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bmike has added an event to this room's schedule.
bmike has removed an event from this room's schedule.
bmike has added an event to this room's schedule.
Oops. Missed the 10th the first time around.
Feel free to chat tomorrow too at the same time (It looks like the first event isn't cleared from the bulletin board yet.)
A little over three hours to go, predictions anyone?
@Undo I watch will be round, or rectangular, or square, will not have a stylus.
I predict amazeballs crazy comments
and lots of Apple must do X, Y Z without any rational thinking involved.
Also, totally awesome peek at the future of personal data. The iPhone used to be the most personal computer we owned. I can't wait for something even more personal to use and I can take my nike fuel band off my wrist.
I predict I will buy whatever phone they announce. Not because I am a rabid fanboy, far from it, but because I still have an iPhone 4 and it won't run iOS8...
Live coverage of the event is at apple.com/live
@daviesgeek Yeah, I think it would be cool to be able to annotate other users content with something personalised rather than just 'Like'.
@stuffe I predict that I will make my dad buy whatever phone they announce.
@Undo I gave my Dad an iPhone once, my old 3g when it was still useful after I got my 4. I had bought him a replacement Nokia within the week. No chance he was going to use it properly (or pay for a data connection...)
user image
Four revolutionary devices!
I expect to see pics soon. They have to take that white cover off the building before they start, right?
They might have doors in the white thing. I bet the white thing is the building.
It's certainly not permanent.
This is, like, the most hilarious thing I've ever seen Samsung do. Makes me smile.
It's a local belgium thing by the looks of it.
yeah, but it's still cute
Yeah, it's curiously non confrontational for them
Either they're saving that for the next round of ads, or they've changed their ways.
It'd be nice to see the latter.
@stuffe What if it's just the stage for U2 to perform and has some internal rooms set up instead of a white tent that usually is erected for temporary events.
@bmike I thought that too, but isn't it awful tall for a stage?
I'm kinda leaning toward big HomeKit demonstration
I get the demo house theory, but really, do you need to build a house to demo turning lights on and off with a watch, etc? Seems awfully restrictive when the prime purpose has to be to show the tech to as many as possible, and let them imagine context.
I hope it's not a stage, and I hope U2 don't have anything to do with it. That's iPod and Jobs era Apple, there's no synergy with what is expected to be announced at all, unless they are doing something totally unforseen like retiring the iPod in it's current form, and morphing the iwatch to be the new ipod which can be worn (amongst other ways) like a watch, or left on teh sofa as a TV remote, or magnetically hung off a wall to be the thermostat cntroller etc etc
@stuffe ick, I don't want them to kill the iPod. Then I have to get a phone ;(
(this is my oddball prediction actually, iwatch isn't a watch, it's not even a product, it's a platform for the home and personal internet of things. wear it as a watch, use it as your garage blipper, use it as your TV remote and thermostat and so on - snap it into a watch strap, a wall mount, your keyfob etc etc...)
@stuffe Yes, but you have to remember this is from the company that brought Ferrari's into WWDC to show off CarPlay.
@Undo Car yes - road no.
@stuffe I like that.
@stuffe Oh riiiight.
I'm sticking with @Pinboard's prediction:
“Oh and one more thing… the iWatch we just introduced? You’re already wearing it.” Audience looks, screams, but there’s no clasp or release
I can see an iWatch being some kind of an aware thing that transforms into a garage door opener, door unlocker, etc. That'd be neat.
An if they can vastly improve Siri, that'd be cool too.
Yeah, this is all fitting together. Manufacturers put an iBeacon in their doorlocks. iWatch/iPhone senses beacon, becomes a key (maybe you have to put in your passcode?)
@Undo touch id
that too!
Then it feeds a bunch of stuff into HealthKit all the time, of course.
think of it like a pokemon with 3 different modes ;) watch, keyfob, wall mount ;)
How are they going to do a wall mount, though? If it's curved, it'd be tough to mount on a wall. If it isn't, it'd be tough to wear.
magnetic magic
Mmm, maybe.
it will pop in and out of the wall mount, just the same as in and out of the watch strap. the watch strap is just a custm accessory case, the wall mount another, a keyring loop another..
Chalk that one up - I've talked myself into it :)
adds to prediction list
An hour and a half until we find out
Oh, add mobile payments to that watch concept.
sure, it's just more internet of things, linking you to your credit card
"A8" is going to be so much harder to pronounce than A4-7 :P
Oooh apple.com/live changed.
Yeah, that building is just a white building, it's not a cover...
looks under all the seats for iWatches
Apple Store is live again!
(... just kidding......)
I like this Apple-photo-and-tweet teaser thing
The PR department is probably 20 years younger on average now.
What the heck?
What’s hidden underneath this white box is the talk of the town. Keep following to find out #AppleLive http://t.co/tmGb0yzH8W
Why in the world is a tweet from a fashion designer like that on apple.com/live?
They kinda sound like they have some inside knowledge
@Undo The A is silent.
Because fashion designers design watches
Which are little more than fashion items these days anyway
So far all the smartwatch manufacturers have been hoping that if they just cram enough tech into one, people will forget that
@Undo Welcome to not being the target audience.
Also, I hope Apple has projectors set up to use the white walls as a canvas. Artwork on the tabula rasa white structure.
It better not be all glittery, I won't make apps for it if it's glittery.
(actually I probably would, but I would hate myself for doing it)
@Undo yeah right - who doesn't want to design for millions?
yeah ;(
I broke out Safari special to stream the event, it better be good :P
(why does it require Safari, anyway?)
Because they can :)
@Undo Safari is good.... ;) (Oh, you meant the live stream itself)
Me likes Chrome better
Mainly because it already has all my SE cookies :P
and a buncha userscripts.
Although Yosemite Safari is actually pretty good.
This is so strange
all the tweets they keep posting
@Undo To save people from using Chrome.
Actually, isn't that a potential antitrust problem? Tying their exclusive content to their browser/OS?
meh, this is a fairly small case
@DanielLawson How is that different than selling only iOS apps on the app store?
I don't see the potential but could be missing something.
ooh, the stream started
livestream started!
I got to run one of these cameras they're using at WWDC.
really neat
assigned seating?
@KyleCronin I'm not getting it on my iPad.
Play sign with a slash through it.
I'm sorry to hear that
but it seems a few seconds behind the stream on apple.com
Is the stream playing two sounds at once
well, can't watch anyway. Have fun y'all. Got to go work. Looking forward to finding out what it was all about.
we'll miss you, Daniel
gah so close
@phwd sounds like it to me too
but i think it's just a weird song
Ohai @abby
no, it's definitely got two musics
huh, it just reverted to bars for me
someone borked it
there, back
someone is fired
and again
Another person is fired for not firing the first person
music situation si better after borking though
looks fine to me after refresh

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