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@VxJasonxV No pricing info yet, I assume?
Would it be spamming if you posted an ad for the podcast in the SU community ads? Since it's already posted on the SU blog, figured it would be natural
@random We're planning on putting a community ad up on Ask Different.
Putting it on SU might be a good idea too, if you think people wouldn't mind it.
My two cents: SU is syndication for us. The community is AD.
The greedy part of me wouldn't complain. But realistically speaking, we want it to be relevant to the AD community.
And just like questions aren't cross-posted, ads shouldn't either.
http://ieatapples.com/ios5 #60 - Ability to Hide Traffic in Maps
That's not new, is it?!
#82 makes me curious too: "Emoji Support". I already have that :). Perhaps it's worldwide Emoji Support. Not just those with a Softbank SIM. Or someone sneaky like me.
WHOA WHOA WHOA... #137 - Set up Airport / Time Capsule on your iOS device
@VxJasonxV Yeah, that one surprised me too. They really are trying to eliminate the computer.
@VxJasonxV I've often wished there was an iOS airport utility, now I'm glad to see that there will be one
It will be helpful to me too.
It's just a total surprise.
@random Yeah, that's fine. Like Nathan said, we're working on one for Ask Different and you're welcome to use it once it's done
#121 - Delete each app’s data
On a lot of those items, I wish they would elaborate more and maybe post some screenshots
It'll be interesting to see if "There is a problem with your {Airport|Time Capsule|etc.}" will generate a notification in notification center.
@VxJasonxV If so, I hope it would only go to the phone that was used to do the setup.
Most people on my network wouldn't help anything by messing with AirPort Utility.
I already know that not to be the case.
Hmm. Shame...
I was futzing around with multiple airports to make one large network in our building. It was a built hilarious to have sight over much of the floor, and see the same familiar window open up on EVERY MAC SCREEN when I unplugged it's network cable.
wait, Airport Utility pops up if there's a problem?
it doesn't do that on my network
Hmm. Now that you mention it, it does on mine.
Even on the Windows machine, IIRC.
huh, Windows too? Weird.
Kyle: Do you have the airport icon in your status bar?
IIRC that's the difference, no idea about Windows showing it though.
@VxJasonxV yeah, the standard radial signal strength icon
there is a preference in the airport utility app too
ah, that's it
it's unchecked
to your point earlier, there's an option to "only monitor AirPort wireless devices that I have configured"
I will have to look at what the default is, and that will actually be quite easy for me to do.
But before that, I'm getting outta heeeeeeeeeeere.
it seems the TV industry has been convinced that wider==better
I really, really hope this does not come to computer displays
while I do like increased horizontal resolution, I hate that it often comes at the expense of vertical resolution
Honestly, most websites are still 980 wide.
Unless they're especially well-done and can scale well, like google's stuff.
increased vertical resolution is always useful for viewing web pages, editing documents, etc
Which is why I've been intrigued by Chrome's (upcoming) tabs on the left option.
but increased horizontal resolution is really only good when you're watching widescreen content
Unless you have enough for two windows side by side that are each big enough to show what you need.
the reason why I run with my dock on the left instead of at the bottom of my screen is because I don't want it taking up all that vertical real estate
what I would love to have is a windowing system where you vertically maximize all windows and have them side by side
the virtual desktop would be wider than the screen, and you could get to all the windows by swiping left and right with a gesture
I suggest you wait a month.
The, eh, demos make it look like full-screen + spaces/mission control get close to your idea.
@Nathan I'm aware of the full screen apps in Lion, my idea is a bit different
the idea is that you wouldn't have any windows wider than they needed to be
so you can have multiple windows up
Ah, that part isn't there. But you can have a lot of full-screen apps side by side and swipe between them.
@Nathan how does spaces/mission control/swiping between full screen apps work with multiple displays?
@KyleCronin Not well. The second screen is just useless.
very disappointing
But fullscreen really isn't my thing.
so what exactly happens when you invoke mission control with multiple screens?
Each screen goes into the new Exposé thing independently. The spaces up top are different for each screen.
You can drag back and forth between screens.
that's at least something
Yeah. It's basically like before, but with the new interface.
better than the way it works now
2 hours later…
one thing I like about this place is even when I leave I get karma
that makes me happy that people are reading my words and getting use from them
@hobs yeah it's been a year and a half since I last posted an answer on SO and yet my rep still slowly climbs
if the rep graph is to be believed, I've earned over 5k in that time
11 hours later…
Hmmmm. #134 - "Double-tap the home button while watching a YouTube video to display who uploaded the video"
That's a bit surprising.
agree, sounds like it breaks using double tap to switch between apps
"Note, however, that by default, your iOS device won’t tell your contact when you’ve read his message; you must enable that manually."
But it's still sender side, not receiver side, according to this.
iPod.app is dead. Music.app/Videos.app is now universal.
I'm a bit miffed that media now takes up 2 slots instead of 1, but that's what folders are for I guess.
I thought the Music/Videos split was a long time coming, I wondered why the iPod touch had those separate apps but the iPhone still had a combined "iPod" app
And the iPad had a middle ground.
And iPod app but a detached Videos app.
yeah, that was just odd

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