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You only need 0.001% of the population to be idiots to have thousands of idiot users on services that big.
1 hour later…
@JohnGB sure, but why are 80% of my connections comprised of members of that 0.001% population?
second thoughts, don't answer that
Could be that those are just the ones that you notice
you forget that 79.999% of the use base loves drama
That gives you your 80% right there :)
@JohnGB Ah yes, of the other 99.999% who are not idiots, most are sensible enough to remain quiet, and thus the 0.001% are over represented in the chatter.
That they are
idiots make more noise than well informed people
for evidence see the US congress
There is no way that the average american is that ill informed.
But it's the noisy (and usually idiot) ones that get elected
a consequence of the Dunning-Kruger effect perhaps
It's somewhat self-gratifying to note that Cornell had it's own share of 'grossly incompetent' students which formed part of the study for Dunning & Kruger's paper :-)
Did you have any doubt @RogerAttrill?
When we vote on questions, does it change the vote count?
My profile says that I've voted 30 times today, but I'm getting a message saying that I have 4 votes left. I thought the limit was 40 per day.
A: Are there any voting limits?

jjnguyThere are limits to how much you can vote per day. Maximum 30 all-purpose votes per day per user (up or down) Maximum 10 additional question-only votes per day per user Upvotes available for users with 15 or more reputation Downvotes available for users with 125 or more reputation At 15 or mo...

comment votes don't count towards the total on our profiles
Who needs Google when you have a Roger :)
Thanks @RogerAttrill
np! :-)
The facebook idiot conversation above reminds me of demotivators

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
I love demotivational posters
commonly referred to as "truth"
right on!
^^ You think my girlfriend will appreciate that? :)
If she has your sense of humour, yes
Coincidentally, I'm wearing a despair t-shirt!
Q42? :P
I thought they were like office uniforms there
I wish
The t-shirts with Q24 on them
Why, were we all wearing one or something?
This one is good to bear in mind: despair.com/service.html
Yes, most of you were
Most honest one yet
@JohnGB Funny, hadn't realised... we were given new ones at the recent company retreat, so I guess people have been wearing them a bit
Oh, another very true one. Doesn't even seem demotivational
This guy thinks Apple is going to unveil a world-changing natural user interface tonight: plus.google.com/111121259089480098657/posts/NGvHrVZdtg1
1 hour later…
@Rahul Very interesting
How's this for a user interface: Japanese Toilet Motorcycle is Powered by Human Waste designtaxi.com/news/350723/…
It would be cool if it was powered by the toilet in real time
You wouldn't go very far
lately, i might
Looks like we are definitely starting to reach a broad audience, we are getting spam answers! :)
"0 down vote

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that was a deleted answer on a question
I saw a similar one yesterday too
Question link?
Q: Name for a rule about re-using terminology

msh210Does the rule "Don't use the same name/word to refer to two different things" have a name, and, if so, what is that name?

