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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (58): 18.04 hibernate with UEFI and secure boot enabled by Abdullah on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +11 more (991): www.factforfitness.com/ultra-fast-keto-boost/ by sadeiwa on askubuntu.com
unclear or no-repro OP is currently running 19.04 not 18.10.
no-repro OP hasn't visited Ask Ubuntu for more than 6 years.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, +2 more (394): Slim 36 Avis *https faqssupplement com/slim-36-avis/* by uohkbnmgduom on askubuntu.com
This question has 2 CVs for unclear and 1 CV for being a duplicate question, but after reading the comments this question is not unclear, and it should be closed as a dupe, not as unclear..
@Natty tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, body starts with title and ends in url, +8 more (891): nutrition4deal.com/lean-boost-keto/ by GaryPederse on askubuntu.com
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty fp
^^ If the link goes away, the answer will be less valuable, but still valuable (in a sense, more valuable in that situation). It's not obvious that quoting any particular part of the page would make it better, and quoting it all is excessive here, so not ne. (To clarify, as I sometimes see answers like this in the LQP queue with "Delete" and "Recommend Deletion" reviews: link-only answers are those with "zero relevant information" other than the link.)
This suggested edit is wrong because also deleting the auxfiles and partial directories would make it a different answer and there's no reason to think doing so is necessary.
Hi @jokerdino! :)
@Natty tp
hi @EliahKagan
@EliahKagan rejected
This suggested edit should not be approved as it stands because it adds code formatting to text that is not code-like and does not benefit from such formatting. Regarding the other I guess there could be some disagreement about whether it should be improved or rejected. I clicked reject.
also rejected
I am ok with zirselves :)
@jokerdino nice lurking
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +8 more (890): worldmuscleking.com/keto-bodytone-avis/ by gilbertmcdonald on askubuntu.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; 4.5;
^^ The question there is unclear.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 2.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; Low Rep; 2.0;
^^ That one still needs a third delete vote.
@EliahKagan Post already reported
@EliahKagan Post already reported
Same deal there.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; 2.5;
It refers to the other answers by their current vote totals. :)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
Or maybe is that worth expanding with details from the linked page?
(I don't mean instead of reporting to Natty, of course.)
Would we close this question today? Some SE sites have "typo" as a close sub-reason. We don't, and while some such questions are no repro, I don't think that one is.
@EliahKagan If I vote to reopen it now, I think it will look like it was automatically added to the reopen queue due to the edit (which I made from review).
@Natty tp
@EliahKagan people might vote to close it but I would vote to keep it open
Btw, I only mentioned posts that needed another delete vote because it was after a flurry of others where mine was the third. Since then, I think most of the answers I've reported to Natty still need delete votes, even though I haven't mentioned it.
yeah, I realised that :)
Can you (by which I mean anyone interested) think of a good title for this question? (If so please do edit it.) All I thought of were nicer versions of its extremely generic title.
@EliahKagan I can't edit the title without knowing first whether the OP wants to traverse the 10 subdirectories in his bash script or whether he wants to stay in the current directory.
@karel I think the OP wants to change directories, since otherwise the script is probably redoing work at the beginning... but maybe not, and also maybe the script is redoing work and could be improved in that respect. So you're right. I don't think it's unclear enough to close, but there's some ambiguity.
@Natty tp
@karel Actually no, sorry. It looks like they're not changing directory each time, because they have paths like y2015/d001/hyde0010.15d.Z that wouldn't work if they did.
I see. It's the later commands that create presumably different files in the locations specified by absolute paths that don't depend on the implicit loop variable.
I managed to retitle it.
Good edit. Also, is that a dupe of something?
dupe, please add the second question from my comment to the target list
I don't think question asking how to upgrade from an unsupported release to a supported release, like this one, are off-topic.
@EliahKagan good job
@Zanna I recall you had wondered how or if it would be appropriate to edit this answer. An edit has since been proposed. What do you think?
@EliahKagan I used the edit hammer there since I felt a title change would make it clear that it's about upgrading and therefore on topic
@Zanna Looks good.
@EliahKagan hmm, well I think it's a better answer like that and not really against author's intent although I hesitated to edit it myself
@Zanna Actually, yeah, I think you should approve it.
@EliahKagan ok :)
@EliahKagan I did...
The author hasn't been back for a while, so their not applying the edit in spite of it being suggested in a highly upvoted comment on their post (with more comments about it) doesn't say as much about the author's intent as I thought it did when I clicked Reject. I should probably not have given it that review.
Perhaps that answers the implied question in your ellipsis. :)
yes :)
Speaking of my errors, I should've had more faith in my searching abilities and replied to the earlier message about this.
Aug 1 at 12:03, by Zanna
should this comment's suggestion be implemented with an edit? I am not sure how to do it
I found it by searching the room's history for: how
searching in chat seems to read my mind
I always find what I want!
but on the site it's so hard
to find the post you want
I have better luck searching the site with Google.
