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Q: How do I change the location of screenshot in OS X Lion?

RexThe old method that works for Leopard/Snow Leopard doesn't work any more on Lion: defaults write com.apple.screencapture location /Users/kamus/Pictures/snap Has something changed or does anyone have some good workarounds?

^^ anybody got any suggestions/answers to this? it's answered, but the answer doesn't work for me, and the asker and answerer are SO people who don't have Ask Different accounts.....
@AbbyTMiller Can you paste the Terminal command you're trying here?
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location /Users/Abby/Pictures/Screenshots/
just brought home my new mac mini :)
Just tested and it worked for me
You have to log out and back in for the changes to take effect
oh, duh
@AbbyTMiller Ooh, nice! How are you liking it so far?
it's been about twelve minutes, but i'm loving it so far
@AbbyTMiller haha
@AbbyTMiller Glad to hear it
got it primarily as a home media server doodad, so i'm currently chatting on an HDTV, which is fun
Oh, lucky! I've been wanting to get a Mini for that purpose
yeah, it seems to be the best solution
the AppleTV is pretty limited
I was thinking about just going the Apple TV route, but I wanted something I could sync all my iStuff to, etc
yeah exactly
the apple TV doesn't have USB ports, does it?
Did the mini come with a remote?
unfortunately not, which I forgot about until just now
@AbbyTMiller Nope
it doesn't automatically come with a keyboard or trackpad, either, gotta add those
Well, if/when you do get the remote, you should check out BetterTouchTool. It lets you set up custom shortcuts for the remote.
it does, however, come with an HDMI/DVI adapter
@NathanGreenstein oo, that'll be handy
So, you could configure it so that holding down Menu takes you to a specific app.
yeah, it's a cool idea
@NathanGreenstein so if you want to play media you have on a hard drive on an apple TV, it's got to be over a network from another computer - am I understanding that properly?
that seems like a real missed opportunity to make the ATV into something super useful
Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me
Apple improved it with the second generation, but it still doesn't seem too great
unrelated, how many moderators are we electing this time around?
3 new ones!
i was worried i was going to have to pick between bmike and @JasonSalaz if there was only one slot open :P
not to mention Daniel!
We've got a lot of great candidates this time
oh man i hadn't seen him yet
we sure do!
I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time contributing to the site and the blog
compare this to the fact that Android's elections had to be postponed a bunch of times to make sure of enough participation
cough, we win at everything, cough
Have you seen our traffic recently??
#6 on the whole network
it's fantastic!
Seth & Lauren (CHAOS agents) have cool stuff in store to keep that stuff going :)
Awesome, glad to hear it
We're planning on really ramping up blog stuff too
I'm working on a fun post now where I let Photoshop, Pixelmator, and GIMP fight it out
keep in touch with them, they'll be sure to help out with anything you guys need, blog-wise (or otherwise)
Yeah, they've been great
gotta restart and let all these defaults changes take effect, back in a bit
2 hours later…
Some computers reboot faster than others.
I've used computers that seem to take that long
My dad's work laptop is a Dell with an i7 and SSD, and it takes 3-4 times as long to reboot as my i3 HDD iMac does.
Probably a product of WinXP, McAfee, and a VPN.
2 hours later…
When voting happens, how does it work? Does everyone rank all the candidates?
I understand the mathematical premise behind STV, but in practice, what will a ballot look like?
1 hour later…
@JasonSalaz I get your point. :) I'm not trying to protect "ultra-hd-top-secret" information. I'm only said because I bought a new computer with a processor that supports AES instructions. If I had known that Filevault 2 is that easy to bypass, I would have bought another computer.
@Daniel The election page has links for "1st choice", "2nd choice", "3rd choice" in all of the user bio's. You click which one you want in the rank you want.
2 hours later…
An interesting quote from Apple engineering about drive commissioning and SATA: discussions.apple.com/thread/2250690?start=165&tstart=0
6 hours later…
@Daniel it takes an especially long time when their users get distracted and play video games instead :)
3 hours later…
@gentmatt Be interesting to know if bitlocker has the same issues. I suspect it does, after all if you are to unencrypt, you need the key in RAM. All you can do is mitigate, ADR to randomise the key location in RAM etc, RAM chips that are extra "volatile" as there were some stories a while ago where data could be retrieved from RAM that had been 2 mins + without power.
1 hour later…
@bmike I changed my answer on meta to explicitly reflect our thread in the comments.
@stuffe Apparently yes: "Recovers encryption keys for hard disks protected with BitLocker in minutes, including BitLocker ToGo" lostpassword.com/kit-forensic.htm
I suppose the only solution to protect sensitive information is to create virtual encrypted volumes on your disk.
Even they need the encryption key in ram whenever they are mounted
Ok, but since you'll mount them less often you have more freedom. E.g. When the virtual volume is not mounted you can set your computer to sleep.
You do not need to shut down every time.
@Lri Please get a proper avatar! Your current 'pic' catches me almost every time :)
@gentmatt wrong window?
It's sort of irritating, isn't it? ;)
He, yeah :)
2 hours later…
Hey there @stuffe I was just going through my old posts and realized that my first accepted answer on this site was an answer from you. Cool.
I'm very curious about how @ auto complete works. It must be a period of time, because suddenly Kyle is not in my list.
Is there a stackexchange.stackexchange.com site?
To ask that sort of question?
I guess that's the very definition of meta, but that isn't really what meta seems to invite.
there's the 'discussion' tag.
Me and Kyle were talking again about how MSO needs to become MSE and MSO needs to go back to being just about SO
(holy abbreviations, batman)
@Daniel Ah, I remember it well ;)
@JasonSalaz Amen to that
Those 2 rep points when I accepted your answer significantly increased my total back then, stuffe.
Ask Different is awesome.
Might have been one of my first answers to be accepted actually - how can I check?
Well, it's your oldest accepted answer, but there's no date information displayed about when it was accepted (as opposed to when you posted the answer).
So you might have posted something later that was accepted earlier, but I rather suspect not, because I was eager to accept an answer, so I bet I did it pretty quickly.
But I figured you'd been around forever then, because I was brand new, so anyone else must know what's going on.
Synchronicity :)
That was 8 days after I joined. My first SE site
8 days. Roughly forever :-)
I has less than 30 points before that questions!
3 upvotes, 2 downvotes.
Indulgent, perhaps, but I just edited it to remove terrible typos and as such have bumped it. Let's see if I can get a few more points ;)
I already upvoted it, so I can't again. Sorry.
makes me realise how bad some of my earlier answers were

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