introduced
Of course, this assumes they bought new.
I have truly no idea what model my airport is, for example.
You find your model number in the overview of the System Profiler.app
Model Identifier: 8,2
That relies on on us knowing what identifier corresponds with which new features etc, could be difficult, especially if it;s not a model we own.
This is the best we can get for now. You can use wikipedia to make sense of the Model Identifier. Search for Macbook Pro.
System Information will give you the [Early|Mid|Late] (Year) version of your Mac
Anyone heard any word on the Town Hall Chat?
I haven't heard anything
I wish the results of the poll were public
Well, it is Monday now. If SE employees have anything resembling normal work hours (I don't know how that works), we might get some movement on that soon.
(i.e. just because I spend more time on the site on weekends doesn't mean that people do for whom it's their job)
nor should they have to
I have no idea how the voting process will work. I presume I can vote also, even as a candidate?
I hope it's today, too, because I'm mostly unavailable tomorrow
@stuffe yes
I'm dreading this election. One way or another there are good contributors to the site who are going to lose the election. I hope those of us candidates who don't win continue to participate. Seven people for thee spots mean that more of us will lose than win :-(
If it is today, then it starts 1 minutes after nominations close ;)
I think Kyle was talking about the Town Hall forum, not the election, which will indeed start today, at 20:00 UTC.
yes, that's what I was talking about
At the risk of short selling or book-cooking allegations...I see 3 slots and 3 obvious people for them, the process is just a way of making it official and honest, the rest are there to enable discussion and allow some debate for the sake of getting to know them, as much as choosing them
There's five people I want to vote for, but 3 spots.
Or that's how I see it
(nothing against the other two; I just don't have much information)
(yet... but a debate could change that)
I'm a bit curious who the two are that you wouldn't vote for are...
there's one obvious person, but I'm not sure about the other one
Well, that bmike is pretty shady... :-)
No, seriously, I just haven't encountered jmlumkin or iampierce much, so I don't have much of a read on them.
I don't doubt they're great people. But seriously, this is a site where people volunteer to help others with their computer problems. It doesn't tend to attract jerks.
For which I'm hugely thankful.
This has perhaps the best signal-to-noise ratio of any internet forum I've participated in.
the trick is making sure it stays that way as it gets more popular
yesterday I had to destroy several accounts of someone that kept spamming the site, and there was a user that posted a bunch of really, really low quality posts I had to edit/delete
most of the time moderating Ask Different is pretty easy, but that wasn't
I saw the cluster of low quality posts. I should have done some editing, but I didn't. Super Bowl called.
(Calls NFL Lawyers...)
@stuffe I suppose if you use elections.stackexchange.com then 3 candidates certainly emerge as having more badges, meta participation, etc., and they're also the 3 candidates with the most rep. But if you look at seniority on the site (how long since they joined), there are also 3 leaders, another cluster of 3 about 6 months ago, and then one more.
(That's one less moderator available for election)
Copyright abuse.
More like Patriots abuse. Go Giants!
No-one is allowed to say the words 'Super' and that other word beginning with 'B' without paying NFL a fat license: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/02/…
Kyle, isn't that what I just said?
it is indeed
guess I wasn't paying attention
Well, seems unfair to name names this close, but I'm happy that the result shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
@stuffe You can't use their trademark to promote your own event. But one can certainly use their trademark to refer to the fact that one was watching the official telecast of their event.
Not sure I like seniority as a metric
2 joined 8/6, one on 8/7
definitely people from the DF sponsorship
Don't know if seniority is a plus or a minus :-)
@Daniel - the article suggests otherwise. But then I spent more time reading that than watching it ;)
That Kyle Cronin character, for example , has been around a long time. But would we want him as a moderator? :-)
I think I was a DF child
I was too. So was Wheat.
Or, actually, I think I was a convert from an @siracusa tweet
I see everyone as equal, no-ones Qs or As have any more or less weight than any others. The seniority thing is a gauge of time as much as anything.
@Daniel of course you would! :)
I think there's probably a base minimum amount of time that's necessary, but beyond that it's about other things
I'm already seeing a slow trickle of upvotes from elderly answers of mine. By the time you get to @bmike levels of answers, that trickle alone may be hard to keep up with, but it's not so much indicative of deserving seniority
I definitely consider time on site in my response to things. If a new user posts something off-topic, I'll comment gently, and vote to close. If it's someone who has been around a while and should know better, I'll downvote without pity and vote to close, but not necessarily leave a comment.
