could I get a graphic artist or someone who can use a graphics program to make a banner for me? It shouldn't take long, I just don't have the skills...I have all the raw graphics that go together...just a logo, a background and text on top
I'm starting a local chapter of google developer group
I was just worrying about the IA, but maybe I'm being nervy over nothing
I can't see any big issues but wanted to see if there were any guidelines either way.
I've sometimes been tripped up by this myself. I see three links, open one link and explore all the tabs, then get disappointed when I open link two to realize it's not a link to something different. Suspect this could be a labelling issue more than anything else though.
I don;t think it's ascreenreader issue, it'd probably have more of an impact of SEO. Basically you're saying that each tab is it's own specific URL, rather than all being one page with an AJAX call to pull the content for each tab?
It would be a screenreader issue if it's teh latter though.
AJAX content is a PITA when it comes to screenreaders.
If content updates on the page without the page refreshing as a whole then the screenreader has no concept that anything has happened.
But it sounds like you're going with a unique URL for each tab, which would be preferrable.