Ah :) Funny
@Matthieu: You might not go very far, but it would be far more entertaining watching people try to accelerate :)
@MattRockwell Hey, maybe that means I can finally get those flag weight badges =p
What's your flag weight?
I have no idea. I've flagged like two things on all SE sites combined
I just noticed there are badges for flagging properly
I assume it takes like 100 flagged posts to get so I doubt if I'll get it on this site anyway
Bleh, I have to integrate at least 4 strikingly different colors into a status indicator type table. This thing is so ugly....
Then embrace the ugliness :)
Be like a pug
so ugly that they are cute
@MattRockwell - This was v. funny! :- "Multiple options are available for dinner every night, each with their own benefits, but you still gotta choose one. Just sayin... :)"
haha yeah, I think it drove the point home for him too
@JohnGB Makes me wish I was colorblind
I guess the "good" side is it's an internal app so they don't really care if it's pretty...but I do
You can always make the indicator a pony with a rainbow :þ
Maybe play some Nyancat music in the background
I like it
@BenBrocka: Twitter allows you to change both your name and username
@JohnGB Really? I've never found that feature...never looked either though
How does it work?
But they don't redirect from your old URL to the new one
you may want to edit the post
But you become @newusername?
do the old @oldusername tweets still direct to the new username?
the old ones don't, but anyone subscribed to your feed gets subscribed to the new one
It's just old links that break
Huh. Guess I've just never known it to happen. I'm not sure I like their solution as much anymore really
I guess the bigger difference between Twitter and Steam/Skype then is how big a deal they make it to the user when changing their names, Twitter's enviornment still seems to discourage it a whole lot more
But it is a more public site too
It's a clear tradeoff
so far SE's method is winning for me
Yeah, I like how we do it
don't forget most people don't even notice the URL, let alone give a crap about it =p
especially since most major browsers highlight the domain only now. Which for most users is probably the best option
Hey Ben, where are you in iowa?
Davenport, right on the border with Ill
I actually work in IL
Route 6!
@Rahul And that's what I take to work actually =p
What's everyone's favorite color wheel/picker/dodad?
I like this thing as a guideline: colorschemedesigner.com
@Rahul I like it...unfortunately I'm using a pretty ugly tetrad. red yellow orange and green for indicators...and a background
Sounds scary
+1 for Rahul's suggestion
Picking from photos is a great way to get a natural palette
@Rahul It's still better than the old one...unfortunately they want the indicator system the same. A table with the whole row the color of the indicator
I also hope we don't have any colorblind people using this, because there's not much to work with on that end
fortunately there's like <10 users
This is blowing my mind: playspent.org
@BenBrocka Which means that statistically you're dealing with 1 colorblind person :)
Oh yes. It's been around for a long time, but it's awesome
@Rahul I'm well aware. I'm going to ask if I can tone down the colors a bit
@Rahul Played that like a year ago. Very interesting. I found it annoying that I'm apparently too dumb to tutor my son at math though
I couldn't get a job as a typist because the spacebar didn't work :(
the typist thing was total BS, I forgot about that
I could enjoy being a typist
Sometimes when I get into coding flow I try to max out my WPM :)
And that's using crazy punctuation like < " ; } everywhere
Not exactly standard for regular type
@Rahul I hate punctuation that needs the shift key. Yay for single quote...where it works
Why is there no orange between "pastel" and "burns my eyes"...
Yeah, some of the nicest trends in programming lately have been things like Coffeescript where punctuation is mostly getting abstracted away
Or something like Haskell
Very elegant
@Rahul haven't gotten to use either I'm afraid
Mother of god, I never heard of this legislation. Do these people know how web pages work, even vaugely?
They work in a government. Why would they? :P
Political discussions have very little to do with making the best decision. They are about scoring points.
I have a simple solution. When you sign up for an account the terms and conditions include cookie info.
Who are they scoring points with?
Basically if you don't want to let us use cookies, then this won't work
I can't think of a non-pejorative way to describe people who would agree with this
A few paranoid retards who are worried the government might find out that they are buying bdsm gear
That is because there isn't one :)
@JohnGB All current accounts would still break, even the most basic of websites would fail. The best possible solution is a useless annoying popup that constantly shows up and asks "do you want this cookie"?
The only question is whether most people will default to yes or no, in which case it's either annoying them for no reason constantly or denying them basic functionality constantly
(while annoying them constantly)
To which most people will first say no
then once they realise that they need it, they will just automatically click yes
And then they'll freak out because nothing works
and then we are back to the starting point
Exactly, they're basically making a mass experiment to show how quickly people will ignore pop ups
The funny thing is I bet if this goes into effect a bunch of people will be trained to use the US/ect versions of a site instead of european domains because magically this "cookie" stuff goes away for some reason...
Or just move business to the US as they can't afford a 70% drop in conversion rates
All they had to do was ask one comp sci major or someone half-tech savy to give them a good 30 reasons this is absurd
The problem is that they believe that the 0.001% of people that are paranoid about this should be able to force the other 99.999% to waste their time.