Is this actually NAA? It seems to at least be offering a workaround.
Any reason not to delete this post? As karel mentioned, it gives the same links as in the older answer, and doesn't seem to offer anything useful (unless I'm missing something).
@EliahKagan The author seems correct to say that their "post does answer the question as to how to load the driver". I'm reviewing it Looks OK.
Actually I'll edit it.
To clarify, that's separate from that, which I still do think should be deleted.
(Sorry about the interleaved messages.)
Is this a dupe of something?
@EliahKagan nice
@EliahKagan you made it clear what you were talking about :)
@Natty ne
@Zanna It got approved.
I'll delete my comment then
@Zanna I wouldn't.
Because your comment documents the way it was.
it's probably my most upvoted comment at this point
If the edit turns out to be against the intentions of the author or the many voters, the harm of that is made very small or nonexistent by the presence of your comment, IMO.
I'll leave it :) thanks
@Zanna That doesn't seem like something you have to guess about... :)
@Zanna It's up to you whether or not you keep it, and I won't complain if you decide to remove it, but I do recommend keeping it.
there is a query for that
it's my 4th most upvoted comment
hm that query is not working properly
How so?
I think it's only looking at questions
How so? Your comment is on an answer and it shows it.
oh yeah
I'm wrong :)
The SEDE snapshot is up to two weeks stale, so it shows an older vote count.
I'm a bit disappointed with my most upvoted comment. That one is not very helpful at all
It may be disappointing that people upvoted some other comments much less, but I think the comment itself adds more than zero value.
Because the answer prominently conveys the same thing?
@Zanna Their reply is also no longer needed.
I've deleted it
flagged the reply too
Usually when I see a comment posted after my own comment and conveying the same thing, even if not quite as well, I just remove my own comment. But this comment is pretty bad. I've flagged it as no longer needed. I'm not sure if I should've used that flag or the "unfriendly or unkind" one.
wow some of my comments have negative score too
How can a comment have negative score? Oh, do you mean the text of the comment starting with "-1"?
Nah I am just talking fluff. I have deleted a few of my comments without a vote.
so that counts as a negative score to me
But comments should not strive to be lifeless anyway.
I think I must have many comments in need of deletion if the second most upvoted one was that useless :/
@jokerdino what do you mean by that?
@jokerdino So the idea is that if a comment had two upvotes and was self deleted, its "score" would be 1? :)
@EliahKagan maybe we should be trying to edit that post :/
Yeah, that would probably be good.
Do you want to attempt that or should I?
the more upvoted answer below that bad accepted one seems to be the same answer but with the information in it
Maybe just a brief summary of the steps from the linked page could be added?
so, probably what should really happen with that LOA is deletion
Well, either way, it's a good example off what an NAA post looks like (and it is NAA), so...
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 4.5;
I'm going to flag it
I've flagged it and also voted it down.
me too
OP will lose 2 rep for the unaccept
@Zanna If it gets to zero then it's more easily deletable through review, and if it's deleted by non-moderators then it will be easier to undelete later if its author (or somebody) figures out how to expand it reasonably.
@jokerdino Do you think it should be edited instead?
I deleted the answer. But is it a good idea to hurt an Italian renaissance painter?
@jokerdino I didn't even think of that
@jokerdino Well, it's about the post, not the person. :)
anyway, they will retain the rep. The only person to lose the rep may be OP
and OP deserves that for accepting an inferior answer anyway
haha they can accept the better answer
and get their points back
Fortunately you're here jokerdino, so if it gets edited, then in addition to the custom flagging option, you can be pinged. :)
@jokerdino Well, it appears to have been the only answer, at the time the OP accepted it.
seems a useful question, so I upvoted it
@EliahKagan Post already reported
Oh yeah, I meant tp. :)
Luis' answer was two years later.
fair enough
@Natty tp
^^ (Though redundant reports have the same effect as a tp reply.)
Luis should have edited the LOA instead I guess
@EliahKagan I'm so used to Natty not scanning things.
I will not talk about Luis behaviour.
but I don't care to duplicate the effort now
@jokerdino sorry
But others may.
Just be nice about it
@EliahKagan Bhargav said it scans all answers here but is it still set up to do so? If so, might there be a bug that's making that not happen? I seem to only see late answers scanned, as on SO.
I mean, that's probably how such situations should ideally be handled
I'm not sure if there's context here that's going over my head or whatnot (and if so, that's okay), but I don't think there's any general obligation for people considering writing a proper answer to improve a link-only answer instead.
If the effort is considerable, it's better to take credit for it by writing your own answer.
but people may consider what they feel is right.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Self Answer; 2.5;
well, the answer was accepted
OTOH, we didn't take nearly as hard a line against link-only answers back then, so it might have been seen as an acceptable answer and thus not in need of an edit.
