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Would it be on-topic or off-topic to ask where the "Logout" button should be in an Android app that relies on a login-enabled remote service for most of its operations?
6 hours later…
@colmcq looks interesting. No more recipes?
@Keavon have you don't any UX testing to be sure that it's a problem?
@NicolasRaoul It depends on how you ask it, but in general we either have it as an action under "Settings" or as a direct option in the action overflow. Which is better depends on the app and how often a typical user is likely to need to access it.
ach i cna never get that @ thing to work
Both work for me. I get a notification if you simply say "john"
@JohnGB the food blog is still there
oh ok
well, anyway, I'm still cooking lots eg huffingtonpost.co.uk/colin-mcquistan/…
I've gotten really into baking lately.
Not good for the waistline but I'm having fun experimenting. A lot like applied chemistry really.
2 hours later…
@JohnGB I don't understand your question. I'm asking for a suggestion on where I should locate that button, I don't see how that's related to user testing to see if something is a problem.
5 hours later…
@Keavon context?
@JohnGB What do you mean by context? I've only sent two messages which are both visible on the screen above.
@Keavon There isn't a "right answer". If it's not proving to be a problem as is and users are using it, then it's probably best to leave it alone.
You haven't really given a reason why it's currently a problem.
@JohnGB I'm still in the middle of designing it and I'm wondering where to place the add button because the way it is in the screenshot I included doesn't look good.
Not looking good is a design issue. Being a problem in terms of use is more a UX issue.
If it were me, I would follow something a little different by making the screen larger and having a clear button / link to add a server.
It's not clear what the + actually does from that image alone.
I also worry that it will confuse users by having both next to each other. If just the pencil is next to the dropdown, it makes more sense that you're editing the selected item. With both next to it, it becomes less clear.
It would be a busier form though, but you could then make it clearer.
And for me, clarity trumps aesthetics every time.

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