I wonder if we'll get any last-minute nominees
I certainly was
But that's when acting as a private user. If I were to be elected mod, I suspect I'd go back to commenting on everything.
You were a last-minute nominee, Kyle?
yeah, I entered after the election had begun
You could do that?
I had to email Rebecca and beg to be added
I hate writing self-promotion so I put it off
note when the election started and the date/time on my nomination: apple.stackexchange.com/election/1?tab=nomination
sorry, thought I had the link in the clipboard :)
Well, I guess we'll find out in five hours and 17 minutes.
Wonder how much of @bmike 's late entry was indecision, and how much was pure animal cunning to be the top nominee on the list ;)
sorry, I should have qualified that, but I couldn't think of anything to say
Interesting stats from last time, 1 repeat attempt, one not entered (even after being asked by @bmike) even though still active, and 2 that went quiet
What happened to Phillip Raegan?
Seems he was elected, but is no longer a moderator, even though his bio says he was elected.
that's correct
he was a moderator for a while (good, hard working too)
then fall last year he was no longer able to participate/moderate as much
and he subsequently resigned
it was made official a few weeks ago
People's lives change sometimes.
oh definitely
there's nothing wrong with that, and I wish him the best
@stuffe Actually, I wanted to wait and make sure any on the fence people threw their names in the hat. Also, I've already got some of the taste of moderation - so hopefully people can see in real life what sort of things I might do as moderator.
I didn't think I needed to get in early so people could have a look and see who or what I am on this site. Hopefully that's evident by now.
@bmike just being conspiratory
Both sound like bush-isms to me....
@stuffe I appreciate the humor surrounding the election.
politics should always be poked at and taken with a decent dose of humor, skepticism and more...
I don't think this really counts as politics
and I'm glad - the typical political process is pandering and corrupt
I love this from the Sci-Fi/Tantasy elections nominations:
"Campaign Promise:

My campaign promise is to abolish all Timelord questions.

Is Papa Smurf a Timelord?
Is the guy sitting in the adjacent cubicle a Timelord?

Where will it end? I'll tell you where. With me."
@KyleCronin Given enough money and power, I sadly predict we'd end up no better than "typical political" actors.
Given enough money, I'd just run away shouting "RTFM!"
you're probably right, good thing there's no money a very little power (comparatively) at stake. that way the only people vying for the spot are those that think they can excel at the job
glad this guy game back and answered his own question
Q: Triple Boot Lion+Win7+Linux

slfI have a challenge for you. I've been doing lots of research, and I've found quite a few questions here left unanswered. I know this is possible, I'm interested in hearing from people who have actually done it and learn from their direct experience. Currently, I'm running Snow Leopard, dual bo...

wish everyone did that when they find an answer elsewhere
@KyleCronin Indeed - it's always nice when a question obviously gets an up vote as well as the self answered question. Well done. Did you see this in the review tab or just stumbled across it in the normal stream of things?
normal stream of things
someone flagged it a few days ago, and I saw it had activity on the front page so I decided to check it out again
@KyleCronin Good call on not closing it! I was inclined to close that one, so that's a helpful lesson.
it was one of those cases where the sheer amount of effort the asker put into the question really deterred me from closing it
As I said, good call.
That was the one Nathan mentioned in chat that he was leaving for you, if I recall correctly
That should go as a case study for the new moderators orientation handbook :-)
starting out, I really hope that new moderators work with Nathan and myself in getting a feel for how to handle things
I'd sure hope that would be how it works.
If there's a town hall, that would be a good thing to ask about!
I wish I weren't running, in a way -- I've got a long list of questions I'd want to ask the candidates.
go ahead and ask - you're as much a voting member of the community as anyone else
I hate to ask questions that look designed for self-promotion -- but it turns out that I'm running because the things I think objectively make someone well-qualified to be a moderator are also things I (and other candidates, in some cases even more so) have done on the site.
I agree
I've heard that apple.SE largely allows poll/list questions as long as they're on topic, is this accurate?
not really
I'm not looking to ask one but UX.SE is consdiering whether we should start allowing some of those questions or not
we allow some
In the past we've allowed more. We seem to be moving in a direction where there are fewer.
we like our polls to be well-maintained, educational, and of broad interest
and even then, it's not a sure thing
They have produced some great results here.
it's one of those we-know-it-when-we-see-it things
I see. I couldn't pick a clear consensus out of Meta posts on the topic
That's because there isn't a clear consensus.
