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@AnneDaunted Good question. :)
@AnneDaunted What influenced you to post this? Man, is that old! I remember when it came out.
@SomeShinyObject - I'm sorry to be so persistent. There is something that study says, and something it doesn't say.
You state: "The study questions whether or not the different chemicals have an affect on sleep to which it ruled “possible”" That's an interesting choice of words. It's much easier to rule something out than to "rule it in". The paper's author merely suggests. Almost anything is possible; that doesn't mean it's probable.
@SomeShinyObject But it seems clear that the intent of the OP is to find out if there is evidence of the nighttime milk helps sleep (for example). It's a short question.
@anongoodnurse I understand where you are getting at and I agree but OP explains "Her reasoning for this is a belief that the milk changes depending upon the time of day it is produced, so milk produced at night will contain a different chemical mix which will be more likely to encourage a baby to sleep for example." This should be taken as two separate statements where the first statement is
"Her reasoning for this is a belief that the milk changes depending upon the time of day it is produced..." and it does. The addition for sleep is an added example by OP as I have interpreted it.
@SomeShinyObject @SomeShinyObject But it seems clear that the intent of the OP is to find out if there is evidence of the nighttime milk helps sleep (for example). It's a short question.
Just as any other example would have fit e.g. helps baby's metabolism or helps baby's energy during the day. So the core question can be summed up as "does milk change throughout the day" and the study supports what OP's partner is stating.
(sorry, I messed up there.)
Hmm I didn't think it was possible to double reference someone's name
@SomeShinyObject So do you believe that's how our average reader will interpret your answer? Please don't get me wrong. I LOVE that you used a source. I think it's an interesting question and you gave a very interesting answer.
It is a short question, I'll agree, but the intent of my answer wasn't to focus on the sleeping portion. I didn't use sleep in any of my searches to find that article. It just seemed to be the most substantive in terms of research.
I'm going to make an edit in my answer. How about that? I think it will clear up some of the noise.
I like your answer. I have nothing against it. We agree on what the paper does and doesn't say. I just want to sharpen the take-away (as you saw, it has already been misinterpreted in the comments.)
Can you clean up the comments post-edit?
@SomeShinyObject Sure. But it's already an HNQ. :)
I really don't object to your answer.
@SomeShinyObject - I would just bold the "possible" part.
@anongoodnurse Ok edits made. I understand your persistence. I tend to be pretty pedantic so I hope my comments didn't come off as confrontational
@SomeShinyObject Beautiful edit!
Thanks! Beautiful discourse :-D
Thanks so much. I'm sorry for the disturbance. I'm sure you felt uncomfortable, and that really isn't my intent; I value your input here so much.
@SomeShinyObject No, I think all along we agreed. I was just, well, you know.
@anongoodnurse I was actually discussing the topic with a friend of mine at work this morning and as I explained he started going the route of "oh yea it makes since that it could help sleep" so I had to course-correct him and say pretty much what we discussed
Stuck in what others might read into the answer.
Alright. Thanks for the chat. Back to work now :-)
:) Good night.
1 hour later…
@anongoodnurse It was so quiet in here so I thought a little music was in order. And it is somehow related to parenting (talking to her father about her pregnancy). It's pretty old, but when listening to music on youtube, I often get stuck in the 80s as there were many good songs back then.
Sometimes, I'm just reminded of good songs. But I have to remain disciplined, e. g. resist the urge to post too much or at the wrong place.
E. g. when I read the question about removing milk from a toddler's diet, I immediately thought of
7 hours later…
Since many troll posts had to be deleted, this question sadly has 0 answers. I had a look at it, but can't really find an edit to suggest. The only improvement that comes to my mind at the moment is to get rid of [tag: behavior] and add [tag: discipline] instead, since the OP wants her toddler to stop the behavior, not understand it ("what's the best way for me to respond to being hit?").
6 hours later…
So - I missed the chat about the HNQ, but: reading the cites on that paper, there is actually a study by the same author that seems to more directly point to a correlation to sleep habits (@anongoodnurse @SomeShinyObject)
My wife didn't have time to download the paper unfortunately, and I'm not a scientist so I couldn't get ahold of it, to see how good it actually is
ah, actually my wife doesn't have direct access to that journal unfortunately
1 hour later…
@Joe - I didn't want to misrepresent anything, so I read a number of papers including a review article and some of the relevant papers cited by that author (limiting myself to papers written after 2000). Again, the discussion about what these studies show (that I linked to in comments) is relevant.
Hmm, I don't see the link to that in the chat room (I just see the Uridine paper)
@anongoodnurse My wife did manage to get the 31 cite (the Chrononutrition one), which was in a journal she had access to, and it did seem fairly direct in stating the broader conclusion (that changes in maternal milk, specifically levels of tryptophan, support infant sleep cycles, at least in very young babies). I'm not a doctor or a scientist, so I certainly can't say much about the validity of the study, but it seemed pretty solid from what I could tell (well controlled, from my viewpoint)
It's probably a more useful direct cite than the original one (which is interesting, and a great find, but is more technical in showing a mechanism rather than showing the effect broadly)

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