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Didn't get closed... I don't understand why askubuntu.com/questions/504350
@Zanna Removed all Nvidia drivers and Ubuntu won't boot has an interesting answer and I'm sure that this has happened before and will happen again, so I voted to leave the question open because the question may help other Ubuntu users as a warning not to do what he did.
@karel thanks so much for coming here to let me know. I agree with your argument and I retracted my close vote :)
5 hours later…
askubuntu.com/a/528403/61218 the answer needs fixing. Otherwise it's a good candidate of unclear.
in the iptable rules? I don't know about this topic :S
I think so
@Anwar I don't get it :( But it seems like they just couldn't find the option, so that's them being silly I think, no repro
I was thinking same
this escaped from our voting queue :( askubuntu.com/questions/504350/…
I mentioned that earlier...
I don't understand why!
We aren't getting enough support these days. Maybe everyone became busy like me...
hmm. Didn't notice or put much attention on your mention.
no worries...
yeah the whole site seems slow to me lately... not much of anything happening. Zacharee has not been voting at all, he apologised in the main room yesterday. He will be back though
I wrote last answer on Nov 29. It was a 2 years after post answer and it got accepted!
How many questions have been asked today?
@Anwar haha awesome! show me this!
You edited that one. It was the kernel question and most of it was my comment here about the issue :)
I just got a late accept today but just a question from November 12... not that long, just feels long when we're using AU every day haha
oh yes, excellent answer :) I see you got a couple of upvotes besides mine
hmm... Thanks to the upvoters
212 questions have been asked so fur
196 yesterday. 187 the day before yesterday
It's from site analytics tool if you're wondering
Also our upvoting decreased
there is a 25k privilege "view site analytics"
it seems like I am not getting any upvotes recently hahaha
hmm... I never saw this tool until I re-activated again. Got my 25k in my inactive period
2nd and 4th most referring site to AU are SO and Unix.SE
@Zanna I got 3 yesterday and 2 today. Same...
You got 7 today already
@Anwar yeah but that is a really great question, I think normally it would get more attention...
You may also want to search for useradd command. That too can be used
yesterday there was a question about root and people usually love those questions... my answer got accepted immediately but only one upvote and hardly any attention to the question... seemed strange to me shrug Anyway in general I feel recently there's not much upvoting
I think it's end-of-year effect
Our page visits also decreased. But it's increasing today
We have pretty nice characteristics of page visits.
Sat and Sun are bad days it seems
@Anwar I thought that at the start, but I didn't bother because all the files I found used adduser command, no results for useradd. But I edited now, just in case. Same with preinst - didn't find any results for that, they were all postinst. I could give a clearer answer without sed without the possibility of preinst, but I included it
it could be basename -s .postinst $(grep -RlE '(adduser|useradd).*<user>' /var/lib/dpkg/info --include '*inst')
but since it could be preinst and basename won't take any kind of wildcard/regex I have to resort to text-processing
haha thanks :)

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