I'm sure it's going to change
as soon as businesses start moving politicians will jump all over themselves to change it back
@JohnGB I think that's a fairly succinct description of all legislation
President Europe! A man in London got a cookie!
More cookies for Cookie Monster.
Cookie Monster happy! :)
@JohnGB I just signed up to beta test your app Vemble
Cool :)
@MattRockwell Vemble?
Should be pretty soon
^^ who knew that we could schedule events
I take it that ux.stackexchange.com/questions/11390/… was referring to what you ended up doing for this app?
If so, I like what you chose to do
Yes, it was
We're working on more of the broad interactions before some of the finer details are in, but we plan on using Roger's suggestion
Okay, off to go play in dirt for me :)
See you all later
See ya
have fun
1 hour later…
This sounds like a gimmic
so anything interesting going on today?
@Jin absolutely nothing. Mind-numbingly boring day.
@Jin I made something less ugly, that's always fun. But nothing exciting
hey, anyone watching the apple event?
these things always start so slowly...
where are you watching it?
keeping getting http errors upon auto-refresh.I guess engadget isn't handling the load that well
ya me too
same here
I always found the ipad's home screen icon spacing to be too much. it's just too sparse.. could have easily fitted more apps on each page without it looking any more crowded than on the iphone, relatively speaking
1 hour later…
So Apple announce a new product, and the link to that product on their website is down
not particularly good
Anyone use any in-browser colorblindness simulators?
I'm using chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/… but it's not working on all pages (in particular the one I'm testing...)
No, but I'm looking for a good one if you find one
Chrome daltonize is pretty good but has some odd issues
Works very well on some pages like google and wikipedia
Just been playing with it now
It's changing some of the colours on the screen but not all.
Chrometric is GREAT and simulates a wide variety of problems, but it's a separate app and doesn't work like a web browser, I can't login to my site to view it
Yeah, it seems to have trouble with anything js does on screen
I can always just take a screenshot and open the jpg with chrome
should work like that then
I wanted the experience of browsing around with the simulation though
I found what I wanted though, my colors are surprisingly well separated in all forms of colorblindness.
Good choices then
Pastels ftw apparently
They were the only way I could find to not make the 5 major colors clash eye-blindingly
Pastels in a paisley ftw
Nothing says class in a webapp like that :)
Unfortunately our status indicator window isn't quite that classy =p
It's certainly ready for spring, though
You could use it as a background though
I think it has more than enough colors already. Maybe for a splash page!
Everyone loves those
with music
actually just visited the website of the French national railways
and it started playing music
on the page to book a ticket. Seriously?!
Now that's classy
Always found French websites in their own world
beautiful in pure design terms
but generally terrible UX
It's like nothing matters as long as it is artistic
Oui, c'est trés français
Double take: enably.com/chrometric "According to Wikipedia, 8% of males are colorblind"...
Now I honestly have to wonder if the average person would consider that more or less reliable a source than if they actually named the primary source for the figure
should be that 8% are affected by colourblindness
I like that people are referencing Wikipedia
more reliable than Britannica or any other encyclopedia
People still use those big books with single letters written on them?
The converted them to these ones and zeroes afaik
And the technical term is "dead trees"
I almost said that, I always tell people here I don't like dealing with dead trees
had to use the copier for the first time a week ago, been here three months
I hope to never see it again
It will take time, but it's getting there
hey all
I'm still in california so I must talk with the lingo
Lucky. I want to go there but I'd need a job there
Plus my sister probably hates me to death since she lost her job and she's out there
How's Cali?
Damn, Dave left
So does anyone have a favorite keyboard? I've never seen anything that beats the Dinovo Edge but it's getting so old I can't believe there's never been at least a successor. logitech.com/keyboards/keyboard/devices/192
Which reminds me how boring my work keyboard is
I also had the Dinovo for a while
but I really like my thinkpad keyboard on my laptop
very similar to the dinovo
I have a thinkpad too
I should dust off my dinovo and use it more. I just wish the touchpad thing was better
with all the advances in touch you'd think they'd make a new one
Thinkpad made an awesome external keyboard
a copy of their notebook ones.
But...the thinkpad isn't...beautiful
it is
it's supremely functional, and that is beauty
I've never found it that much superior to anything else, I hate the forward/next buttons
great way to lose a flash game
Yours is probably different though, I have the thinkpad tablet so it's a bit smaller and no touch pad
don't like touchpads
The touch has been finicky on mine though, and some mechanical parts (how loathesome) broke, I really need to get mine fixed
Don't like being without it though
The multitouch anyway
I have a split keyboard
like the Logitech one?
or a fancy very split one?
Heard of those, I think the problem would be habituating and then going back to a normal keyboard and back, always the problem with novel keyboards
I got used to a logitech split one years ago, and it was no problem going back to another
It took me a couple of weeks to get used to it, but oddly I have no issues switching back and forth with a regular keyboard
just makes you use the right hand for the right keys

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