The good ones are overwhelmingly popular
But they don't quite fit in with the spirit of the rest of the site.
But they do build community
on UX we have a couple situations where people want a list of relevant X or such but we've been closing them mostly based on standard SO reasons
I think that the "tiny things" questions for iOS 5 and Lion show their value
@BenBrocka you should never feel bound by the conventions on other sites
develop your own set of standards for and with your community
They are valuable, but their value decreases rapidly if there are too many.
True, UX is a bit additionally subjective (very few "X is broken, how do I fix it?" questions) so I was considering their worth
If the point of a list is completeness, one CW answer that people add to can work just fine.
@Daniel this is true, sometimes if we get a popular one we get other people creating similar copycat polls that we usually close
@Daniel the point of a poll is an ordered list, with the best stuff at the top
If the point of a list is for people to vote for the most helpful examples among the answers, I think using CW for polls can contribute.
Or what Kyle just said.
@Daniel Android sort of went too far in their "single list" idea IMO...they had a single question to show you how to root all brands of phones
The answer was like 5 pages long and IMO useless to anyone searching "how do I root my Galaxy S"/ect
But that was an issue of overly broad scope, not a good fit for "completeness"
I'd love to continue this discussion, but I must go. Just remember that the decision is something that your community, and your community alone, should work out
@KyleCronin Thanks, see ya
OK, I think this is a fair question for the town hall: What activities on the site do you think best demonstrate that someone is qualified to be a moderator?
Welcome, @Moshe
I'm kind of hoping for a primary
but it's unlikely that we'll get 3 more nominees in the next 3 hours
You beat me to saying "3 more and we get a primary"
maybe I need to create a few sock puppets... :)
The upside of a primary is more chance for people onto learn about the candidates and participate in the process.
The downside is more people lose.
Sock Puppets would need at least 300 rep to be nominated.
You could bounty them
especially if there's 11 candidates and 10 move on... that's pretty mean to that other person
But it would be obvious
I was thinking of names for sock puppet accounts this morning while walking my daughter to school.
Argyle Marionette was one great name for a sock puppet account.
that is awesome
you kind of have to make it now that that name is out there
Slipper Dummy is less catchy.
'Doh. Someone beat me to it
I've always said there's a group of people in a darkened room following our every move in this chat room
this proves it
and they don't seem content with simply creating an account, either. they've already asked a question!
Well, what good is a sock puppet that just sits in a drawer?
289 rep to go before 3PM
Yeah. I don't think bmike could pull that one off. Especially given the 200 rep-a-day cap.
the cap doesn't apply to bounties...
But bounties have a time delay, don't they?
for new questions, yes
but anyone can put a bounty on an older question
And award it instantly?
I'm not sure
you've got me, I don't use bounties :)
If this were a more worthwhile experiment, I'd try it out, but frankly, this is a catchy name and not much else.
But darn it, Argyle's got 15 rep and 4 badges in a few minutes. Looks like a promising up-and-coming user.
20 minutes until nominations close.
1 hour 20 minutes
wow, talk about time zone conversion fail.
isn't it 2 hours and 24 minutes?
Deadline is TODAY at 2:59PM Eastern/19:59 UTC!
Did the blog style change recently?
you're right about the time
2 hours 24 minutes
the blog does not look different to me
I don't recall seeing the <hr> between posts.
it's not an <hr>, just a bottom border.
hm, could be because of the tags on the post
I don't think we've used tags before
we haven't
that part is new for that reason yes, but something else is different, I could swear
I might just be crazy though, and influenced by the other style work I'm doing right now.
there's one way to know for sure, ask Jin
How does the @ autocomplete list work?
where, the chat or the comments on the site?
it autocompletes for people in the chat or who have recently been, IIRC
Sometimes someone's name will show up and other times it won't.
I wonder what "recent" means
mods also have a two-@ superping that can ping anyone, anywhere
Non-mods have some sort of @@ function -- when I type it, it brings up a list of names.
oh, did not know about that
never been a non-mod in chat
I don't think he/she/it can talk -- less than 20 rep
The &diams; @@ is the entire network. The puny users' @@ is everyone in chat. @ is filtered by first character. (and @@ can be filtered by first character as soon as you enter one)
As I learned, however, there is no limitation on who you can ping, as far as I'm aware.
well, strictly speaking @@ is anyone anywhere in Stack Exchange
Honestly I think you're going on about nothing.