Yes, it was a timely help actually. It would have helped 2 years of people needing help before Luis comes with a self containing answer.
People were wary of altering too much of someone else's answer probably
And even when the full answer was posted, it might have been seen as acceptable-ish and thus not in need of an edit (I believe the dominant AU view on link-only answers was in flux at around the time I wrote that meta answer, which I think was about a year later).
@jokerdino Yes, I think that's definitely the main factor that holds people back (now and in the past) from editing or proposing edits to expand link-only answers.
I'll try to think nicer like y'all
I am also not sure if we should reward "lazy" people with editing and improving their answers when they clearly dont put in the effort. I am always vacillating between massively improving someone else's low quality answer and adding in my own.
The editor at best gets +2 rep while the answerer could potentially rake in 2 more upvotes.
I think it's only a problem if they are persisting in writing really bad answers and getting privileges that allow them to do damaging things
@Natty fp
@EliahKagan ^^ Probably won't help, but it's an attempt to answer the question, and it recommends a solution.
I think this edit doesn't improve the post. I rejected it with the custom reason:
> Not really necessary, because it scrolls in the page (with the default CSS). Plus, it may be useful to see the contrast in times.
But really it just wasn't all that long in the first place.
@EliahKagan I guess what they removed was not necessary in context, but I still consider it a destructive edit
@Natty tp
IMO this ain't off-topic. Or I'm wrong?
I voted to leave open
@Kulfy That is on-topic (and it was on-topic before the edit too, so I don't know what's going on the the off-topic close vote). I'm out of CV reviews for the day so I can't review it now.
I don't see why it's so downvoted
it's a clear and useful question
@karel I rolled back your edit because the "chalkboard" it was referring to is pretty clearly a webapp that requires (or that the OP thinks requires) Microsoft Edge. Your edit made the question claim, "My apprentices are required to run the latest version of Microsoft Edge web browser at work" which it simply did not assert before, and the new claim seems to be attracting comments directed specifically toward it (though that's not the primary reason I rolled it back).
(I pinged here because the question has been discussed above.)
@Kulfy Yeah, I think we should dupe it to that. I've voted.
@Zanna Can you please use your hammer here?
@Kulfy It occurs to me that the OT vote may have been based on "I see some development for mac but no word on that being used in wine yet" which could be interpreted to mean that the OP is using macOS rather than Ubuntu.
Anyway I've commented to tell the OP what kind of information the question would need to have to be likely to get a useful answer if it turns out not to be a duplicate.
@EliahKagan May be.
@EliahKagan +1 for the comment.
@Kulfy hammer not required as my vote was the 5th :)
@Zanna Still it would be considered as a hammer :D
@Kulfy I think it's more likely that the Mac thing is saying that they've heard of developments toward edge on Macs but not toward Edge on GNU/Linux systems, but I don't actually know. If one thinks that's essential to the meaning of the post, though, then I think it would be better to vote to close as unclear than as off-topic.
> It was also announced that there will be versions of Edge available for Windows 7, Windows 8, and macOS, and that all versions will be updated on a more frequent basis.
> In June 2019 IAmA post on Reddit, an Edge developer stated that it was theoretically possible for a Linux version to be developed in the future, but no work had actually started on that possibility.
^^^ From Wikipedia
Is OP asking for the progress? I think closing as dupe is better. But lets wait for OP's comment.
I don't think the OP has given any information that would facilitate a specific answer, because even if there has been progress, that progress may or may not be relevant to the specific webapp they want to use. A general answer about progress since the proposed dupe target could--and should--instead just go on that question. This is just my opinion, of course--you should vote according to your conscience. :)
Do we have something for this?
Good edit there. :)
@EliahKagan I commented. I thought this could be a target. But that's generic. Not sure what all OP has tried.
Yeah, I don't think we should dupe to that. Not at this point anyway.
@Natty tp
@Kulfy yeah, thanks for making me feel important by pinging me
@Zanna Regarding the question of whether or not Natty scans answers to new questions: apparently it does, judging from that report, and I was wrong to think it wasn't. Maybe I just didn't see any such posts for a while or something.
I think we see more reports on old questions so maybe it's just more common for those to receive NAA posts
Why would that be?
It is just because the overwhelming majority of questions on the site are old?
That would be my guess at an explanation. And I suspect old posts are more likely to come up in search engine results due to having more views?
so folks just looking for something relating to their issue on the internet are more likely to land on an old post
@Zanna The question was closed. I've voted to reopen it (and commented).
thanks, I've added my vote
At some level of depth, a question about how to use image-editing techniques would presumably become off-topic here, but I don't think Masking a batch of images reaches anywhere near that level of depth. I've voted to reopen it.
@Zanna You're an asset for AU.