Even though Rebecca didn't show up in my @ list, when I just typed out her name it appeared to work, because she was in chat within the next 10 minutes.
Honestly, I think you keep editing yourself
Probably :).
Not as effective as when the icon shows up.
Editing yourself?
he says something, I correct him, and he edits his comment so it looks like he said it all along
then he pretends as though he has no idea what I'm talking about
Sounds like a plan :-)
I only really have one question for the mod candidates
and I'll post it here so the candidates can compose their responses ahead of time
What is the proper name for the site?

a) Apple
b) Apple.SE
c) AskDifferent
d) Ask Different
e) It doesn't matter/I don't care
f) All of the Above
g) None of the Above
h) Wut?
i) Hax
Oh come on, you know you'd use Hax.SE
Hax.SE similar to StackApps.SE, tools for hacking Experts Exchange?
The Town Hall Chat will take place Wednesday the 8th at 03:00 UTC
7PM Pacific, 8PM Mountain, 9PM Center, 10PM Eastern
Last time we did this, it was a bit over an hour, if I recall?
10PM? I can actually do that. Cool.
@JasonSalaz yes, according to the time stamps it went from 21:02 to 22:05 UTC last year
Well, I didn't mean that little of a bit over. But regardless I was right (woo)
@KyleCronin Proper according to which canonical source? If The Mind of Kyle™ is all-important, the answer is quite definitively d. But the SE sources vary.
@JasonSalaz savor it, it doesn't happen often :)
in Ask Different Town Hall Chat, Mar 2 '11 at 3:03, by Dori
The answer: @KyleCronin and @NathanG are correct; @VxJasonxV is not. The only time the "w" is capped is if you're referring to the Swedish edition of the magazine. (how's that for a trivia question?)
@Daniel the answer is ALWAYS d. as a moderator you represent Ask Different to the other SE sites and the world, it's important to make sure that we refer to our site consistently and correctly
Don't you mean A<space>D?
I'm sure I don't know what you mean
I'm sure you don't either.
Of course. Ask Space Different.
That's what you guys should call it on the podcast.
Or Ask... (dramatic pause) Different
@KyleCronin Wooo! Things are moving along. Still need three nominations to have a primary - so it looks like the real election starts soon.
@JasonSalaz Yes - I emailed and it is planned to be cut off after an hour with the ability for nominees that cannot make any or all of the time to have the opportunity to answer questions after the event for inclusion in the "for the record" copy of the chat.
@KyleCronin WAT
I can't make the chat, 3am my time zone
@stuffe Oh noes - it will be less than ideal if you can't make the chat - but depending on what I had going the next day, a 3 AM chat would be somewhat inconvenient to my usual resting process...
I do know that the intention is to have your input added to the questions and although you won't be there, you can take some time to compose your answers and still have them in the final transcript hours after the chat concludes.
I think Moshe is 5AM as well - so we might have a few people that participate in a time shifted manner.
But then you won't be able to ask questions. Can they be pre-submitted?
@Daniel I can't imagine Rebecca wouldn't work to respond to any reasonable request like that.
Moshe's profile says he attends Brooklyn College, part of the CUNY system.
Which would put him in the same time zone as me, if that's correct.
Sounds good in principal, suspect it sort of defeats the purpose of a "chat" tho
But, this is the intarnets after all
you get all sorts from all places here ;)
That's somewhat the point.
the "inter" part
Otherwise it's just a net
presubmitted Q's and A's make it more like a formal interview
But I realise there is little alternative
14 minutes
Of course, the benefit of prepared answers is a) I get to spell check thoroughly, and b) I get to engage in all sorts of wordplay like making the first letters of each of the words in my answer spell "Magpie" etc ;)
marblecake, also the game
5 minutes
by the way (FYI) you can change your votes, so feel free to cast a preliminary vote once the nominations close
you can change it before the election ends
I'll need to redownload OpenSTV
it would have been much funnier of they used "single transferrable decision" instead of "single transferrable vote"
then you'd have to redownload OpenSTD
@Daniel Yes - I appear to have been mistaken about his primary residence.
@stuffe +1 and +10 if you make sure it wraps lines so your work of art doesn't reflow based on browser width.
53 secodns!
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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