@EliahKagan Damn!! :thinks: Why I voted to close as OT? Did it forget this?
I don't know, but I'm not too worried. The system will let you vote to reopen it.
By the way, since it's closed as OT, it currently links to "the canonical post". If reopened, will you plan to close as dupe of the same or something else?
I'm not sure. I'll have to check if the canonical post has an answer explaining that people need to upgrade to the next supported LTS followed, if they like, by further upgrades. If so then it can probably be duped to that with a comment explaining why. If not then it should be duped to something that does clarify that, or an answer should be added to the canonical question or an edit made to one of its answers, or an answer should be posted to the new question. So basically I don't know yet.
The OP of the new question may also edit it in the mean time.
In this answer I think I should swap the sed and repository information. Since if a user follows line by line, first sources.list needs to be created and then sed is to be run to replace precise with lsb_release -sc
@Kulfy thanks! blush
@Kulfy I think that would be a more logical order, yeah. I think Anwar welcomes edits anyway :)
Well I edited but not sure if the edit summary I wrote is to the point and well written.
I think it's fine.
No, by three 20k users.
I think I recall clicking Skip on that in review.
Oh I see.
It was written as an attempt to answer the question that was asked, in that it suggested that the command-line options it recommended for Telegram might also work for WhatsApp. The OP commented to say they didn't ("-startintray and --hidewindow work for Telegram, but not work for WhatsApp"). I still wasn't sure what to do with it and I left it for others. Do you think the answer should be undeleted?
No. As far as I remember it ended with some commentary about Zuck. Actually I got my +1 back. I was just curious.
Okay. I can paste the full Markdown of the answer in a message here if you want to double-check. But if you're not worried, I'm not worried. It's up to you.
Nope. I'm not worried. Thanks for asking by the way :)
No problem! :)
@karel Should this be closed now?. It appeared in CV queue.
And only 1 vote remaining.
I may be the wrong person to ask, because I was never convinced it should be reopened. Sorry, I didn't read properly.
Yeah, karel is the one to ask about that.
The AUGR conversation about the post touched somewhat on the topic of reclosure.
Well karel also mentioned I have no objection to reclosing this question again now that I have posted already posted an answer to it.. I thought I should ask him before voting.
What does this mean?
Not sure.
askubuntu.com/q/1166469/816190 From the output it seems OP is using an EOL version. Thus off-topic or a dupe.
Do you think that this will be benefited after re-opening or may be then closing as a dupe? Is it a good signpost?
I think it should be reopened because it's not off-topic.
I also think it may provide value even if it is closed as a duplicate shortly thereafter. That's a reason to reopen it, but I consider it a secondary reason.
Yeah 1st argument makes sense but I'm still not sure about your second argument.
People who search the web for upgrading from from old releases (or, anyway, from 17.04) to a non-LTS release will find it and get sent to the right place, if it's closed as a duplicate of a question that has that information.
Even the aspect of just upgrading from 17.04 may help...
...so long as the information people get when they search is correct.
I'm not sure why this is getting heavily downvoted. :-\
Regarding Edge on Wine, this is a nice answer.
I don't know. The question does have some problems. It's an XY problem because the OP doesn't say what webapp they're running (even if the webapp isn't public, they could still explain why it's supposed to require Edge). Also, I don't know exactly what they mean by "apprentices," but the way the post is written makes it sound like the OP is describing a business that extracts value from the labor of unpaid workers who have to buy their own reference material and their own work computers.
But that's all just a guess. I have not voted on the post.
@EliahKagan Answer just got accepted. I wasn't expecting that the questioner will return and reconsider accepting the answer. (+_+)
@EliahKagan so that's a poorly written question.
Yes, it has problems.
2 hours later…
@Kulfy Let me be honest with you my dear friend Kulfy because you deserve to be told the truth. This question is not about Ubuntu because Ubuntu has already been deleted. It's about how to restore the Windows bootloader which is off topic at Ask Ubuntu and on topic at Super User. Still it's a very useful question anyway. So caught in the dilemma I decided to step aside and let the reviewers review according to their own understanding. It appears to me that this question will be closed.
But it will not be closed for the right reason. This is a good result because it supports the idea that Ask Ubuntu will offer these users some good help, but they will not go against the idea that this sort of thing is rightfully off topic at Ask Ubuntu. Alternatively if the question remained open it could corrupt the logical opinion that questions about Windows OS are off topic at Ask Ubuntu.
Probably at this point you are curious to know if I personally think that this question should remain open. I haven't told anyone that. My decision was to skip reviewing this question and let the community decide what to do with it, and whatever the community decides I'm going to accept that.
I don't like the idea much of calling this specific and useful question off topic because it's a bad precedent, but I don't like the idea of calling it on topic either because it will corrupt the reviewing process. So instead I said neither and let the other reviewers decide.

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